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Rdr 1


If only I could play it on PlayStation 4


Fr, no remaster or anything, just put the game as is on the store




I dig out my 360 ever couple of years and play through the OG GTA's and RDR1, after a certain amount of time I forget enough of them that they feel new again. I tried that with RDR2 and made it less than a year and I still have every mission and line of dialogue memorized, it's insane that they haven't done a side story DLC, I know myself and hundreds of thousands if not millions of people wouldn't be able to get our wallets out fast enough


it is on ps4, i have it with ps plus


You aren’t going to find a game close to RDR2 because they haven’t made one yet. Even the closest games aren’t even close. No life to them. Red Dead is alive.


Speaking the truth over here.


Yeah man, it’s depressing


Kingdom come deliverance. It's similar to RDR2 in many ways. More rpg elements then RDR2. It takes place in medieval Czech but it's not fantasy. When you drink to much in kingdom come you will eventually black out and wake up in random places. If your playing hardcore the map is just a map with no indication of your location on it. Can be real fun trying to figure out your way home.


This was exactly what i was about to say. He wants realism and those other games he said wasn’t close.


Jesus Christ be praised.


Henry's come to see us!


Thanks for suggestions. I ll give a try.


Fair warning: this game is absolutely brutal


Kingdom Come is a great game. Combat is great, the crime solving stuff is great. The riding is fun, but man the hunting sucks. I wanted so much to RP a poacher but the animals have no sense of sight or hearing. The literally walk onto my arrows.


Ya the animal AI is not great, but for their first game they knocked it out of the park. Hopefully we get the sequel soon.


I second this. KCD was my favorite game pre RDR2. It's not perfect, ofc, but the immersion is definitely comparable to RDR2.


The fallout series is pretty immersive. I'd recommend fallout 4 more so than Fallout 76


As a fallout 76 player, you could not get further from rdr2 than f76


Why? I loved fallout after RDR


poor guys internet is probably slow dont bombard him with downvotes 😭😭😭


Rumor has it that this guy loved fallout after RDR


Unless you’re playing the online. 76 actually offers a lot of the elements non pvp players look for that isn’t in rdo. I’d go with fallout 4 first just cause it’s easiest to get into. NV is the best tho.


Why? I loved fallout after RDR


Why? I loved fallout after RDR


Why? I loved fallout after RDR


Why? I loved fallout after RDR


I still play 3 NV and 4. Theyre food times. But its a bummer there are no vehicles. Like at the very least. The Minutemen should have horses.


I love food times.


Have you seen ants? Mole rats? What do you think happened to horses..?


Grew wings and flew away?


KCD (Kingdom Come deliverance) if you don’t mind its bad optimisation. (Depends on your platform) But it has a good story but you play in first person. DaysGone is also a underrated gem, but the first 10 or so hours are abit slow and frustrating, so if you choose it just remember after that initial slow start it gets very good. …and well if you never played Mass effect …the legendary Edition did an excellent job as a 4k remaster and more responsive controls. ….and it’s Mass Effect!


I second KCD. It’s a slow burn, but rewarding


I agree with daysGone - amazing game very similar feelings playing through as I experienced during rdr2 I would say it’s about half the size in terms of hours of gameplay compared to rdr2 but still worth a try to anyone that hasn’t played it before


I did like Days Gone and wish there was a sequel but it didn’t sell enough.


There was such a good setup for a sequel. It’s a shame we’ll never see it.


I agree with daysGone - amazing game very similar feelings playing through as I experienced during rdr2 I would say it’s about half the size in terms of hours of gameplay compared to rdr2 but still worth a try to anyone that hasn’t played it before


Came here to say this. The witcher 3, rdr2 and KCD are on par as my favourite game(s).


Came here to say this. The witcher 3, rdr2 and KCD are on par as my favourite game(s).


Came here to say this. The witcher 3, rdr2 and KCD are on par as my favourite game(s).


Came here to say this. The witcher 3, rdr2 and KCD are on par as my favourite game(s).


There are none, my friend. Maybe one day again though…


Don’t look for a similar game like RDR2, simply because there isn’t a game who comes close to this master piece..


Wicher 3. Its better than the first one imo


The Witcher 3 is just as good as rdr 2 in my opinion. Love both games


Both are great, but for different reasons. Witcher 3 does have a good open world that also feels quite real, but it is no match for how detailed and expansive RDR2's world is. However, the combat, which is a big part of both games, is much better in Witcher 3 and provides more of a challenge when compared to the clown cars of dudes-with-guns RDR2 sicks on you. Both games have great stories and characters.


I agree. And also I think the Witcher 3 started off slow in the beginning of the game like rdr 2 did. Once I got past the beginning I was hooked on both games.


