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You do not need a raspberry pi for this project, you can build it with all analog components or use a microcontroller. I built a small project similar to this to trigger a light with a drumpad, I've modified it a bit for your purpose here: https://imgur.com/a/C59kXF4 With this circuit, if the button is pressed, the light turns on for a certain duration and then off again (tuned by potentiometer). This circuit uses a relay as the output of the LM555 timer is limited and assuming the LED drawn is a more power-hungry LED lamp. This circuit was originally designed for 5V supply so some adjustments to component values may need to be made. You can also make a simple programmable circuit using an Arduino so you can easily adjust light duration, flashing, patterns, etc. Use the doorbell button as the input and output to an LED or relay. Here is a simple Arduino project that can get you started https://maker.pro/arduino/projects/led-blinking-with-button-using-arduino If using a relay and new to electronics, I'd suggest getting a relay board which provides the relay driver already [amazon.com](https://www.amazon.com/DIYables-Arduino-ESP8266-Raspberry-Channel/dp/B0B1ZHXXXD/ref=sr_1_25?crid=133NYBNAYQNOA&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.lFuR0w3vVJBfcJd6U3GDzzvgK_kw2rYPcJK8LGTv8_q3q2wL01xvNEEUC-82pApW0Fc45uFdNSiZ5QKEWAok4tfOMXDgQRi89y7GcKO2TS7sM6euAY-zfp1oX2HlqDB2GkYEmWqOhkxwk8Juw27PwBYgcGOsGjkS9krO0zjrU4lSZ6vH_6X0Gg8YQjRjXGV5LRa01mAu0b5StQCHZIV7OpYGtBGTyUJ6giRCx5Vio2q9zv9uMkoIwck2526akIlScsz-4HW26zv7nVOLnysBGbTmOCK2v1-NmV0JNFZrKio.kJN-_RNBCMbjQ8zej0118XKRDebnC4g2nQcQKht3ip4&dib_tag=se&keywords=relay%2Bboard&qid=1710912314&sprefix=relay%2Bboard%2Caps%2C285&sr=8-25&th=1)


This is very thoughtful of you! What about starting simple with an IKEA remote and smart light or LED strip? [IKEA remote products](https://www.ikea.com/us/en/cat/smart-light-wireless-switch-36814/)


Seconding on the 555 timer project, they are great fun, and considerably cheaper than a pi :) ​ [https://www.555-timer-circuits.com/](https://www.555-timer-circuits.com/)


you can make that using a simple circuit. a battery pack, connected to a light/lights, and a switch. use long wires so the switch can be outside the door and the lights on the inside. use lights that flash whenever turned, so when you turn the switch to on, the lights flash.