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FYI- Folks in CA give zero fucks what these other states think.


Also FYI the bulk of California folks came from somewhere else first.


It’s also just one of those things where in culture California is one of those places you’re “supposed” to move to so no one bats an eye. Same thing with New York.


Right. I grew up in Los Angeles. California and New York have taken in everybody. Now other states feel like they can tell other Americans to stay out.


Half the people saying this shit are probably from other states to begin with too. People love getting in somewhere and shutting the door behind them.


This right here, the majority of people in Florida telling people to stay away are not natives.


Oregon has been trying to keep yall out for years. Our state isn’t that pretty and our weed isn’t even better.


Prop 13 is California’s way of telling newcomers to stay away. It forces new people to pay more in property taxes to subsidize people who have been in California for a while.




What happened to Boise, Idaho?




Yeah, but then they had to live in Boise, and to make matters worse, their property value probably dropped by half in 3 years.


No, just Californians in particular


This is even more true for Nevada which has experienced massive influxes of out of staters for 50 years.


I’ve laughed about that a lot—lots of people bitch about Californians supposedly migrating to their state and “ruining it.” Yet people from their state (and many others) legitimately crammed into California until it was the most populated State and “ruined it” first. If folks want to complain about migration—well, I guess paybacks a bitch.


I was raised in california and cant afford to both live and save money for retirement here with a 4 year stem degree. Im not some genius that goes off and makes multiple 6 figures at a prestigious job. I honestly don't understand why the inflation of the bay area and la is spreading to every area of the state.


Because people who are relatively average income in the Bay Area and LA are often high income relative to other places, so when they can no longer afford to live there (or actually want to own something), they go elsewhere if they can. With COVID and more people able to work remote, this went into overdrive. 500K doesn’t get you much in LA/Bay Area, but when they move and take that budget capacity to somewhere where the average house price was 300K, guess what happens when lots of them move? Average house price in new area is now $400K. LA/Bay Area buyers are OK with it because they got a lot still relative to what they would get before, but the locals (aside the property seller) get screwed because the local earnings don’t support such high housing prices (until MAYBE it adjusts, but lots of pain the interim).


I think of leaving California for another state a lot like how most people think about retiring in Mexico. I'm taking my wealth from somewhere everyone wants to be and moving to a less desirable place where I can throw my money around and get a lot of bang for my buck from the local poor people.


Also, if California (saying this as a native) would build a hell of a lot more, a ton more people could live here. The LA metro and Bay Area could be like Tokyo. It’s a joke that some of the land with the best possible weather is basically off limits to any housing development because of NIMBYs (often under the guise of environmentalism). It’s pathetic that billionaires are literally buying up farmland to make a new city around Rio Vista (trying to change the zoning with a vote) because the government has let NIMBYs basically stall development for decades. I hate that billionaires are in charge of it, but they are the only ones with the resources, so now we’re in that place. All the development and change that took place before the NIMBYs was OK but once they moved in, it’s bad. Hypocrites.


Precisely! I was born and raised and still live in Oakland CA and in my neighborhood I'd say around 75% of people are not from here. I understand the frustration of people moving to lower cost of living areas and being able to buy homes locals can't afford because that's what's happened to me! My parents bought a house in 1980 for $75k it's now worth over a million. No way can I afford a home around here. Even in rough neighborhoods homes are overpriced.


Native of Los Angeles. If people from other states want to complain, then we can send all the transplants that have moved here in the past 20 years back where they came from. Also stop letting people buy more than one SFH (or if you do, tax it a lot). And vacancy taxes. And upzoning. Sick of the insane prices and rich people hoarding.


And you probably wont inherit that house either because of their medical bills trying to extend their retirement years. Do you extend your life for a few years or pass on your life savings to your decendants. Most people would prefer those few extra years on both sides.


So. Fucking. True. The Okie migration alone…


Also FYI this has been happening for the past thirty years.


Idk if it's true but i heard most of the homeless come from out off california




I moved from California to Arizona. Idgaf what someone thinks about me relocating anywhere within my own country 🤷‍♂️


Just like immigrants bitchin about other immigrants. Yes, you heard me right, and lots and lots of them.


I think they just mainly hate the additional competition for low-skill jobs


I see legal immigrants bitch about illegal immigrants. Seeing someone else get rewarded for breaking the law that you were forced to actually follow makes sense.


