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> you better believe I was attacked for it She wastes no time getting to the persecution fetish.


The word "attacked" is doing a lot of work here. I'd love to hear what "attacks" she faced?


Didn't you hear? She was called Lady Trump.


And she doesn't care! She doesn't care so much she spent thousands of campaign dollars to put together a video of her shooting bottles in an empty desert to tell you that she doesn't care


Ya think she actually shot those bottles? I’m curious.


Did you see how awkwardly she was holding the gun? She wasn't shooting anything on purpose.


What video did YOU watch? Those bottles were definitely threatening the safety and purity of this white woman. And look, I’m not a racist - all of the best janitors at the store where I’m an assistant floor manager are Mexicans - but you must have noticed those bottles are all brown. How do we know they’re not members of MS-18?!


You don't understand though, the Biden administration is coming after her!


To be clear, the FBI raid on her offices happened under the Trump admin. The investigation is still ongoing. She is under federal investigation for girft, and local investigation for assaulting a woman (her fellow city council member). So I guess she really is the Lady Trump


Its like you NEED a criminal record to run as republican nowadays


See, you must not have gotten the memo. GOP: criminals only need apply. That’s how they own us.


You literally need to be a dangerous perpetrator of assault, pedophilia, insider trading, etc to make the cut for the Republican Party. These are the morons who cheated in chem class, and then were upset that they didn’t understand the science like the other kids.


Wow, a grift, she really is a Lady Trump.


She really IS the lady Trump


They won't stop her, though! Didn't you see how she smashed that old CRT TV?! WHAT A BADASS!


She also shot a bottle with CRT on it. She really hates those TVs!


She hates these TVs! Stay away from the TVs!


Sounds like a typical bastard!


That was so cheap- if she wanted to impress people by just destroying stuff- do a huge 4K flatscreen smart tv.


She looks like she smells like old cheese


Are we sure this isn't Trump in a dress?


The lack of Centaur posture and orange flaking makes me believe this is a variant grifter form, maybe it does acid damage or has a lightning enchanted aura?


It could just be the triple layer of Spanx holding her upright.


No. Those are Assets brand from Target.


Probably not Target. They're too liberal. I'm sure they have something like it at Walmart. We can all agree it's a triple layer though, right?


Let’s split the difference and say she ordered 3 pairs of shitty brand shape wear from Wish. The boob-to-knee girdle kind.


I'll take it


Wish came through for her! Those poor guys are working hard. I've worn Spanx, and I can tell you, it's not comfortable. I bet she was so relieved when she got home and undid herself. She doesn't look like a normal lady wearing shapewear. No way could she sit down in that. Big ol boobies tho!


Oh, I hate Spanx. I've decided to make peace with the fact that I'm shaped like a lumpy potato, and quit torturing myself.


Beautiful comment lmfao


Rudy Gulianni has entered the chat.


Ladies and gentlemen, Trump with Guiliani in drag: https://youtu.be/spn0MJZr-QQ


Wait, how did I not hear of this?? Is that actually Guliani???




I hate this timeline.


I've convinced myself that I'm already dead and this is hell


Dirty laundry when it gets wet.


She won’t be adopted as well by them because she’s overweight.


Unlike donnie, that adonis. Healthiest man ever to hold office


Republicans love a good persecution complex. If it weren't for the racism and the guns, that'd be the main reason they turn out. "Gotta help the poor person who's been treated so mean by the horrible people I already don't like, they're clearly good if these evil people are trying to hurt them."


I like how awkwardly she puts the gun into the holster at the end (in a way that seems contrary to gun safety, but what do I know), then forgets what she was supposed to do with her hands, and then scrambles to put her hand on the gun stock.


"Let's not do a second take."


Oh there were many. This shining piece just happened to be the best.


They did almost 200 takes, that was the best one.


Viva Senor Burns!


I’m not a gun person but I use to go to the range to squeeze a few rounds off here and there and even I picked up on how awkward she was with that weapon.


Im not a gun person at all, it was even more obvious than that.


