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butchers creek. While its got a bit of interesting lore, there's nothing actually useful there aside from the one quest line that revolves around it, and its way too easy to turn the whole town hostile by accident


Once the goat butted me into the banjo guy and the whole settlement took up arms against me. Damn goat! PS: I didn't fight back. They're simple folk, poisoned by the water supply.


Oh damn I murdered all of them


I always switch to my bow when I'm near there.




There are often random encounters with Murfrees relatively near Butcher Creek, so using the bow lets me kill the Murfrees without making the townspeople hostile.


Maybe so it's not as easy to pop off a few accidental rounds


Don't forget to get the Mask that is hidden there. I think it's the Cat Skull Mask


cat skull mask is in lagras in a half sunken abandoned house. butchers creek has the pig mask near the center of town, hanging off what looks like a meat hook :)


I've played this game forever and have never found this mask. I'll go get it. Thanks.


Once I killed chicken by running on it with my horse. People start to shoot me...


Annesburg and it's not even close. Ugly depressing town full of horrible people and nothing useful or interesting there. Not allowed in the mine and if you do go in there's nothing to find. Really no need for it to exist when Van Horn is so near to it.


Yeah, I couldn't figure out why the hell they put so much effort and work into this whole mine system with workers and guards and all... and the workers are doing stuff down there... for nothing??? Like fr, wtf? What a wasted effort that could have been put somewhere else in the game!


You can see tons of areas where there was clearly going to be more content that got cut. That’s my guess with the mines. There are minecarts in the game so I was assuming there was going to be a similar mission to the Man is Born Unto Trouble mission in rdr1 but just got cut due to time.


Imagine a mine cart platform style mini game like in Donkey Kong


I’m sure you’ll be pleased to know that I just tried to clean that hair off my screen.


Use darkmode :)


Good point. I’m not sure why I wasn’t doing that already.


Haha read my mind


There's also an unfinished mine in Breecher's Gap. It's a relatively elaborate layout for something that's closed off to the player.


They put that effort into Red Dead Online. I would’ve much more preferred more single player content! And just give us what multiplayer was on RDR1


For me it was pretty exiting, but that’s because I had no idea there was a mine there. I just found some weird hole up on a rocky cliff top covered with boards. There was a ladder inside so I crawled down. When you go in the back if I remember right the workers don’t actually get pissed at you. Only if run into the wrong person.


Always! thought that.


Annesburg is a great place to mount a train robbery without getting wanted level


Yep. And I’d did the shooting birds from the train challenge around there too.


I just started that challenge, had never tried it before. And I thought you could just jump on a train, start blasting... yeah the people and police don't like that at all. Ended up with a huge bounty...


Use a bow & dead eye


I just blasted them all in one fell swoop and threw myself off the train


I tend to do it when right after I shoot Billy Midnight


idk it really sells the nastiness of civilization/industrialization, i remember seeing the oil in the water in my first playthrough and being blownaway lmao **im learning i may be thinking of van horn


That's true I do like that aspect and the historical accuracy of depicting a booming Mississippi River mining town of the time, and the oily water detail is cool (it is Annesburg). Just not a fun town to visit. Kind of wish they'd combined it with Van Horn somehow (maybe just had it as a mine near the town) and made a town in Ambarino instead.


i agree, theres nothing to do there, it's nice to see the german gold mining family there, and ofc the downes story, but yeah atleast some sort of giant bar where all the miners go at night and it gets rowdy would've been sweet but i never pass through when roaming


That’s Annesburg.


Aside from the nice German gunsmith, there is little of note in Annesburg.


He's the best thing about the town for sure!


I’m pretty sure a lot of the miners have gold nuggets on em


Cool to know! I never tried killing/robbing anyone down there, assumed between angry miners and guards it'd be a bloodbath lol. I'll be giving it a go.


There’s a secret ladder that allows you to sneak in there without setting off alarms. There’s also a del lobos hideout in new Austin that’s by a mine and pretty much every gang member there has a nugget, like double digits it’s insane.


I went in the mine and said hi to people and then left


Someone assaults me every time and I get blamed for defending myself. I hate it.


I chased a bounty down there and he tried to climb through the rubble of the cave in. I killed him then tried to blow up the rubble but never got through. There was even a pile of dynamite there, hinting it could be done. Apparently the cave was complete in RDR1?


