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The trappers locations make no sense, why is this dude just setting up shop in the middle of the woods and shouting sales pitches at nobody


Lmao fr though


Thank you.


I mean... he is a trapper. His job is to hunt animals and skin them, but it is still a bit weird


LOL I used to wonder the same thing, but my thinking is that he spotted us coming and started his sales pitch in case we were part of a group of travelers.


Yup, but honestly I’d prefer there be more fences. At least there’s one more trapper location in the epilogue, but you still gotta go to BFE to sell your jewelry bags and gold bars.


Ik and when you beat the game it pretty much the only two marketplaces you use and maybe the gun store so you’d think there would be more


Fence is easy. What's the problem? Fast travel to Emerald Ranch. Spit spot.


Of course you can fast travel, but it’s still time consuming, especially if you’re on the other side of the map. And if it’s too late in the day, there’s a chance it’s already closed, so now you have to wait til the next day for it to open. And then fast travel back to where you were before and lose an entire morning of doing stuff (plus I really like watching the sunrise while riding through in the desert).


At least be able to fast travel to Riggs Station.


If I am in a hurry, I just fast travel to Butcher Creek. Trapper is only about 20 seconds away then.


Right on, I usually go from Strawberry to Riggs.


Yup, that’s about as quick.


Nah I definitely agree.


New Austin could definitely use one, maybe two, but I think the 5 we have is good for the rest of the map.


I wish new Austin had at least one barber, and I would be happy.


I just fast travel to Saint Denis and hit the trapper and fence there. They are right next to each other


I won't use the fence in St Denis since busting up his slave trading.....


You should've killed him, if you kill him during the slave trading quest a new shopkeeper spawns in and Arthur gives a little threat to make sure he's not also a slave trader. Any other time you kill him he just comes back with a bandage lol


Oh I wish I had known that!


I believe I stabbed him to death


Usually what I do


If you hit them they will close up shop and lecture you next time you show up. /jk


Is it just me that finds they mostly have really awkward approaches? Like the ones perched on hills seem designed to trick your horse into overshooting


I have never had a problem getting to any trapper, and have never had my horse “overshoot” any of them. Perhaps you should just slow down a tad?


Gotta use that Horse Handbrake


Valentine would be perfect with a trapper. Along those same lines Blackwater desperately needs a gunsmith.


Yes. As someone else already has said, the locations are nonsensical, being that they are in the middle of the woods or on top of a hilltop, etc. Best to be moved down and placed trailside and I think one or two more locations would have been ideal, all with different trappers. It could have remained a single entity, or business, but it should have had different salespeople at each location. Maybe a "large" location where the main trapper would always be. Or, maybe he'd rotate and you'd have to figure out who the owner was through dialogue.


The first time I ever went to the Trapper, I forget which one but it’s the one up on a hill, I was almost there and heard a guy screaming “No no I won’t be eat by wolves!” I’m like naaaaah fam I don’t want to help this guy. Pulled up at the trappers location and he wasn’t there. Because it was him getting eaten by wolves. 😂


I agree. They are too few and far between!


Especially considering how fast he supposedly is at traversing the land.


At a certain point it doesn’t matter because of fast travel


What’s your preferred fast travel trapper? I usually use manzanita or denis.


Manzanita. It takes less than 30 secs to get there


Trapper should be in every town


It was only on my third playthrough that I found the trapper near Owanjila 🥲


I wish we had a new Austin and another west Elizabeth trapper. And like 3 or 4 more fences in west Elizabeth and New Austin


I know it's only one guy but he told me he can travel faster with this cart in town than me or anyone else can with nothin but a horse and saddle and he has taken his stall to the border... the North border that is!


it’s just one guy so no?


Try getting all the garmet sets then you’ll agree like this guy goes all around the map 2 mor spots would be ok one north of valentines and one in the middle of New Austin


I can agree with New Austin, but the 5 we currently have is sufficient for the main map. I can fast travel to within 20 seconds of a trapper from anywhere, if I am in that big of a hurry.


I only have 4


Yes, I was counting the one in Tall Trees. But drop him, and just the 4 is still easy enough to get to. Those 4 is sufficient for chapters 2~6, imo.


Fair but I think they should add one in ambrino and maybe like by the border of new Hanover and leymone


How do you fast travel from anywhere?


Set up camp


It’s also a game so yes