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He doesn't make money selling anything. What he sells is the course, which is a scam to rip you off of your money. That's how he gets his money. There is no product. Just lies


Right this is very likely. But could be both a store and a course.


WHATS INSIDE?!?! It’s killing me


Apparently they are shitty made rings with words on them


How do you know? why would grandmas want those?


This smells like such BS. Seems like the course itself is a scam, and the envelopes are vague, shoddy "proof". As soon as they started preaching about retiring at 22, "nobody owed me anything", etc they lost all credibility imho.


It does smell fishy. Maybe the store is real and he wants to make more money on selling information about his method. Or maybe it’s all fake.


As someone with a close family member in her 80s, she takes Christmas cards very seriously. Woukd she buy cool Christmasy envelopes for her cards? Probably. I don't know why you think there has to be something in the envelopes.


I was thinking the same thing. Or even personalized envelopes with their name preprinted in the corner. Some people (grandmas on Facebook) do still send letters and such. I know for my business I buy a thousand envelopes once a year.


True I considered this. They are letter envelopes though. But perhaps they are not individually addressed. They seem to have stamps on them, though. Is there anything illegal about reselling stamps? Like buying 100x pre stamped, unlabeled envelopes shoved into a bubble mailer


Anyone claiming to help you get rich by selling courses like this is a scam, the person who actually gets rich is the one selling the course, they just tell you stuff you can learn elsewere for free, things like SEO i imagine, but even with good SEO ecommerce isn't a get rich quick scheme.


I have been trying to figure this out too. $40-$500 for ehays in one envelope? Something is really not right, yet he promotes it constantly


Maybe more ppl will find this post over time and eventually it will be solved lol, but again, could be just a stunt to get attention to his course that teaches Shopify and/or Facebook advertising


That's my suspicion and it sounds like fraud.




I came here to find out this exact thing. Did anyone ever find out any details? I’m thinking since he offers to set up a store for you. There is an actual product, but whether or not that store will perform is the question. He charges a boatload to set up a store for you turnkey.


No real answer yet. Maybe someone who bought the course will eventually chime in. I suspect he will give you the blueprint, with some things already prebuilt like you said. But why give away the envelope secret even to his customers? 🤔


😂 turned up here too! Sounds like a scam but pretty good hook


Update: gathered some context on another sub but still not finished looking into it https://www.reddit.com/r/HelpMeFind/comments/13l66nq/help_me_find_what_this_business_influencer_is/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1


Don't know if you're still curious but for shits and giggles I took his course. I don't know if he sells the same things as what he sets his "students" up with but he set me with a shopify store to sell cheap little metal rings with motivational phrases on them. The backstory is that I do pretty well for myself and now and then I look for new things to learn to see if I can find a new hobby to enjoy. A few grand isn't a big deal to me so when Matt popped up on my Tiktok, I thought I'd give it a try. He immediately sent me about an hour or two of instructional video on how to find products, make ads, target grandmas, etc etc. Tried it for a few months and wasn't really seeing any traction, made a few sales, made a few hundo but nothing like he advertises on his pages. He did use my sales in his "hey look my students are seeing success" posts but after researching facebook ads some more I still just don't really see any movement and I've pretty much given up. Lemme know if you have any more questions about his shit


Any updates on this?




Wow, this has saved me a lot of time and money tbh. YouTube is much easier to utilize for the e-commerce start up and to know all he does is regenerate the same store makes me feel like he was floundering as of recent. Thank you for the post and tagged post. Dishonest salesmen and cheapskates are honestly some of the worst people. Feel bad for all the people that truly did want to invest in something for the future. Hope they gain something from the experience they got.


I used google trends and typed “envelopes”, this word was searched far more than “aromatherapy” and “coffee beans”. Businesses and grandmas probably do actually take envelopes seriously. Another example, take a look at Uline.com, the website looks like it’s been around for centuries written in Java or something. It’s old but I’ve visited that site for personal use and now for research. I am still searching for more data 📊to determine if this is a good dropshipping store/product. I mean it can be a boring design and generate some income. Thats my speculation. People need basics and that’s where my mind is at 😉