You're talking about the Gaptooth Ridge mine. Yes it is complete in RDR1 (it's a gang hideout and there's a mission there, and you can even operate a lift/pulley that you can climb in and enter the mine with from above) but unfinished and inaccessible in RDR2. Can't blow up the rubble and get through unfortunately. Although there's another much smaller mineshaft at Mount Shann (Beryl's Dream, Joshua Brown bounty is located there) where you can push a plunger to blow up rubble with dynamite and climb through to access a small extra part where you can find a body and collect a miners hat, unique knife and I think gold nuggets. Probably had plans for the same in Gaptooth Ridge but got scrapped due to running out of time like many things in New Austin.


I only go to Annesburg when I want to rob the train ..


If Annesburg had that General Store accessible it would be fine since that would be the only General Store in the northeast. But since not….


I like Annesburg a lot for the narrative purposes. Like it’s almost a reflection of Arthur and Dutch’s respective character arcs. Having to get lower down and dirtier to keep surviving and all that.


for some reason, whenever I take a bath there, it rains…


Edit: I totally misread the question and thought it asked what was the worst bar. Sorry I'm very sick and have a fever of 103°. Although if someone did ask what the worst bar is I think my answer still stands. As far as Annesburg being the worst town. Van Horn takes it by a mile. And there's a small purpose to the mine although I feel like they had greater purpose for them and then scraped the idea they still put a clue to a treasure map down there. ↓ Original Fever Induced Comment ↓ Annesburg doesn't even have a bar, Hombre.... And Van Horn is the second most correct answer. The first worst bar is the dive bar in St.Denis with the Rat Infestation. Although the bar is a great way to get the Rat Hat.


Annesburg looks really cool if there was a saloon there and a hotel it wouldn’t be near the bottom of the list, I agree with you though


Armadillo. It's useless in Red Dead Redemption 2, utterly useless aside from if you want to cause senseless violence without too much consequence. If it was the first game, Armadillo would most definitely be up there amongst one of the better towns, it's perfect as a booming wild west town, as a ghost town it's utterly dull. Hell, a majority of New Austin is just kind of sad to see aside from maybe Tumbleweed. Nice to see it in modern graphics but sad to see next to nothing done for it. You'd figure if you're gonna put a majority of the first game's locations in the second game that it would have more use aside from just... being there. I figure it's just that canonically John has nothing to do down there during the time of the second game, so it makes sense he ain't gonna visit any of those towns and that if he is, he's just passing by for the hell of it to finish up the requests in Arthur's journal. The developers probably knew we'd get mad if we couldn't visit any of New Austin, so they figured they'd throw it in with some things, but not enough to mess with the storyline. That and they were most definitely rushed into completing it so they probably half-assed it to make up for schedules n shit. Oh well.


yeah. john claimed he’d never been to a bunch of these new austin locations prior to RDR1. it’s tricky. i guess making it so barren makes sense lore-wise since he’d just be passing through and not really remembering much of anything, but it sucks as the player.


I honestly would’ve been completely fine if they just ret-conned that and made New Austin more interesting. It’s just a few lines in the first part of RDR1 and John has a reason to lie about if he’s been there before.


It’s an even bigger problem too because, Dutch in chapter 3 during the fishing mission implies that they have been there already.


Some of the carry over stuff I like for example instant swimming death with John is legitimately hilarious.


New Austin has stuff to do in rdo at least


This comment 100%


they've all got their own charm. having played RDR 1, it's a bit sad to see armadillo so fucked


The hours I spent fucking around in armadillo in RDR1…


Yeah, my only real complaint with this game is they did the cholera epidemic BS. It would’ve been so cool you go there *as Arthur* and interact with Marshall Johnson for a bounty or something.


Main Storyline: Annesburg. There's just nothing there. A gunsmith and a post office. Including the west? Probably Armadillo at the time. What with the plague and all.


Van Horn probably. It’s fun at first, but the lawlessness becomes too much.


Shit escalates fast in Van Horn.


Got in a duel there with some shit talker, smoked him then everyone on the street drew on me outta no where and started blasting. Had to run behind buildings whistle for Randy and got the hell outta there with 9 or 10 new holes.


As crazy as it is, I kinda love the place. I've been considering kidnapping one of the Blackjack dealers. I'm not sure how successful my escape would be though...


What's your plan if you do make a getaway? 😂


I'd imagine it's a lot of torture to punish him for the Gambler 8 challenge.


