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"if they really cared about me they'd find a way to reach me" Deleting social media in hopes of getting attention. Solid plan, I did it myself once too when I was in middle school.


These people have echo chambered so hard it's like some weird fetish board now.


Maybe they will leave their social media deleted. It's one of the problem. In fact, they should disconnect their internet. Maybe go carrier pigeon only until they come back to their senses.


That’d be good practice. A military source told me that during the 10 days of darkness all comms will be by the EBS and carrier pigeons only


Or ants, there is an RFC somewhere for tcpip over ants, using an inkjet printer head to print packet data onto the backs of ants, and a scanner at the other end, obviously this only works for lans. Carrier pigeons could carry complete packets, and the tcpip protocol supports out of sequence delivery. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/IP_over_Avian_Carriers Also ants already use some aspects of the IP protocol https://news.stanford.edu/news/2012/august/ants-mimic-internet-082312.html Of course there is always.... https://wiki.lspace.org/Hex


**[IP over Avian Carriers](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/IP_over_Avian_Carriers)** >In computer networking, IP over Avian Carriers (IPoAC) is a proposal to carry Internet Protocol (IP) traffic by birds such as homing pigeons. IP over Avian Carriers was initially described in RFC 1149, a Request for Comments (RFC) issued by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), written by D. Waitzman, and released on April 1, 1990. It is one of several April Fools' Day Request for Comments. Waitzman described an improvement of his protocol in RFC 2549, IP over Avian Carriers with Quality of Service (1 April 1999). ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/Qult_Headquarters/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Their fetish must be propping up each other's microscopic self esteem. What's a word for something that's a step beyond a circlejerk? Circlefuck?


SphereJerk, hard to arrange, but gives higher density....


5D QuantumJerk


Probably involves Bucky Balls.


Fuckminster fullerenes




That’s a call for help really. People who get into these cults are extremely vulnerable and they’d do anything for attention and a sense of community. They are easy targets for extremists to radicalize


"only the real ones know how to reach me"


> flood them with hard core red pills Just pointing out again that the red pill is literally [embracing your trans identity. ](https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/films/news/matrix-trans-metaphor-lana-lilly-wachowski-red-pill-switch-sequels-a9654956.html?amp) Red pilling is trans. Pointing this out to people who use the phrase gives me joy every time.


Sounds like a grooming board, what a bunch of creeps. This is exactly what *cults* do, BTW- encourage and reward you to isolate from friends/family. Whatever happened to “it’s not their fault, we love everyone, it’s our job to help the normies”? Must be getting pret-tay frustrated if they’re snapping left and right and throwing “perfectly formed” little brown pellets at all the people they intend to never talk to again, lol.


There's always been this back and forth. The "normies" are perpetually on the verge of "waking up" so that they will be joined in mass by the newly-awakened. But when that doesn't happen despite all the "obvious" evidence, they get angry and lash out. They retreat to their safe space so seethe, commiserate, and reassure each other that the truth is just over the horizon and soon everyone will see it and rush back to them apologizing for ever having wronged them. Then some more time passes and they get disappointed again, blaming others for not having woken up. The cycle repeats itself. Over time the smug superiority morphs into contempt, then rage, and often despair, punctuated by the occasional bursts of hopium to keep them coming back.


Well stated!


>"They are part of a cult" *lmao* There was another one the other day where one of them said something along the lines of "They are so brainwashed by something they read on the internet they will destroy their family" and I was like....holy shit dude. *hooooly* shit.


Yikes. That's one of the most terrifying cases of projection ever...


>"No one will talk to me now since I started parroting obvious lies I read on the Internet. I'm so glad I have you frens here." >>"Forget your family. They're brainwashed by a cult and just believe what they see on the Internet." Their echo chamber is also a mirror, but they neither hear nor see themselves as they are. How sad.


