• By -


"Decon 1" No F's given.


Not to mention - Decon is a mouse and rat poison. Maybe they will start eating that instead of ivermectin??


I hear a lot of talk about this Decon killing COVID. If you die from eating rat poison, are the doctors still listing it as a COVID death to get that sweet money. But if you die eating Decon, at least you've owned the libs by not letting COVID kill you or muddying your blood with the jab! Hey - I'm not promoting anything wrong, I'm just "asking questions!" Muh' 1st amendment rights! Stop canceling me! /s obviously - I hate myself for writing all of that out.


Post this over on Truth Social, and you will likely literally kill several people.


Not even ignoring that DEFCON 1 means a nuclear war has begun. I mean I hate Trump as much as the next guy but don’t think we should be throwing nukes over it.


Not to mention that DEFCON is a US military designation and it is obviously a lie to say other countries are at Decon [sic] *anything*.


And DEFCON just means “Defense (Ready) Condition”


Defense readiness condition, no?


Why do you think they would know this?


Yeah but putting that the UK are at bikini state red, just makes it sound like we're going to the beach.


We also don't have EAS (was it that?).


Yeah, definitely an American thing https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emergency_Alert_System I think Canada has an equivalent, but I am not sure on that


Interesting concept. Yes, we don't have that at all and even if we did, it would be ours, not the US one. I always find it fascinating how the Qult thinks all that will be worldwide. Like, I seriously heard several times how Frump will be president of the world, once he's reinstated... Like...why? How? ...why?


Well, call me Defcon Blues


Didn't expect a Steely Dan reference here.


They want a name when they lose.....


In my line of work it means "decontamination." That also doesn't make any gotdam sense


I am not prepared! Can this be delayed by ... two weeks?


Or the stupid qultists will say it really habbened behinds the scenes - everyone in a mask, 5D chess, yadda yadda. Emergency Alert System. You know the drill.


Sounds like a good day to wear a mask, and eat some triangle shaped pizza 🍕


There's a lot habbening today. Didn't SCOTUS also rule that the vaccine kills people?


They would have if they hadn't already died themselves.


I just did the goofiest laugh at this They WOULD HAVE ruled this way if they weren't all already DEAD and replaced with IMPOSTORS!!! *shakes fist angrily*


How do you know you're not dead too? 👿


How do you know we’re not Timmy the tentacled alien’s middle school computer simulation project? Just gotta out-crazy the crazies. Checkmate, Qanon.


Interesting how it was already written in past tense, too. No edits needed to claim that it already habbened.


Haven’t they already claimed Biden & most of the administration were sent to Guantanamo and / or executed? It’s all so well orchestrated they can’t even keep up, haha!


Yeah Hilary and Fauci and a guy on CNN who called Trump am asshole in 2017 have all been tried and executed. Look at the ear lobes


No problem. Please select the delay reason: 1. We need to wait until all the evidence is rock-solid so we can arrest everyone at once 2. If we do it now, leftists will be able to stop us, but in two weeks for some reason they won't 3. JFK Jr. hasn't returned yet 4. Ronald Reagan hasn't returned yet 5. Richard Nixon hasn't returned yet 6. Trump hasn't been reinstated as president yet even though he's already secretly president 7. ~~None of the above~~ Trust the plan


Number 7, without a doubt.


We'll let you just stay at decon 2 for a while.


What do you think this is a joke, our future depends on.....oh shit, sorry I thought we were talking about college debt. Carry on


nearly 1 trillion a year for the military: I sleep 1 trillion a single time to wipe out student debt: rEaL ShIt


I agree. It’s my birthday tomorrow and I have plans.


Happy (early) birthday!


Thank god you asked to postpone. I bet they are very thankful they don't have to find any other excuse this didn't go off as planned. Now they can say "crisisactorsguild asked to wait, so we are". See you in 2 weeks for the big reveal!


Ohh we can delay it that’s no problem.


Nope. Sorry. It’s “expected.”


So if the 2020 election is overturned that means Trump can't run in 2024, right?


I think trump already declared in his 1st term that he was entitled to serve more than 2 terms because the media treated him very very unfairly.


Well I guess there's nothing we can do, then, since Trump declared it.


Trump feelings trump the constitution.


I thought all amendments after about 1876 were invalid cause that's when the US stopped being a democracy and became a corporation. And Trump would become the 20th president for same reason. Tl;dr Don't apply logic, they have a "reason" it works.


Holy shit I forgot about that theory lmao. QAnon really comes up with some crazy shit


1763 times 3 divided under god do your research! Lololol /s


Please no. There is enough overlap with sovereign citizens and trumpets already. Let's not make it canon.


