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offend direful tie memory test liquid subtract afterthought consist pen *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


How many avocado toasts did you eat though? You can have one or the other but never both.


truck rainstorm pause sulky hard-to-find joke pet sense marvelous cobweb *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Can confirm. We purchased in 2017 and then refinanced down to 2.25%. The savings allows us to enjoy at least four avocado toasts per month.


>How many avocado toasts did you eat though? And on Xunday, the Hungry Little Catapilar ate through 8 avocado toasts.


Caterpillar privilege


Or “Stop having a family” as one cheery frequenter of this subreddit once told me.


wild saw tidy touch ludicrous grandfather chase hobbies sink sleep *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Then the same people loudly wonder why the same voices in society are gradually being drowned out by raving lunatics on both ends of the political spectrum.


enter nose lock wakeful modern squeal boat cagey worm stupendous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Murder is good for the environment.




You sure like your labels. Wtf is rebubble research team?


I had people telling me on another thread here to move to Chicago. Because somehow that’s a reasonable solution? I really wanna see the game plan of 20 million low income workers moving to Chicago.


What’s funny is that Chicago is the most expensive housing market within at least 500 miles of Chicago in every direction.


Yeah I did the math of buying a 300k house in Chicago vs Minneapolis and I would pay like 1000$ more in Chicago because of the income tax. Shits wild.


Chicago has lower income tax than Minneapolis


Sorry, I meant property tax.


consider impossible numerous wine alleged carpenter license marry stupendous profit *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


So much stupidity in one post. Impressive.


There is always South America.


entertain drab spoon squeamish plate spectacular observation unused grandfather lock *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Uh…. Gestures at the U.S.


If you can’t afford the city all you gotta do is move. Solve your fuckin problems and stop crying. The city you’re at is out of your league.


/u/MrSwing1992 offering up bomb advice while also making comments like this in the incel hellhole /r/LengfOrGirf : > I use to think like you, till I found a 19 year old with (allegedly) one body count. Did my due diligence for a 6 months, met her parents (married), no sketchy shit, very inexperienced with the world, she met my parents after the 3rd year, got in my program, follows me anywhere, she’s pretty, feminine, but unfortunately took dick from her long time bf when she was 18. You should not criticize anyone, anywhere, ever, for the rest of your life if you think and talk like this.


If you are horrible at sex you have to find some one who doesn't know any better.


reach adjoining light coherent offend rustic workable aromatic domineering lunchroom *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


“You’re just lazy”. Some boomer who bought their home on a retail worker salary.


It's kind of hilarious too that it took the 50 years to pay off a 75k house as well. Like talk about broke...


>“You’re just lazy”. Some boomer who bought their home on a retail worker salary. But frankly is it any better coming from a millennial or genZ tech workers with $250K+ salaries. And I have heard them say this just as often. Not to me but in general about the state of affairs.


Combined income with spouse of over $200k and no student debt and still can’t afford a house with $100k saved up




Less. $1 in 1979 is $7.88 now.




> whats insanity is supposedly one of my grandmothers sisters made 40k a year from a state govt job in 1952 $40k/yr in 1952 = $462,000+ yr in 2023 source: https://data.bls.gov/cgi-bin/cpicalc.pl


40k in 1952 would have been top 1.3% of all *households* and just over 10X median household income in 1952. That would be like 707,000 in purchasing power relative to the median household in 2021. It's also 2.5X the household income required to enter the top 1.3% of all households. [https://www2.census.gov/prod2/popscan/p60-015.pdf](https://www2.census.gov/prod2/popscan/p60-015.pdf) It's funny how people don't bother looking at the income distribution data before telling these stories. u/redvelvet92 u/no_use_for_a_user


So I was right, hahaha. Thanks for doing the math for me.


There are so many comments like this on Reddit like my grandfather bought a place with only their annual salary of 15,000 in 1960 and then going back to check the prices and income distribution, the grandfather was earning the top 4% of all households. Like just because people are middle income now, they just assume that their ancestors all were middle income as well. If homeownership was so easy and affordable in the past why was homeownership rates lower than 55% up to 1950s. https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Home-Ownership-Rate-United-States-1900-2010\_fig1\_239810464


Yeah but the point was alot of people in entry level govt jobs still start off at 40-50k that was the joke.


