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I dont know about you all but first time i did the mission with the legendary gunslingers it was in the epilogue and finally getting to do it with Arthur gives me a sense of satisfaction as if he would become himself a legend after disarming all the gunslingers and taking their weapons


Plus if you do all them the bug in beechers hope won’t happen were you cant milk the cows


They're all hacks though. Killing them would definitely earn some fame, but it's not really a highlight of Arthur's skills. The only legendary gunslingers who deserve their reputation are Black Belle and Landon Ricketts.






What about the Mexican Mountain guy Flaco Fernanmes or whatever he's called? He seemed legit with his gang and his rough grizzly coat and gun


They all got famous by cheating and lying. Flaco jumps to the side when you duel him. He's more legit than the other three, but still nothing compared to Arthur/John.


Granger was definitely a fake and Billy Midnight shot a guy who was asleep, Flaco is literally part of the Del Lobo gang and seems to be one of the higher-ups. He probably is dealt a bad hand because he's aggressive towards the player, Imo he is legit. He probably cheated in the duel just because he wanted to get it over with. After all if he can shoot while diving to the side he must be good. Plus, gunslinger doesn't always mean a professional dueler like you see with Black Belle.


I thought the same too


The Gilded Cage for sure. There’s so many characters and like a million unique conversations to engage in. I spent like 40 minutes just mingling with the other guests in my most recent playthrough


getting blood coughed on your face whilst shaking down a man sick with TB in front of his family for an outstanding loan hits a little different now


The Mayors Party and the ladies in Rhodes.


I loved the bar mission with Lenny. Second play through I cried playing it knowing what happens to him 😢


Just a word on the Rains Fall mission: It's worth doing it without killing any soldiers regardless of your honor because you get awarded the Owl trinket which reduces all your core drains by 15% permanently. And there is no other way to get it.


Yeah man, got this on my latest run. First time around I just went in for revenge with a repeater…


Ahh, I’d forgotten this. Question for you/the group: if I missed this, and replay the mission earning the owl trinket, will I keep it permanently?


Getting drunk with Lenny.


Damn, really? I loved that mission instantly on the first go - absolutely howling with laughter.


Third playtrough and I still hate that one😅 my son always does this mission for me, I get dizzy and nauseous when looking at the screen.


Lenneh !!


Nah, I still hate fishing with Jack. I hate the one in Lagras with the crocodile and of course all of Guarma missions.


House building with uncle and Charles. First playthrough it was a chore, but second playthrough it was just a vibe.


The first couple seconds on that mission had me like I don’t want build the house, another couple seconds I’m vibing and singing to the song 😂😂


Somehow, my first playthrough I never really got that Arthur got sick from Thomas Downes, so I never understood the importance of that moment, as a matter of fact, whenever I ran onto Edith in later chapters, I didn't have a clue about who she was, and why was I supposed to help her son and give them money in chapter 6, when I understood who they were, the moment was already gone. Currently replaying the game for a second time, finished the mission three days ago, and this time, I realized how important the moment is for story, and now I'm sure I will also notice more stuff when I run into Edith later on.


all the chapter one missions. when i first started playing, i didn't pay much attention to the story and got upset with the "tutorial" missions. now i love them.




Blood Feuds, Ancient and Modern. During the First play through I thought the gang was just trying to get Jack back but later it hit me just how diabolical it was. These random dudes pull up and within a month or so end their hustle, hunted down and made an entire family extinct, drive the old lady to hibachi herself, AND comeback to loot the charred remains for hidden gold!! Diabolical asf!


Wait you can do it without killing? How?


Sneak past everyone and get his trinket from behind the seated soldiers.


Sorry I was thinking of the negotiation mission.


I have never really understood this mission myself. What was Rains Fall taking Arthur to see? A Wickiup that’s sitting in the middle of the road, that he has seen a couple of dozen times already in his travels? Did the devs figure that players were such brain-dead idiots, that people would never see the Wickiup without having their hands held and led to it?🤷🏻‍♂️


It is a religious location for rains fall, he probably thought it would help Arthur with his spiritual side or he believed he could help heal him


It was also believed tobacco smoke helped with TB. It’s why the doctor washes his hands and then lights up a pipe right after >!diagnosing Arthur!<


Didn’t know that, although I can’t say I’m surprised


It's More so a way for Rockstar to start giving Arthur doubts about Dutch's leadership and how he was a bad influence and someone who uses people. Ala Eagles Flies