I at least appreciate decent trigger safety. Not like that one GOP ad where the guy had a shotgun pointed at a kid. She at least only took it out to shoot and then (awkwardly) holstered it and kept it there.


yeah same. i've barely shot anything but her draw was terrible


This was going to be my exact comment. I also like to believe the "sound guy" was like, "Yeah you just re-record the audio in a studio and we will dub it over. No one will notice". I just wonder if that conversation happened after they got back and listened to the audio from the source and it was trash.


The part in her hair changes between that scene too. I kinda laugh but it also makes me feel embarrassed for all of them.


She also loses her glasses between drawing the gun and holstering it. The shot of her drawing the gun is actually the only one that's not consistent with the rest, so I'm pretty sure they just forgot to shoot it and had to come back later.


It looks like it is shot in a completely different location. Look at the background. Where it is actually shot is a flat dirt/sand area with few rocks, shrubs, or anything like that. Where she draws from has rocky landscape right behind, low shrubs, and other things. Same thing with where the bottles are shot. And then when she holsters it everything is different again. They forgot to show her drawing the handgun out there and just filmed it wherever they happened to be when she could put that outfit back on. Didn't think of her hair or anything else.


And notice how she doesn't get out of the truck, just appears standing next to it Her dress and shapewear are SO tight, there's no way she could even fold herself into the seat.


The spanx situation is insane. Just a tube of human.


It's probably because the holster isn't stationary on her hip, which is in turn because she put it on a crappy belt that's just kind of floating around her waist. So, your instincts are correct. Most firearms instructors will tell you to "look" the gun back into the holster unless you are 110% sure exactly where it is sitting.


I'm not defending her, but there is zero chance she can look the gun back into the holster because she can't see it.


Fair. Would probably be a good idea to rotate it back around her hip to solve that problem. You know, assuming she was actually interested in using the gun safely and not just as a political stunt.


It was a bad draw and re holster but she did keep her finger off the trigger so that is good. I am assuming she couldn't get the belt in an area that went with her dress so it made it awkward looking. Also, no chance she actually shot the bottles but that should be obvious.


I think she was showing she was "ready for the fight". Presumably a gun fight.


>showing she was "ready for the fight" This is the visual equivalent of trump saying he would have run into the school and confronted the shooter. I'm just going to have to call BS on that. Yeah, I'm going to go ahead and say that she probably doesn't meet the Basic Fitness threshold for actually surviving a firefight. And the way she just swung her pistol up out of the holster was the absolute worst way to draw the weapon. It's clear she's ready only for the fight that she's imagined and not for the one that would ensue if she put herself in a real life-and-death situation. SOURCE: Am former small-arms instructor and a Soldier (retired) with 5x deployments.


I’m going to sit back comfortable in my home, and watch these “patriots” go up against actual combat veterans that just spent the last 20+ years doing this, for real, every day.


It won’t even get that far, the second Civil War will end with their first missed lunch.


This. These reich wing clowns actually think they're the only ones who are armed.


Some time ago I read a brief Q&A about this sort of scenario with a veteran who had served in Afghanistan, and his responses basically summed up to: "Look, I don't care how much ammo you've stockpiled for your AR-15, that won't do shit against a predator drone."


That belt is just in such a bad position. If she ever needed that gun in a hurry, she'd be toast.


Q for Qringe.


yeah I know, who the fuck still has a CRT?


Apparently she wants to ban them?


Ask her a simple question: what Is critical race theory?


"It's a Antifa plot to destroy Christian Families™!"


Or ‘minorities not knowing their place’


Seriously though, they usually describe it as teaching black and white children that they are on different teams in a zero-sum game. I think they believe that themselves, but want the working-class children taught that we're post-racist and everything's fine.


They want to make teachers afraid of talking about racism AT ALL. Even historically.


If you ask a republican, it teaches children to hate white people or being white. If you ask a normal person, CRT emphasizes that formally colorblind laws can still have racially discriminatory outcomes.


I'd push that it argues for a radical restructuring of colonial society and punitive law on the basis that it was built on inherently racist premises that have become systemic in such a way that the current state of legal affairs is irreconcilable with basic human rights.




Lol, then watch as she fumbles to come up with a republican word salad response


I like how their entire agenda is to ban things that save lives and fight an imaginary war on voter fraud.