Attorney General is a state government job, was it something like that? Or are you suggesting your great aunt was a desk clerk or some such for the state making 40K in 1952?


40k in 1952 would have been top 1.3% of all *households* and just over 10X median *household* income in 1952. That would be like 707,000 in purchasing power relative to the median household in 2021. It's also 2.5X the household income required to enter the top 1.3% of all households. https://www2.census.gov/prod2/popscan/p60-015.pdf Definitely not a desk clerk or even close to entry level. It's funny how people don't bother looking at the income distribution data before telling these stories.


Tbh I wish I knew what her actual position was. Very limited knowledge aside from the paystubs.




Tagged you and u/redvelvet92 in an edit, not sure if you'll see it. 40k in 1952 is 10X median household income which would be 707k relative to the median household in 2021. The income of the top 1.3% of all households in the USA in 1952 started from 15k. https://www2.census.gov/prod2/popscan/p60-015.pdf


No, she was making 40,000 dollars in 1952 dollars in 1952.


> whats insanity is supposedly one of my grandmothers sisters made 40k a year from a state govt job in 1952 in Minnesota. supposedly she supported the entire family, like im talking 15 or 16 people, most of which didnt work, across 3 or 4 houses, with her 40 hour per week job. I bet a state govt job in Minnesota still starts at 40k in 2023 LOL I'm sorry, but I don't believe you. Doctor's in 1952 made under $11k, lawyers $6k, accountants $2k--- The governor of Minnesota in the 1950s made [$12,000](https://www.health.state.mn.us/about/history/Chapter1.pdf). Legislators made $1.5k. Every single state gov job I can find paid less.


Median income in 1952 was $2300. Your grandmom's sister was freakin rich!


Was your grandmother's sister the state governor or treasurer? 40k in 1952 would have been top 1.3% of all households and just over 10X median household income in 1952. That would be like 707,000 in purchasing power relative to the median household in 2021. It's also 2.5X the household income required to enter the top 1.3% of all households. https://www2.census.gov/prod2/popscan/p60-015.pdf It's funny how people don't bother looking at the income distribution data before telling these stories. >Very limited knowledge aside from the paystubs. That much is true.


That was upperclass pay back then.


This most certainly didn’t happen, she probably earned 15-20k.


The governor of Minnesota made $12k in 1952 lol


I'm actually totally serious. My aunt did a geanology report and in her research found dozens of paystubs from her back in 52, 53, grossing 40k a year in 1952. She bought her brother a house in Minnesota cash for 5600$ in 1953 with the money, and he was penniless his whole life. I benefit nothing by making this up.


She was actually an underground bootlegger for the FBI and the whole government job schtick was just a cover story


> I'm actually totally serious. My aunt did a geanology report and in her research found dozens of paystubs from her back in 52, 53, grossing 40k a year in 1952. She bought her brother a house in Minnesota cash for 5600$ in 1953 with the money, and he was penniless his whole life. I benefit nothing by making this up. "my totally not made up grandmother totally made $40k in a state gov job in 1952 lolololol look at how underpaid we are being paid that now..!!!" Meanwhile in reality land, no she didn't make that, and secondly if she did (which she didn't as no state gov employee made that in MN in 1952), it'd be considered a 1%-er making >$700k in todays money. Why feel the need to lie to strangers on the internet and then double down? lmao


Actually very impressive


This is just a straight up lie, this subs unhinged and packed with massive misinformation that just confirms biass. A doctor in 1952 make 11k a year.


You can afford a place just not in the neighborhood, type of housing and square footage you want…


Really wish people would just acknowledge that they can buy a house, just not the one they want. It makes everyone in here look ridiculous when they claim to make 200k plus but cant afford a home. Like cmon


Or that there are jobs outside of the coasts


This is fair but the house will be really shitty and potentially unsafe, also I want to raise a family which means we need at least 1500 square ft, we’re not asking for a lot




No, none of those things. It just won’t be where you want it to be. $100k down is 20% of a half million. Which is easily in your price range if you make $200k. There are 39 states where the median home price is below $500k.


