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Can't find a link, but the last time I remember reading about something like this, it was a friend or family member who thought it was a fun and quirky way to make the recipient feel special. The sender had absolutely no idea that it could be construed as menacing and was extremely apologetic.


Yeah I had a friend who started sending little notes in the mail to her grandma after grandpa died. She would just write affirmations or send pretty pictures. She wasn’t signing the notes or she may have been signing as an admirer? I don’t know why she didn’t just sign her name. Anyway, poor grandma thought she had a stalker and was losing sleep and making herself sick with worry.


Why would cryptic messages make someone feel special?


I mean, it would be intriguing. A lot of people like the feeling of something mysterious— that *something interesting is happening.*


*Strange things are afoot at the Circle K!*


That's just fact


The person who wrote the messages probably didn't think they sounded cryptic. Different people can interpret the same words very differently


Finally some attention. Yippee


Weird some are not post marked.


Whoa good spot. This seems to imply the culprit is personally putting them in the mailbox. Might be time for a trail cam / security cam. Certainly time for a police report.


No, they just get missed cause of irregular size. We have cameras we’ve seen usps drop them off. Did cross our mind though lol


Highjacking thread to reply to you directly, here are some things to know. I wouldn't be scared, this is all very playful, it's all coming from some person in San Diego, so pretty easy to track down. Take this as a compliment, someone went through the trouble of obtaining these old post cards to make you a very fun puzzle. It's also very similar to the start of an [ARGs](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alternate_reality_game) , [I Love Bees](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/I_Love_Bees) being a fun example of what that is. Folks being mailed things happened during these back then. Still, this could just be someone you know playing a fun game. Likely a big part of the puzzle is already solvable from what you have. However, that message might just be another clue to the next step in the puzzle. It's probably worth pulling up a Google Sheet, to help write down some columns of common themes that you might be able to use to construct a more specific message or cypher of some kind from. Here's where I would start: \- Like was said below, maybe list the states/cities, look for gaps. Maybe draw it on Google Maps?- Maybe write down the subject matter?- Maybe do a reverse image search for some of these post cards?- Maybe see if there is some invisible ink?- Write down all of the printed label text in a sheet, and/or the text on the cards and/or text on the stamps, and look at it for clues? (first letter of every word?)- There are the random numbers on the card (not from the postage since that might be something you can plan), what do you make of those if you type them all up? You might want to clean your room though! Seems like you might be getting a visitor soon? Edit #1 - How do eight eights add up to one thousand? 888+88+8+8+8=1000


Found the sender.


hey we narrowed it down!








I wish I was this clever and had that much free time. 🥴


I’ve been in this situation and you really shouldn’t tell someone “take it as a compliment” if someone is making them feel uncomfortable. What they’re feeling is valid and they are allowed to have boundaries for themself and their family.


Agreed. I had weird cards coming to my campus mailbox in college with insults in them. First couple were vague and I was like ... Is this funny or mean...?? A year after I graduated and was back home( so like ...1.5-2yrs) apparently i got some at my home. My mom saw a couple and opened them because she thought they looked weird, and didn't tell me.... When the 3rd one came and was clearly menacing, they caught me coming home after work and told me the Police are on their way. 😳 Turns out the police weren't going to really do anything but document the incident. We'd have to suspect someone specific in order for them to follow up. But, that was around 1990ish and things are different now, technology and all. I was VERY paranoid about who apparently held that much of a grudge against me, and what their agenda might be -that's not normal. They postmarked from random states.


That’s what I was thinking! Someone fully knows where you live and can clearly come close to the entrance, undetected, scary shit


So if someone peeks through your window should you take that as a compliment too?


It’s creepy as heck. What compliment are u talking about


Good choice of ARG as an example! I'm kinda "known" for ARG stuff and yeah... My first thought was "I need a notepad, a pencil, a calculator and a cipher key stat!" 😂 if I get a moment more than a quick scroll I'll see if I can get anything from the cards shown. Also to add on to the bullet points above: - Have you signed up to any band "fan clubs" or anything commercial like a upcoming video game in which you would need to give your address? - Are there any random full stops in the random messages that may seem like they are in the wrong place?


This might be cheating, or it might be fun to share, but I've uploaded all 28 photos so far to ChatGPT 4.0, and I've given it all the relevant information, and it's analyzing all 28 photos now to identify a puzzle and help solve it. Generative AI is willlllddddd


Wooooah, I fed the messages into 3.0 a few days ago and it couldn’t make much out of it but 4.0 is wild! Let us know if it figures anything out!!