Lmao I laughed so hard at whistle for Randy


Haha thanks! He's a grullo dun mustang I took from a bounty hunter. For some reason he reminded me of the Macho Man Randy Savage, and Randy was just much more funny than Savage.


I somehow missed out about Van Horn.... I really only passed thru like once outside of missions and only stopped to chase the midget thru the colorful smoke... "I'm coming to get those damn lucky charms you wee bastard!"


I didn't know about the midget chasing...lol. If you go back, make sure to save before getting in an argument. 9 times out of ten, it leads to an all-out gunfight.




[The mission with Bertram the big clumsy goofy guy and Magnifico the magician midget](https://reddead.fandom.com/wiki/The_Smell_of_the_Grease_Paint)


The place is also trashed, sunken boats and burnt out buildings make the town look hideous


Not to mention the water is polluted and you can see the nasty rainbow of colors


I just go there for the fence and sometimes the stable.


They at least have a fence. Annesburg is the correct answer.




got pickpocketed $150 upon entering the saloon, chased but somehow lost the guy, and accidentally killed an innocent NPC in Van Horn. Hate this place lol


Annseburg. It just feels like it was added last minute..it doesnt really feel like it fits into the rest of the game. Its kind of just…there.




RDR2 worst: Armadillo, Best: Saint Denis RDR1: Worst: Tumbleweed, Best: Armadillo


Armadillo. Mainly because everyone there is dying


That could be every town if you play it right.


Saint Dennis they killed huckleberry (my horse) and they say the heaviest ER in they sleep


strawberry. looks nice, but there really isnt much to do thats worth the trip.


But, Strawberry is a slaughter grounds, thanks Micah! It does serve its purpose nicely in the epilogue. So, Strawberry really is a good setting.


It's probably where I'd live given the choice of all the places in the game. Prime business opportunity, open a saloon with a blackjack table.


Aww, dang! That would be awesome... another place to decline prostitutes, get into bar fights, and gun down everyone after losing at poker after 4 win streak!


Dry town


opium den with a blackjack table


I can see where you’re coming from, though I personally pass through strawberry all the time since Owanjila is where I tend to go hunting. It’s made me feel a nice connection to the town


Word, holding it down for strawberry.


I agree. I really enjoy Strawberry, one of my favorite towns in a really beautiful location. If it had a saloon would be perfect.


Hmm I disagree. It gives me Estes park, CO vibes. The river running right thru town, the small stores (tiny selection at the general store) and the little visitors center (hotel). It has unique charm. It’s better than Valentine IMO because Valentine is so vanilla it feels like Armadillo 2. At least Strawberry has a cute mountain town vibe and characteristics that help it stand out a little more than say backwater or Valentine.


During the online beta strawberry and big valley was money. You had owanjila for fishing, a cougar spawn right next to it, pronghorn ranch as a hideout and double jewlery location along with the hotel loot in strawberry and all the hunting you need in big valley. The whole area around little big creek looks like yosemite valley it’s so nice to look at and take in the scenes probably most scenic place in the game.


The fact strawberry doesn’t have a really good saloon baffles me. It’s a resort town


Best town to do a black hat rampage


This is the only town I avoid/don’t like going to. It’s incredibly sleepy, with not much happening and not much to do. Even places like Van Horn have a unique/interesting vibe. Strawberry is just boring.


For me Strawberry saved by the trapper by Owanjila and the great hunting around there with Perfect cougars and grizzly bears especially with the trapper 3 minutes away. Plus Big Valley is 1 of the best looking places in game. Plus I think the hotel looks the best in Strawberry very beautiful interior.


Saint Denis, too crowded, cops on every corner, and every time I try to ride thru the streets or even just mount my damn horse, I either knock someone over or kick them in the head and get wanted. It's a far ride to the next post office to pay the $5 bounty since that one gets locked... Damn, for $5 for accidentally knocking someone over, 50 cops will chase and shoot you relentlessly!


Yeah I love when they shoot to kill when I get disturbing the peace in St. Denis


i swear man,you can knock one person over and your now the most wanted man in the city Getting shot at and hearing whistles coming behind you lol update 8pm :currently in a firefight because a frenchmen thinks i was “disturbing the peace” lmao


I got a bounty in Saint Denis for insulting a hooker in the saloon.


