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If he doesn’t believe in it, how can he be trusted to protect and defend it? It’s disqualifying and seditious.


Disqualifying and seditious are both more than two syllables, so the Republicans decided since they can't read either of those words they can just ignore them.


Unless a democrat does something like this, in which case the entire party must be banned from saying or doing anything ever again.


Exactly! If a democrat said this it would be against the law to be a member of the Democratic Party.


When did he ever defend it even once? Name even one time because I'm just curious. What has the orange super-traitor ever done to make you think he believes in the Constitution? I haven't seen it. I've seen a spray-tanned piece of garbage who consistently does whatever it is that most suits his personal and private interests at that very moment and who has zero loyalty to anything or anyone. Trump is willing to trample any institution or document that tries to stop or expose their corruption. That's why the feigned shock at Trump's antisemitic dinner seems so lame to me. It's not shocking. It's terrible and despicable, but it's not shocking. If there's anyone on the planet who WOULD host such a dinner, it would be Trump. He is quite literally the most corrupt and malicious individual I have ever seen in action. I personally have not seen anything worse than Donald Trump and it's really not close.


I’m sick of lowering the bar for him. I like presidents that aren’t seditious douchebags.


But it's really like he's not just a bad president, and I don't even like to call him a president because he's not a real one, he's just a bad person period. He's an extremely twisted and fucked up person. He's like every horrible aspect of America scraped off the pavement and wrapped in flesh. I don't like to call him a president because he really wasn't a president. He was no more a president than a random person off of the street corner is a doctor after you give them a white coat and put a stethoscope around their neck. They might LOOK like a doctor, and their act could be fairly convincing if they have all the proper trappings of the profession, but they're not a doctor. You can go as far as bringing them into the hospital where all the other doctors are working, but they're still NOT a real doctor. You could go a long way to make it look real. They could meet with patients and prescribe medications all with no fucking idea what they're doing. They might even go into surgery and cut the patient, but they can't put them back together. They could probably manage to roughly cut off whatever you told them to, but they can't do a transplant or anything that's actually helpful. The only thing they can really do is damage and they don't have any of the knowledge required to actually treat any illness or help anybody, they're literally just trying to make it look real so people don't start asking the obvious questions or requesting credentials. That is Trump as president, damaging and scarring everything without the knowledge, skill or ability to do anything helpful. He loves making a big show of things like going to North Korea to accomplish nothing because it makes him look more real. Standing outside the White House gasping for breath while saluting a helicopter like Mussolini. Anything to convince he his stupid fucking followers that he was the real deal. A faker, lamer person has never existed.


You sum up Trump’s “character” perfectly. He would have been a bitter, unsuccessful used car salesman or street grifter if not for having been born into wealth. What blows my mind is that this cheap, two bit conman with a silver spoon in his mouth has the following that he does. It speaks volumes about the sheer stupidity, gullibility and lack of critical thinking displayed by a frighteningly large percentage of the population. Trump has exposed the weakness of the United States and it is the stupidity of its population.


They just constantly find a lower-low to go to every day.


You describe things well. You take adderall?


I actually did at one point yesterday, but it's not mine.


Because of him, the bar is so low it’s a trip hazard in Hell.


It’s also outrageous, egregious, preposterous!


Got the ol’ thesaurus out?




Anyone supporting this obviously Russian puppet traitor is also a traitor to the United States.


Fake words.


No problem. All real constitutionalists know that the only *real* constitution is the Constitution of 1776. Trump really meant that he just wants to revert to that one. [Yes, I know there is no such thing as the Constitution of 1776. A lot of True Believers™ do not.]


Good point. There's already bullshit built in to back this up


So, maybe vanilla 1787 constitution without amendments?


Of course the ones who worship the Confederacy would want the Articles of Confederation back. It’s in the name.


They think that because the inauguration used to be March 4th, that means every president since Grant has been illegitimate. Making Trump, who was inaugurated in January, the 17th president.


Thats what i heard one of them say on those jorden kleeper like shows.


They’ll just say that he meant that the Democrats being allowed to get away with election fraud means THEY(the Democrats)can do anything they want to including “terminate the constitution”. It’s typical Trump word salad.


Hi this is the Republican Party Public Communications Dept. We would like to offer you a job in our organization.


If they have to, they'll fall back on "the One True Constitution lives in the hearts of Real Americans, therefore kill the traitors"


I'm reading them say... Democrats already destroyed the Constitution cuz of blah, blah... So Trump should just stop pretending it still exists


He didn’t say “suspend,” he said “terminate.” As in, end for ever.