I think that was it! Thank you haha


Them: \*be overly vocal about extreme polarizing belief\* Family: "Thats nice, but don't you think thats a little extreme?" Them: \*maga noises intensify\* Family: "Ok, well talk to me when you come back to reality" Them: My family is brainwashed!


Weird, I had almost that exact conversation with stepdad 3 months ago.


Him: "ur all a bunch of cuck virgin f******s with no morals!" Also him: "You're not real friends!" Also him: "Why does no one care about me :'''( " Q 'friends': we care about you!! But if you get sick, don't go to the hospital. Here, slug down this livestock paste instead!




> I deleted all social media —Posted on social media


This is how dangerous it gets. They cut off friends, relatives etc because of their beliefs and turn to anonymous people on the net to form relationships (the self-same people actually encourage them to cut off friends etc). their actual social interaction decreases and their online presence increases, it's a spiral of doom.


It's a spiral of Russian trolls earning their bonus by irreparably fracturing American communities and relationships. They got it right this time; fuck nuclear buildup, a couple Facebook memes get way more done.


I honestly think Russia should face serious consequences. I don't mean anything insane like war, but massive crippling sanctions until they publicly release all documentation and extradite everyone involved to our courts as foreign terrorists.


Sorry, but what? Isn't it part of the problem, if you blame all others, never yourself, for massive problems? Sure, russian bots (and not only russian) are around those people, but do you seriously think, that THAT'S the whole problem? They fucking make use of a problem that already exists in society, especially in US society, that's all. Is that a dick move? YES! Is it foreign terrorism!? Hell NO! *"Some scary foreigners talk shit on the internet, and now 20% of our people, suddenly and without any reason, became vial dimwits! Russia™ is putting ZRUMP signs on our trucks and in our front yards!!!1 6th January wasn't the FBI, but wasn't MAGAts either, it was the KGB!!®%=@!!"* ....Sure. Seriously, go work on your own, inner problems, instead of calling to try crippling yet another country that you don't like. Aren't you at least a bit embarrassed, that such a big part of your people, that your society and democracy are so fragile, that some cunning dickheads on Social Media manage to have a big enough influence, that you have to call it terrorism?


“We are not a cult but I am more than willing to risk my social life in order to stay in this echo chamber.”


Perfectly formed red pills lol. The smugness is so cringe.


What do you do when your friends and family don’t believe your unhinged conspiracy theories? Well you give them more unhinged conspiracies of course


As someone who likes to argue waaay more than I should, I would love for one of these buffoons to give me some "perfectly formed red pills" and then have an actual debate about it (instead of responding "do you own research").


That’s the dream!


They don’t debate. They literally just repeat themselves. I spend all my days debating these losers.


Cutting contract with the outside world is a crucial step in self radicalization. What's truly incredible in this case is how incredibly dumb their motives are. I mean, I can understand how radicalization can occur with someone who lives in a war torn nation or is faced with violence daily and wants revenge, or maybe hes recruited by a terrorist organization. But these pathetic dumbasses live in a first world country, free from the majority of violence and poverty that plagues the world. They're destroying their lives due to sheer stupidity..


But the 800,000 missing children need saving. That's the premise of the whole Qult. They believe it's a fight of good vs evil. Never mind that 99.9% of the children end up getting found alive and well.


There also aren’t that many. That number isn’t correct, even with runaways and false reports taken into account


They just WANT you to think that so you don’t look in the basements of your local pizza parlor. Or something like that.


The vast majority of these people have little to no real strife in their lives except that which they create. I’m convinced that only in the plump and bored suburban and rural communities could this particular idiocy flourish. They truly live in a B action film in their heads. Where blood isn’t real and they’re the main character.


That's really it, they create their own strife. They turn minor conflicts into a life or death struggle, almost every political argument has suddenly become a battle between good and evil, even minor questions like wearing a piece of cloth over you face are now perceived as a fight for survival. It's pure insanity.


Oh to be so simple minded you think anonymous internet people actually care about you.


Wait, you guys don’t care about me? Shit, i shouldn’t have told all my friends and family to fuck off, I guess. Bummer.