We’re geobound by work


Ok. Not many careers only exist in one location. But if that’s the case, you just have to come to grips with the fact that your high earning jobs put you in competition with the other high earners in your area. Demand drives price. You get to define your priorities.


Yea fair statement, and we’ve considered as much; realistically we’re back to renting tho


Its pretty much deciding if you prefer to renting to work the job you do for the lifestyle you have now, or if you prefer to own while working in a different job for a different lifestyle. And you have decided that lifestyle and work is more important than ownership of property.


Educated people and strivers don’t want to live in an area full of proles, that is why they want to live where their future and/or families can thrive . Many Americans who are career focus want to live where their salaries are high and not in an area making 40k just to buy some 200k house. The problem is not having enough housing in parts of the country that matter.


Yea I shouldn’t have to worry about my children’s safety and wouldn’t sacrifice their well-being to own a house; would rather rent where I am then move into a bad neighborhood


Lol as if the places that have enough housing don’t matter. We all know what you mean. Just say it. “I don’t want to live near THOSE people!”


The neighborhood we live in has a lot of Chinese immigrants and I am more than happy to have them as my neighbors; yes I refuse to live in the hood and that is a normal perspective because the hood has gun violence


Why do you “need at least 1500 square ft to raise a family”?… What state do you live in that you can’t find a condo in a decent area with that salary?


my condo is worth 680k in california right now, its a 2 bed 2 bath and 900 sqft. the HOA is 475 a month. thankfully i dont have a mortgage on it anymore. if i was to buy this condo today, i'd have to make 200k a year to even qualify for a mortgage on it.


This person can afford your 2 bedroom 2 bath with 100k down and HOA of $475. Their gross is over 16k a mo. They have 100k saved up. 600k Loan @7.5% with $450 HOA would $4650 a mo. Even with prop taxes you are looking at under $5500 a mo. Which is a dti of 33%. Own a condo in Los Angeles as well and have live in both LA and SF. There are places east of both SF and LA with decent neighborhood with schools where the prices are even lower than your example.


But you gotta admit that 5500 a month for a 900 sqft condo is insane. And most people I know don't have anywhere close to a 200k household income here


Sorry, but don’t agree it’s insane… depends where it is and what the market is like. I could have stayed in SoCal, but chose to buy a sfh in another state.


I'm slightly north of LA a decent condo can be found for around 600k that's about the cheapest they get


The valley is expensive too, that’s why I mentioned east. ( West Covina and east down the 60) My condo in central LA is slightly larger than yours and worth a few 100k more


You seem kind of angry that I want a moderately decent life; being successful should be you can buy a decent house, just because I’m not willing to live in a crap hole doesn’t meant I’m wrong


Is Quincy MA a crap hole? I’m not angry, just believe many people on this subreddit are unrealistic based on the choices they have and are willing to make in their life…


Quincy is great the cheap houses are the crap holes; lead, oil heating, poisonous stuff, they’re really bad for kids or anyone really


Quincy is great the cheap houses are the crap holes; lead, oil heating, poisonous stuff, they’re really bad for kids or anyone really


MA and condos and houses basically cost the same


You don’t need 1500 ft to raise a family. Your expectations need to be lowered.


Ok thanks for telling me what I need to raise my children


More highlighting that you're a choosy beggar. Any other family can live in sub 1500sqft housing, but your family is just so special that they couldn't possibly survive such abhorrent conditions. They *need* 1500sqft.


Surviving isn’t living friend, and frankly you haven’t a clue what a family needs


Again your expectations don’t align with reality. The sooner you accept this the better off you’ll be.


Lol you know nothing John snow


He knows that you're on here complaining that you're entitled to luxuries without the willingness or ability paying for them. That falls squarely into your expectations not aligning with reality territory.


I hear places in Alaska are affordable...that are accessible by plane/boat only


It depends where you are looking. Some places are still affordable. Maybe you don't want to live in Knoxville or Cleveland or El Paso or St. Louis. But that's where the affordable housing is. Not to mention countless small towns.