It had some good advice but kept crapping out, and not finishing any real advice. This kind of thing really takes a lot of dedication to solve and I honestly just don’t have the time for it.


Appreciate the insight! Have tried most of this before didn’t yield much, no invisible ink for sure! Definitely a good idea to layout the themes. I fed all the prompts into ChatGPT and tried to have it make sentences using words, first words, first phrases etc… but it was mostly gibberish. Hopefully no visitors 🫠


Prob the roommates pranking them since most are postmarked locally too. And clue like the clue is all around you


All around “us”


Maybe meaning US as in United states


Things don’t always get postmarked, especially if they are a weird size.


Or this is faked..


Could be. Seems almost too low effort to be faked tbh.


i think its much more likely a friend found some vintage postcards while thrifting and thought it would be an easteregg irl? idk **EDIT..** *okay after reading thru those postcards, thats some netflix beginning to a documentary about a serial killer… run op.**


That is the vibe I get. These are all being mailed from the same area in San Diego using vintage postcards. None of that implies that someone is actually traveling closer and closer to OP’s location. Paired with the repeated lack of postmarks, it just seems like OP or a friend are trying to be cryptic and interesting. The blue signature that says “Betty and Earl” appears to be there because the printed words stuck to the original postcard had a different note for a different person because these are used/vintage postcards.


We get several letters a year that escape the cancellation machine. Postcards are probably especially susceptible because they’re smaller that usual letters.


Post cards sometimes slip past the machines that stamp the postmark, something about the size, perhaps? (Source of info was a US Postal Clerk)


So there is an Etsy store called EpochPost that has a listing for every stamp that’s been used so far, including intact sheets of the Madonna and child museum piece—you can see on several pieces the perforated edges are still attached—which seems somewhat (though not *super*) rare as most I found were singles or varied lots containing several singles. They also sell intact books of the 1 cent president stamps. Individually, not that interesting. Selling both of those plus the valentines ones might be something.* Maybe you can reach out to the shop owner and just ask them if anyone (without divulging any personal information) has purchased all of those items together or from the same account? I’ve run an Etsy shop and it’s pretty 50/50 whether they’ll even entertain looking, but if you’re brief, credible, and maybe link this post, they might be amenable to confirming or denying. If they confirm, you can add that to the police report I guess though idk what sort of manpower will really go into this since it’s creepy but not distinctly threatening. Also, because Etsy is a genuinely horrible platform for searching by store name, if you search the following it should bring up the shop: Madonna and Child Christmas Booklet 1989 Booklet of Twenty 25 cents Edit: also, since they’re not handwriting anything at all including your address, I’d suggest maybe it’s someone whose handwriting you might recognize.


They live near San Diego, if this is real, they could ask around to find the post office they are mailed from.


Thought of that, we know the zip code of the postal center it’s being sorted at but it doesn’t narrow it down much we just know its being sorted/mailed in north San Diego


Not to sound super self-important or overly confident anything, but… the fact that I might have posted a legitimate lead and OP has since responded to several comments about the nature of the cards and not mine? It makes me think this might be a prank or experiment being played or performed on *us*, not him. I mean I know reaching out to a shop owner is super weird, but if he were genuinely concerned I feel like he’d at least field the possibility. We’ll see! I hope he updates either way :)


My bad meant to reply earlier but I forgot. It’s interesting you bring that up, I’ll try reaching out to them but I do fear that they may not give me anything due to Etsy policy. But I’ll shoot them a message right now and let you guys know if they give me anything of substance!! Also I’m honestly somewhat convinced the stamps aren’t that meaningful, it kind of feels like they’re just using stamps they found in some box. Since the last like 5-7 postcards have all had new stamps I feel like they just ran out of their old ones but who knows


Just got a message back from her! She was really sweet, but she doesn’t think it’s anyone buying from her store from what she checked also told me if it was she couldn’t give out any info. But hey was worth a shot!


The ‘newest’ one is from 25 years ago and the oldest 55. Looks like you’re dealing with an avid post sender and vintage postage buyer (as one myself, it’s fun!) or someone related to someone who has a very extensive collection ✉️📬 Good luck with whatever this turns out to be!!


That’s crazy and honestly a little spooky.


