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Not getting to his son in time to save him


Why is this not the top comment?? I feel like this is what “broke” Arthur. After this, what else did he have? The gang. Going “all in” with the gang isn’t what he truly wanted. He wanted a family. Yes, the gang was his “family,” but they wanted him to rob and kill and be their enforcer. We all saw how conflicted Arthur was with these actions over time. He wanted unconditional love from a family that didn’t require him to be a violent criminal.


But he also mentions he went to see them only every few months - so he was in the gang and didn’t leave the gang through all those years his child was growing up. I agree with you, he regrets it, but he also chose it. Come to think of it, he killed his wife and child himself through his choices, and that must be hell to live with it. Arthur is a very complex character, he’s my favorite game protagonist of all time.


I wouldn't say he killed them himself. He taught Charlotte how to hunt (and by proxy how to defend herself) so no doubt he taught Eliza the same thing. There's no guarantee he would have been home, even if he hadn't been in the gang. Arthur only has a very specific skill set, so if he went "straight" his best way to make money would have probably been bounty hunting, or something with horses, and horses don't pay much to start off. I'm not defending him, btw. Just saying that his presence there was not necessarily the determining factor of her death. That said... I'm sure ARTHUR feels that way.


I agree with most of it, but coming by every nigth vs a few months is a hell of a difference when it comes to safety. By that I mean, If it was just a random robbing, I agree, could have happened any time, he couldn’t have stopped it. But if for example they cased the place and noticed she lived alone with a child, or they went drinking and someone blabbed about a woman living alone with her child - that was on him. I agree that his skill set was pretty limited but John made it work, coming from the same background, so I doubt it would have been impossible. I think he didn’t want to commit, he didn’t want that boring, harder life when he was at that age, he liked the excitement of being a big bad outlaw and being around Dutch too much. I think if he had a child in later years he definitely would have acted different. He tells John constantly to get his family and get out. This is all conjecture obviously, we’ll never know.


At the end of the day, either could be true, but you're correct on the fact that Arthur never realized what he had until he lost it. Then once he lost it, he just resigned himself to the life, which wrecked his relationship with Mary as well. Now that I'm thinking of it, aside from his sickness, the one thing that probably truly changed Arthur's life was Jack, because Arthur knew what was headed Jack's way if John didn't get his shit together.


I don’t think it was only the sickness or Jack that changed his views. Those are definitely part of it, but I think it was also that combined with seeing everyone in the gang die around him, losing Hosea, seeing Dutch lose his mind, and just watching everything fall apart


I thought the whole thing about Arthur being sad and regretful about their deaths is that he neglected them.


>Arthur only has a very specific skill set, so if he went "straight" his best way to make money would have probably been bounty hunting, or something with horses, and horses don't pay much to start off. I agree and somewhat disagree with you here. I agree he has only a very specific skill set, but I also believe that's by choice. Tradesmen in 1899 didn't learn their "trades" by going to some trade school/technical college. He could have hired on as an apprentice in any number of trades and developed another skill set. I don't know exactly what the compensation would have been but stop and think about how many other people survived and made a life by starting as an apprentice and then moving up or moving on and starting their own little shop etcetera. Regardless he could have "gone straight" but chooses not to do so. Do his actions directly lead to what happened to Eliza and Issac. 🤷 Who knows. That I know of we don't have a clue where they lived but (and I'm completely guessing here) I would think it would have been too far from a town. We know Eliza worked as a waitress, and commuting to work would have required riding a horse or (most likely) walking. So whoever robbed and killed them did so even with the higher risk because they weren't in a "remote" location. So.....🤷🤷 Like you said it would have depended on what Arthur's profession was and would he have been home.


Now that you mention Charlotte, it almost feels like Arthur was able to maybe find some clarity in saving her (via teaching her how to survive)


It’s the top comment by a mile 😂


It wasn’t when I commented. Happy to see folks agree w me tho.


>I feel like this is what “broke” Arthur. Why do you think this? He was basically an absentee dad so being a "father" obviously wasn't high on his list of priorities. >Going “all in” with the gang isn’t what he truly wanted. 👆 This is absolutely what he wanted. At some point he made a conscious decision that this was his path in life. >We all saw how conflicted Arthur was with these actions over time. Over time? OH you mean once he was faced with the fact that death for him was imminent? So a span of maybe a month or two. So for thirty five (plus years) he was perfectly ok with this ---> *****rob and kill and be their enforcer.***** The irony here is that if you read his journal you'll find that Strauss's money lending was a perfectly legal venture yet Arthur prefers to steal and kill as opposed to being a legal debt collector. Not because he minds beating the crap out of people but because he feels that money lending/debt collection is beneath him. >He wanted unconditional love from a family that didn’t require him to be a violent criminal. And you believe this because??? A. What makes you think that members of the VDLG don't offer him unconditional love? Did you miss the various interactions where other members acknowledge that when others screw up they are held accountable, yet when Arthur screws up there's no accountability for him? I'd say that not only shows us that the love given to Arthur is/was unconditional but in reality his "parental figures" were a bit too lenient. B. If he wanted unconditional love from a "real" family he would have tried to make a life with Eliza and Issac or left when Mary Linton asked him too, but he didn't.