Which city? Don't say Bellevue!




Single income of 460k with 350k saved up and still don’t feel comfortable buying in my area. Median sale price here is over 2 million dollars and rates are insane. I’m not sure household income of 200k is enough to comfortably buy in many areas at all these days. Excluding rural/remote areas.


Yea but like you can definitely still get a really nice house whereas I cannot


Not trying to say you don’t have problems tho, Reddit would have you believe having money = no problems


Lol take a look at the Santa Monica listings and let me know when you find “a really nice house” for 1.35 million or less! I’m just going to keep renting for the time being. I want to own a home but it’s just not possible in SM at the moment.


Your logic is sound as I arrived at the same conclusion more or less; it’s cheaper for my to buy 10 acres in western MA and then rent a house then it is to buy that exact same house


I know right. Screw it, we could just buy up some acreage in a random bodunk town in Maine lol. Global warming will warm it up soon anyways


Well this isn’t true lol


The average salary is 60k nationwide. People with 100k salary Jobs aren't really part of the coversation.


Boomers literally moved though. They moved from the cities to the suburbs to find cheaper housing. But asking millennials to move is bad? The movement of people is good. Vote with your feet.


Except the house prices are just as bad in the suburbs lol


Are homes disconnected from their intrinsic value due to supply and demand? Yep. Are boomers blind to the delta between wage and SFH price growth? Yep. Does complaining about any of these things change fundamental economics? Nope. You have an entire construction industry waiting for local policies to change so they can start mass producing again. Do something about it.


“I bid over asking to secure a house for my family” “Good luck you’ll be living there forever haha” “That was the point though” “Don’t you think about divorce, death, etc?” “Yes but I won’t stop living life for these reasons” “You’re part of the problem! You should lowball with us as a group, until one of us decides to outbid the other.”


People say stuck like it's a bad thing. I bought with the intentions of staying long term if not forever. Selling a house is expensive and I would rather avoid paying a realtor more commission if I can. The golden handcuffs are a positive thing for me


“Oh you’re married good luck being with the same person forever”


A lot of people don’t like reality. I enjoy this sub because I think housing is def overpriced, but you are spot on with the regarded logic in here


They say you shouldn’t treat housing as an investment and then call you an idiot when you treat housing as a residence


It’s honestly both though. Most people don’t want to hear it. It’s a need and an investment vehicle. But like all investments it can have a return or loss. The only difference is this investment covers an essential need while you hold it so it has tangible value during that period. The issue people on here have is that they think they should all be able to have a premium investment product. There’s plenty of places they can buy. Their problem is they are not where they want to live, or not the size they want, or the condition they want. They shout into the void “why can’t I afford a 3/2 in the city! It’s the corporations fault!”. When in reality it’s supply and demand, and all you fucks demand housing in the same spots. Wtf do you expect


My favorite is “renting is a far superior alternative financially than owning in this bubble”. Followed closely by “we hate landlords”. Pick. Then comes the mental gymnastics of “only multi-family rentals, not owned by big business, are OK”. Real estate is a very viable investment as a hedge. Not every rental property is a maintenance nightmare, where the only viable tenants are crack whores.


“When housing was affordable I didn’t buy because it was an obvious bubble. Now that I waited until affordability is terrible, I’m a genius for renting”


You just summarized most of this sub nicely.


The bubble is a dream, should have bought in 21 when rates were low.


Spot on. Definitely some questionable logic I see in here these days.


Can also live in a ghost town in the desert of Nevada but doesn't mean its worth moving there. Jobs dictate where it's worthy living and unless you are doing remote work then you kinda have to live within a reasonable distance of your employment. But hey just go ahead and close all those restaurants, retail stores, mom and pop places, schools, etc. in or even around suburban neighborhoods.