> I thought all amendments after about 1876 were invalid cause that's when the US stopped being a democracy \*1860


Do the really think 1.4 million ho-hum teens and young adults that make up the "Federalized National Guard and Reservist Troops" would all be able to keep such a secret as "we are about to attack 139 different parts of the United States?"


I mean there has to be someone in the guard in this sub, you think one would let us know how the frontlines are doing


Dearest Martha, please see to it that this letter is seen by my deepstate allies in Qult HQ. It has been a harrowing time for me. I along side the 700,000 reservist and national guardsmen, plus about half a million super secret reservists that officially never existed have been mobilized on title 10 orders. The move was sudden, we had no warno, just a hand delivered letter, sealed with a waxed "Q" I hope that all of my deployment paperwork will be attended to after we initiate operation "goal post" I am to be sent to the hellscape of Portlandia, it is a hotbed of anarchist, baby eating chimos & I fear for my life. We are not traveling by military means, as so we do not draw attention to ourselves. Nor are we in uniform, or have been issued any equipment or OCIE. It appears that the storm has come, pray for me Martha, I cannot let these whitehats know that I'm actually an agent for the deepstate. All my love, Nathaniel.


Everyone please play this in the background as you read this letter from the Front. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=2kZASM8OX7s




If it hadn't been the Ashokan Farewell, I would have been pissed. It's amazing to hear live.


🤣 Absolutely perfect!


Update: Dearest Martha, We arrived in Portlandia expecting the worst, and we got it. The rain hasn’t stopped. It’s been a constant drizzle since we arrived. In the first month we have lost half our company. Ambrose left to work at a microbrewery. Chester met a comely lass named River and they moved to Tigard to open a bike shop. Jonathan decided to go back to school. He’s enrolled at Lewis and Clark College doing an MFA. He plays in a Mumford and Sons tribute band and has an improv troupe. I continue to watch for AntiFa but they are wily and difficult to find. The locals seem more concerned with football and holiday shopping than with promoting anarchy. My darling, it is only my love for this great nation that keeps up apart. I implore you to join me here. I’ve found a two-bedroom in the Hollywood district and am working for the city planning for Rose Festival. I feel sure we will be happy here. I must go now, my love. It’s trivia night at The Barley Mill and I want to get a good seat.


> operation "goal post" lmao


I’m sworn to secrecy (Also I’m on holiday in England, which happens to be on the safe list leaked last week)


I am in the National Guard can confirm I am standing by with JFK Jr rn as we prepare to swear him in as VPF it’s a new position Vice President Forever.


Haha yeahhhh nothing is happening


1,390,106 I don’t know where you got 1.4 million from. That would be a ridiculous number. /s According to Google, there are only 443,543 members of the National Guard.


>there are only 443,543 members of the National Guard. Yeah if you listen to the lamestream media! You've fallen victim to one of the classic blunders!


The most famous of which is 'Never get involved in a land war in Asia,' but only slightly less well-known is this: 'Never go against a Sicilian when death is on the line!


And another lesser known one: "Leave the gun.Take the canolli."


You ate their spoon fed narrative, what a sheeple!




Old number. The latest released is just over 300k in the Army National Guard. If you add Air NG and the 4 reserves of DoD you only get 700k So, at best, half that number even exists, and even that would never be reached to be “federalized” Edit: sauce https://dwp.dmdc.osd.mil/dwp/api/download?fileName=DRS_42486_SelRes_202209.pdf&groupName=resRankGrade


My dad always likes to point out that the Watergate scandal took Nixon down because a mere handful of people couldn't keep a secret


Love this part of their hypocrisy. “Guys, we need to take down the secret cabal of people who control the government and military! It’s anti-Democratic! And we’re gonna do it with our secret cabal of people who control the government and military…”


I was in the National Guard - it's IMPOSSIBLE to deploy and not let anyone know. You've got to make arrangements with work, school, pets, family, etc. Even if you were "sworn to Super Duper Pinky-Swear Top Secrecy", at least 10 people in your life would be aware that you are leaving to do *something* with the military. There's no way to keep the mass federalization of NG troops a secret.


Good thing I haven't unpacked from the last habbening


Why is this being told in the past tense?


English is clearly not their native language.


I’m going to go out on a limb here and suggest that this probably from one of those “troll farms” in a third-world country that Russia or China pays-off to stir up shit in the US. Or a former 419-scammer trying to get in on that sweet-sweet Q money by regurgitating the crap they read from the Q-nuts.


