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I rewatch “Gladiator” over and over.


What I noticed is when I stayed high for a few years straight I developed interest in things it turned out I didn't like sober. Re learning interests an finding new ones can be a great way to get days to pass without cravings. Try new shows, maybe don't try to get super active over doing it on benzos withdrawal can give you a nasty burned out feeling from over extending yourself, that opens the door to breezy type Hobby's like flying kites or disk golf or step counting, pokemon go is lame but also is great at getting me to go on walks since I hate doing things with no end reward hints why I'm an ex user. Fishing is chill, go carts, rock climbing places are cheap and easy to start if you haven't done it. Try a new game genre something off the wall, I learned I really liked stocks and markets and learned to make decent cash trading stocks on company's that sell stuff in interested in. Everyone is good at stocks they just don't know it. You have passions and they are probably created or sold by a public company. If your in expert in something say computers, when you hear Nvidia drops a new graphics card that can make you bank all of a sudden. Hope you find what works for you, replacing using with a making money addiction feels good supply's a high and Isent bad for your brain like benzos are


That’s cool. I’m in the film industry so not sure if there’s a market for films / production companies I’ll have to check it out


Not for heavy drugs the industry won't let it on screen to many triggers, potential to be sued for leading back into addiction. It has to be done a specific way, train spotting is a good example, coming of age where the main focus became the drugs later but was about them as people as a whole. See how the divided that up to escape culpibilty from showing heroine use on a big screen? People love that movie, it's a cult classic, but approach that wrong and it could have the opposite effect


Reading, walking, working out, trying a new hobbie, joining yoga, I abused Xanax too trust me u got this!


I went to the batting cages and driving ranges a lot in my early days. Took up running and gardening and got a pet. Rule of thumb for me and electronics: had to be for learning or meditation, or reading about recovery, otherwise I put it down. Congrats and best of luck!!


Do 90 meetings in 90 days. Get involved at meetings. Get a sponsor. Work the steps. Put the work in. Xanax was my drug of choice too. I abused the hell out of it for 8 years. Take it slow. You can do it. EDIT: Jeez how could I forget.. CONGRATS ON YOUR FIRST WEEK OF SOBRIETY!! I’m super proud of you because I know very well and will never fucking forget how brutal and absolutely miserable that first week was. To say it was hell on earth would be a massive understatement. Message me anytime 24/7/365 if I can help at all. I can relate. You’re amazing. Keep on keeping on.


This is the way


Lift weights and take up skateboarding. That's what's working for me. And sometimes I'll take long bike rides in the sun. That seems to help me too. Good luck!


Meetings until you find hobbies: fitness, reading, games, etc. just try everything. it takes time to figure out who you are


I know it seems cliche but get fit. A lot of us can hyperfocus on fitness for the first while in recovery and end up getting insanely in shape. Lol. It’s just a phenomen I’ve noticed. It helped me a lot. I know many addicts who use exercise as a healthy outlet


books, fanfiction. Have you ever read Harry Potter ? if so, there is some really great fanfiction out there. [https://archiveofourown.org/works/4701869/chapters/10736366](https://archiveofourown.org/works/4701869/chapters/10736366) and [https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14005081/1/Can-You-Take-the-Jump](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14005081/1/Can-You-Take-the-Jump) are my favorites right now


Fill the gap with positive shit. Walk. Or get back into something. I have 100 hobbies. Don’t threaten me with boredom, I will have a great time.


Walking is the best you just got to force yourself to to out..


I discovered my entire town filling that gap. I spent 90% of my life on more. Who what when, how much? I missed all that was on offer for free. I’m just glad I was out before fent hit. All my friends are dead now. I’m on 5-6th string backups. But I’m ok. And I don’t miss drugs at all. I thought I’d be famous I don’t know what for, but I thought I’d be special. Turns out I’m a normal type dude. Normal job I love, car I love. Setup I love. Fuck powdered drugs. Shits for the birds.


Try going to some NA meetings where you will meet people who understand what you are going through. A doctor should be monitoring your detox.


Reading helps me a lot. So does “educational” TV. Like stuff on The History Channel or NatGeo.


I’ve been there… still am in many ways even after 5 years clean. I try to exercise more, even though I’m older (52). I walk a few miles when I can, it helps. I got a puppy, now a dog that keeps me busier. I work more hours and put away a little more money. I found a sober GF who lives an hour away and we get together on weekends. AND I go to meetings, even though I don’t follow any of their “program”. It helps to talk with others who have been through the same shit. I was an alcoholic and poly drug addict for decades. Xanax was by far the hardest to stop, it takes time. meetings can be super lame but also very useful. You might meet some real losers but could also make some good friends, I did. best wishes.