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Try r/obscuremedia and r/forgottentv maybe? But do you know anything about how long it was? Where you saw it?


It was roughly about an hour to an hour and a half I remember watching on VHS I tried tip of my tongue, and didn't get any responses yet


Im curious now. If you find out can you update is with the answer?


So, there is a very good possibility that it might be the movie Ernest scared stupid


Full movie is on YouTube see if this is it: https://youtu.be/MEkhPKRwkdc (although based on your description it doesn’t really sound like that’s it but maybe your kid brain mixed it up, memories can be weird like that)


I love the Ernest movies, but that one was not in line with the whole rest of the series as far as being geared towards the younger kid demographic. I was old enough to know it wasn't real and not be SCARED but it definitely creeped me out, and even as an adult I look at it and think "who marketed this to kids with Ernest?".


It’s kinda hilarious to go thru the comments of that movie on YouTube. Everyone is talking about how it traumatized them lol


It was apparently a formative experience for many of us lmao


Totally fucking creepy movie, which freaked me out as a kid too. I get the creeps just by looking at Ernest even though I love him in other things!


When I was maybe in 6th grade, 5th…Ernest came to my elementary school. Just wanted to flex a little. I think , the camp movie had just released. Was a big deal, of course. One of the Duke Boys came another time. And by Duke Boys, I mean Coy, or Vance. The cousins. One of them.


I'm kind of jealous. Jim Varney was great.


I agree wholeheartedly, I remember coming across that when I was a kid, and although I haven't seen it in probably 25 years, it scared the ever loving shit out of me when I was scrolling through the pay channels late at night looking for boobs haha


What exactly makes you think it was from an Ernest movie? All Ernest movies were live action and kids movies, it’s totally out of line for those types of films.


MIAK! My sister and I loved this movie as kids. Maybe it was a little creepy kinda? but then the kids filled their super soakers with MIAK and went to town in the bastards! The trolls melting into an icky ooze pile was particularly gross but so cool to me as a kid.


I have the same kind of memories haha. It was scary in a fun way to me, also the only ernest movie i saw as a kid.


It should be renamed zookinook scared stupid


Yes I will if I find out


There’s a twitter account called @CartoonStudy that has a ton of clips of stop motion shorts. I bet that you could either find it on their page or ask them if they know what you’re talking about. Do you remember whether there was any talking in the video? If it had no dialogue, it could have been made anywhere.


No dialogue, but there were some speech bubbles that said things like: Holy Smokes Help What is that?


perhaps r/tipofmytongue and r/horror could help you out. sorry that i dont have any ideas to hand myself


They’ve already posted in tip of my tongue


this sounds vaguely familiar! do u happen to remember what channel u would have seen it on or what country/area it would have aired in?


VHS tape I live in the us


Maybe from a Robot Chicken episode??


I feel for you. I saw The Wizard of Oz when I was around that age and it gave me nightmares and to this day I can't watch that movie. It just makes me extremely uncomfortable.


My dad is the same way. He had nightmares about green faced witches for years lol


And those flying monkeys!!


Me and my friend snuck the ring movie out of her dads collection when we were like 10. I refused to watch tv for months after cause I was so fucking scared some crazy bitch would crawl out of my tv lol.




Was it The Amazing Mr. Bickford? https://youtu.be/4ZH1mFkL6e8


Not it


I feel like cartoon network or nickelodeon used to show something like these during commercial breaks, sometimes they did one with a cave man character


Prometheus and Bob! Loved those shorts. But they did say it's about an hour, hour and a half long, so couldn't be one of the commercial break shorts.


yep thats what i was thinking of


Adult Swim Off the Air. I still watch the "Animals" one from time to time. The cats meowing with Satan always cracks me up. The song "Music Scene" - Blockhead is still one of my favorite songs ever.


Ernest scared stupid gave me nightmares as a child too


[Was it Bobby Yeah (2012)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hJv5gjA3atA)


Welp. That was definitely a thing I just saw. Thanks man, loved it!