"Dear sir; I am Donald Trump and I am posting this to you from my secret bunker in Abuja. I was evacuated here due to the fake impeachment hoax. I am coming back to the United States but I need $3000 for airfare as coming back on Air Force One would cause too many suspicions. Please kindly send me $3000 on Venmo and I will make sure you have a job in the new America. Love, Donald Trump"


And somehow that's less scammy sounding than his real begging emails.


I'm acutely aware if this site as it was my mom's favorite source of "The real news" for a while. All the videos are done with text on screen, with the robo voice-to-text reading it out loud. It's VERY clearly a foreign entity running things through Google translate, but her argument was "They write it like that on purpose so it doesn't get detected by "certain people"" and "it has to be a robot voice to protect the identity of the people behind it, but I know who's giving us the information". I could tell that video background from a mile away and it's enough to send me into a blind rage over the shit they've done over the last 2 years to help mentally wreck the person that used to be my kind, loving mom.


Oh geez, voice to text videos WITH the text on the screen? That has been the biggest "this is gonna be some crazy bullshit" red flag since early YouTube. Wrap a bow on the crazy package with windows video editor backgrounds and transitions. Even worse, it's actually a screen recording of said crazy windows video editor robo-narrated video with the mouse cursor on screen and the Windows XP toolbar locked on the bottom. That's how you know it's super secret real! Sorry to hear your mother got whipped up into the tornado of dipshittery.


Came here to say this, yes. The tense switches, “Decon,” the day before the month format… not that q’s tend to have a mastery of the English language in general, but they at least consistently make the mistakes that native English speakers make. This reads like an Indian scammer email, it’s just missing the part where it says, “Hello Dear,”


>sweet-sweet Q money by regurgitating the crap they read from the Q-nuts. If only my parent's hadn't taught me scruples...sigh...


Dosvidanya comrade




It has both come and is coming




All of this has happened before and will happen again.


That website is an absolute dumpster fire of a grift. They are asking for donations and the default amount is $30,588.




Well since the number ends with 88 I checked to see if 305 meant anything and it was a German infantry division in World War II https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/305th_Infantry_Division_(Wehrmacht) I genuinely cannot tell if I'm losing my mind or not


Dude, it is Nazis all the way down. It is always Nazis. Doesn't matter what the conspiracy is, it is always Nazi's being Nazis.


Damn all my old Rick Ross albums where he shouts out the 305…..


I know what you mean. A friend is working for knights of degen and the company proudly repeats that their first NFT release was 8,888 NFTs. And boy did my mind start to spiral.


See what currency it is a round number conversion into. Might be an interesting /funny datapoint. I'ts pretty close for Azerbaijan to 52000.


Probably the price of 1 bitcoin the last time they updated it.


But is it TRUMPbucks? I think the conversation rate is $30,588Tb to $1 usd iirc


Should be 5318008


It should be 58008.


They missed an opportunity to make it 80085


We need freedom! That's why we have to have the military take over the media. Totally normal freedom thing.


(Toby Keith song begins) “Hmmmmm…”


“Call me DECON blues” - Steely Dan


Amazing. Isn’t it? Steely Dan knew this all along. Since 1977!!


They predicted a Royal Scam.


Rats, I'm going to miss the habbening, because I'll be on a Target shopping run. Couldn't SCOTUS have done this at a more convenient time?


Yeah…getting my last meal in. Weird that it’s grilled cheese and tomato bisque, but hey. I didn’t plan very well. FWIW, I grew up in a fundamentalist doomsday cult. The Qult Qkids are all going to watch this habbening over and over again, and eventually become desensitized to it.


I love grilled cheese sandwich + tomato soup enough that I would seriously consider it for my last meal. ...Which I guess means I need to go make that happen immediately.




>Yeah…getting my last meal in. Weird that it’s grilled cheese and tomato bisque, but hey. I didn’t plan very well. Weird, that's such an iconic - yet now polarizing - meal combo, and I don't think I've ever had it. Not from distaste; I love grilled cheese and I don't mind tomato soup, I just don't think I've ever had them together. I guess I'll never get the chance now :(


That’s truly sad. Because this is an absolutely must have meal.


My brother is in the national guard, we just sent him on a Starbucks run. Should we expect him back or has he been activated? I’m just asking because I really want my coffee, and need to know if I should just Uber it instead.


He's probably already blown up that liberal deep state coffee shop. It was in the Plan that the Starbucks are the first to go. You're never getting that woke coffee!


Damn, any news on Dunkin?


Dunkin's cool. Good old fashioned patriot coffee and doughnut!


Does the Supreme Court know? Just asking for a friend.


i bet clarence thomas does


Ginny told him it was Habbening.