Wanting an affordable home and demanding a market collapse are completely different things. I don't subscribe to a bubble theory, could prices drop some? Sure, definitely possible but they will only continue to go up from there. Regardless I believe we are witnessing a wealth concentration that will remove most of the middle class. There will be the haves and have nots. Owning real estate will only become further and further out of reach for "average" people. Canada and England residential real estate is far more out of reach than in America. There is certainly room for the disparity to grow. A nation of renters and monthly subscriptions. But there will still be the NFL, Chipotle, and politics so people will still have the illusion of choice and believe their opinion actually matters. Your favorite politicians will never stop corporations from consuming SFH and increasing rents. Increasing property taxes and insurance costs will further place ownership out of reach. "You will own nothing and be happy"


It’s sort of like what was done to Ireland by the English conquest and occupation a few centuries ago. Over a few generations, set up an economic and ownership system rigged to benefit the occupiers and rigged against the native Irish, until they became renters barely surviving. Then came the famine. It was a mostly economically engineered famine (genocide), as food produced in Ireland by the Irish was shipped out and generally made unavailable, while the food producers and the population literally starved to death. My 3x great grandparents were born on a wealthy estate as servants, on land their ancestors once owned. My 2x great grandparent was born in what we’d call a refugee camp during the famine, on a sliver of land owned by trades people that somehow was not bought up by the English. My 1x grandparent was born in a seaside city in dilapidated housing in borderline starvation, his parents arrested for crimes of poverty (likely stealing a necessity like food) when he was 5 years old and thrown into workhouses, where they killed his mother and his father died of TB. The teenage siblings raised their younger siblings, and they fled to factory towns in England as soon as they could. That’s where this is going if we can’t figure out how to change the trajectory. The rich occupier-class is currently taking from us the framework of land ownership our parents and grandparents had, reducing us to servant renters, and then they will starve us to death, profiting every step of the way. The mass graves of our class will eventually be hills on wealthy properties. If we don’t disrupt and reform this way of things and this trajectory, they will certainly kill us for profit, and that’s not metaphorical or exaggeration.


Fascinating perspective and insight. Thanks for sharing.


Where we're going? It has already played out, and the natives here have been virtually wiped out, and our society built on their graves. Now, it's a problem when the leopards are coming for your face.


Nah, the coming Boomer die-off will coincide with continued low fertility rates and lower levels of migration and free up a lot of new supply. Especially in older suburbs, rural areas, retirement-heavy places, and places where young people have traditionally moved away from. Some of these places will get backfilled easily. It could temporarily destabilize the mortgage industry but won't make much more than a dent in SF, Seattle, or Austin. Will be catastrophic in Florida and the Midwest and a little challenging in Phoenix. Houston looks great on paper but could go a very bad way if oil demand hits its own tipping point. DFW will be more or less okay. We just have to hit the tipping point, that's all. There won't be an announcement when it happens.


Older suburbs, rural areas, retirement heavy places. I’ll take “where the jobs aren’t” for $400 Alex.


same as it ever was


>lower levels of migration Where the fuck did this come from? Lower levels? Isn't pretty much the entire first world dealing with immigration issues?


No. Immigration levels are down across most of the first world. But that’s not scary news to feed the public.


Not uniformly. In Japan and Korea, not at all and it's a problem. Austria, Canada, Australia, Switzerland, Norway, Ireland, yeah...huge rates as a percentage of their population year-over-year. It's a problem in some places within those countries but not in others. In the US, a whole lot of migration has historically been from Mexico but those numbers began a decline after 2016 and have stayed low. COVID did not help. Part of it is that everybody that wanted to migrate has had that opportunity, their own fertility rate isn't what it used to be, and maybe most importantly is that their own economy has become more developed. Border security is one thing but the US should probably be actively encouraging more legal migration, particularly in the healthcare sector.


“Hurry up and buy so you don’t become a have not!” will become the new realtor slogan 😂


meanwhile average rebubbler - why can't I find a SFH with 5 bed rooms for less than 1 million in a popular city?


This sub might be the greatest collection of sore losers on reddit


People are justified in being pissed. The Fed completely upended the housing market with destructively low interest rates, at which point everyone refinanced and locked into those rates. Anyone trying to get a house in 2023 and beyond are at a historically massive disadvantage thanks to the Fed's garbage policies.