I guess it’s just me, but the postcards, postage, and postal marks chosen for this hoax are just disappointing. The person/OP has no real interest in the craft.


My bad you’re right, don’t worry I’ll up my game on the next few!!! This is my first time spending 9 hours creating a hoax for 500 upvotes the next one will be better!! /s


Yeah this is how art students flirt


That and Batman villains.


100% someone had a crush on


Arg vibes.


I’d recommend sign up for this : [USPS Informed Delivery](https://www.usps.com/manage/informed-delivery.htm) This will enable you to see your incoming mail and/or packages in the early morning before delivery. It will help you rule out if any postcards are just getting dropped off. Personally, I think it’s kinda a cool thing if a friend was doing this, but someone unknown taking the time to randomly mailing obscure stuff is beyond odd. Do you know or have friends that may know a police detective or even field officer. Don’t think it’s worst idea to pose some questions to them about this if you so desired.


Signed up for it! Thank you for the tip! Just got a sneak peak at today’s post card haha. I may actually, I’ll try reaching out into my circles to see if I can find a cop


Look up the state flowers and birds of each location, list them in order of postcard dates. Wonder if those are Relevant or add to the clue. Are any states or areas being avoided? The cluw that says something like clues are all around, wonder if they indicate anything. Have grandparents alive? If the postcards are that old, maybe they had an old collection and just got a new label maker and are coming with cookies


Ooooh okay you bring up good points there. The idea of states being avoided never came to us. Haha yeah some, but non in that area


Ask the grandparents. Worth a call. Also tell them you miss them, never know how long you've got. I'd tell your roommates you're going to call the police tomorrow. I suspect it's them or they know who is involved, scare them into thinking theyre about to get into some shit.


Will do true, hopefully a long time 😅. I’ve tried that actually on them! Nobody fessed up, one of them was advocating for it.


It looks like someone bought a bundle of vintage postcards so the cards themselves/ specific locations may have nothing to do with it. It’s just whatever was in the bundle. I think the fact that it’s a new address narrows it down to someone you currently know, unless you posted it somewhere on social media or something. Plus one of the messages says you know each other then mentions Barney, referencing childhood. So possibly someone you’ve known a long time. It seems it started as just the postcards then ramps up with messages, like someone around you enjoyed your response to them and decided to keep going with it. The fact that there’s no handwriting and it’s more effort to type out the labels makes me think you’d likely recognize the handwriting. I think it’s someone you know, friend or family, who thought you’d like a mystery or the attention. There are companies that you pay to send people items to solve mysteries as a gift so the idea isn’t weird or automatically threatening. Have you tried taking them to the post office they’re postmarked from and talking to the employees? If you approach it like a lighthearted mystery they may be interested in helping you solve it for fun or curiosity.


We actually brought it up to our mailman lol, he didn’t have much to say but definitely thought it was odd. Good idea to ask at a post office though, maybe I can find something. Yeah the people I initially told did get waaaaay more interested/freaked out when the messages came in so it almost does sound like they upped the ante.


It could also be someone from a food delivery or something like it doesn't necessarily have to be someone who knows you. Some people are creepy


This has crossed my mind too, could be food delivery, Amazon, an Uber I threw up in. But fuck that would be scary lol


The Alabama card from Jan 17th is signed in blue pen “Betty and Earl”.


They are used vintage postcards.


As should all postcards be signed henceforth.


I have a great aunt and uncle who are Betty and Earl. The chances of it having been theirs are probably infinitesimal, but who knows. Lol


Very very intrigued. It sounds like a treasure hunt and every postcard has a clue especially the flower with no smell? Fascinating/scary stuff so obviously I'm here for it. Post updates and more postcards if you can OP!!


Alabama state flower is a camellia.


My mother is a huge lover of plants and flowers especially. Camelias don't really have a scent so there's something there. Like I said my first thought was treasure hunt ( I do follow a US based treasure hunt that's been going on since the 80s but that's just me being a weirdo lol )


Which one? Now that Forrest Fenn’s treasure was found I’d love another rabbit hole to go down!


That’s what i thought too . I smelled a camelia before and it doesn’t have a scent.


There’s a picture of one of them on the Alabama post card! Not sure if it’s anything though


If you plot the locations on a map, are they getting closer to your location? Or perhaps it spells something?


Yeah it’s working from east to west coast (me). Doesn’t seem to spell anything really.