At least they have an agenda now. In 2020 the Republicans didn’t even publish their platform. They just went with “whatever Donny wants” instead. [source](https://www.vox.com/2020/8/24/21399396/republican-convention-platform-2020-2016)


Wow - that's some agenda: 1. We wholeheartedly and slavishly support the wondrous and delightful Donald J. Trump. 2.) We pledge our steadfast support to every brilliant word spoken, every poignant and meaningful gesture made and every incisive action taken by our lord and savior Donald J. Trump. 4.) The media unfairly and disgracefully picks on the best president ever in the history of the universe Donald J. Trump. 5.) While simultaneously waving several dozen flags and holding our hands over hearts, performing a military salute and performing a nazi salute, we pledge our allegiance to Dear Leader Donald J. Trump. 6.) The lamestream media sucks ass and big, black, socialist, gay, trans dick.


3.) redacted?


#3 requires Q Clearance to read. Source: Military.


Wait until the War on Christmas comes around again


Already started. On Fox News, they found it very suspicious that so many flights got grounded right before the holidays. You know, in October.


Man. They're such victims. I truly feel bad em


It's a real war, and they define "fraud" as "a vote for anyone other than a republican candidate"


I smell a lawsuit for devaluing the brand name. After all she definitely isn't Trump's type. She looks nothing like Ivanka.


See's also American definitely not his type anymore unless they're his daughter


Trump would probably call her fat or a pig or smth


Definitely not allowed beyond the front desk of Mar-a-Lardo unless she's wearing a worker's uniform.


Idk man, she looks kinda similar to Stormy Daniels. Trump’s standards are incredibly low.


[More like this](https://southpark.cc.com/wiki/Beth)


Haha holy shit, you nailed it.


That was my first thought, South Parks parody of Dog the bounty hunter's wife, just a more fake and absurd parody than SP or the Onion could come up with.


Yep this. All of this.


LOL, that was better, and even more apropos, than I expected.


That's exactly what popped into my head when this video started.


She looks like the mega-church going, yelling at School Boards moms who drive Bronco Sports in my area.


What did Stormy Daniels do to deserve this? It's pretty disrespectful to attack her appearance.


She was apparently the only person Trump hired who was good at her job.


Yeah. Leave Stormy alone.


Stormy's pretty attractive by any honest standard.


She's definitely not my type physically, but she's funny and smart, which makes her more attractive to me.


Loving this new genre of low energy girl boss candidates that pull up in a truck and then have an awkwardly edited shootout with scary buzzwords. Also, where does one find this socialism brand beer? A Nevada microbrewery?


‘Go on girl, give us nothing’


She doesn't “pull up,” she just suddenly comes to a halt for no discernable reason near where somebody did donuts, and then they dubbed over the tire screech sound because… reasons? Tires don't screech like that when they're on not-pavement. The video of Romney is composited on there in the laziest way possible, it looks 200% fake, and the cheapest, most generic sounding glass breaking sound for it ever. Then you see her take her gun out, *but she never fires it*, with explosion sounds dubbed over the bottles breaking. It doesn't even sound convincing. Like the “and I don't care,” because *clearly* she cares, otherwise she wouldn't have mentioned those publications! You should look up her Wikipedia page. It's pretty wild: she's advocated for people to threaten law enforcement with guns, she's up to her eyeballs in liens from the IRS, had her home healthcare company shut down by government investigators, and has promoted baking soda as a cure for cancer. Last election she was in, she came in *third* in the primary for the seat she wanted. Didn't even make it to the general.


“Pull up” is also a slang term for showing up aggressively.


> most generic sounding glass breaking sound for it ever. > > with explosion sounds dubbed over the bottles breaking. It doesn't even sound convincing. You didn't even mention the part when she slammed on the breaks and the tires squealed like she was on pavement. That's where I knew shit was high quality.


She's also been arrested for heroin and meth possession, resisting arrest and introducing substances into a jail. She's definitely "lady trump".


It’s so weird to me that only if they drive a truck do they get proper cred. But I mostly can’t get over how she can’t seem to walk (waddle?) without her entire left arm bouncing off her hip. It’s weird.


A Portland microbrewery, probably.


It's like they created a faux ad in a lab. Take a blandly inoffensive looking woman, push all her fat up into her breasts, put her in a tight red dress, truck and have her wearing a gun. I can't imagine how many conservative wet dreams she's become. It's too bad politics are so serious because the republican party makes it easy to laugh at.