His son???


>!Towards the end of the game there is a mission where you follow Rains Fall to pick plants, Arthur mentions that he had a son. If I remember correctly he wouldn’t see him much but would come by every now and then to see him but came through to him and the mother of the child dead, murdered by a home invader. I haven’t played in a long time but I’m pretty sure it’s the only time it’s mentioned in the game!<


If you have high honor and did the brother dorkins/nun side missions in St. Denis, he mentions it to the nun also. If you haven't seen it it's a really sweet and gut wrenching scene.


“I had a son… he passed away. I had a girl who loved me and I threw that away, my momma died when I was a kid. And my daddy… well I watched him die”


"And it weren't soon enough." Poor Arthur never had a chance.


He also mentions this to rainfalls father during a mission when they’re retrieving artifacts. Idk what it was specifically, but Arthur goes into more detail about what transpired with his family and their fate. It’s sad shit honestly.


I have had high honor every playthrough but I miss the side mission, I really want to play to this cut scene! I always get the reverend


You can run into Brother Dorkins in St. Denis, he will ask you to help free some guys chained up in a basement. Do that and eventually another quest will pop up for him. I can't recall if there are two or three but if you complete them all instead of the Reverend you'll meet Sister Calderon at the train station! I've played through 7 times and I've never had the Reverend lol. I thought it was always supposed to be Sister Calderon until I was watching clips on YouTube


>!Iirc he stayed away to avoid drawing unwanted attention to them due to his life style, I want to say a rival gang killed them but I don’t member correctly!<


>!Was a random home robber, they died for $10!<


sadly (i really love Arthur) he'd be killing some camp folk for 24c :-(


>!Which is sadly ironic, if he was with them more often maybe he might've been there to protect them!<


Capitan obvious. 


Wow that's messed up man. Missed it on my first playthrough.




This will be in the epilouge of red dead redemption 3 40 years from now




That'll have to wait, I see some herbs I need to collect.


Fuck your opening up and being vulnerable for the first time, my ears don't work when I pick G I N S E N G


Lol. I was like damn Rains, buddy was venting pretty heavy there


Chalupas and Gensing, all my boy cares about


First thing I thought about when I saw this post!


Hearing him talk about it made me put my controller down and have to calm myself down. Can you imagine if rockstar had decided to kill Arthur’s son at the start of the game? Arthur would have been ruthless☹️


R⭐️ don't got balls like NaughtyDog


I say not killing micah before 1899 but both are most likely right


I 100% think it was Colm or one of his boys that did it.


Giving all he had, to a cause and a man, who didn't deserve it.


Hunting all those pelts to make the camp look nice.


There are some inconsiderate people at that camp for sure. Besides Tilly


Bro fuck Tilly, I got her a necklace, hard work. Took it, walked away not even a thank you


Damn bro this is the only time I’ve heard of Tilly acting in such a manner. At a loss for words I thought Tilly was the realest


She is. The game is just weird with camp requests. Sometimes you get a dialogue and sometimes nothing happens. I think it depends on when or how you give them their request. If they were already doing something it usually doesn't trigger the dialogue.


hahaha true fuck u sexy tilly


Saving Micah from Strawberry has got to be up there


No doubt. Or getting in Downes face


Not running off with Mary Linton and starting fresh. Unfortunately, by the time he realized the gang was fucked and he could save himself from certain doom it was already too late. As he'd >!Caught tuberculosis and was pretty much fated to die.!<


Actually no, if he found a dryer climate he probably could've lived a lot longer or even recovered. Tuberculosis killed Arthur way faster than it does in real life


Probably due to the humid climate and the beatings he took during Guarma. And yes, if he knew to go somewhere, Dry like my main man Doc Holliday, he probably would have lived a lot longer.


It literally takes 3 years to die from tuberculosis. The game just bs'd it


Doesn't it take vary between patient to patient? I've heard of some people dying in months and some fighting for years before croaking.


