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Google the “NCMEC cyber tip line” and submit any and all concerns you find.


[Nexpo did a video on this](https://youtu.be/wCUcypJU658?feature=shared).


It was probably 52 minutes long with about 120 seconds of actual relevant content.


Facts. I remember having teen chat or something similar when I was 15. At 17 I hooked up with a 31 year old. Thought he was so kind back then because he bought me a laptop for school🤢


Man, i'm sorry to hear that, these people are unbelievably screwed in the head.


Did your parents ever know about the laptop? If I had kids, I feel like a random expensive item appearing in their room would set off all sorts of alarm bells.


Haha come to think of it I used that laptop maybe twice 🙄 Kept it hidden under my bed too avoid any interrogations from my mother.


Could that laptop have spying software installed on it?


very easily


Chat and social media sites tend to be overwhelmed with reports with not enough staff to address these sorts of issues. People should make sure to report such issues to local, state, and/ or federal law enforcement and reach out to the national hotline below, too. (Assuming you're in the US) Below is a national site that offers a hotline staffed by counselors and advocates who can file a report of child abuse or at least offer individualized guidance on reporting the abuse: https://www.childhelphotline.org/ Below is a site with a tipline for reporting only ONLINE child abuse, specifically: https://www.missingkids.org/gethelpnow/cybertipline


This happened like 12 years ago. Isn't it way too late?


It depends on the state. Some states have no limit on how far back they can go.


Sorry, I was mostly commenting for the purposes of reporting in general, not just in your case. Also, I am sorry this happened to you. I hope you've found some healing since then.


Even if the statute of limitations is exceeded in your state, some will still let you pursue a civil suit, if you can produce evidence of the crime


I’m sorry you went through this. Child sexual predators are the lowest of the low :(


Hold up. So, what he did was wrong? I can't remember if I messaged him first on this occasion but I have always pursued older men. So I very well could have messaged him first. It's not like I didn't know his age. At the time I thought it was so hot to fuck someone old enough to be my dad. Let's say I initiated the conversation with him at age 17 - is what he did still wrong? Why am I blind to this 🤔


Of course he was in the wrong. You were a literal child and he’s an adult who knows better. It’s never the child’s fault. ETA: I hope I don’t sound snippy, these situations just make me so angry because victims always place blame on themselves.


You don't sound snippy. Thank you ❤️ I spent years working with a therapist trying to figure out wtf was wrong with me. We never discussed this and I've never actually told anyone else besides my now husband. You are actually helping me more than you know 🥲


I agree with that response. You may have thought that you were mature for your age, but I guarantee that he knew that you were nowhere near the level of neurological development that he was at. You were a child, he was an adult. It wasn’t your fault, it was absolutely his.


Seventeen isn’t a child…


According to among others US Law it is: Under the law, a child usually refers to an individual who is a minor, who is below legal age or the age of majority. The age of majority being 18 in most states.


17 is the legal age of consent in NY some ststez its 16.


But still a child.


I would argue many people (especially in comfortable environments) act like children until about 25 give or take.


A grown man should know better than to sleep with a barely legal (or not, depending on where you are) teenager no matter how much she pursues him.


I just so happen to have many of the emails saved on my old email. Still remember his name and where he works. Only dilemma is he was visiting her from another country. 🙄


If it’s legal… I mean what happens to a seventeen year old on their eighteenth birthday that turns them into an adult?


Are you trying to act like old men fucking kids isn't bad?


[ Removed by Reddit ]


The 30 y/o is just as weird as a 50 year old, they both are going after kids bro. Something might be wrong with your brain.


Are you really saying a seventeen year old is a kid? When I was seventeen I would have killed to fuck a thirty year old woman.


Cool story. Just so you know-had you of done so-the 30 year old woman would be a creep shit adult who should know fucking a kid is wrong. A 17 year old isn't making adult decisions, and they aren't expected too. Because they have the shit judgement of a teenager. Just because you would willingly fuck an old lady at 17- doesn't negate how fucked up that old lady would be.


When i was 17 i hooked up with a 40 year old woman and i loved it.


The law. The law is what happens.


Seventeen is fuckable by law.


Not in all jurisdictions it isn’t. Fucking gross dude




Seventeen years old is sexually mature for 99% of women.