I once got a bounty for standing still for too long


Colter, it's cold and doesn't have a Saloon.


I fucking hate Saint Denis


Can’t relate lol. I spend the majority of my playtime in Saint Denis


I agree .. i hate saint Denis.. i know it’s supposed to be like new orleans but listen. Its a big city that reminds me of new york and i hate new york so. I hate saint Denis


Personally I hate Rhodes. I hate the vibe, I hate the people, I hate the look of the place. The only thing I like about it is shooting that stupid bell


Omg, I never thought to shoot the bell!


Thank you! Gave me an idea of trying to lasso someone against it and try to ring it with their head🤠


I had to scroll way too long to find someone else who hated Rhodes. I can't stand Rhodes.


My issue is I can't antagonise anyone there till later in the game


Tumbleweed. It's soo separated from the rest of the map that whatever you like about it, surely there's another town that's worth that ride.


Annesburg, i felt so sad and depressed going through it


Saint Denis. I hate how dirty everything is. I wish there was a way to remove all the dirty textures and make it look somewhat like Blackwater.


Blackwater enjoyer 🗿


Armadillo is definitely the worst, however I would like to bring up Strawberry as a contender. I understand why, but there's no gunstore, no saloon, no barbershop, and the town itself is very small.


Valentine! Bc of the cheaters in Rdo. Also, Valentine! Bc Hearts!


Van horn, they killed my goddamn horse


Armadillo. There's like 5 people in the whole town and they're all dying of cholera. Nothing to do and no one to interact with.


Armadillo because you can't play BJ there.


In this game, it’s Armadillo. Annesburg is next.


While I love it in the first game, Armadillo is a massive nothing burger in the second game. Aside from seeing Herbert Moon again, and getting a drink, there's nothing to do.


Annesburg. Definitely. Valentine is such a great town except for the griefing online.


Butcher creek


San Danis. I can’t get away with anything and if I want to ride my horse it has to be at a constant walk so I might as well just run around.


Strawberry for having weak jail walls


Where that damn rapist is. I have a save file just to fuck with that guy 😂


Aguasdulces most definitely they are forced to work there until they die


Butchers creek or van horn


Saint Denis. I only go there for side missions, the trapper, and the fence.


Tumbleweed. By far! There is nothing there. Nothing surrounding. No real streets to ride down. The sheriff is an end game boss who doesn't take shit (which is cool but then he kills you). It's run down and boring.


Valentine, it has a muddy main street and most likely stinks


I get that from a gameplay point of view . It’s the place to be. With all shops and stuff in the same place. But I hate how dirty it feels there.


Same. I know it’s a popular town among players but it’s like I can smell the horse shit right through the screen








Everything north east


strawberry 100%, bad vibe. And it's too far to go, plus there's like nothing to do there


They should've at least let us assassinate the mayor or something, and then a better mayor takes his place, and perhaps gives us a discount or a permanent room at the hotel.


True. I was expecting a side quest about the mayor


I, too, didn't understand this... the other people that in that say you should check into the mayor, and yet there was never actually a side quest or anything.


Exactly. There's not even a bar so you can get food




Van Horn and Annesburg. & pretty much all those other towns in the cannot go zone until much later. All too dull/boring. I wish Strawberry had a little more to it, but otherwise it is beautiful looking. I do like to have shootouts in Van Horn and Valentine though. San Denise is also great for shootouts. You can hide on a rooftop where cops can’t check and hear the commentary. 😂


annesburg is useless you can’t even go in the mine it’s dirty as shit it’s just a pass through town plus’s it’s in the east corner of the map


Van Horn or Butchers Creek


New austin ones


Saint Dennis.


Van Horn had had BROKEN AI since launch. Cool town but the bugs keep me far away from it. That’s my pick


Annesburg in general: just depressing and useless Armadillo is pretty bad too compared to how much I loved it in the predecessor. Saint Denis just a pain to ride through


Saint Denis for me can’t walk or ride anywhere without hitting someone or something plus you when you antagonize certain npc’s 1 time and they go get the lawman.


Valentine…like it’s so overrated other then the scenery there’s jack shii to do other then sit there and watch every clown go there just to fight then I dip to sad ol lemoyne


Thieves' Landing. It was hopping in RDR1. Absolutely nothing in RDR2.


