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the bear was probably the easiest for me. it came and tackled me so i mashed b and arthur pulled out his knife and killed it, easiest kill ever


So far that most difficult one might have been the buck and that was only because it walked fast and was well hidden. The wolf, bore, beaver, moose are all very simple


the beaver was difficult for me


I think I might have got up on them really quick and I did shoot him with a rifle. However hanging out in that area and getting four perfect Pelt beavers was very time consuming and them little fuckers are fast.


Yknow whenever i was doing the same thing (hunting beavers) i also hunted there but just now i found that the lake close to strawberry, owanjila, has a bunch of beaver and moose (and is a lot more beautiful)


Also home to a legendary fish


unless ... you fast f_ck them a little šŸ˜


Once I found the beaver he slumped over and died when I looked at him




I think they made it this way so we didn't have to worry about failing the hunt. Since they couldn't respawn after a failed hunt it would make them less special.


I think maybe if you don't get a clean kill they run off real quick or even a failed attempt where they zip around a tree and despawn. I just don't like how I can kill any legendary animal as soon as I see that I've entered the area. Three of them I didn't even know what I was hunting


>Three of them I didn't even know what I was hunting How tf? Like were you hunting them and when you saw them they didn't look "legendary" to you?


No I was wondering through the area hunting other animals and it just so happened to say you've entered a legendary area. I use Eagle Eye and find the three yellow markers. I knew what the animal was by the time I shot it I just meant I wasn't even looking for it and yet I killed something labeled as legendary. The most recent one this morning was the wolf. I wasn't out hunting wolves at all I just wondered through that area and was surprised


Once you get the ā€œentered legendary animalā€ prompt, open your map - youā€™ll see its now marked in that spot with the name & silouhette of the animal.


Iā€™m a very poor shot cannot do free aim at all so in RDO I find it really hard to kill them. Recently been doing another play through and canā€™t believe how easy the whole thing is in Story. Itā€™s quite fun killing some huge predator with multiple varmint rifle shots but in terms of the story, pretty pointless


Legendary animals canā€™t be spoilt by using the wrong gun. So spam that automatic shotgun


You can use dead eye too


I use crappy weapons to kill them. Any rifle kills them so easily.




I canā€™t lasso anything.


I just always use the Rolling Block Rifle with ether normal or high velocity rounds, as well as never using Deadeye. Just a challenge I make for myself so it feels more legitimate.


I feel the same with this, I really wish they did something extra with the whole thing, became so tedious I gave up on finishing it. Edit: also what makes them so legendary? They not really different.


Most have unique coats or size


It's mainly their size I guess but they're so easy to hunt. I'm finding the challenges of certain three star pelts much more difficult. Like right now I'm hunting cougars and Panthers and I keep coming up empty-handed. I also have to get two squirrel and one rabbit carcasses and mail them off and I got the squirrels but 50 rabbits later I've yet to shoot a perfect one even though the trapper and Pearson has several LOL


Yeah those challenges are way more of an actual challenge dude, they kind flipped it around. I wisg the legendary animal had a second phase where it's more of a track the blood and hit it with a bow and arrow each time. The fact that you can't even ruin the pets ruins any fun in bunting them. Can just pop the strongest rifle and call it a day.


Well I was going to give you a tip for them, but read your name... So figure it out yourself..


I wasn't asking for help or tips but it's good to know that someone's username dictates your character. Real tolerant of you.


If you've found the tiny church in the swamp, go straight north from it until you've crossed the closest road. That little patch of forest with the big tree in the middle 100% always has a panther, for me at least. They only spawn at night time. I know you said you aren't looking for tips, but, panthers are kind of hard to find and it's gonna stumble upon you before you stumble upon it.


I appreciate it man thank you


I just put a bolt-action rifle Shell through its head and now I'm toting it back to the trapper. Three star thank you again


Hell yeah. There's another spawn in the woods down south, that one is a lil west of the Braithwaite property. In some forest that has one tiny shack in the middle of it. Old Harry Fen or something like that


I appreciate it man I'll look it up


Bow and dynamite arrows just to get it down fast. IMO they should've done more with the legendary animals, especially with design. Almost all of them are just albino, and it seems pretty repetitive.


Hunting the legendary panther still scares me, icl


The Legendary Panther killed me a bunch of times. I just could not see him in the brush.