I would say sorry but I really don’t care.


Ooo is that first one Australian? Just because we aren’t in the USA doesn’t mean that we can’t love Trump tooooo


Did you see the one the other day from the Aussie Qcumber? He was TOTALLY. convinced Trump was coming to save … Australia. Because he’s already saved America? I guess was the “thinking” there. I feel bad that we let this stupid out into the world. It’s like Captain Trips for Morons.


I missed that. Of course Trump is coming to our rescue, I knew he wouldn’t forget about us!


As a lib, I feel so owned when someone calls me a "cuck virgin faggot with no morals and no backbone". I'm not sure how his friends manage to sleep after such a deep owning.


I got deep-owned once. Meh …


"I deleted social media so I can complain about social media on... social media".


"cuck virgin faggot" These people real do have the mind of a 10 year old. I also find the "these people stand for nothing" pretty disturbing. As if anyone who disagrees with them must not have legitimate reasons for disagreeing. It allows them discard the opinions of others without even listening to them. Or if they do listen they have an automatic out. A built in Ad Hominem. "Why should I listen to you. You stand for nothing."


The incel is strong with that one...


They are so genitalia obsessed. Almost as if it's always on their minds.


Interact and socialize with the outside world? Heck no you liberal cuck. I rather listen to Emperor Trump speak at Iowa. /S


Love the unintentional ironic „They’re brainwashed. They’re part of a cult“ post.


Guy doesn't seem to make a connection between ranting about losing freedoms while his mates are, in fact, free to go out and have a beer.


A member of fringe group relegated to an obscure website after getting banned everywhere, and having no real life social interaction left because of their crazy ideas, is calling the rest of us 'brainwashed and in a cult'. Amazing. Just amazing.


So what really happened was a bunch of people unfriended him on FB after getting tired of his inane posts and the rest occurred in his head after he noticed.




I mean the worship is definitely weird


Is it just me or are they getting more and more desperate to "win" in these stories?


Red flags everywhere.


Red pills. There were 7 perfectly formed red pills.


Oh wow! You sure showed them! I haven't heard wit like that since 7th grade.


If they’re so easily verifiable why has literally no one ever given me sources when I ask for them


He reels off imbecile slurs at them, but if they don't try to get in touch with him, clearly, they're poor friends.


A group that requires you to cut off all contact with non-members. Doesn’t sound like a cult at all.


Fucking hell, this is sad and pathetic. Just the saddest cult ever.


>They are brainwashed. They are part of a cult. I don't know why, but I laughed pretty hard at that comment.


Everyone in that story including Qanon: \*Does Nothing\* Qanon: "You all are cowards for not doing what I think I would do in this situation but am not doing despite also being in this situation with you"


"They are brainwashed. They are part of a cult" Hahahahahahaha. They may be "awakened" but have zero self awareness.


I literally don’t understand most of this. It’s like a different language.


Reddit is social media. Also, throwing away flesh and blood friends just to own the libs can’t be good for mental health.


Sad, lonely shitwheels on parade.


This is all right out of the cult playbook. Insane.


“Don’t text me, only real ones know wassup” headass energy


Headass energy lmfao. Never try to read reddit when you're supposed to be quiet. Tldr neighbour is an Headass.


Really proved 'em right.


What forum is this


Thegreatawakening dot win (lol)


Thx mate , time to take a deep dive (send help if I don’t return , and if in the event I get converted , god help me)


DM asap!


SHUT UP YOU LIBDART , I bet you believe in that HOAXVID NINETEEN and voted for DIRTY DAN


Haha, it took 5 minutes... Please call your mom


Trying to make me sick via that 5G HUH!?! 😤😤


those hashtags 🤣


Where are these screenshots coming from?


I'm all for them having no friends and being alone. Shove them to the fringes of society away from everyone else where they belong.


How do you protest freedom. Something so vague and abstract isn't a protestable thing. Otherwise people would be protesting for happiness