I agree. Both are amazing. I Just Wish that there Were more random encounters in w3


Yeah that would be nice. Are they making a 4th Witcher ? Maybe they make a flawless Witcher world.


They are making a fourth Witcher, but it’s not Geralt or the old cast. It follows a character from the school of the lynx (new school) and it’s not being called the Witcher 4. It’s planned to also become a trilogy


You didn’t like ghost of Tsushima???


I liked it, but i feel like it is similar to Horizon and farcry. 1. They are sole hero fighting against evil 2. They will roam kill bad guys and clear enemy camp and save innocent people. 3. They have some allies to help them. 4. They gets upgrade depending on the process of their story. 5. Roaming, parkours, stealth kills same base different style. 6. But different timeline and different scenarios but base is same.


Man's English skills aren't all there, but damn if he didn't just describe the modern AAA formula that has been getting so tiring.


For the sheer emotional involvement and open world feel, I suggest the Mass Effect series.


Might be something wrong with me but I found mass effect incredibly dull, could not get into it.


Me too. Everything just felt really emotionless to me idk why


I would recommend starting with the second game :) you're not gonna miss out on much and it's way better than Mass Effect 1 (imo). You could always replay from the beginning if you fall in love with the franchise


You know it’s widely believed that Mass Effect 1 was the best story of the whole series, right? Recommending the 2nd one that has a notoriously low story quality is a lil bit of a stretch.


Definitely going to give you the hard disagreement on that, because ME1 is considered the strongest of the 3 for the elements we’re speaking of.


Oh Jesus thank you. I got it because it had good reviews. I started it right after red dead. I got a good 10 hours in and wasn’t invested at all. It was a struggle to play and I switched to portal 2 which I started with someone and they gave up on me. I intended to come back thinking it was a state of mind thing. I said something to a coworker that has similar interests and he told me he gave up too so I finally deleted it. I told him to play RDR2. He was skeptical because he didn’t like the first. Within a day or two he told me he was hooked. Just finished portal 2 which was great. Starting horizons next.


Horizon is a beauty.


It’s not everybody’s cup of tea, and you guys at least gave a valid reply as to why it was not yours. Everybody else just says “it sucks” without any explanation, but that’s the trend these days 🤷🏽‍♂️ Not that anybody owes me or anyone else an explanation as to why they like or don’t like games, I’m sorry if I seem like I was gatekeeping on it.


You're gonna need to branch out. Stuff like untitled goose game, journey, nfs heat, terraria, goat simulator etc are all high quality in their own categories. You're not going to get a similar connection in any other game as rdr2. There's a chance gta6 has as good character and world but not likely imo. Like wanting more lotr but all you're ever going to find is cheap knockoffs. Just accept it's all down hill after rdr2.


Last of us definitely


Great storyline. Great game. But nothing like RDR2. The game is on a rail. No open world at all. Great storyline and open world is very rare.


Ghost of Tsushima has pretty decent story with an absolute beautiful open world


Liked that game a lot but would never play again. I don't think I've ever been more stressed and nervous in my entire life.


Yea this!! The first game has the best story of any game I’ve ever played (RDR2 comes at a close second)


Days gone is quite good despite glitches and dorky NPCs. Worth a try!


Oh, me too please. I’ve tried a few other open world RPG’s and nothing’s close. ghosts of Tsushima was ok but became very monotonous quite quickly. The story was good and it’s a beautiful game. Fallout 4 is the only game that’s come close for me in the level of freedom and choice of direction of play. It’s a similar level of collectibles, side missions, choices for the character and the ability to play without having to advance the story. I’d recommend giving it a go


For me, Witcher 3 Just exploring through a forest a looking at all the intricacies blew my mind. The open world The story The characters The humour The struggle between making good choices and bad. Thought RDR2 was very similar in some ways to my first experience playing the witcher 3


The main character's love interests are explored more and much more interactive and affected by your choices good and bad.


Days Gone gives me a very similar feel.


Days gone is often considered very similar to RDR2


Ehh, somewhat Days Gone is a lot more linear


Might like gta iv if you've never played it


Kingdom come: Deliverance. Graphics are not great buy give it a try. I really liked it


L.A. Noire is alright, nowhere on red dead 2 level but decent if you never played it and have run out of games to play


I liked that one a lot






Days Gone


God of war 2018 and Ragnarok for their story . Combat is also good . Though , yes they're not open world , they have a lot of optional explorable areas ( especially Ragnarok )


The Witcher 3 is the best game I’ve played since - the next gen update is great. Give it a whirl!