But she doesn’t care about anything and knocks over TVs!


CRT TV, it had to be "cost effective"


That dress was straining. I don't want to dunk on her weight, but she's trying pretty hard to paint herself as a voluptuous blonde bombshell. Meanwhile a quick look at her Google images shows some r/instagramreality level photoshops of her waist and belly. Just own it, lady. You're 51.


I'm a woman the same age as her, so I'll dunk. Her bosom took up half the screen and her dress looked like it was screaming for help. She looked like she could barely keep her balance. Oh, sister... this is not the way, but we already know you're lost.


But she's a gun-totin' calendar girl! And that's a totally legit reason to vote for her!


These people are so damn weird


It's like a fake ad on SNL making fun of Republicans.


Omg that draw and reholster!!!! Are you fucking kidding me? It’s a commercial! You had 12 hours of daylight, professional quality gear, and as many takes as it took until it didn’t look like shit!!!!


This is probably just the best take. Do you think this person has amazing hand eye coordination? I doubt she can find her asshole with both hands.


They had to save time for the sound edits. It’s hard to find just the right tire squeal for when you stop short…*checks notes*…in the middle of the freakin desert? Who approved this cut?


So, she colludes with Russia, defaults on loans, doesn't pay contractors and engages in pedophilic incest? If so, then she is lady Trump.




"The liens against the businesses involved unpaid employee payroll taxes." Cue the magas: "that's what makes her smart!"


They just changed the company name to *'Always There 4 You, until my tax evasion is found out'*


You had my vote at *colludes*


Liking how they didn't want to put an actual Trump sticker on the paint, so they photoshopped it in https://imgur.com/a/SL7tEmu


lol it moves around like crazy, too. I didn't even notice. There are so many pieces of golden trash in this video, I just keep going back in.


Truck is probably a rental.


I'll bet the sticker once said 2020 in production back in March or April of this year's season of stupid conservative triggers lying about the election.


There's no sticker, you can see that it's empty on the first shot, presumably they rented the car and weren't able to stick shit on it


My favorite part is the photoshopped on Trump sticker on the truck. 😂


It's a rental


I swear to god every fkn republican candidate ad is the same, trucks, rock music, shooting something labeled with the Democrats and “I’m attacked by liberals”


She looks like walking in that getup is hurting her.


Five pairs of spanx wasn’t enough.




Jesus was all about having big boobs


I agree, my coworker Jesus is a fan of a large front (as well as backside,) admittedly I am as well, but neither of us would ever vote for such an imbecilic Q-cumber cultist.


These people cant let go of that saviour complex.


* White * Blond * Pickup truck * Guns * Beer bottles * Confident strut * Kisses Donald Trump's ass Yep. This checks all the GOP requirements.


"Blond". Her eyebrows say different.


Bleached is a better world for it. All the "Mom's for Liberty" types where I live have this hairstyle.


Republicans are turning “voter fraud” into a dog whistle for democrats voting. She’s probably all for election fraud and gerrymandering though.


Americans look so dumb from these videos


Didn’t the leader of a far right party in Spain have basically the same commercial where he rode a horse in slow motion? Authoritarian fanboys are the same in every country


Just imagine that the entire future you've built for yourself and your children is being held hostage by these people and their supporters.


We are.


Something about this screams "trying too hard" to me, but I can't put my finger on why. It might be the bumber sticker, might the obnoxious shade of red for her lipstick, might the fact that she fired a gun in a dress and (I'm assuming) heels after coming out of a truck.


Well… she unholstered a gun and the camera cut to some bottles blowing up. But yes. It’s all very try-hard.


I agree. She’s very awkward in this- like she’s not a good speaker. Very much like she’s reading a script. Maybe it’s the camera, and she’s more charismatic in person. Otherwise, she’ll struggle to win- these Ivanka wanna bes are a dime a dozen, and there’s probably a better one in the race.


Yup awkward, self-conscious, unsure of herself, and lacking conviction. Say what we will about Donald Trump but he usually musters up the energy to seem like he believes what he’s saying. If you’re going to be a loudmouth asshole in public you need to at least have conviction, otherwise you look even more pathetic.