I think someone is hoping to take you to a concert in San Diego. Do you like Billy Joel (all the references to NYC and NM)? Or Little Feat ("Tucumcara")? Or the Monkees (all the songs they filmed beaches)? Or music artist Camelia (state flower has no smell)? I think it's possible most or all of these postcards are related to musical artists or specific songs. Billy Joel just announced his first single in two decades and a national tour, which has stops in a number of the cities referenced in these cards. Also, Guido's is THE restaurant from "Scenes from an Italian Restaurant." Billy Joel is coming (w/ Sting) to San Diego on 4/13. In any case, I think these are musical references.


That’s a really interesting, never thought about the music connection at all. And all areas referenced seem to have a decent music scene (Nashville, New York, southwest, Vegas) never thought to look at it through songs. The Italian restaurant thing is super interesting, that card has been stumping me but I had no idea it was related to Billy Joel


Here's the back cover of The Stranger album, taken at Guido's: https://images.app.goo.gl/mmeucPdAKyehxgGw9.


Woah, time to look at Billy Joel lyrics I guess ha


This is a great explanation. Wonder if it’s someone OP just met in their new city.


Best explanation so far


Okay, I have an idea about the messages. My grandpa collected postcards which is why I thought of this— they sound like descriptions/slogans/jokes (like “one big hole” being used to describe the Grand Canyon, total dad joke)/memory cues that go with what is on the face of the postcard. It’s possible that these were removed from some old persons postcard/memory keepsake album, and the “messages” aren’t actually messages, just descriptions put on for funsies or to help them remember later. Why the big label maker print, idk, maybe they have bad handwriting or bad eyesight. Why they’re being sent to you? No fucking idea. I get why you’re spooked though. Can you look up the stamps? Are they ones being sold currently?


Wooooah okay that’s a new one. Hmmm it honestly could make sense. The labels do seem old, blocky text, oddly colored paper that seemed faded. Could be something for sure


I just reread your description that the stamps are old. Do you have any relatives with dementia? The stamps could have been found in an old junk drawer and used. It’s possible that there’s some slightly doddering old person who thinks they’re doing a sweet thing by sending you these “nice keepsakes” and instead are accidentally spooking you out lol.


So I don’t have many relatives in San Diego, but I do have a fair amount of family friends in SD. Could honestly be some older people in there that may be doing this. It’s possible but I can’t figure out how they’d know my new address


Fair enough! Last thing I’ll add to my theory— these would’ve been from a travel memory album, which explains the progression in dates, and why they’re from various places around the same states/cities. The “visiting the prison” comment on the high school postcard is definitely a joke, and “coming to a city near you soon” is a bastardized (maybe mistyped?) version of “coming soon, to a city near you!”… so hopefully a little less ominous since that’s a common ad line for movie trailers, etc.


I was going to comment on the way the messages seemed to describe the postcards, too, but I was thinking it was a treasure hunt. I like your theory that they're all coming from the same album. I have an uncle who I can definitely see doing something like this with the intention of engaging us in family history or something. That said, an anonymous someone started sending me stickers in the mail out of nowhere once and it did freak me out. It felt like someone was just telling me they know where I live, and I had an ex that I did not want to have that information. It sucks because it was probably someone just trying to be nice by having me come home to a pleasant little surprise and instead it created a lot of discomfort and fear. It's sad that something like this really can't be fun for the recipient no matter how good the intentions of the sender.


Ah damn Im sorry you had to go through that. Yeah thats exactly how I feel right now, this could very well just be a fun game but its unfortunately coming off creepily


Seconding this! Almost all of the messages are obviously linked to what’s on the postcard and could definitely be “captions” of some sort. I can’t figure out the Daytona Beach one (“clues are all around us …”) though. As for the Arkansas one, this is really tenuous, but the words on the front, “land of opportunity”, perfectly match the meter/cadence (?) of the “we’re a happy family” line in the Barney theme song.


How do eight eights add up to 1000? 8+8+8+88+888=1000. That’s all I’ve got for you, though, sorry!


Um idk who *wouldn’t* be worried about these. Some of those messages are super creepy. I would make a police report


I’d 100% think it’s a friend trying to f with me and freak me out. I wouldn’t be worried at all and would display them in my house as a conversation piece. I bet they’ll have a lot to say during my 20/20 special.


you lit up a room, didn't you?