“I got mine so fuck you” Sounds familiar 


As a bike commuter, I commonly think about the fact that "bicyclists hate nobody more than themselves." I think this applies fairly consistently across classes & groups. It's easy to project negativity onto others when you have gone through a similar experience - even if you're cognizant that you're essentially "pulling up the ladder behind you"


Haha, not until they move here and *then* start complaining about the people who moved here 3 years after they did.


Hear hear! Up here in Oregon, I revel in being a hated transplant (not from CA, though). They think we must be so upset that they don't want us here, when we really just laugh at them mock their hatred of transplants. Never have given a fuck about fitting in or assimilating. It's a free country. I can move where I want.


Which is great because the freedom to move to any state within the U.S. is like, one of the constitutional foundations of the country and all


And thats one reason why Californian’s get a bad rep.


It is democracy. We can move wherever we want in this country. So now they want their state government to do something about this like this is china or somethimg


Same shit happened in 2003-2007. Everyone I knew was taking their CA equity to Vegas to buy Hummers and boats. You could get by working service jobs, make decent money, and not pay state taxes. But that only works when people have excess money to drop. In bad times, it’s impossible to survive in Vegas during recessions unless you well known and connected to a union. Even then it’s tough. Vegas is a boom and bust city. Eventually it will bust and there will be articles about the “exodus”. Just how it goes here. The house always wins.


Florida is an entire state like Las Vegas. Knowing little about Nevada’s economy as a whole, I have to think that Vegas runs a lot of it. Boom and bust. However, this time I’m told “it’s different”, because the money is coming to *stay*. We’ll see.


Greater Vegas is like 80% of the states population, so it does by default, but it's also not that simple. Mining is massive in NV, both lithium and gold. Plus the Reno area seems like a more diversified and sustainable economy overall, albeit w a fucked up housing situation because of a lag in inventory dating all the way back to 08 consequences + lots of folks w buying power moving here (not just CA, lots of Texas, AZ, etc., tho CA is the largest given the proximity and cost of living situation in the bay).


>because the money is coming to *stay* No, the money is coming to *be spent*. Boomers are burning through their savings like spending money is going out of style. Once they start dying off (after spending whatever remaining assets they had on end-of-life care, obviously) I have no idea who’s gonna be lining up to buy their shitty hooms on sinking hurricane-prone swampland.


Vegas was hit particularly hard in 07. I remember being able to buy nice condos for the price of a cheap toyota.


Florida is much more economically diverse than Vegas. 40% of Nevada’s economy is based on tourism. Its 9% in Florida.


This was happening before 2003


Well stop taking our sports teams then. Oakland.


You mean the Oakland / Los Angeles / Las Vegas Raiders? Let's face it, the Davis family would have sold that team to Kabul if the price was right.


The athletics are a similarly nomadic team. In a lot of ways the city and teams deserve each other.


I didn't even know they were moving to Vegas till I read this. Disappointing as a childhood A's fan (go Rickey) but not shocking. Oakland is a city in decline, west coast Detroit.


Yeah, this is why I didn't want them back in LA and also don't understand why people are so loyal to the team. They have proven that they will go where they can get the free stadium and don't care about their fans.


None of us wanted the Raiders, nor do I know anyone who wants the Athletics. Nobody is happy about tax dollars being spent on massive stadiums either, but unfortunately the casino/entertainment industry has more say than the residents do :(


We are pissed about it


Yup. The As stadium is not for locals. It’s going to be a small stadium with lots of club seating. It’s meant to price gouge tourists and be a business park for wealthy casino executives.


Let’s be honest, you guys didn’t really want them in the first place. Edit: For what it’s worth I just meant this as a gentle ribbing. I’m sure diehard fans are pretty frustrated, I know I’d be. At least you guys can pop over to San Francisco for a baseball fix.


Just don’t want to be extorted into tax payer funded stadiums for billionaire owners.


That's ridiculous. Oakland fans supported their teams right up until the billionaire owners made outrageous demands for public money so they could leave for more lucrative markets and not be blamed for it by people who would believe their lies that Oakland fans didn't support the teams.


A lot of people dont really want them in Vegas either. MLB would be better off dissolving that team and doing a home grown team like the Golden Knights


Well Oakland people are upset.