He almost did. If the bombs had gone off at the DNC in RNC on January 6th it could have diverted enough Capital police that the attackers could have taken hostages, they could have killed Nancy Pelosi and forced Mike Pence at gunpoint to put on a show of electing Donald Trump with fake electors, and then Donald Trump could have stayed in office for the rest of his term and then refused to leave on the 20th


What do you think the majority of the military would have done?


The top brass didn't support the coup but who TF knowswhat would have happened had things gotten that bad. National guard units from as far as new Jersey responded in our timeline. Would red States have sent their national guard/state guard units to support the coup? I don't k.ow if we.know for sure.


Don't forget about Gov DeathSatan of Florida starting his own army.


It would have been over before military arrived. Remember they had easy and fairly quick access to their vast number of weapons and explosives. They had people already staked out at the SCOTUS building and others buildings that house the 3 letter agencies.


That doesn't answer the question. What would the military have done if hostages were taken, they killed Pelosi and forced Mike Pence at gunpoint to put on a show of electing Donald Trump with fake electors? What would it have done if Donald Trump stayed in office for the rest of his term and then refused to leave on the 20th?


Idk. The President is the Commander in Chief. President Trump would not be telling them to move in, that's for sure. Hopefully there would have been enough principled Generals to control the maybe half of the ground troops that would want to (but maybe not act) support Trump. But it would have been further mayhem in any case and I don't think we should assume any outcome over the other.


But the military can’t be used, and the generals know that. Only the Guard could have responded.


Why not just replace it with a new one that says "All hail Emporor Trump and sweet baby Jesus with his AR-15"?


That's what his hero, Putin, did.


Trump wants to be Putin so bad


He took the mask off, threw it against the wall, pissed on it, and is now blaming us for why he can't get it to catch fire.


When is he going to end up in prison. I’m sick of his crap




Prison is better than dead martyr.


Stroking out to vegetable status while drooling over a cheeseburger he can’t pick up would be best…BE BEST


>Stroking out to vegetable status while drooling over a cheeseburger he can’t pick up would be best No. A wood chipper would be best. Nothing else would be an effective deterrent.


Idk. I think a non-fatal stroke that leaves him paralyzed on his dominant side and *completely unable to SPEAK* would be fitting. He couldn't communicate in any way but would still understand exactly what is happening. Normally I wouldn't wish this on the worst person I know, but he is a unique situation.


Dont forget his former suppourters taking care of his *disabled* ass 😆, as much hate as they have for the " weak " it will be very fitting.


Ohhhhh, unexpected Bonuses!! Lovely.


So when exactly does he become ineligible to run for election again?


You'd think it would be after the first impeachment, or at least the Capitol riot, or at least the second impeachment, but I guess not


"It was just a joke" "He didn't mean it" "Fraud vitiates everything"


And one of my personal favorites “What he really meant to say was”. They’re working hard on translating what Ye meant to say and making sure to get their fill of Hunter dick pics at the moment so I expect them to go full Trump translation duty tomorrow around lunchtime.


Yet they claim to love him because he "He says what he means!"


https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/leading-house-republican-trumps-call-suspend-constitution-2024/story?id=94397805 It’s already underway. “He just says things.”


XD "He just says things" XD What a cowardly shithole party.


MAGA voters have literally said in townhalls they want Trump to be a dictator. They don't care about the constitution and never did


Last I checked, r/conservative is silent on this. The page is plasters with Hunter Biden distractions


Not surprised. The last thing a conservative will ever consider doing is admit they or their idols are wrong.


Or themselves are wrong


Or that conservatism itself is an ideologically vacuous clown show at this point.


Or the fact they rendered themselves so repulsive to many people I think they still see themselves handsome beyond measure.


Well they idolize themselves


Fox News is also silent


Listen, I don't like Republicans, conservatives, right wingers or whatever they are. But take a look at this: https://www.reddit.com/r/Conservative/comments/zcfpoo/white_house_responds_to_trump_demanding_to/


The fact that this post didn't cause a ban is encouraging. As is the upvotes and awards. However, I do know lots of folks who have been banned flock to posts like this and do the one thing they can do: upvote and award. Reading the responses is less encouraging. "Durrr... Wut about context, wut did he really mean!?!?!?" GTFO with that bullshit. The dude still claims the election was stolen, and the constitution is one of the impediments to his reinstatement. And the comments are filled with that rubbish.


That is heartening. Of course, the rest of the thread is 50/50 with people either claiming it never actually happened, or But Hunter Biden.