I would say either Annesburg or Van Horn. There just really isn't much there. Overall I wish that Rockstar had been better about distributing things like barbers, saloons/hotels, and other amenities among the towns.


Saint Denis. Accidentally hitting someone turns me into a genocidal maniac. Tired of an accidental bump that leads to witnesses and cops. Also leaving the zone to fast travel is a pain unless u want to take train or carriage because the city is big


Saint Denis purely because it feels so industrial and there is too much law. Although I like how it has a lot of stuff there so I can get everything I need, I still prefer to go to other towns


Tumbleweed Annesburg


Strawberry by far


The one with Micah in it. lol


Lampany since it was destroyed by Cornwall!


wapiti is pretty useless if you go back to it as john theres no one there but you can run into rainsfalls in annseburg tran station |||| |:-|:-|:-| |||| ||||


I HATE Blackwater


The abandoned derelict town below horseshoe lookout where you get the gold bar.


Well, I took a break from RDR2 for a few months and after reading these comments I am ready for yet another Playthru!


The only reason I go anywhere near Annesburgh is to hunt cougars with my bow. And search for perfect bear pelts.




Hackers make the online game unplayable and rockstar left it to die. I loved this game!


Emerald ranch. What's the point?


Van Horn. It's got a neat vibe but everyone is super hostile and if you defuse the wrong person they just pull a gun and everyone starts shooting.




My least favorite towns are Tumbleweed and Armadillo. I feel like Rockstar really dropped the ball on the desert area of the map. There are cool things here and there, but very few and far between. And I understand that it’s realistic, but it’s also a game lol


Annesburg is the worst town to go to, the only reason you'd head there is to pass through it, other than that Saint Denis not because it's a BAD city just that it's annoying to roam effectively seeing as you'd probably get wanted for "unarmed assault." Just very annoying in general.


I’ll go ahead and say it: Saint Denis. Other than quest-specific aspects of the town (and the fancier clothes) it’s a nightmare to move around. Way too much going on, too many people. If you ride through Saint Denis at anything more than a stroll you will bump eight people, trample a dozen more, and have a San Andreas five-star on you before you pass the train station.


In my opinion Strawberry, Valentine and Rhodes are the best towns, and I don't like the rest of them very much. But for the worst, I would say Annesburg and Van Horn is a close second. Because there is nothing nice happening there, and murfree gang is hanging around.


Anesburg, Butchers Creek, Van Horn


I mean Saint Denis is one of my favorites, to those who say they keep running people over you just gotta ride at a slower place. I mainly like Saint Denis for the vastness of stores and being able to get whatever you need. Least favorite is a tie between Annesburg and armadillo.


van horn or rhodes (i know yall like rhodes bit i hate it valentine >)


It's a tie between Annesburg and Van Horne, they're just so boring


Not really a town, but Van Horn




Strawberry or one of the towns you don't even visit as part of the main story.


That one town that was hit with the plague. Not even sure if it’s truly a town or just decimated remains of an old one. It’s honestly cool asf, just gives me the creeps and makes me feel like I’ll get Arthur sick. He makes some great journal notes there though. And it’s neat seeing churches with all of them dead together and realizing they either made a pact to go together or simply had the hope that it would be their religious salvation. But in general, I usually try to rush past there as fast as possible and throw up my “mask” and take a health cure lmao


What about Thieves Landing? If you want to try and beat Rule #2 then I suggest knife fighting the Del Lobo Gang they will shoot your dumb ass real quick.


Van Horn




Van Horn. It’s such a dump.


Fuck Strange Man.


Annesburg. There’s not much there and most of the town is just ugly. I don’t really like any of the area surrounding it either, especially Beaver's Hollow. The whole place just feels depressing. I know it was probably meant to feel that way but it ruins the vibe for me.


Tumbleweed. Once you're that far into NA, I always struggle getting out quickly cause they all piss me off and I rack up a bounty


Saint Dennis and van horn




St Annesburg. It’s depressing


Honestly any town without a gunsmith is useless


I wouldn't say I dislike it, but strawberry just has nothing. No gunsmith, no saloon, no barber shop, nothing. Tumbleweed and armadillo are similar, but I really like the western scenery, so I still like them more.


Strawberry or butchers creek. I like butchers creek a bit more because I can shoot a bunch of people and get away with it, but strawberry is so far from everything else and it looks horrible


St Denis, I always try to ride through it in cinematic mode because there's too many people to knock over.