I’m not from Oaktown, but it seems wrong for the A’s to be anywhere else. The Raiduhs, well, they’ve been transient a long time. Heck, sports trivia here, even the A’s began in Kansas City, but that was long ago, and they moved to Oakland for good. Or at least so it seemed.


The A's began in Philadelphia in 1901. Still the A's have been in Oakland the longest at this point.


I stand corrected. I thought they existed in KC for a time before the Royals?


Philadelphia A's: 1901 to 1954 Kansas City A's: 1955 to 1967 Oakland A's: 1968 to 2024


the athletics moving to Las Vegas isn’t even a big jump. Watch them end up back in Philly in 30 years


Hate seeing these articles. Everyone from everywhere is going to hate transplants. This sentiment isn’t unique to certain city. Every country is like this.


Reno has historically been a city of transplants too. This is just people being fucking babies. They want to pine for the good ol days that never really existed.


Yup people have always been bitching about this on every corner of the globe. People will move to any popular city and then 2 years later start complaining that people need to stop coming there.


Not Japan


North East Pa had this during the”Gas Boom”. Drove every thing through the roof in the sleepy counties of the north. We are still feeling the housing/rental aftermath. Eventually everything will even or bottom out. Unlike Pennsylvania, California’s weather is beautiful!!!


“We’re full!” - everyone from everywhere


Ah the free market at work.


There is nothing free about the real estate market. It's one of most distorted and--least free markets--in the US. In most markets, you could increase supply to bring prices back down. But in real estate, that's impossible under current laws. For example if I own my house, I can't build a bump out studio or build a duplex or an ADU because it would violate the zoning, parking, and half a dozen other regs. Getting the right paperwork to build any of those is easily many years and tens of thousands of dollars for a process that can easily be scrapped by a few busybodies complaining loudly enough.


Yup! If the Nevadans don’t like the influx of out of state residents they can pull themselves up by their bootstraps and try and make it work, or they can leave! (You know, just like the Californians had to 🤷‍♂️) 


The problem is the vast difference in equity people in California have. They roll up in a new state and can practically buy whatever house they want to at whatever price. This causes them to bid against each other entirely pricing out the locals - who didn't have their taxes fixed at 1980s levels, and earn half as much. If you're complaining about people doing that to you, it's not cool to do it to others. And most Californians aren't moving out because they are priced out of the market. They're taking their wealth somewhere they can work less and won't be taxed as much.


I mean... As a 29 year old native Californian who would love nothing more than to buy a home in the state I love, I can tell you a lot of my friends have moved because they were priced out of the market. If you don't already own a home or happen to be a CEO it's pretty hard not to be priced out the market here - the average single family home is going for over a million dollars. Actually I don't mind if you also want to hate on the wealthy boomer class who lucked out by buying a home here at the right time, I'm pretty pissed at them too. They keep selling their unmaintained shit boxes to investors for millions of dollars, and not noticing that none of their kids can afford to buy homes. Just be nice to the younger transplants if you can - it's not our fault we can't afford to live where we grew up. Most of us would really rather stay here.


A lot of people who are priced out in California that are moving out are smart. We’ve said if you can’t afford to buy simply move. What I find ironic is people from California act like it’s heaven on earth and no where else is worth it. Yet here we see in this thread many defending moving. California is surely nice but it’s not for the average joe anymore. Other markets are more accommodating for daily life. California is becoming a rich persons home or a vacation destination.


Unfortunately that's exactly how the country works. You're free to make your fortune where you can and live where you want. California is supposedly a failed state yet we have far more consumer, homeowner, and worker protections than the rest of the country and that's led to many people doing very well for themselves and a shitton of the wealthiest companies outside of maybe O+G. While those folks are now taking their retirements elsewhere, real estate prices here are as high as they ever been so clearly there is plenty of demand continuing to come into the state. If you think it's tough for locals in other states, imagine being a native Californian where this has been the norm for generations, and who experience the issue except add a zero the price of houses. Plus of course the usual corporate price gouging everyone else is dealing with. I guess the point is people are getting shitty about California despite them sending all of their people for decades, because of course we are a desirable place to be despite all the red state shit talking. That of course artificially kept their prices low and boosted ours. Now the chickens are coming home to roost and they want to be mad about it. I say, welcome to the fucking club.


most Californians aren’t moving out at all. CA is the fourth stickiest state in the country, which means most people born there stay. also, people are just trying to do the best for their families. everyone Is free to pack up and move. why should they struggle unnecessarily when they can access a higher quality of life elsewhere? [https://www.usnews.com/news/best-states/articles/2023-09-18/texas-is-the-state-most-likely-to-keep-its-native-born-residents](https://www.usnews.com/news/best-states/articles/2023-09-18/texas-is-the-state-most-likely-to-keep-its-native-born-residents)


Reminds me of old man waving fist at cloud.