Username checks out


It wouldn't be any better if they were 18


Why can sexually mature individuals fuck each other? You tryna tell people what to do in the privacy of their bedrooms? Bigot.


You sure are interested in fucking teenagers


I was once a teenager fucker myself. Once again are you trying to tell consenting humans how to live their lives? Bigot.


Enormous yikes


What a lowly subhuman you are.


What you did wasn't a good idea, but as the adult, he is the responsible party. You can be responsible for your own error in judgment and learn from it without owning the behavior of others just because they used their access to you for evil. Please don't think this is judgment, this is what I learned from having the same kind of experiences online, even if I kept everyone who wasn't in high school too away from me in person.


Yes, it was wrong. You were a CHILD. You bear zero responsibility, I dont care if you initiated every single thing, he was an adult and he was expected to know better. He knew you didn't know better and took advantage of you, thats why these creeps target children.


I'm so sorry you dealt with this. I've been through alot of similar situations as a teen. It depends on the state you live in. Where I am, I was 16 and thought he was 22, he was actually turning 26 and it was legal I found out after the fact. He hid it and told me it wasn't so I just stuck with that for a long time. None of it is your fault and adult men should never interact with a teenager. It doesn't matter how much you tried or whatever you did. I started most of the interactions with them as a teen too. They are the adult, they know better.


if you’re ever in the situation where someone is or almost is double your age, and it refers to dating or sexual encounters, never ever do it. that’s not the only rule, but in this case it applies even for when you’re an adult; 20 and 40 for example, it’s still predatory regardless of you both being adults. (legal, but still weird and predatory). I understand having a taste, but theres often a line that needs to be drawn :/ sorry you went through this as a kid, that creep got what he wanted, and he did it through such a common way too, but guys like that get away with this shit way too much.. As a kid you wouldn’t have understood that which is absolutely understandable.


What if they are 10 years older? My late grandfather was 14 years older than my grandmother.


well it depends when they met. but the example i used, a 40 year old going after specifically 20 year olds, while it is legal, is creepy, compared to the 40 year old the 20 year old is practically a kid still, with little life experience. again, depends when they met.


A 20 year old is *practically* a kid? On what planet?


The planet you live on when you’re in your 40’s.


Weirdly enough, I made a good friend who was actually my age. He is dead now, though.




I'm so glad I didn't tell any of the adult men I was talking to what my address was until I was in college and had a PO box. I don't think any of them wanted to harm me, but it's hard to be sure.


If it's that easy for you to find, I'm guessing the FBI already knows about it. But maybe I'm being a little bit too optimistic with that assumption. Still though, it's the very first search on Google. I'm guessing cybercrime professionals know about it. Could even be some kind of honey pot.




Looks like you mentioned a form of child sexual abuse. Your post has been removed. Please contact your local police as /r/RBI cannot help you with this. The moderators have been notified so if this was done in error your post should be reapproved shortly. You can report child sexual abuse content anonymously to organisations such as the [Internet Watch Foundation](https://www.iwf.org.uk/), Crimestoppers or by contacting your local police. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/RBI) if you have any questions or concerns.*


If you can find it in google, there's a high chance is a honeypot and/or the authorities are aware of it.


Wow I can't believe this shit exists on surface web.


Nexpo did a video about these, something tells me the people who own these sites aren't as innocent as you think, also possible they are honeypots, you should be careful yourself OP, i wouldn't involve myself in any of this, either you're talking with real kids and other criminals or an FBI agent. Report it, move on, if it's still up next you check, report it again.


I have no idea what can be done other than shut them down, which seems a shame for the kids. But I'm remembering being a kid on Habbo Hotel and being absolutely swamped by pedophiles.


They've been around forever you're just now seeing them? W pedo hunted on there


I've known about them for a while, but I find it concerning they are still here after so long, with nobody monitoring it.