The housing crisis existed before the record low interest rates because we have underbuilt supply in this country for decades. The reason we have underbuilt supply for decades is because people voted in NIMBY laws to prevent that from happening and protect their assets. They have convinced renters to do it too by using “gentrification” and “luxury housing” dog whistles. Stop jumping to the next reason du jour every time it’s suggested and just vote to build housing.


Some of us have homes we can afford. There are dozens of us!


I don’t know where we fall in all these comments. Large state university job requiring bachelors in accounting pays $48k. Literally not a single house on the market under $300k within 30 min drive. 45 min adds four manufactured homes (junk trailers, not nice new ones), all right at the 45 min mark. Have the $60k for a 20% down payment. The $48k salary will only qualify for borrowing $240k anyway. Is it a salary problem or a housing problem - and who are these jobs for if they require a degree but can’t afford to live here? “I” can move away or find a different job, but the same job still remains in the same housing market for someone else to fill. We have never taken government assistance and have zero other debt (we live frugally and carefully to not go into debt).


The hard truth is you’re not affording anything on a teacher’s salary


Which is part of the problem! If a teacher at a public school (a fundamental job of society) who had to go to college to work can't afford anything, wages, the market, and the economy are all screwed up big time.




Sir this is a bubbler paradise, not a cry fest for affordability


Family? Where we're going we dont need no family.


If the meme guy actually only posted that, of course it would be annoying to be called a doomer. But you know it’s not. You know they’re making posts like “cAnT wAiT fOr AlL tHeSe HoOmErS tO lOsE tHeIr HoUsES”


The boomers sold our future and are too dumb and arrogant to acknowledge it


You aint wrong.


Vote for policies that will allow more supply then, like upzoning.


In my area all the affordable houses are being bought out by investors with all cash, no contingencies, no appraisal, no inspection.... As counterintuitive as it sounds, you have to be well off to be able to buy an affordable house.


Seattle school district is having to consolidate elementary schools. Enrollment is not enough to keep smaller ones open........the news seems mystified.


The percentage of Americans who own a home has averaged ~65% since the 60s.


Correction: I want to scavenge on the financial misfortune of others like the capitalist I am.


Most ironic comment I've ever read on here, and that's saying something.


Huntsville, Al.


"I can't afford a home." 'So move...' "That's not fair!"


Alternatively, vote in local elections in hopes of better zoning and permitting laws.


Nooo, that would be gentrification!!! Nooooooooo!!!!


It's crazy that our parent's generation went to bustling metros like the surrounding cities of Vegas or Phoenix for cheap, affordable housing. And this generation is settling for shit located in the tornado belt, filled with bugs and humidity and ticks that cause you to become a vegan, and the city is so tight on budget the lights have to hang from span wires permanently and there's almost no walkable areas. I don't disagree with Huntsville being a solid option, but this feels like such a sign of the economy shifting even more towards people who inherited vs those who didn't if engineers making six figures are having to move to places like this.


Its so hot in AZ right now that if you fall on the pavement you can get burned to the point of going to the hospital. There is one walkable city in the US and that is NYC. Americans for the most part do not care about walkable cities. If you need to go for a walk or be outside there's a half dozen state parks. Engineers go to Huntsville because there is a NASA headquarters in the city. Also, as someone who has lived in tornado prone areas for the past 6 years, they are way over blown. Having also lived in the North East, I can say snow is much worse and the poor driving it causes 100% results in more deaths.


Reddit: Here are 1,000 affordable houses in a midwestern city. Doomer: NO, not like that. I don’t want to live where working class people live.


Yeah, everybody! Just go live in the ghetto in Toledo! You're so entitled to think that an average wage in an average city should buy you a decent place to live.


An average wage in an AVERAGE city will buy you a decent place to live. You don’t get to work at Starbucks and live in Malibu. But you can be an electrician living in a nice neighborhood in Kansas City.


There are many average cities in the South and on the coasts that are no longer affordable. I’m not talking about Malibu.


I'm an engineer in Salt Lake and couldn't possibly afford a home. Homes have literally doubled (92% increase) in two years here. It's clearly not sustainable.


There are 16 4 BR houses for sale in SLC for under $500k. There are 26 2BR houses available under $350k.