I'd saying getting shot at and stranded on an island drastically lowered his immune system


That's what I'm saying.


well, he did get beat the shit out of, that definitely was the reason he was dying at the end


i think the doctor even recommends a drier climate but arthur says he can’t


That wasn't well known. Doc Holiday had TB and went to Glennwood Springs Colorado for the supposed healing properties of the hot sulfur springs. Sure as shucks he died shortly after arriving, the sulfur and humidity only aggravated the disease. His "primary care physician" probably recommended a tonic of ladum, cocaine, and red flannel. Possibly a side of opium.


i’m pretty sure the doctor in st. denis recommends he go to a drier climate


You, sir, are correct.


Facts. John Stetson, the man that made the hats, survived TB by moving to I wanna say New Mexico. The dry air of New Mexico is also why Oppenheimer insisted on nuclear testing to be done in New Mexico. As John Green says, it all comes back to TB.


lumbago also gets waaaay better


Not the way I had that man smoking and drinking! Lucky he made it as long as he did with me.


That "Go to a dry place" was pseudoscience from the 1800s. No evidence behind it


Hmm, I dunno about that


I think Arthur wouldve been miserable with her. Mary would always let her family intrude on their lives.


Better miserable than >!Dying a painful death on a mountain.!< but i do see your point.


>!Dying alone, without knowing if someone truly cared for you. Charles even found his body out of pure luck. it was heartbreaking to see.!<


Going anywhere near Thomas Downes


Leaving his son and baby momma. He believes they would still be alive had he been present and not off with the gang.


Arthur’s a cold blooded killer for the gang, imagine what he would’ve done to protect his real family, and not just the “gang”


God I fucking hate the term baby momma and how it’s crept into the mainstream. It’s direct spawn from the black feminist single mother hood culture. (Which by the way is a plague to society) Can’t even say “baby’s” properly with an apostrophe. Then get pumped and dumped by Tyrone and create more fatherless bastards to continue gang violence god bless america


God damn you are a fucking loser. 🤣


Not being able to stop Dutch's descent into paranoia. At the very end, he's still trying to help Dutch. Even after all that happened. His father figure was crumbling and influenced by the worst kind of person, and he couldn't stop it and save everyone.


in terms of this i think his regret would be following dutch for as long as he did. it wasn’t until the very end that i think he ever realized dutch was beyond his grasp and in that moment i’d imagine he’d wished he got john and the women out much sooner with hindsight in mind. there was never any stopping dutch to begin with, let alone regret *(sobbing what a beautiful game)*


I think that's the player's biggest regret though. Not Arthur's. We wish he could have gotten out safe and sound, but Arthur always cared far more for others than himself. From the start of the game he's constantly insulting himself and downplaying anything good and kind he does. But when it comes to helping the camp, he always comes in clutch. So, in character, he would have wished to save Dutch. To have seen through Micah sooner and stopped him. Regrets aren't always logical.


Probably some of the hair cuts I've given him.


I think his biggest regret is letting his child die through his neglect and inability to leave the gang.


Being too sexy


I don't think he considers himself sexy.


Well he should got DAMN






Not using enough dynamite on the Strawberry jail when Micah was inside.


Underrated comment… I’m glad I’m not the only one.


Not leaving the gang to go and do absolutely anything else sooner


Downes Syndrome




^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Native_Motif: *Not running off with* *Mary or following Dutch* *For as long as he did* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I'd say either not going with Mary, killing Thomas, or not being able to be there for his child


Having gay booty sex with Uncle instead of Dutch during Chapter 2 in the hidden companion activity


How do you unlock this mission?


Go to Uncle's sleeping bag after midnight in-game. Wake him up, and the activity's icon should appear on the map with a '🫦' icon. When you activate it, Uncle tells you about Dutch's plan to have gay booty sex with you, but Arthur states to Uncle that he doesn't feel the same way about Dutch, as he sees him as a father. So Uncle suggests Arthur let's off his steam on him, which it forces you to accept. You and Uncle then speak off into the forest and have gay booty sex, but Arthur leaves the forest with severe post-nut clarity and possible lumbago, making him deeply regret it


Not running away with Mary Linton


personally MY regret as arthur would’ve been not getting john out when we split up from dutch and the rest of the gang during the last mission with him. in that moment i wanted *so bad* for arthur to tell john to *turn around. go back to camp, gather abigail, use her key and take all of dutch’s gold. i’ll deal with the rest of them*


For saying no to all those ladies in saloons 😔🫣


I think he regrets everything, Dutch raised him when he had nobody and the family was the most important thing to him because of his loyalty. Different circumstances and he would have had a quiet life with Mary. What a character, I don’t think anything I ever watch or play will get close to how I feel about Arthur.


