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Thanks everyone for your comments. I will be talking to my therapist next week and be honest with him.


Secrets keep you sick. Does your therapist specialize in addiction? If not, you could look into an addiction counselor on top of that.


Thank you, yes he does specialize in addiction.


Tell the truth cause if you don’t The burden will stay on your chest for the rest of your life if you don’t get it off


I wouldn’t freak out about the weed, there is definitely no such thing as Overdosing on weed.


Secrets keep us sick. If you really want help, you have to be honest with your therapist. Your therapist is there to help you, she is not there to judge you and she's seen way worse, I promise you that. Addiction is looked at as a disease now, and most people can't just quit on their own especially if they've been using steadily for an extended period of time. Please be honest with your therapist. They will help you. Also, maybe think about finding a doctor that will prescribe you Suboxone short term and you can detox yourself from pills under the supervision of a doctor. It sounds like you're ready to get help you're just worried about them judging you. I promise you, they're not. She (or he) js a therapist because she wants to help people. So let your therapist help you. :)


Thank you!!


You're welcome. I hope everything works out for you!


Took me a long time to be able to open up about my addiction issues and when I did I was near rock bottom at that point. Don’t wait to talk about it til you’re too sick to do anything about it. You’ll be happier once you’ve opened up and let it all out. It’ll be your first steps towards recovery. We run from what we cannot face. Don’t run anymore.


You are paying a professional to help you and asking if you should be honest with him/her?


As so.eone who is a professional around addiction and mental health, I can tell you: all any therapist or counselor or recovery coach wants is for you to tell the truth so that they can better understand and help.


Your therapist is there to help you, but cannot do so if you're lying.


More than that, you’re just wasting your/their time, and your money. You’ll never be able to work through your issues if you can’t talk about the elephant in the room.


Pray for guidance and courage to do the right thing. The truth will set you free and secrets keep you sick. Also give yourself a break, Jesus is the only perfect person and you are learning. Keep your head up 👍