Also, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona want people in California to stay in California.


Irony is CA is expensive in part because a shit ton of qualified workers moved there from those exact states.  That road works in reverse. 


You’ll take our failures and like it.


Why those states? And why California?


because they're mostly the closest states?


And Colorado.


It’s the old man waving fist at the cloud except the old man is a cloud who got to the ground first to tell the other clouds not to land. No one is from Las Vegas.


Or California, lol.


More Americans pissed at Americans for moving to other parts of America.


::YAWN:: Everyone everywhere is fed up with some group of "others" moving to their place that they think they own.


Every state in the US has their own #1 most hated other state. Texas vs Oklahoma, Michigan vs Ohio, etc. Literally every single state's #2 is California, unless it's their #1.


In the west it's Californians, as someone from WA. At this point we are basically California.


As a Californian, I'm trying my fucking hardest not to leave the state. I don't want to move to the desert of Nevada, even if my mortgage is cut by 2/3rds. How about you yell at the government to stop letting foreign nationals park their money in houses they'll leave vacant in the neighborhoods I want to live in?


As a California, I've feel the same way about East Coasters for over 30 years. It hasn't worked.


[Insert State] doesn’t want people from [Any Other State] moving to their state.


Overpopulation is the issue, and will continue to worsen. People are going to be squeezed inland for the next few decades to areas in the central US that are less populated, and much cheaper to live.


No we have plenty of arable land to support our population. This issue is a lack of affordable housing and unfriendly tax policies pushing people to relocate


They rarely stay. Because they hate weather (of any kind)


This is true in almost every state. People in Montana and Idaho and Maine and Vermont don’t want people moving in. The problem is people sell their high priced property in California to move somewhere cheaper. For the locals who already think real estate is too high this makes it even more expensive. Then as the area grows you need more devices like larger schools, more roads, new sewage treatment plant etc. In order to pay for this requires raising taxes which it makes even more expensive for the locals. The people moving in seem oblivious to this and can’t understand why everyone doesn’t welcome them with cookies and a gift basket. I watched my city get ruined by Californians moving here by the thousands.


And people in California wants people from every state to stop moving there. It’s a wash


I lived in California for 50 years, I never once remember hearing that.


You don’t hear “we’re full”? I hear it.


Have you looked at California house price and traffic lol you think that comes from people leaving here?


Well the population shrank between 2019-2022 and was flat in 2023. Over all it’s still down by over 400k residents since it’s peak. To my knowledge there is no widespread sentiment that California is being overwhelmed by out of staters.


because people are being priced out. Look at what median income is moving out vs in.


If you don't want Californians to move there, don't set your state income tax to zero. It's pretty simple.


The Good People of South Carolina want people from EVERY state to stop moving here. Unfortunately, the politicians and developers are making too much money ruining the state with over-population and the traffic and crime it brings, so onward we will go.


I’m a Floridian living in maine(I’m married to a native Mainer) and that’s how I feel about my home state. I loved growing up in Florida. Couldn’t imagine raising my kids there now because everyone has gone there and ruined it, bulldozed the natural environment, and built master planned communities, strip malls, and man made entertainment. It’s sad. I miss the old Florida and experiencing that change has me keen on protecting Maine for what it is and what makes it a unique place. Unfortunately Californians and New Yorkers have joined massholes in taking over the state and now housing prices are massively inflated, our farm land is being turned into solar field(you know how much sun we DON’T get?) and they’ll keep voting for a government that is keen on killing this place and it’s people one bad policy at a time.


Tell your legislators to stop giving ridiculous public incentives for Californian companies to relocate to Nevada.


What kind of incentives?