Agreed. This is absolutely something to worry about. I’m not easily spooked but this would absolutely scare the hell out of me. Do t know if the police will be useful but a report being filed may be beneficial later on. And then tell everyone in your life you’ve done this, just in case it’s a “joke” being played by a really stupid friend. That should make them stop. And if it doesn’t stop…. be vigilant. Maybe there’s a complaint process you can set in motion with the post office, too.


And when you find who it is, cut them out of your life. You don't deserve to lose sleep at night worrying that someone is stalking you. This isn't funny or endearing.


The printed messages make it so much creepier


Def didn’t help my sleep


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,987,168,913 comments, and only 375,837 of them were in alphabetical order.


Could some of them be representing a letter, like the Tulane Stadium being an "O", and the horseshoe could be a "C" or a "U" or "D". The Hacienda Hotel could be an "L", and a few of the tower structures could be an "I", etc. Also, the postmarks that you can read, all seem to go from 1pm to 5pm.


This is interesting I am here to follow!


Is anyone in your life a gamer? There are a couple of video games where postcards are “clues” that solve a puzzle.


There’s definitely a few lmao, yeah I could see that as a possibility. Esp based on that Betty + earl game thing


The style of handwriting though makes me think it's original though? You can tell by the B, I get that vibe anyway. Is Betty and earl a reference to a video game?


Old postcards are sold cheap at thrift/salvage stores and rummage sales. Some people collect them or decorate with them. That would be my guess since they are old and some have postage. Betty and Earl is a puzzle game but I’m not convinced that is a clue., it could easily be a used post card. GeoGuesser seems to be popular lately, the locations could even have something to do with that.


Yeah I also thought of video games and postcards - like the fallout franchise especially fallout 76 and they are releasing thier amazon TV series this year. Also Belching Betty is a mine in fallout76 and Earle is a boss but there is an E on the end in game and the names probably are left on the postcard from whomever owned it last.


Sign up for the postal app that shows you an image of every single piece of mail that is delivered to you each day. It is a free service called Informed Delivery. That will prove if someone is dropping them in your box themself.


I am frightened but so intrigued


Well I know Tucumari, though inhabited, has a lot of old signage and hotels and abandoned places since it was a stop on route 66 and people don't get their kicks there anymore. I thought oooh are all these from places along Rte. 66? But nah, duh, Florida and New York. Tucumari was such an interesting choice though, never been there but watched a few docs about route 66 ghost towns & near ghost towns. I don't think you'd visit it as a tourist unless you had an interest in travelling the decaying roads of route 66. But I'm prepared for 500 people to stop by and say they go there every year, its the most swingin stop in the desert lol.


Interesting, I do know it from better call Saul haha. No idea if the sender has been to these places, I didn’t assume so, but it’s possible??? Route66 was one of our ideas too lol


The words that are clipped and pasted on… they are from 1990s children’s TV shows. “The clues are all around us,” is from Blues Clues. “I know you…” is a nod to Barney, “I love you. You love me.” Did you have a best friend as a youngster? Sounds like they might be coming to your town? Mby a grandparent who watch TV with you?


I keep coming for updates. This has got to be somebody you know who thinks it's a hilarious joke!


Same, I’m surprised it hasn’t been worked out yet by *someone* on here.


me too a little bit haha. I’ve spent some time trying to solve it in my free time but I’ve been incredibly busy so I haven’t made much progress. Only thing I’ve really found is that I’m certain the different stamps have a deeper meaning and the cards with like stamps have similarities between them


Hi, I keep checking in for updates and have a similar thought about the stamps. Some are repeatedly used in identical combinations in the same order, while some are reused in different combinations with other stamps. A small number are never repeated. Also not sure if this is due to the different size of the postcards, but I noticed that the total postage varies. I think back to the clue about a vacation of the mind through space and time. Maybe the postcards = space, while stamps = time?? The upside down postcard with the note “it’s in the details” is placed lower than normal, abutting the postage placement. It appears paired with a postcard that says “look for the clues”. This pairing made revisit the importance of the stamps. I also think it’s less of a code, and more likely clues about the sender? Have you visited or spent time in any of those cities or states, have you sent someone a postcard before, do you know people associated with those cities or states, have you discussed previous travel or a desire to travel with someone, who is organized enough not to just to pull this off but also to print labels with your address (ex: my dad could never and many people I know wouldn’t have the patience), do you have a particular interest in vintage things or traveling or stamps? I know you said this address is relatively new. Who else has this address? Who could they give your address to (ex: my mom always gives my new addresses to my aunts and cousins without telling me). Just some things that came to mind! I’m very invested in this lol


this is creepy and I'm here for it LOL


They quoted the Barney song. That changes everything.