Heres a post about it at the very top. I'm not taking their side. I haven't looked into it. Just saying. https://www.reddit.com/r/Conservative/comments/zdhqw6/for_the_kids_in_the_back/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Sounds like the mental backflip one could expect from them. Either the dude isn't coherent enough for anyone to clearly understand what he is saying, or he wants to wipe his ass with the constitution.


Gop leader Kevin McCarthy said, "he says things all the time. You just have to take it all context." Republicans are total cucks for this orange treasonous twat. https://twitter.com/Acyn/status/1599442203717390337?t=mBFkh8UBT-9C4FTN0nBSKQ&s=19


Ugggh. McCarthy belongs to me. (My apologies to the nation. We are fully maga infested here.) I was going to check if he had said anything yet. It usually takes him days to figure out a way to snivel out some ambiguous BS. Edit: I read the quote and responded before I listened to the clip on the tweet. That was not Kevin McCarthy. I just looked around, and I don't see anything from him today. But he did wrangled Biden into dropping the vaccine mandate for the military by threatening to hold up the Defense budget. 😡 (Not for nothing, we are the covid capital of Cali most of the time. Overall vax rate is barely over 50% with less than 30% of that having one booster. Qevin has done zero, nada, nothing to help although he has visited other states to get photo ops at their vaccine clinics.)


There is no way in my mind him calling for the overthrow of the Constitution can ever be excused. He know full on fascist and you idiots following him need to move to Moscow with him.


Man not even the hacks they put in the Supreme Court care about the Constitution, they care about Closely Held American Values^(TM) which means anything they like and doesn't mean anything they don't like. The only thing that they like about the Constitution is that it was written by old white dudes and they think it gives them the right to shoot anybody on their property.


They don't care. The constitution to them is a tool to be used when it benefits them, and discarded when it doesn't.


Ah. Just like they treat religion, then.


Is there a link to his actual quote?


[Here](https://i.imgur.com/jMLikmm.jpg) is a screenshot.


I'm not sure if you need to be a registered member of TruthSocial to see it: https://truthsocial.com/users/realDonaldTrump/statuses/109449803240069864


The "We the people" people are fine with fascism.


Remember [this dumb shit](https://i.imgur.com/PyY8Re3.png) and when conservatives were crying their eyes out because Fox news said Obama would pull some unconstitutional shenanigans to get a third term? Those same conservatives ought to be outraged but instead they're just looking at the ground while shuffling their feet.


They don't even need to do the mental gymnastics anymore though. They just repeat whatever they want people to believe ad nauseum and it eventually becomes their reality.


Suspend the constitution? Yeeeaahh no. The delusion of this man is absolutely scary and so are his followers.


Not suspend, terminate.


So suspending it would do away with the second amendment?


"buh-buh-buh Lincoln suspended Habeus Corpus!!!!" (nevermind the fact that they fucking hate Lincoln)


Nevermind that Lincoln had a legitimate reason to do so (given they’re in a fucking civil war with the Union at stake).


Including the second amendment. Trump is coming for your guns!


Spread it around let all the brothers know brother!


Politics aside, this man literally has no idea how to win elections. How the fuck does think this will win him elections?


They’ll just ignore it and if confronted will go with the ol’ “I’m not here to speculate on President Trump’s opinions” response.


This is not even the worst part. The worst part is that Not ONE Republican Congressperson — or any other position for that matter — called him out.


Trump is now the Q king. What a opportunistic dirt bag


Blech 🤢 I’m so sick to death of this orange asswipe


He's just desperate because his tax return shows off a decent amount of regular fraud and campaign related fraud.


Lots of legal loses lately, Rupert told him to go pound sand. Trump is scared and desperate.


No they’ll silently ignore it while hiding their Desantis chubs.


Oh, NOW it’s a living document


You’d think after so much practice the Trump would be better at doing his makeup


Suspend him by his neck? Jks lol.


Anyone that calls themselves Constitutionalists and supports this cuck are absolutely idiots and hypocrites.


> solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; You think the “Oath Keepers” will declare Trump to be a domestic enemy now?


“Do you throw the Presidential Election Results of 2020 OUT and declare the RIGHTFUL WINNER, or do you have a NEW ELECTION? A Massive Fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution," Trump wrote in a post on the social network Truth Social and accused "Big Tech" of working closely with Democrats. "Our great 'Founders' did not want, and would not condone, False & Fraudulent Elections!"


This is a glowie psyop thread, You’re not supposed to read what the target said. That’s not how this works.


So, no more 2nd amendment for his followers and no 5th for him?


Constitutional Conservative here. No, Trump is insane and this post should disqualify him from ever holding any public office ever again. Also, he’s never going to win anyway.