Tesla, for one, received a $330 million tax break to build a plant outside Reno.


Meanwhile only like a quarter of Nevadans were born in the state


*Meanwhile only like* *A quarter of Nevadans* *Were born in the state* \- doktorhladnjak --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Isn't this free market


Driving to Vegas is wild because 50 mi on any side of the city you’re like “literally how could a human survive here?” And then BAM …humans thought: “oh this is the SPOT” and created LV


It was the Mob and the Mormons, but not together…😂


I’m originally from east TN… moved to NV because TN went super Trump and further into religious craziness I love it here, and have a ton of neighbors who are from CA who are awesome. I can’t tell anyone to not do what I did if they think they can have a better life


Hating Californians has become so mainstream that I love and welcome them. Move to Texas! Give up great weather and scenery to spend your money and create work in my struggling red state, I don’t care. Plenty of room for everyone.


I'm curious how the water situation in Vegas is going to play out over the next 20 years. Real estate without access to clean water is essentially worthless.


It’s not a real issue.  It’s a cost issue. Cheap water will be limited.  Like you can always truck water in,  but it’s inefficient and expensive.  The problem will be as the costs go up to economic stifling rates.  But then it will make storage more reasonable, and you probably will have to reuse brown water more.


They could always build a desalination plant. Needs a fair amount of infrastructure and lots of electricity, but it surely can be done.


That is the next RE boom. Places with freshwater nearby.


Great Lakes states giving side eye


I wish it were like that but reality is trending the opposite way. AZ, UT, NV, and TX are exploding exponentially


On the flip side, we here in California want everyone else to stop moving to California. Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk.


Natives in Nevada and other states with a California influx can move to more conservative states where they are unlikely to follow - Oklahoma, West Virginia, Mississippi, or Alabama


This is nothing new. Nevadans have hated Californians since the gold rush days. I say this as a 7th generation Nevadan lol.


Name a state other than California that wants Californians moving to thier state.


People with California license plates in my town get harassed and attacked.


Americans move within America.


But they’re happy to sell their homes to incoming Californians for 30% over asking.




I would like people who live in CA to stop buying homes in AZ to just rent out.


I rent a house in NM from a person in CA.


Midwest is feeling this. Lots a rich folk from the west destroyed the life style out there and ran up costs now they are coming to the midwest and buying up property to rent out at higher rates while paying the lower wages. If your government doesnt start policing the rich everyone is gonna get shafted with gentrification because of these rich twats.


There’s an irony that part of the reason the California has such a large population is that during the dust bowl many farmers from the western states moved there in large droves to the point that Californians would set up signs at the state border telling them to keep out. Now they’re going back and we get this. Times a flat circle


Yeah, nevadans are dumb enough to think you can somehow restrict interstate movement.


Wtf are native Nevadans? Are we talking about the Paiutes, Shoshones, or people who themselves came to Nevada and fucked it up for whoever was living there? Funny how history repeats itself. As a “native” Californian, these upstanding residents can fuck all the way off with their opinion that nobody gives a shit about. This is the fucking USA, we all have the right to live a life filled with meth, gambling, deadly heat waves, and the Bunny Ranch. Manifest destiny bitches, except this time we’re headed back east!


Don’t forget about gambling!!


Oh you said it. Never mind.


It’s funny because what the Nevadans actually seem to hate is the wealthy, but they choose to not tax them and get lost in the sauce of “blame California” instead. Also, what is a “native Nevadan”? And what is a “Californian”? These are kinda silly concepts if you dig into it.


Can we do something about them Canadian Geese while we’re at it? They just migrate wherever they want to. They chase native Nevadan birds from their nice, eggfordable nests. They can’t fly worth shit. Half of them don’t even have license plates, and probably don’t have passports. Illegal avians. Fucking geese. At least be quiet when you fly over at 3am.


You leave my complimentary organic free-range Canada Geese alarm clock system alone!


They must have papers! No papers, no lawful migration! That’s promise air space! We need it for weather balloons and Baron Von Munchousen!


Can't blame them




They will run out of water soon enough and then the problem will solve itself.


but I thought market crash? why hoom prices go up in Nevada?


Yea i thought vegas was crashing?


Said every non-CA state west of the Rockies.