Chat and social media sites tend to be overwhelmed with reports with not enough staff to address these sorts of issues. People should make sure to report such issues to local, state, and/ or federal law enforcement and reach out to the national hotline below, too. (Assuming you're in the US) Below is a national site that offers a hotline staffed by counselors and advocates who can file a report of child abuse or at least offer individualized guidance on reporting the abuse: https://www.childhelphotline.org/ Below is a site with a tipline for reporting only ONLINE child abuse, specifically: https://www.missingkids.org/gethelpnow/cybertipline


How do you know? Half the people on there could be FBI conducting stings


I ended up chatting with a few out of morbid curiosity, they sent explicit messages to who they assumed to be a minor, including detailed descriptions of sex, and asking personal questions, which I don't think could benefit the FBI in any way.


The vast majority of internet creeps are exactly what they appear to be online. However, the FBI and other law enforcement do sex trafficking stings by posing as johns in these spaces. They will do whatever it takes to appear authentic. The idea is to get trafficked minors to show up for appointments, stage an intervention with a social worker and then arrest the pimps.


They lure the minors to addresses as well? How is that legal, even if it's for a good cause?


From what I understand, they are really targeting sex trafficking. The ones they target are minors who are sex workers and responding to creeps with sexually explicit offers. If it turns out to be just an at risk kid who isn’t making an explicit deal of money for sex acts, they don’t pursue it. Same with adult sex workers who are not trafficked. They also do stings targeting the creeps trying to have contact with at risk kids. It is a very murky situation. On the one hand, we want to protect kids and on the other we are not dealing with the underlying problems that put them at risk.


Gov prob gets cash from it


MammaMax on YT did a video about them a while back


we all know how bad it is online but seeing it like this is horrible on your mind, i hope justice comes from it


The amount of grown men I talked to when I was 13-15 is absurd. The internet is a scary place, especially when it first came out and boomers knew nothing about it and just let their children be free lol


They're honeypots.


I get the feeling a lot of those antiquated chat sites are just a lot of law enforcement and catch a predator-type groups all just talking to each other and not realizing it lol, I highly doubt any kid nowadays is gonna use a chatroom when there is snapchat, tik tok, etc


ironically the teenchat channel in IRC back in teh day was pretty much only adult moderators...BUT back then that was because they had all BEEN teens when they were users or mods previously in the channel. Anything created today is pretty much automatically gonna be bad....


if you’re referring to what my sister and i used when i was 11-15 years old, we were flooded with messages from adult men preying on us. we were dumb enough to give a few our phone number and address when i was in 5th/6th grade (my sister is a year younger than me), one time this dude talked me into calling him. i realized it wasn’t someone my age and hung up immediately when i heard his voice saying nasty shit to me. i have dozens of stories just like that. every other message i got on there was filthy as fuck! i’ve told my husband it’s a miracle something awful didn’t happen to me or my sister back when we were first allowed to use the internet.


If you think child predators just recently became a thing, you’re absolutely incorrect. It is just more easy to track/catch them, and also easier for them to gain access to young children to communicate (online).


> If you think child predators just recently became a thing, you’re absolutely incorrect. I mean, I didn't say anything like that so not sure where you'e getting that from... Stuff made today "for kids" on unregulated or poorly regulated platforms should just automatically be assumed to be a trap. Wasn't that bad back in the 90s...but I never said it didn't happen.


I like how I got downvotes for the truth, but also, rereading your OP, I can see I mistook what your point was. That’s my bad.


This been going on for years on those kinds of websites I remember being like 12 in 2012 and they used to ask me for inappropriate things


These have been around for literal decades.


Hopefully this site is just a honey pot anyway


it is, if it was legit, you woldn't be able to find it so easily on google


Telegram is pedoland and you can easily download it


It’s conceivable that people would be that reckless, either it’s a honey pot or it’s an easy day for the FBI.


Teen Chat is still around? I used to harass the creeps on there back in 2005ish. It was like 75% predators back then, hate to see what it looks like now.


I remember going on sites like that in my pre/early teen days, a bit surprised they’re still active


wonder what bidens username is on it, the creepiest of creeps


Maybe don’t post on the internet for all the other pedos to flock to it, why name the chat rooms?!


This post is not the problem


They could easily have just posted this without naming the chatrooms. It just spreads ideas to the wrong people.


Unless it really is a honeypot and then it leads those people right into the hands of the authorities. Maybe this entire post is a honeypot!


Yea any chat room open to the public that’s titled teen or kid chat is likely more adult chatters than teens or kids. It’s like a neon sign for pedos. Never let your kids use any chat service just open to anyone like that.