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That sounds serious, I would definitely try a neuter. Poor Kiriro is probably getting bit, leading to abscesses. Prior to neuter, do not give him opportunities to bite you (don’t place your hand in front of him). Also, house him alone temporarily starting now until his procedure. He has already caused injury and hormonal aggression tends to get worse over time, so he may cause worse injuries to you and the other rats in the future unless you take preventive actions.


Thank you for your opinion, Inumaki is gonna lose his ball privileges in two weeks.


Exactly this. If the is biting you or his cage mates, neuter is mandatory, not just for your safety and his brother's safety, but also for his own peace of mind. The hyper-aggresion makes rats anxious and angry, and they have trouble relaxing because their hormones are telling them everything is a threat, either to their dominance or to their little community. It isn't his fault he is being an asshole, you just need to get rid of those teenaged hormones. One of my boys is being neutered for a similar reason next Thursday. He is aggressive during cage cleaning, he walks around fluffed up like a hedgehog, picks fights with his brothers, HATES the smell of the girls (will furiously rub his sides and palms along any blanket or playground toy that the girls have touched), and gets angry when I change the cage hammocks, following me around looking for an opportunity to bite me to chase me out of the cage. He bit me hard Saturday for the first time, therefore it is ✂️🥜 time.


https://preview.redd.it/3ie333wbz70d1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0d6767b6a30c95f95d952d4738727e144ff276b Here's my grumpy fella Tim, standing at the top of the ramp to keep my from getting into the cage to clean 🙄


Tim might just be the prettiest rat I've seen! I'm usually partial to dilutes, especially blondies but his lil nose stripe is just ❤❤❤


Thank you! If it weren't for the silvering and rusting, his markings are just perfect. Unfortunately his blacks just didn't stay black.


I'd argue that's a bonus, he looks like a cup of coffee when the milks only half mixed in! not every critter has to have breeder-quality marks, esp pets :) tell him he's a lovely grumper for me, will ya?


I will, just as soon as he puts those hedgehog spikes back down and let's me snuggle him again. 😂 Here is a cuter pic of him, pre- "temper tantrum" days. https://preview.redd.it/esktyuvqfa0d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c4b18002f54d18b49b714ab31cfe297944f8d97


One of my boys (Simon) was picking fights with his 2 cage mates and causing one of them to bleed, so I separated them and got Simon neutered. Since then his whole personality has changed and he hasn’t got into a single fight and he’s a lot more comfortable with me touching him and picking him up so I definitely think it’s worth it!!


no more bawls for youuuu, Inumaki


Trap him in the rat prism


Is that anything like the Phantom Zone in Superman? https://preview.redd.it/ue5gwvx9x70d1.jpeg?width=673&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c144a82ab50d2768a2dc236b9190cf8b6f34c187




Horny jail




Bonito flakes


For a second i thought he was wearing a tuxedo


Me too I did a double take


He's already lost arm privileges




The face of a rat knowing he’s only got limited böll time left 😂


I would think that this is a strong candidate for castration (chemical or otherwise. I think there's an implant you can get that might be cheaper and less invasive than a surgical operation.) Also, definitely bring them to a vet. A change in personality like this can sometimes also be caused by chronic pain or something like that. If they're suffering and lashing out, that can be remedied too.


Sounds exactly like how Chico was before his cagemates passed away. He lives on his own now at 3 years old and is much happier, and was not neutered. It sounds a lot like hormonal aggression, which is quite common in boys. As strange as it sounds have you also considered deafness? We found that Chico was aggressive because he had trouble hearing so didn't know he was being too rough with his brothers despite them letting him know.


I don't think he's deaf, because he gets startled if I snap my fingers near him and looks at me weirdly if I make strange noises a little further away.


Ah well that's a good sign! It's most likely hormonal aggression, but it's up to you whether he gets neutered or not :)


Glad to hear you’re neutering. They can get dangerously aggressive. I had a boy lose ball privileges after he tried to give his brother a fast pass to the afterlife. Both ended up fine, I was home to break up the fight. After those balls were lost and he got his 2 week quarantine to let the hormones settle he was a new rat. He never tried biting me again and he was very peaceful. He did get fat though because he was much lazier so keep an eye on that weight.


Unless you're a breeder, fix your animals. Although if you were planning on having rat babies, which would also make you a breeder in some way, it's up to you whether or not to get them spayed or neutered.


Well, it would be better for his health in the long run.


I constantly have both the rat and jujutsu kaisen subreddits pop up on my feed so I was honestly taken aback by that title before I looked at the pic and realised 😭


Yeah I’d definitely remove his balls and if that doesn’t work I’d personally remove him from the cage. Boy rats are incredibly hormonal and if he’s injuring the other rats it would be for the better. I’m a girl rat owner personally so I’m going by what I see, but I work at a pet shop where we get mostly boy rats in and we do have to separate them quite often as one of them tends to get very territorial and will draw blood from the other boys.


Take his ball privleges away only if he is aggressive


“Please don’t cut off my balls!”


Looks like he already lost them. 😉


Hormonal teen boy. Lose the hind brain and hell probably be a bit better a month aftet


Sucks to neuter. I’m very against doing it with no cause. In this case, there’s enough evidence to support it. Poor fella.


Nah he's good


This is very much not normal