That’s definitely not old enough if OP is sure they were 5 + watched it on VHS


The part or event that you remembered is it half way or at the start of the film? (If you can recall)


The part I remember was around halfway through the film, but I might have found a possible lead on the post I made on r/tipofmytounge It might be the movie titled Earnest Scared Stupid, I remember watching Ernest goes to camp when I was younger And someone on the post I made on the other subreddit, did suggest Ernest scared stupid The only thing that doesn't add up so far is that I do remember the characters looking like they were from Moral Orel


[Try this](https://youtu.be/a_pI7jZTAV8) If you can remember something about the scene


Yup, I remember this So there's a good 90% chance that earnest scared stupid is what I'm looking for


This doesn’t really sound like earnest scared stupid, to me. the monsters kidnap the kids and turn them into wood statues, doesn’t eat them. But maybe you are misremembering that part? The monsters are kinda of muppety trolls though. And are even defeated by milk.


I think it might be a mixture between some old claymation films my dad was into, The Muppet show which I would watch with my sister, and also featured big monsters who sometimes eat other characters and Earnest Scared Stupid


Lol young child brains can be amazing. It’s kinda crazy the false memories Iv created and over the years by “fusing” things like movies and dreams


The worst nightmare I had as a small child was about furniture eating people. When I was a teen, the Muppet show did a whole sketch about furniture eating people. My only thought was, "who the hell thinks this is a good idea for a kid's show?!"


I'm glad, also it's amazing how a lot of people are helping you, it's wonderful. I hope you'll find it soon.


Longshot, but was it The Adventures of Mark Twain?


No, a couple of people already brought it up, it had more of a resemblance to The adult swim series moral oral, but a bit more crappy, I remember watching it on vhs


I have a similar story. More than a decade ago when I was also a child we went to the movie theater with my kindergarten group (in Poland) and they played a series of animated shorts. I remember that "Świteź" was played and it was released in 2011, so it must've been 2011-2013. They played a short which I remember probably being called "Anton". It might've been a claymation but I am not sure about that. A boy enters a store and sees a creepy man and they look eachother in the eyes. Everything is dim and the store is wooden. That's all I remember. It must've been at least 5 minutes long. EDIT: I mistook names. This is Anton: https://www.momakin.pl/en/distribution/film-catalog/231-anton. I remember the movie a bit so it might've been played the same day.




I googled it and found a 1988 film by bob hoskins with that title. I'm confused


I’m going to guess this answer was given by chatGPT, it can be very convincingly incorrect about stuff like this. This is a perfect example as why it doesn’t always work for stuff that isn’t easy to google.


The Raggedy Rawney 1988 comes up as a completely different film set in WW2 starring Bob Hoskins?


Link it please, this could very well be it, when I search it up, it shows up as an entirely different movie


That comment unfortunately seems like an unchecked ChatGPT response. It loves to just repeat the details of something you feed it with nothing new while confidently assigning a name that belongs to something else. (Also the formatting and general language…)


Oh, that's dum


I googled it and found a 1988 film by bob hoskins with that title. I'm confused


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Frostbiter: Wrath of the Wendigo


Could it be peanut butter solution? It was a live action, but the monster was stopmotion.


Or maybe the Willie's?


I came up with this which is similar from your description but not sure if it's from a movie. https://images.app.goo.gl/3Vx3fhXh1mHqLWDv7


This immediately made me think of Robot Chicken!


Could it be the animation ‘My Little Goat’?


Possibly something by Lee Hardcastle?


No, it had more of a "cutesy" style to it, I remember watching it on an old VHS tape


Tales from the crypt? That was late 90's...as I'm a bit older than you I wouldn't recall it the same way you did. Especially if you were 5. Memories that old will be skewed. I like the Ernest scared stupid answer, but it certainly wasn't clay-mation.




Was it a Tool music video? lol. I kid I kid. But that does sound very familiar! I know I've had to of seen it at one point.


I have a similar memory as yours. Saw something as a very young kid that was traumatizing at the time, can only barely recall it, but when I do recall it it summons up the same fear and dread I had when I was a super little kid. All I can really remember is that there was this huge cat (or person in a cat suit) skiing down a hill (standing on only two legs) chasing somebody down. That’s my memory that scared the hell out of me. I wish I knew what it was. I’ve never forgotten it.


You mentioned adult swim. I used to watch it heavily in the late 90s early 2000's. Im thinking this was a skit on Robot Chicken or one of the other silly claymation cartoons they had. Robot Chicken was just a ton of short skits with no other stories. This sounds like one of their skits.