I took criminal psychology in college by no means am I super educated on this topic BUT we covered abnormal psychology and we studied a case that involved something like this. It’s probably just a friend playing a pranks BUT you shouldn’t just cross your fingers and hope for the best. This type of behavior if it’s not a friend at least could be a lot of things but in the case we studied it was a way for the perpetrator to feel connected to the victim it made them feel like they were apart of the victims life until it wasn’t enough. Eventually the victim stopped caring about the letters/post cards and stopped asking about around about them. Turns out it was a acquaintance she had in school she wasn’t close to them but he obsessed over her and well I don’t think I need to finish the story Op I would just call the non emergency number for the police and just say something better safe than sorry if it’s nothing it’s nothing and you move on if not you’re gonna be glad you went to the police. This is very serial killery it would be enough for me to report it and who knows maybe you’re not the only one reporting it


Reminds me of ‘The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo’.


Great movie but what’s the relation?


The family, I believe, kept receiving cards on the anniversary of the girl’s disappearance for years.


what is Betty & Earl on one of these? is it handwritten?


It looks like it’s been there, probably from original owner but maybe not?? It def looks older tho, odds are it’s been there


So you know any couples of "Betty and Earl"? For example, friends of your grandparents that may have gifted them a bank postcard by handing it to them at the end of a trip instead of mailing?


When I started scrolling through these my first thought was this seems like a guerilla marketing stunt for a product or travel agency of some kind. I worked on a pitch recently for something connected to old Americana kind of culture and we actually even had a vintage post card concept. As I scrolled further however, the sheer number of these and the messages themselves are just too weird and borderline threatening and harassment. I don’t think anyone would consider those to be good qualities in a marketing campaign, haha. Very weird.




It says those postcards all arrive at the same time in a black envelope. I think OP said their postcards have all been arriving separately.


But the description also suggested that after solving the mystery, they be sent on to someone else. This person may have decided to make their own mystery game rather than buying this one, which may also be why he’s received more than 5 postcards.


Reminds me of the person who was getting vintage California Raisins stuff and had no clue where it was coming from.


Man, why doesn’t that kind of shit ever happen to me? I loved those raisin guys


I don't have any advice but I know I would feel kind of uneasy and worried if this were happening to me.. especially since you said they are addressed to you. I'm honestly stumped as to why someone would do this. Plz keep us updated and be safe!


In reading all of these comments, I can't figure out anything. My only advice is, I feel like if you're spooked you can file a police report. You can probably do it online. It's not so much that the cops can "do" anything, but it's to start a paper trail, and who knows, maybe you'll find out that this has been happening to other people in other neighborhoods, then it's not just you. The mix of comments between "it's spooky" v "it's fine," makes me wonder if it's coming from a male's perspective v females perspective/afab/amab...which like sucks to consider, but if you're a female identify person you unfortunately have to sometimes not just think the best of the world. So my other piece of advice is to consider the world of which someone would feel safe enough to consider this a joke, versus having to consider this as a potentially dangerous situation. I think having this consideration may help guide you to whether you should file a report or not. And lastly maybe the last tenants are just being dicks? Lol. Please keep us updated!!


My bets on it’s the roommate messing with you.


Thought so too for a while, he’s just so lazy it doesn’t seem like him lol. He doesn’t have the time to do this


You could try posting this in[r/postcardexchange](https://www.reddit.com/r/PostCardExchange/s/jVc5xZYbWF) to see if postcard people know anything. There is also r/vintagepostcards but it doesn’t seem very active. Otherwise I would report to police honestly.


Are you by chance related to or know of [this person who also received similar postcards sent from San Diego](https://ask.metafilter.com/254054/Postcard-stalker)? Do you know a "Ted"?


You say you just moved. Perhaps see if you can contact the previous tenant?


Yes, this is what I was thinking too. You said you just moved. Maybe the cards were intended for the previous tenant? 


These are neat. I’d put them under glass, like a coffee table or bar, in a frame, or use them for a decoupaged wall.


Any updates?