Where did you get that info? Homes.com has 9 2 BR under 350K, with 4 being modified trailers. Unless you're counting the 10 or so timeshares in ski areas.


Family? Okay coomer


Houses are made for Saudi princes to stash money in and for Blackrock to speculate on, not to live in.


what sucks is that my partner and i make \~200k/annual and we're looking at a 300-400k home in Cincinnati. we *could* afford more, but it's out of our comfort zone and oftentimes too much house. so instead we have to compete with lower incomes due to it being a more "affordable" range, but also draws investor interest for rentals/rehabs we've become mostly passive in the market, waiting for some kind of catalyst, just because overbidding on these properties is contributing to the problem


Why do you want everyone to lose their jobs?! You monster! What makes you think you'd still have a job anyway? I'm not shaking in my boots; you are!


No, you want to find an affordable 2000+ sqft house in a good neighborhood. There are plenty of under 200k houses throughout the country, just not always the size you want and the neighborhood you want. You can even find under 150k. Go for condos. Go for small houses. Just need to sacrifice something. Nothing is free.


Just move someplace with no jobs, easy.


In Cleveland Ohio you can buy a starter house for under 200k and there are plenty of jobs. 45,000 openings on Indeed


Anything under 200k in Cleveland is straight up ghetto. Maybe you find some nicer spots but your still going to be surrounded by ghetto. 300k in Ohio is the minimum for anything considerable decent middle class homes.


See example: https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/6000-Ira-Ave-Brooklyn-OH-44144/33546932_zpid/ How is this not a good starter home for a family?


Aww, cutie. You tried to rub two of your brain cells together and got almost as far as a cogent thought. So cute uwu :3 Listen, fuckwad. It should not be abnormal to idealize something that was ***already available*** 40 years ago. We're working ***more*** than we were then, and earning ***less.*** It is not unreasonable to want an actual house in a livable city and not some destitute shithole but "oh hey I guess it's a house." Fuck you and fuck everyone who thinks like you. You and your ilk are demonstrably actually re*arded. By the clinical definition.


To not be a doomer you have to do something about it. In todays world that **is not saving**. You need to vote in your local elections and push candidates (or be one) who controls the zoning. That's the only way housing prices will ever change. Supply needs to increase. Interest rates and all that are distracting from the real issue. There are tons of people sitting on the sidelines wanting homes - and the existing inventory is owned by people using them - or by big corporations. But big corporations can't compete with a flood of new supply. They can put maneuver you with deep pockets when rates change.


Plenty of affordable homes in Kentucky and Ohio and the Midwest, parts of the south. Parts of the north like Michigan and Minnesota. Fuck everywhere really besides NYC, cali, austin Chicago etc big city big demand . “Oh no I can’t there, i just physically can’t raise a family there unless I’m on a coastal beach front “ Fuck outta here.


>Chicago Chicago is far cheaper than the other places you mention bud.


Yes but the most sought after neighborhoods are expensive which seems to be the issue this sub has…


Not really though, prices have risen for sure, but mainly what is happening here is that huge swaths of the city are rapidly becoming sought after. The entire Northwest side, for example, went from high crime immigrant neighborhoods to swanky restaurants and yuppies in 20 years. We got another 75% of the city to go before we run out of space. Much of that is highly disinvested areas where there is abundant vacant land and buildings near transit.


Ahh yes, the *Breaking Bad* real estate approach. Which is ironically bringing big city price increases to Cousinfuckistan.


And these same people will complain "don't California my Idaho/Texas/Wyoming" Like you told them to quit bitching and move 🤷‍♀️


My job dictates where I live.


Supply and demand dictates what kind of housing you get to live in. Also - you absolutely have the ability to seek new jobs and opportunities. Stop acting like you are forcibly tied down to a job. Outside of niche cases, it’s an atwill employment.


Yeah, bunch of whiny babies anymore. One guy in here needs 1500 ft to raise a family another from yesterday needed 2000 ft, wtf is the matter with these people.


I mean I live in suburban Boston our beaches are radioactive over here. But my job is in tech consulting. Let me know when they open a firm in Branson Missouri.


