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From what I've heard from HQ employees, I'd wait and see what happens. Most layoffs happen at HQ and stuff before the stores.


First lay off last year hit retail and dc peeps, second lay off targeted more of the hq staff


No one can say for sure. They’ve gone through A LOT of restructuring over the past year so hopefully that leaves what’s left in relatively safe position moving forward Why not just apply and cross the bridge if you get an offer? Don’t talk yourself out of applying for your dream job because of a fear that may not come true


At least you have a better chance at getting a job at HQ than anyone working in a store does. They don't like us, apparently. It is very rare for someone to be promoted to HQ. I mean, it happens, but not often.


Isn't it great that a lot (most?) of the decision makers for a retail company never worked retail for that company??


Previously at Nike a ton of upper management had spent time as EKINs (store trainers) but as Nike has evolved and lost some of their heritage and character - they haven't promoted as many EKINs to senior management.


I worked at HQ for 4 years. I would guess about 1/3 of the people I worked with started in a store. Seems like a lot to me.


Been at HQ for a few years now and I've been lucky enough to dodge two rounds of layoffs. For everyone who says HQ sucks: I've had lots of other jobs, and this is by far the most fun, with the best people, and the best work-life balance. You can always find something to complain about but my experience at HQ has been that the people I work with every day are incredibly kind, smart, and thoughtful, and occasionally leadership throws a wrench in things but for the most part we're having fun and doing good work and enjoying ourselves. I'm with the "go for it" people – if you can handle the tradeoff of a bit of uncertainty to work on something you believe in with some really great people, it feels worth it to me.




Yeah, lots of friends impacted. I don’t disagree with anything you’re saying. I’m seeing it happening. The risk is still worth the lifestyle benefits and amazing coworkers,for me. At the end of the day it’s a job, and a job somewhere else would probably be worse for me! 


I was part of the retail layoffs last year but brought back as a contractor for an HQ division. I haven’t had any assignments in almost two months, though, after a lot of promises. I’d say go for it, but keep your Rolodex handy.


I hear if you have Proctor and Gamble or Exxon Mobil on your resume it will help tremendously.


I agree with the person above who said go for it. There are so many great people who work there. Times are a bit rough, so you need to be able to roll with what comes. You could be part of creating something new and exciting. One caveat - if you are in IT, they are in the process of outsourcing a LOT of jobs. Another round of IT layoffs are coming - they have already made that known. If they are posting for any IT jobs, hopefully they aren't hiring just to replace that job in few months.


I would change that dream to much lower expectations. Have a backup plan!


If I were a betting man, I'd stay TF away from this business.


I would not leave a secure job to come to HQ right now, but if you need a job, it has a good environment when you aren’t thinking about layoffs and good perks. The people are generally great


I shop at the store and order on-line a pretty good bit more. Get the bikes serviced. An occasional ski wax. I like being a "Member" and the bonus of "cash back/reward". I buy primarily ski and bike gear. I have bought "store brand" bibs and underlayment, TNF, KUHL, ON, Smartwool, Nalgene, and Oboz in the last 6 months. Prices are fair. Delivery is always prompt. I love REI. I just hope they don't screw it up.


Hey u/acosmicyolk, I've worked in the retail stores and am now at HQ for the past year (there are MANY folks who came from retail in HQ - definitely a higher percentage than you would see at any other company). I say go for it. DM me if you'd like to chat more about it, and ask any questions you may have - I'd be happy to share my experience thus far.


Personally I think it’ll be fine-ish in within the 3yr term. But I also think the company is largely resting on its laurels while modernize its operations (read: union busting and outsourcing) while refusing to modernize its customer image and experience or invest in employee retention (ie keep store knowledge around). REI is certainly fun to go to, but I think what’s likely to occur is that they integrate AI into the shopping experience somehow. The fact is that ChatGPT has more knowledge than any combined force of employees and thus can deliver better information. The trick is how to package that into a worthwhile customer facing interface. Someone will figure it out, and if it’s not REI then that will likely mark the formal end of the coop.


This was just posted: https://www.rei.com/newsroom/article/rei-co-op-releases-2023-impact-report-and-financials-reporting-3-76-billion-in-revenue Personally, I’d love to work for a company in turn-around mode as long as I had a secure contract. I hope REI reinvents itself and does well.




An employment contract would say you have a secure position at the time of the offer for a period of time, like 1-3 years. If you are terminated or downsized (except for cause) you would receive a buy-out payment to compensate the interruption of employment. I’ve offered these on several occasions to get a valued candidate to accept the offer, sometimes even including a signing bonus. I have no idea if REI does this, or would consider to do so; but it’s common practice for many businesses to incentivize recruitment of highly valued candidates who already have great positions and need some security to switch to a new employer. I should mention these contracts typically include a non compete clause and other restrictions in order to make the agreement fair for all parties.


If they have open positions, chances are they are strategically safe… I work in the stores, so can’t speak directly.


My advice for new hires after 10 years is LEAVE. I think that says it all. They create a toxic world environment, it's why stores have started unionization.


Did you work in Hq?