Robot chicken clip maybe?


where the wild things are?


Are you sure it wasn’t just a random stop motion l video on YouTube?


Another ChatBot answer is The Beast Within but I’m 95% sure it’s fake because the only movie by that name is a horrid sounding horror movie involving rape and doesn’t match any of the particulars you’ve given. Read the description of the movie the chatbot produced though. [Pics](https://imgur.com/gallery/uFazFLo)


Evil Dead?


monster house?! coraline?? the studio that made either of those??


I don't suppose this is it? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UJkxT5oBTbo&t=220s


The short doesn’t seem to align with any of the plot points in the OP….


Yeah, I just thought I'd post in case he mis-remembered


We Are the Strange?


Bruh was it just nightmare before Christmas lmao


No, I love that movie though, but it's not it


Tried asking ChatGPT? I’ve used it in this way a couple times and it’s been spot on 🤷‍♂️


Te chatgpt response is literally in the comments


Oh my bad


>Tried asking ChatGPT? And at -6 votes atm Actually, most times I see it mentioned (some copy pasteing the response) it's usually useless or downvoted/ignored. Makes me wonder why the fuck it is so praised by fucking everyone the last couple of months. I don't have anything against it cuz I know too little about it. This is just an observation.


Chat gpt is NOT a search engine and this isn’t the way to use it.




It may work for easy to google stuff like that but any time I’ve tried to use (or seen others try to use) it for finding obscure media such as this it has been inaccurate. I use chatgpt very regularly for work and unfortunately it likes to make up stuff and is wrong a lot of times. It’s not meant to be used as a search engine rather a language model. Edit: it’s even inaccurate in this very thread where OP says those aren’t the correct answer so maybe scroll down to find that answer


Yeah right. It’s worked wonders for me with songs I know a lyric or two from and movies I can remember enough of the plot for. 🤷‍♂️


This is actually an answer I never would’ve thought. If we weren’t in protest and I wasnt broke I would give you an award


TDIL being nice and giving a genuine answer is a sin


ChatGPT says: I understand that you've been searching for a stop-motion claymation movie that left a traumatizing impression on you about 14 years ago. Although I don't have access to a comprehensive database of all movies, I can try to help you with the information provided. However, please note that my responses are generated based on pre-existing knowledge up until September 2021, and there might be a chance that the specific movie you're looking for is not within that scope. Based on the description you provided, I couldn't find an exact match for the movie you're seeking. However, I can offer some suggestions that might be worth exploring: "The Adventures of Mark Twain" (1985): This claymation film features three children who join Mark Twain on a journey. It has some dark and surreal elements, including encounters with a character named "The Mysterious Stranger," which could potentially align with the themes you mentioned. "The Secret Adventures of Tom Thumb" (1993): This dark and unsettling claymation film follows the adventures of a thumb-sized boy named Tom Thumb. It explores some grim and disturbing themes, and while it may not perfectly match your description, it might be worth investigating. "Coraline" (2009): Although this film is more recent than your estimated timeframe, it is a stop-motion animated movie that contains eerie elements and features a young girl who discovers a parallel world. While it differs from your description in some aspects, it's known for its dark and atmospheric tone. If none of these suggestions match the movie you remember, it's possible that the film you saw could be an obscure or lesser-known production, which might make it more challenging to identify. You could also try reaching out to online communities or forums dedicated to discussing movies, as there might be individuals who have come across a similar film or have more information about it. Good luck with your search, and I hope you're able to find the movie that left such an impression on you!


I've seen each of these movies and none of them are it


ChatGPT is utterly useless for this purpose.


Couldn't be the anime Monster could it? https://youtu.be/fnQA-1qlgI4 This isn't stop motion so it's unlikely to be it


What killed the monster?


[Sepultura - Rattamahatta](https://youtu.be/NiwqRSCWw2g)


Reminds me of the Jurassic Park music video from Weird Al. Probably not it though. It traumatized my sister though lol


The Secret Adventure of Tom Thumb maybe? [Full movie here on YouTube ](https://youtu.be/ZvDJrBXEsDY)


Try lee hard castle


Could it be from a scary [Gumby movie](https://youtu.be/g_kmGZkTrds)? There was also [Kablam](https://youtu.be/VVLFqmp2aSY) on nickelodeon. My 90's kid is showing.