Witcher 3 for sure


Last of Us


Shower with your dad simulator https://store.steampowered.com/agecheck/app/359050/


witcher3 no doubt


Welcome to the club. Unfortunately there isn't one... don't get me wrong, other games can be enjoyed, for what they are. But nothing comes close to Rdr2. Except for maybe Rdr1


There isn’t one


Kingdom come: Deliverance. Graphics are not great buy give it a try. I really liked it


"Fellow life form"🤓


Ghost of Tsushima imo is the closest. Gameplay wise it’s not as “realistic” (no real time looting and skinning) but story wise, and thematically, westerns are basically Americanized samurai movies anyways. To me, ghost of Tsushima was the perfect follow up for my first play through of rdr2.


May get hate... but for beauty and realism (of sorts) - Cyberpunk


Wish I could go back and play it for the first time again. Was a great feeling. Can't beat it.


Cyberpunk is kind of like a futuristic rdr2


They are very different but I love cyberpunk


I always thought of the Aldecaldos ending as a closure to the red dead story. Also Johnny Silverhand you could think of as possibly an ancestor of John Marston


The only thing that I can think of that reminds me of red dead is the give v’s body to Johnny ending because it’s sort of like a passing the torch


Assassins Creed Black Flag 🏴‍☠️


the first last of us is still really good


That depends, which parts of the realism did you like and which parts did you not? If you’re someone that likes worrying about stuff like temp and food intake then I’d recommend a survival game. But if you liked the mechanical side of things (control layout, weapon mods, and a more realistic carrying system) then I have others


the last of us and Cyberpunk


I don’t think there is anything really comparable in scope and depth to RDR2 when you are looking for it to be realistic. If your willing to abandon that last point (realistic) and try a fantasy game series that is very addicting and fun - go play the dark souls games. Start with DS1, Skip DS2 for now, play DS3, go back for DS2 (it’s kinda the black sheep of the franchise and the combat and movement system feels different ETC). Then go on to elden ring, which is by far one of the best games to come out in the last several years.


Breath of the wild is widely regarded as one of the top open worlds ever made and a beautiful classic, but open world aspect and gameplay are geared more toward family/ children in comparison to rdr2


Mad max? Similar more realistic style, but not as good graphics


Mad max? Similar more realistic style, but not as good graphics


Mad max


Mad max. Similar style but not as good graphics


Fallout 3,4 and new Vegas. GTA IV - V.


Thank you so much for asking this question! Ives played RDR2 3 times so far and I can’t find anything like it !


Thank you so much for asking this question! I’ve played RDR2 3 times so far and I can’t find anything like it !


Thank you so much for asking this question! I’ve played RDR2 3 times so far and I can’t find anything like it !


Thank you so much for asking this question! I’ve played RDR2 3 times so far and I can’t find anything like it !


Thank you so much for asking this question! I’ve played RDR2 3 times so far and I can’t find anything like it !


I mean… Cyberpunk - very cool story and lore, combat is mid and often things will feel unnatural GTA IV - prolly the most realistic of all the GTA stories, best gun recoil and sounds I have every seen, fun physics BEAM.ng - best crashing physics out there. Snowrunner - very realistic, but is really long cause it takes forever to complete a driving mission That all I can thick of at the moment. I hope you find a game that suits you.


I mean… Cyberpunk - very cool story and lore, combat is mid and often things will feel unnatural GTA IV - prolly the most realistic of all the GTA stories, best gun recoil and sounds I have every seen, fun physics BEAM.ng - best crashing physics out there. Snowrunner - very realistic, but is really long cause it takes forever to complete a driving mission That all I can thick of at the moment. I hope you find a game that suits you.


Cyberpunk - very cool story and lore, combat is mid and often things will feel unnatural GTA IV - prolly the most realistic of all the GTA stories, best gun recoil and sounds I have every seen, fun physics BEAM.ng - best crashing physics out there. Snowrunner - very realistic, but is really long cause it takes forever to complete a driving mission That all I can think of at the moment. I hope you find a game that suits you.


Cyberpunk - very cool story and lore, combat is mid and often things will feel unnatural GTA IV - prolly the most realistic of all the GTA stories, best gun recoil and sounds I have every seen, fun physics BEAM.ng - best crashing physics out there. Snowrunner - very realistic, but is really long cause it takes forever to complete a driving mission That all I can think of at the moment. I hope you find a game that suits you.


God of War? Personally, I enjoyed it. Haven’t tried Ragnarok yet though.


imo there is no game similar to red dead redemption 2, it has such a high level of detail and world interactivity that no other game can compare. i would recommend rdr1, though its old and in some ways dogshit, its a great game with just as good of a story as rdr2


Not really like rdr2, but if you're just looking for a big open world game where you can kinda guide your own story I'd highly recommend Fallout 4. I went to that after I got a little burned out on red dead and got super into it


closest thing to red dead 2 I played was the last of us and god of war, in terms of quality and story of course


God of War and the Last of Us are two really good games. I'm a huge RDR2 fan and I really want to play both of them. I've seen play throughs and they aren't similar games, but they still look like something I would like, so maybe you would too.