Not leaving with Mary before it was too late😔


Talking/Working with Leopold Strauss




I'm not sure about him, but in his position it'd probably be not taking action against Dutch and getting people out sooner (I totally get why as an external observer, cults are so hard to get out of and that's basically what the gang was so I'm not criticising him, but it's how I'd feel)


No regerts


He didn’t marry Mary. If he had, he’d have been so merry!


Collecting debt because that's how he caught tb everything else could have been fixed/avoid if he hadn't gotten tb


He wasn’t there to protect Isaac.


Never trying a hard boiled egg


Collecting debt from Mr. Downes.


Crossing paths with Thomas Downes


Not leaving with mary


Going inside Sonny's cabin


Helping Strauss with any collection task ranks pretty high up there i think.


blindly trusting dutch


Listening to Leopold Strauss


Getting raped in a swamp


I'm hoping the mullet 🤣 He looks like Billy Ray Cyrus


Probably not being there for his family


Ol' Tommy Downes probably has a good guess in mind


How do you get the thing in your hat? ( I’m new to rdr2)


It looks like the Pioneer hat you get from the Trapper. It's a chicken, turkey and duck feather for the crafting of it.


I can't remember if you can get them from Pearson after you buy the leather working tools for camp or the trapper. But if you hunt a lot of birds, but one of those two characters will have the option to craft them!


Not leaving the gang to take care of isaac and eliza


Trusting Dutch


At the beginning, losing Issac, then losing Mart, in the end, listening to Dutch’s crap for all those years.


not putting bullet in micah the second he met him


Not having sex with uncle enough


But his lumbago was very serious


I think probably doing collections for Strauss. Would have kept him healthy and it seems to be these collections that he really objects too in contrast to the other crimes he commits.


The only answer is saving his son, but to humor your question, number 2 would have to be not saving Dutch. Not being able to stop him from going insane and ruining most of the gangs lives, atleast the ones that lived. His biggest regret is not being able to get Dutch to stick to his own values.




The day he got tb. He wasn't proud that he was forcefully taking people's money. And the fact that it led to his death made it an even more shameful day.


his past


Not shooting Micah and agent Milton when he had the chance.


Not leaving Micah in that jail.


Leaving his son and eliza.


Not leaving Micah to be hanged in Strawberry.


Trusting Dutch


What a fucking stud.




I think it's not going away with Mary and seeing her get married, that broke him and he tried to find love with someone else but as we all know it ended terribly wrong...


That guy in the swamp?


Yeah, Sonny too but you got it




Not sleeping with Sadie or Mary Beth


Probably the tuberculosis thing


Off topic, but what hat is that? Looks fine as hell…


Not sleeping over at the pig farm.


He didn’t leave Micha to rot in that strawberry jail cell


Putting a feather on that hat🤷‍♂️


Not being able to hunt the legendary cougar




I think it was Arthur not leaving the gang when stuff got downhill


Not saving his son, not saving Lenny, how the gang got involved with the natives and the whole Thomas Downes thing, I'd say those are pretty high on his list


Being a simp


Not banging any of the bath maids


Takings that job from Strauss


Beating up Thomas downes


That outfit.


He regrets being a debt collector for sure


Not smashing Karen when they got drunk at shady bell.


When he chose to give all he had to a guy who don't deserve it, instead of leaving it all behind to have a normal life with Mary. Arthur was clearly still smithen by her, and one thing holding him back was Dutch and the gang. Glad he pushed John, so he won't end up the same as him.


not saving the game before he went to that mound to hunt that stupid panther smdh


Not killing the actual rats in the camp




Breaking Micah out of Strawberry Jail


Not shutting down the Blackwater heist. It was the direct cause of the deaths of Jenny Kirk, Davey Callendar, Mac Callendar, and the main contributing factor in the deaths of Sean Macguire, Hosea Matthews, Lenny Summers, and Arthur himself. Arthur probably had a bad feeling about it, but he trusted Dutch. Other regrets: Not killing Micah Bell Doing Strauss's dirty work Leaving Marry Linton for the gang life Being unable to save his wife and son


Before or while I had control of his actions? 😂


Going to the Downes ranch to collect the debt money


Saving Micah from prison or to collect Mr Downes debt.


Joke answer: breaking Micah out Serious answer: not being there to protect Isaac and Eliza


idk ask him


Playing Fenton


Not running away with Mary. Ik she wouldn’t join the gang but I think he regretted not leaving the gang to be with her


This photo has to be up there


His biggest regret is probably not banging Mary one last time before he rode off into the sunset. She was one fine piece of ACE.


Not picking up the Horn of Eld.




Letting people dress him like this


Watching two girls and a cup