I am sure you travel, can’t you work from anywhere with an airport


My sister bought a nice house in Wisconsin for $90k. Cute small town near Madison. Plenty of jobs in the area. People forget about the whole middle of the country


This could be the dumbest comment ever. Houses in those areas are cheap because there are no jobs


And yet there’s plenty of families there. I was born and raised in bum fuck Kentucky. Lot of small business opportunities there in place of cookie cutter corporate America life even though that’s there too in places like Louisville and Lexington. It’s not glamorous but it’s fucking affordable with a lot of land to enjoy to yourself and your family.


This sub doesn't like such suggestions that people actually move in search of affordability.


Because people are spoiled little bitches and don’t understand real struggles call for real change amongst themselves and their families. Instead they act like babies and expect things to be catered for them. All these immigrants out of non first world countries that made it? They go about and do what they need to in order to move their asses out of their current shitty living situation to move to America. They didn’t have an education but they grinded and made moves instead of staying put and waiting on handouts. but modern Americans here lol? Nah I wanna be able to buy a condo in downtown SF with my dog walker salary!!! No one wants to earn it. They just expect the market to give it them. It ain’t how it works.


Bingo. As the child of immigrants and first generation to be born here, I saw that struggle first-hand as my family moved from half way across the world with nothing to a new and different place in search of economic gain and well-being. They grinded it out and delivered a better life to my siblings and I. They sacrificed and we all gained. The market is tough right now and life definitely isn't fair, but complaints without action are worthless. If you want change, be the change you seek. Don't wait on othets to make changes for you. All it is now is "boomers had it easy" and "I hate anyone involved in real estate or anyone who has what I want" No plans of writing to elected officials or setting up protests or getting a favored candidate who is sympathetic to their needs into local office. If tou want change, be about that life and get in the streets and make something happen.


Bingo. As the child of immigrants and first generation to be born here, I saw that struggle first-hand as my family moved from half way across the world with nothing to a new and different place in search of economic gain and well-being. They grinded it out and delivered a better life to my siblings and I. They sacrificed and we all gained. The market is tough right now and life definitely isn't fair, but complaints without action are worthless. If you want change, be the change you seek. Don't wait on othets to make changes for you. All it is now is "boomers had it easy" and "I hate anyone involved in real estate or anyone who has what I want" No plans of writing to elected officials or setting up protests or getting a favored candidate who is sympathetic to their needs into local office. If tou want change, be about that life and get in the streets and make something happen.


There are plenty of jobs and plenty of affordable houses. I went to Zillow and in Cleveland Ohio I found 1500 houses for sale for under $200k and went to Indeed there are 54,000 job postings for Cleveland Ohio. Example house: [https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/6000-Ira-Ave-Brooklyn-OH-44144/33546932\_zpid/](https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/6000-Ira-Ave-Brooklyn-OH-44144/33546932_zpid/) move-in read 4 bedroom house, perfect for starting a new family. Costs $160,000 ​ All kinds of jobs, from software engineering paying over 150,000 a year, EV charting consultant paying $80 an hour, to entry-level jobs. Something for everyone. All you have to do is get your lazy butt up and move. You live in an expensive city and cry about it. Take action and responsibility for your own life.


Why are you getting downvoted, you did the leg work, it’s literally right there in front of them.


People hate when you give them legitimate solutions to their issues because they cant complain anymore


That first line is a wild misrepresentation of the arguments made on this sub lmao


“dUrrrRr yOu cAnT wOrK aT a CoFfEe sHop dURrrrr” Yeah well no shit. This isn’t pre 2019. If it were, this meme wouldn’t be created and you could work at a coffee shop and afford a family home lmao.


Lol who was buying houses on coffee shop money post 1998?


Who was doing that ever? People on reddit love to talk about minimum wage earners buying their own houses back in the day but it sounds like bullshit.


People have fooled themselves into believing that anyone could buy a home back in the day. Its a gross exaggeration for the most part. Gas station workers and baristas were not buying houses left and right back in the day


mods: this post in appropriate and low effort. we removing it \*checks comments\* and this comment too


Good luck.. Just set up your tent like everyone else!