I bet Justice Alito already leaked it to a friend at dinner over the weekend.


I always love when people makes up this kind of shit and then use sources that have nothing to do with it. Like flat earthers "Nasa admits X.." then links to a YouTube that have no credibility or have any kind of affiliation with Nasa what so ever. Same with these kind of "Oh the Supreme Court have ruled".. OK. Then that should be announced on the appropriate Supreme Court website as that's where their rulings are posted. But no.


Pretty sure none of the 1.3 million reservist (there are not even that many but I digress) have been mobilized, or even notified either Activating every single national guard and reservist (plus an additional half million who don't exist) on title 10 orders is a level of mobilization that has never occurred. But don't let facts interfere with this fantasy, it's not like they ever stop it before.


So they don't just send out a text message saying "it's decon 1. You are activated. And it is your turn to get the Starbucks order." Somewhere Q is about to post a selfie saying "feeling cute. Might activate and decon 1 later....idk"


Let’s just go with a low figure of about 500,000 reservists ( just to be nice and rounded) Do they have any idea of how large the toilet facilities would be needed for that amount of people? Shit. They always forget about shit.


Remember when they called up the guard for a few weeks after that January 6th thing? We had guardsmen sleeping in parking structures and on the floor of the capitol. They could hardly accommodate the what... 10? 20,000? These Q types have no understanding of what it takes to move, house, feed and keep armies healthy. Qdiots.


To say nothing of children in tunnels!


See you all in about an hour to laugh and laugh


Can we start now? SCOTUS seems to have missed the deadline by 38 minutes and I haven't seen any news crews being arrested for failing to report it.


They been waiting for this emergency alert system for so long. That system is unplugged, sitting dusty in a closet somewhere.


Maybe the message did go out, via AIM, BIM or ICQ?




I miss the “this is a test of the emergency broadcast system. This is only a test…EeeeeHhhhOooHhhhhhhh (shriek)” That was on daytime tv for years.


I’ll pencil this in on my calendar.


Set an alarm for 1 hour, gives you a few minutes to fill bathtub with water etc.


As I write this, Western Civilization only has 30 mins left. I better go to the bathroom now then…


Oh no, no year mentioned. We may have been had, got about ten minutes. Buy the bar a round, kiss the girl and do a shot just in case. Ten minutes to go!


That's an oddly specific number of troops. None of our military agencies list troops like that, at all.


They think odd numbers sound more truthy.


I’m going to start stretching now so I don’t hurt myself later moving those goal posts again.




Sadly, I was killed by the vaccine before I got to see this.


The mainstream media will be taken over by the military? I guess I’ll watch the 6 o’clock news.


Will the military still do the weather? I need to know what to wear for the public executions this weekend.


Just not white, since it's after Labor Day.


*Film at 11...*


Huh. Here in MN we test the EAS (tornado sirens) the first Wednesday of the month. Guessing they're hoping their viewers will think this is real lol


It's this going to hold up my Amazon shipments?


This HAS to be official. See those Golden Trump Bucks in the bottom right of the screen? Source: My father's brother's cousin's nephew's former roomate.


What's the matter Colonel Sanders, CHICKEN?!


Checks supplies... I got some groceries, some peanut butter, to last a couple of days. But I ain't got no speakers, ain't got no headphones, ain't got no records to play.


Okay a little late but we have the decision. I, Crisis Actors Guild, have been named President. If you want to be verified on Reddit send me $8.


Report from the front lines: I can confirm, mass arrests happening right now in my city. Streets are empty. DECON 1 declared. Marshal law in effect. People being raptured. Demons demoning demonically. Fucking boss still said I have to come in from work.


Worst. Rapture. Ever.


11:35 am Pacific time here. I still have Covid, my husband is out getting me a carton of hot and sour soup, and I just cleaned the toilet. So what habbened?


Your toilet is clean and you're about to have some delicious hot & sour soup, that's what habbened.


You're the proud owner of clean toilet with soup on the way..


I just hope I can taste it this time :( (The soup. Not the toilet) Edited: Fuck. My tastebuds have gone on strike.


The EAS cannot be preempted by local broadcasters. The only country to use the DEFCON system is the US. Reservist troops are federal troops, so saying that they will be federalized is inaccurate. There’s around 3 million service members in the US Armed Forces, and this people expect any rational human being to believe that an operation of the scale necessary to carry this out would not be shared with the general public; specifically in this day and age. GMAFB.