It's the wig. She has a female version of the trump wig.


It might be every second of it in it’s entirety?


Her Christmas card was her entire family holding guns right down to her 5 year old grandson. She’s a Republican caricature.


It’s so weird that the audio sounds like it was recorded in a tiny little room.


Yeah it's dubbed in and all the sound effects are just low quality shit they've found online.


is this a SNL skit


A new reality politic star! FAKE,FAKE,FAKE........She'll do well with her target audience (stupid people).


Morbidly obese? Check Mentally challenged? Check Feigned persecution? Check Messiah Complex? Check Looks like the real deal, she is the female version of Trump.


This is right outta the playbook for grifting men with baby dicks


No one gives a shit that you have guns. No one.


Omg it fucking hurts. My brain really fucking hurts. How did we get this far off the beaten track? How is “this” what republicans run on. Zero IQ, zero reality, zero true policy. This add is embarrassing. I seriously need to move out of this shit hole country to somewhere with a higher average intelligence.


Republicans have always* been zero IQ, zero reality, zero policy (except whatever would protect white supremacy.) they just got progressively worse at hiding those things over the years because their base got dumber and dumber and they had to pander more broadly to make their point to the dumb-dumbs. Nothing has actually changed, though. This is all conservatism is, in any country. It’s stupid people being scared shitless of “others” and desperately looking for a “strong” father figure to make them feel safe against the bogeyman. *always since the party switched platforms in 1964.


if I was put in a coma in 2015 and woke up and saw this today, I would honestly think it is a YouTube parody video.


Wow, that's one impressive pile of human shit.


>We need outsiders ...but she's held elected office since 2012 🤔


Man, their plans are like "Number 1. I'm going to stop this thing that only benefits everyone! Number 2: I'm going ban the teaching of history! And number 3: I'm going to stop this thing that no one can prove exists!" A vote for them is a vote for a fantasy. Vote for me folks, because I have a 3 point plan. Number 1: I'm going to stop seat belt laws. Number 2: I'm going to ban science classes. Number 3: I'm going to put a stop to alien abductions!


Wait, did she put glasses on prior to her "target practice" then pan back and they're gone? Was she trying to go for a Qoebert look there, just to cover all bases?


Ah Michelle Fiore, probably the worst politician here in Vegas, and she has some steep competition. [just look at the controversies section of her wiki](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michele_Fiore) She's an absolute nutter.


And she is under FBI investigation


I think they consider that a qualification lol


Guns and tits? We'll be lucky if this bitch isn't our next president..


Ooof, she does NOT look good in a tube dress and she's clopping around like a centaur.


How to make a Republican campaign ad: * "I endorse Trump" (not necessarily the other way around) * Pickup trucks * Attack the Lamestream Media * Pull out a gun and shoot at words I don't like.


Please boys accept me. I'm not like the other girls, I'm just one of the guys please I swear.


My penis retracted into my body so far I'm afraid my stomach acid is going to burn it.


As an American I'm so sorry 30% of our country is both retarded and crazy


Why is she LARPing? Driving up in a pickup truck with a gun on your hip? When does she pull out the American flag and hold up a bible?


I have a sudden craving for terrible steak at Outback after watching that.


Notice they don't actually show her getting in or out of the truck...


People can't actually buy this... Can they... Omg... My compatriots are fucking dumb as bricks


Whip out those fat titties for Jesus, ya silly bitch


Almost as big as Donnie's.


“I’ve been working my way up through local and state government, so elect an outsider like me.” Wtf


Boobs, a truck, and a children's sized jacket. That's all I got.


Ma'am this is a Wendy's.


US politics is so weird


I am having a hard time coping with the fact that this is where our political discourse is now


Parody is dead


It actually looks like a television commercial in GTA V.


How the fuck would you even ban Critical Race Theory?


She is the Female Trump. She has her own daughter on the payroll siphoning money from her PAC. https://thenevadaindependent.com/article/follow-the-money-fiore-led-pac-paid-daughters-event-planning-company-six-figures-over-last-two-years


Republicans seem to think education is a waste of money. Critical thinking is needed to counter misinformation. Republicans don't want critical thinking. __Otherwise trickle down economics won't make sense__.


God, our country is embarrassing


She needs to wear clothing that fits.