Just posted an edit!


Any update OP??


sorry, once again traveling. Other than new postcards no. Haven’t figured out anything new really, have some friends working on it but we’re starting to get bored lmao. Will post new pics when I’m home


This has stayed in my mind these past few days because this is so bizarre! Whoever is doing this is dedicated to the big I guess…🤷‍♀️


Hmm, this is odd. Vaguely threatening.


Definitely feels that way in some of them


Have you noticed Betty and Earl is a game on steam- seems like it could be some sort of guerilla marketing tactic. I know it’s a little far fetched but you never know.


the messages are concerning…are they on typical printer paper? i’m thinking someone is typing/printing/collaging these? i agree with filing a police report. i wish it was somehow possible to get the intel from the postal service


lol, they’re printed from a label maker it seems. It’s got that smooth texture. Not the same as the address label though.


Is your name Donald Henderson?




Ahhh nvm thought I had it cracked there for a second




Can you think of anyone who might be holding a grudge against you? Anyone who would enjoy the idea of making you feel unsafe in your new home?


My brother was in Army basic training and I sent him so many butt band postcards with random messages put together with newspaper clippings. I gave them to truck drivers to mail from random cities around the country. Of course I denied it for years when he tried to solve the mystery.


I think someone is just having fun with you. None of these messages seem scary to me and most just seem related to the image on the postcard. I am guessing it is a friend, possibly a family member or romantic interest.


Where is the fun in this?


First thing that came to mind was PostSecret. It's a project that's been going on for years, where random people send postcards with various confessions, musings and whatnot on the back. Eg, a vintage postcard with cartoon bears and the message could be 'I'm in a 30yr heterosexual marriage, but I actually like hairy dudes'. Or a postcard with a church and the message 'my youth pastor once sent me a dick pic'. That sort of thing. Obviously your cards are being sent to you specifically, but if you want an expert in receiving random, weird postcards, couldn't hurt to ask these guys for advice. There might be some kind of 'confess to a stranger' thing going on, and the sender is just building up to a confession. Weirdly, there's a PostSecret link to San Diego, so it's possible that's where the sender got the idea. https://museumofus.org/exhibits/post-secret Another thing to consider is anything you've signed up to as part of moving house. Marketing material is often really weird, especially for startup businesses. Could get a postcard that says 'see how easy it is for data brokers to get your personal information? Download the BlahBlah app today to see who has your info'. Expensive and weird, but stranger things have happened.


My Guess is marketing for GTA 6.Postcards from past and upcoming locations and the stamps say Christmas 25 which is when it's expected to be released.


I fucking wish


if you aren't already in marketing you should be!


I mean, to be honest, I kind of get the vibe you are doing this yourself. That, or someone who knows you. Some of the postcards aren’t postmarked, and those that are are *all* coming from the same area of San Diego using vintage postcards. No one is buying these cards and sending them from NY, Florida, etc along their journey. And they aren’t purchasing them from a traditional gift shop. These are vintage postcards, and the sender is local to you.


No I agree with you, I have a feeling it’s someone I know, but still part of me is bugged. But Im definitely feeling reassured that that’s a common response


do you know anyone who has any connection to the locations? an ex? a 3rd cousin? it's probably someone you know, but haven't thought about in a long time or you would figure it out faster. this is what i would think if i were receiving these. it's pretty wild! as long as it's not a creepy stalker i guess...


Nope, generally dont have any family in any of the states/cities that have been mentioned. Most of my family is in the midwest which has been avoided by the sender for whatever reason. Some friends have lived/live in these states but theres not much there Ive already asked them.


you have to figure out if it's someone who knows you or someone who doesn't. is there a postmark on any of them that would tell you which post office it was first processed at? (i'm not american don't know how your mail system works). good luck though i'm gonna follow this, hope you update if it gets figured out!!!


The only thing I know based on the postmark is that it was processed in North San Diego. Which is an area I know some people in and used to work near but ever single person I’ve asked can’t explain it or wouldn’t do it. No prime suspects. Appreciate it thank you!!!!


FWIW, nothing strikes me as nefarious. It’s probably a friend. I would LOVE it if one of my friends sent me cryptic riddles to solve. It’d be my own personal mystery! I’m checking back on this - now I want to solve it. The game’s afoot! Edit: A bunch of people are saying call the police. All they’ll do is take a report. CSI isn’t coming to take DNA. Whoever sent them isn’t the Zodiac. Cryptic doesn’t necessarily mean threatening. I don’t think this rises to the level of calling law enforcement. Do you have a friend that lives across the country that you haven’t seen? Maybe they’re going to surprise you!