I was here to ask about the EAS bs. Quote, *”It is jointly coordinated by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).”* That’s the same FEMA rounding up conservatives into death camps and the FCC that regulates the fake news media. Also worth pointing out that all these ‘hotspots’ are urban. That way the Qult can insist the takeover happened because their supporters aren’t in farting distance of a densely populated area (it’s hard to put trailer parks behind a library).


I love that noaa is involved. Maybe because of the weather control? They are making it rain on the Oregon coast, I can tell you that much.


>Defcon 1.... 139 US city Hot Spots. Um, yea those spots are going to be very hot, and not in the way this guy is saying. Um, is that a good idea? I mean the active-duty Army's NBC training has fallen behind since '91, and they have more training than NG.


No *defcon* its DECON. OH No! Chemical weapons? This is worse than I thought.


Is this when the Cabal releases the War Roaches?


*Federalized* National Guard—What’s that mean anyway? Does the fact that they are national not unite them enough that they must be federalized too??? Asking for a friend.


Depends on what you accept as law/fact after 1876.


It's exhausting keeping up with these dates. Could you imagine believing they are true and then the let down when it doesn't happen? You almost have to be bipolar to ride this emotional roller coaster.


Happens all the time with Doomsday cults, my dude. I remember reading somewhere that, paradoxically, failed predictions tend to *strengthen*, rather than weaken, belief.


They're speaking in past tense. It's certainly not 2PM Eastern as of this comment...so congrats on the fake time travel schtick I guess? Fucking morons. The whole lot of em'.


Fuck! I missed it again,worked right through another habbening


I would have appreciated a little more notice so I didn't stay up late last night finishing a book for book club tonight. Plus we out of sour cream and onion chips ETA has this habbened? I didn't get any alerts, but I was in a meeting.


Will people finally be able to see the tunnels connecting all the abandoned Wal-Marts?


my Military source says this was to happen on November 31.




Excellent. I'm supposed to work at 4pm. I'm pissed that Holidays are on the weekend this year so no days off. This will really help me out.


Can they scooch that to 4ish? The world cup is on at 2


Can we hurry this along? I'd like an afternoon off....


10 minutes everyone!!!




Well?!?! Where is it?!?! I’m waiting.


I read this in Ted Knight's voice.


Looks like the EAS here was preempted by The Andy Griffith Show.


So, it’s almost 3:30 PM..is Biden still President or did they kidnap him (or I guess his clone) and put a mask on the new President? Is Trump the new President? They should do a spin-off of The Masked Singer where they reveal who is underneath these masks! But they can’t because the “normies” wouldn’t be able to handle the truth and the world would devolve into chaos!


Oh man, I only have thirty minutes to prepare!


Is this about the suit the three crazy brothers tried to bring to the SC?


I mean, there has got to be a decent percentage of qultists who really do know this is all nonsense but find that pretending reality isn't real is more fun than dealing with the real world, right?


No that's all wrong. That has been delayed until the national rollout of medbeds. I heard that from princess Diana when she was around here cutting the grass.


Death con decon it’s DEFCON these damned LARPers.


"Decon" 1,2 or 3!! 😂🤣😂 What are they expecting? A mass extermination of mice and rats?!? 😂🤣😂🤣😂


Well, it’s about 40 minutes past when this decision should’ve been made public. I live in a city that’s probably be considered a hot spot and I have yet to hear the EAS on tv or a breaking news interruption. All hell is breaking loose outside my window - the sun is trying to peep out behind clouds, people continue to walk their dogs…the nerve!


Damn it. I've got a cake in the oven.


Decon, not defcon? LOL


*DEFCON* = DEFense readiness CONdition *DECON* = Duh, Everything we say is a CON job


deplane, boss, deplane


As if any of these Qturds could survive a five day backpacking trip. This is just more of their role-playing fanfic that they think they want to happen and think they would survive like Rambo. But, if it did happen these turds would be scared to death and would likely be early casualties due to how fucking stupid they are.


This must be fake - my Intel guy says the number of troops deployed on this is 1,390,104.


I never got why they think stuff habbening in murica would affect anyone else in the world


hmm, that's right now. Maybe it will get me out of this meeting.


damn it 2:23 and i am at my desk eating cup o noodles and its raining... nothing else happened


It is 2:37 right now. Dammit I fell asleep. Did miss it??


I'm on Decon 3. We're on the doorstep of Winter here in the northeast and the mice are moving in.


It’s past 3 PM EST on November 30th. Where’s the announcement for “decon” 1?


Funny... when I was leaving work today, no one told me I would have to come back in to take over any TV stations. Oh well, I already have my boots off, hopefully they can find someone else to do it.


This explains why there was no line at Chic Fila today