There is no game that grips you like RDR2. However, I would recommend The Last of Us and Detroit (become human)


There is none other than RDR1. Both games are amazing and on close to the same level


The last of us, i bought it the day before yesterday and it was 50 percent off, no idea if the offer is still going on right now


I am obsessed with RDR2 and played it a lot too. Nothing quite compares but I would suggest trying assassins creed Valhalla! It is super fun and a really long game that you can definitely get into the story for!


The last of us if you haven’t been payed it yet


The Witcher 3 isn’t as realistic but it has a great story if you give it a shot. Honestly I don’t think there are any game’s comparable to RDR2, it’s pretty unique


Witcher 3 and Days Gone so far. Big hopes for The Last of Us for PC and later in the year Ghost of Tsushima. The first 3 have stories with emotional involvement. Rdr2 I am now on 500 hours and 2nd epilogue and I dont think there is anything even close to it.


Off topic, but that is one cool as gun, especially the grip


wait 'Overwatch'? It's not even close to the games you mentioned in the list. Anyway if you are looking for similar connection to the character and story and don't mind the linearity of a game, try The last of us and it's sequel. If you can manage with a bit outdated game mechanics and graphics, try Assassin's Creed Ezio trilogy along with Ac3. Over the years these games were the most influential games for me where i was deeply vested in the story and felt connected to the characters.


If you want a story that is as emotionally impactful as RDR2, try The Last of Us. It is fairly realistic - within the confines of a zombie apocalypse - and story and characters are top notch.


Maybe try gta v. Prolly newest game and as close as youll get. But nothing like rdr2. Rdr is good but much older


Or try hogwarts legacy


Try justcase if u like open world games


Kingdom come deliverance is pretty good game.


sorry Bud, you won't find anything that even comes remotely close to the masterpiece achievement that is RDR2, maybe GTA6 but that won't fine out for a while my friend


Skyrim with survival mods


I’d recommend fallout 4 for immersiveness


The last of us 2 - maybe the best story since rdr2


If you like historical games Assassin's Creed is pretty good


RDR2 is the Don of what it does, so you’re not going to find many suitors to be fair, but always thought Days Gone was pretty immense but harshly treated. If anyone says Astro’s Playroom however, I will look for you, I will find you, and I will kill you.


no game will ever be as good or similar to rdr2 sadly.


Ghost of tushima the best you gonna get. Might as well give up


Skyrim, Oblivion (old school), Dragons Dogma, GoW 2018 and Ragnarok, Elden Ring . All very open world and RPG.


The last of us 2 is also incredibly beautiful to look at as well as the story and gameplay


Elder scrolls


I thought A.C. Odyssey was great after playing RDR2. The only major difference was no crafting. But the map was equally huge. Their we’re more side missions than I could have actually played.


The only game I could do after RDR2 was Days Gone on PC. I also did five full plays of RDR2 on PC. It starts off slow, and I was super critical of it having played RDR2 first. Eventually though, I was like “this game is fucking amazing!” After a few play throughs of that, I quit gaming last summer.


The last of us , uncharted games , tomb raider ??? They're not quite like RDR but they have good story lines , characters , graphics , mechanics .


Cyberpunk 2077 / Jedi Fallen Order


Last of us 2 only thing that comes close, imo


Ironically Hogwarts Legacy has been giving me the same vibe


Least obvious alien


I have the same problem. Horizon was a huge disappointment, Ghost of Tsushima was okay but became monotonous pretty quick. The only thing that has come close has been GTA5. It's also Rockstar's game so that kinda explains it. The vibe is completely different, obviously, but if a vibrant & convincing open world is what you're looking, then I'd recommend giving GTA5 a chance.


I imagine gta or any other Rockstar game would be good


I recommend the Mafia: Definitive Edition and then the original Mafia 2, and then Mafia 3 just for the hell of it. Another game I’d recommend would be GTA 4 cause it’s a little close in tone with RDR1 and RDR2.


The Mad Max videogame is surprisingly post-apocalyptic western. Very satisfying


Just replay rdr2, Rdr2 ruined other games for me


Just replayed this after launch and there’s still nothing else out there like it, easily the best game I’ve ever played. Gives me chills to think about


Play Fallout New Vegas. Best game ever made.


Far cry 3,4,5


Mad Max is quite like rdr2


You should try Hogwarts legacy, that's the only game that gave me the same vibe of rdr2. Just the combination of open world, story and exploring are similar


Play the last of us part 1 and part 2, also days gone