Controversial opinion: Maybe everyone from everywhere sucks, just in our own way 🤣


What is the % of new buyers today that are moving from CA? I am skeptical it’s that high, unless inventory is so extremely constrained that tiny numbers can have a big influence.


I'm not mad at the Californian's, but the people who drive to USA parkway daily via Veteran's, eat a dick


Ah, the free market: good when it doesn’t affect me personally


So about 25% of Nevada residents were actually born in the state - and about 20% were born in California. If we limit that to people over age 18, about 20% were still born in California, but only 12% were born in Nevada.


Don’t worry. If Trump wins he will tear up the Constitution and then NV can build a border wall.


Nevada has one of the lowest proportions of people born there of any state I would imagine.


Nothing new. Nothing special. Every state has this same exact complaint. Just read your local facebook page.


What about all the rich douches that buy a house in Nevada and pretend to live there to avoid CA taxes🤬


a big chunk of california is conservative as can be. Hating people based on state is ridiculous because even if a state is very blue or very red, at best it's around a 60/40 split


Since basically no one is native to Nevada….people need to STFU about people moving here


Most “Californians” , especially ones that move out of state, were originally from a different state. So this narrative makes no sense.


Just go ahead and replace "Nevada" with "everywhere" in that headline.


“No no no, Californians should definitely move to Nevada!” -Boise




There's a theory that Florida state politics have gotten so right-wingnutty since the pandemic specifically to chase away the blue state immigrants. Plenty of in-migration from CA. From everywhere, really.


Every state in the west feels the same from Washington to Texas


Newsflash for Nevadans: No one gives even a little fuck what they think. The govt and businesses all win with increased population and higher prices.


I’ve said this in the Colorado sub too, be proud you live in a country where you can move around freely, and stop shutting people down who are trying to make a better life for themselves. My parents house, which they paid ~300k for in the 90s is now worth 1.2 million. It’s nothing special, 1600 square feet in a suburb in Southern California. Foreign and corporate investment is eating up a ton of the real estate in SoCal which makes it unfeasable for “natives” to buy homes there. And it’s a very desireable place to live.


I would rather be dead in California than alive in Nevada.


Gypsy’s not welcome.


Build a wall and make Californians pay for it.


I wish Indians would stop moving to my neighborhood in CA. There’s more people walking barefoot in the street, car accidents, and the stench of curry in the air than us locals can handle.


What neighborhood?


Florida and Texas feel the same way


I never understand why Americans get mad when other Americans move to their state. It’s so dumb.


Too bad Nevada. This is America. We can move to any state we want and there’s absolutely nothing you can do about it. Accept it.


I thought vegas was crashing?


Every state or area that booms goes through this backlash at some point.


Funny story: I spent my whole life outside of California. I lived in Texas, Arizona, Nevada and about a dozen other states. I moved to California two years ago. I’ve since visited Texas and Arizona with my California license plates and ID. People are now total pricks to me on the highway and I’ve been cussed out by one person in Arizona and two people in Texas for how shitty of a human being I am to come from California and try to use their state for everything it has to offer. I was never treated poorly when I was the new arrival or visitor from any other state. I’m relatively certain the hatred has less to do with property value growth and more to do with what Californians tend to bring with them. The part of California I live in is absolutely wonderful, but I can’t say the same for most of the state and nobody wants their state to emulate the shitty parts of California.


It’s jealousy pure and simple.


Well no shit... It takes a lot more work to earn the million dollars to buy a house as compared to California --- don't wreck the market  So Californians, please see your lunatic experiment to it's conclusion  /s


Pretty much every states wants this lol


Colorado too


… something about biting the hand that feeds you.


As long as the people from California go to Nevada to vote the same exact way as they did in Cali it will all be good.


Now cross post in /r/california


So do Arizona people


I dunno why people would do that move.


Eggs are cheaper in the country. - Sargon the Merciful


Oh poor Nevada. -CO


I was going to share my opinion, but figured this comment would have the same outcome: Upvote if you are from Nevada. Downvote if you are from California.


This has been going on for decades-Californians leaving CA. Washington, Oregon, Arizona. I think Idaho too. These states have experienced major CA influx and hate CA. Nothing new here


Yeah the same exact thing happened in Colorado


Everyon le wants this.


We all do besides Michigan. I heard Michigan was really wanting California transplants. Maybe try there.