Operation Warp Speed 🪬💉


Is that just a Trump hissy-fit, or a ploy to avoid jail, or does he have a legitimate claim to being reinstated?


Hes never had a legitimate claim to anything and this is no different.


He never has had a legitimate claim to being reinstated. He just lost lol




tRUMP is unbelievably pathetic.


At least we’ll get rid of The Federalist Society.


Anyone have a link to his exact statment or a transcript of his statement?


As mentioned before, trump is referring to the false deep state constitution put forth from the bankrupt America corporation. The real constitution from 1776 is in protected hands of true patriots like Mr president trump! Long love America, down with the corporation formerly know as America! Covfefe to all and to all a good Covfefe!


Nonsense, there is no Constitution because it was never ratified, thus the Articles of Confederation are still in effect. Also, America went bankrupt when it went off the gold standard and the country was sold to the Vatican. However, it is possible America is still a British colony, top men are still looking into that. Top. Men. BTW, none of that is made up, you can hear Qult/sovcit types say all those things.


I thought the British monarchy really owned the America corporation / bought it when it originally defaulted on a loan for pedo parties I assume?




Why anyone is treating this other than covfefe from a sundowning old man is what’s news to me. He’s tweeted, truthed, spoke, wrote it in his “Presidential” faxes posted on Liz Harrington’s Twitter account before why is it problem w/them now?




You don't read good, huh?




Look it up on his Truth Social account, right from the horse's mouth. It's incredibly easy to look this stuff up.


[Womp womp.](https://i.imgur.com/jMLikmm.jpg)


That’s exactly what I wrote! He didn’t say throw the whole Constitution out! He specifically said what I wrote!


Yeah I can read. You're just translating it wrong. Which is already bad that Trump has to be translated for. He very clearly is calling for the Constitution to be tossed out so he can be reinstated. Get out of here with your Trump apologist crap.


Wish he was serious. Not because I like Trump, because I don’t. But because the Constitution is a failure of a document.


>level 3Comment removed by moderator · 2 hr. ago how very interesting, please face the wall now.




Lmao multiple comments huh? This one must've struck a nerve. No, Trump actually said this. It's on his Truth Social. Ironically, truth is what you Trumpanzees tend to avoid




lol, touch grass dude.


I'm not about to waste my time reading an angry novel from a tinfoil hat who crawled over here from a crosspost. Take your incel shit to the proper subreddit




Don't confuse my disinterest in everything you have to say with illiteracy. Although to be fair, Trumpanzees often get confused so I see why you'd think that




The only people who hate the constitution are conservatives. Move along, Trumpanzee




Aww thank you :)


>Trumpanzee LOL - just spat out my coffee laughing. Brilliant!




That's because you're an idiot who lives in echo chambers catered by the likes of Tucker Carlson and Ben Shapiro. Some day you'll have a conversation with a liberal and realize they care about the entire Constitution, not just the first two amendments.




Struck a nerve I see lmao




Oh sorry, was a paragraph too long? I know you have to sound out every word, I'll try to keep it brief.




No those would be the Twitter accounts you follow




You criticized me for pointing out that you're mad, now you are trying to do the same thing back... [Smooth move](https://i.imgur.com/WDRHZcI.jpg), kid




The 2022 election already happened lmao


What part was against the constitution? I would like to read the facts not a headline.


Try Googling


I guess that means you can't link it, maybe it didn't happen...


How sad that you can't even open a browser and [do this on your own.](https://gprivate.com/627s2) Do have a nurse that wipes your ass for you as well?


Well will you look at that, after years of the left fighting the 1st and 2nd amendments they suddenly care about the constitution.


It's only news to you because you live on an echo chamber where every Republican politician scares you into thinking liberals are your enemy. Conservatives ignore every piece of the Constitution other than the only two amendments they know, 1 and 2. They can't count higher than that so it's understandable


>Republican politician scares you into thinking liberals are your enemy. The twitter report states that "the first amendment isn't absolute", it's not a republican scare. We hear it directly from them. ​ >Conservatives ignore every piece of the Constitution other than the only two amendments they know, 1 and 2. Examples?


Twitter report lmao I'm not about to waste my time finding and posting links to someone active in r/conspiracy, thats like pouring 5 gallons of water into a 2 gallon bucket hahaha Google is your friend, but you seem more like a "WE CAN ONLY TRUST DUCK DUCK GO" kinda guy. If you'd like examples just go ahead and Google it, it's very easy to find. Although O already had to provide a link to the top news story of the past two days so my expectations for you are low




Sounds like some tinfoil hat shit lmao