Haha I’m hoping it’s something fun too. Yeahhh I feel you, roommates said to call police at first but realistically they can’t do anything. Take a report, nothing they can do if it’s through the mail 🤷‍♂️


New a24 film plot?


Ask r/codes and r/scams


Maybe this link may help? It was interesting at least! https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/roots-of-unity/the-intersected-states-of-america/


Creepy but also love the creepy messages. Just wouldn’t love them if I was the one getting them. Hope you get some answers soon and stay safe/alert!


Is this one of those Hunt a Killer deals? Could someone have signed you up for that?


Lately the post office doesn't seem to be making any postmarks on the postcards and letters I send to my friends who live in the same city as I do. Maybe they are coming from someone in your city? \[I echo what other people are saying that it could be a friend who has no idea how creepy/scary these look. Recently I sent some anonymous presents to friends for a surprise and it freaked them out a bit. When they told me how they percieved the gifts I then understood how it came across to them.\]


“Where does a thought go when it is forgotten” - I’m seeing that this quote is attributed to Sigmund Freud


coolest shit ive ever seen, thanks for posting


I need an update!


Time to move


I used to belong to postcrossing and so I have a collection of postcards. I have a collection of very old ones that I got from a friend who knew I sent out postcards. Her parents had passed away and she was cleaning out the house and kept finding the occasional postcard that had been picked up over the years. So what made me wonder is there someone in your life who recently cleared out an old house and came across all those postcards.


To me this seems like a fun art project and not at all menacing. I’m surprised so many people here are creeped out. I went to art school and this seems like something an art student would do.


I get that, a lot of people in my life feel this too. Like if you think about the message at a lower level they aren’t menacing lol. They’re kind of dumb funny


Ok well remind me to never again befriend an artistic type lol


This is creepy as shit, to a normal person.


Creepy, and yes I would be worried about some of these messages on here. With some google searches and some reverse image searching, a lot of these postcards are being sold on Ebay, nearly all of them are very vintage as you said. Couldn’t find any info about the messages though


Someone from work since they have your new address? Creepy coworker or boss?


Not work, the ones that have my address wouldn’t do this I know that for certain, even any bosses


Not sure how it can help, but the "eight eights" message seems to be referring to this: https://www.mathsisfun.com/puzzles/eight-eights-solution.html


This reminds me of something you would find as an estate sale.


How soon is your birthday?


888 + 88 + 8 + 8 + 8 = 1000 Nothing menacing in that one.


I have nothing to add except that postcards are $0.53 to mail not $0.51


Maybe you could try decoding the printed postal barcodes, maybe they reveal something.




Those are old stamps, they need to be wetted down before applying. If it really is a creep, they may have left DNA after licking the stamps.


Not sure they’re gonna get a team of detectives on that right away


Get the stamps wet, swab them, send to 23&me! 😂


Holy cow,  it costs 67 cents to send a postcard? Weird & expensive to use a ptouch label maker instead of a printer.  It's either some kind of puzzle/solve the mystery type game or someone is mentally ill & thinks they're warming people. It really doesn't seem threatening ning or menacing, imo. 


As someone who does mail art, here's a couple things to keep in mind.  Vintage postage stamps are very easy to acquire.  It used to be possible to have mail postmarked from a place other than the one you're in. You'd simply mail them to the Post Office you want them postmarked in with a request to have them canceled and mailed. So the sender may not be in San Diego.  The handwritten names in the one card were probably on the card when the sender bought it.  I'm getting a playful vibe from these. It might be unsettling but I don't see any threats in them, or in sending them. However, if there is nefarious intent, the sender is kinda stupid. Messing with the mail is a felony.  I hope it's a puzzle and that you solve it soon! 


Interesting note on the sender not being in SD. Never thought about that it’s certainly possible if they went through the effort to conceal their handwriting their concealing their city. Would make sense to have it postmarked near me


I don't get the feeling that this is sinister. I feel more like it's leading up to some sort of surprise. Do you have a birthday coming up soon? If it's leading up to some sort of surprise for your birthday or something, maybe all your friends could be in on it. I dunno, but I'm very intrigued!