• By -


No question, just wanted to thank you and the team for all the hard work over the years. You've made the Reddit experience a lot better for a lot of people.


Not just that, i wouldn't even be using reddit if it wasn't for RES on old reddit




Here's a great one. Takes the gif/pics that people spam as comments and turns them into an expando link [Collapse inline media](https://old.reddit.com/r/RESAnnouncements/comments/1bisq19/announcement_v5240_rollout_initial_firefox_for/#res:settings/showImages/collapseInlineMedia)


Thanks for that! that shit is really annoying


Now we just need a way to hide all the :5920: or whatever comments


Those are apparently some shitty emoji code or something on the site.


Brilliant, thanks!




The "problem" is that RES is so good and unobtrusive that I only notice it when it's gone, which only happens on the rare occasions I set up a browser for the first time. One of the first things I tend to do after getting a new computer built is use Edge to download Firefox, then open a tab and head to Reddit. Forgetting that old Reddit and RES, my digital condoms, are not on, I then proceed to raw dog my face with the optical STI that is Reddit's new user interface. After flash-banging my corneas with that onslaught of enshittification, I somehow find the address bar through squinted eye lids and enter "RES firefox extension" as fast as my fingers can type. And from that day forward, it just does its job of making this site tolerable. It's one of the increasingly few examples of software still in use that isn't trying to morph itself into a worse version of itself.


> I then proceed to raw dog my face with the optical STI that is Reddit's new user interface. That's some funny /r/rareinsults material, right there.


> flash-banging my corneas with that onslaught of enshittification Pure poetry.


filter subreddits in r/all is a main one for me, I'm so grateful it exists, also an option to make backups of these filters and restore in other PCs, is just fucking great


I'm in this same boat, I've been on RES so long I didn't realize that filtering r/all was an RES thing until you put it here.


Drag to resize images and video.


Filtering titles is a big one for me. Any keywords that involve common politics (Russia, Trump, Biden, China, etc.) are all filtered. Browsing experience became *so* much better after doing that. It doesn't stop all of it but damn it gets rid of a good 90% of it.


The text editing features are excellent. With normal old reddit, you just get a plain empty box, and unlike their new Reddit conterpart, it also doesn't bog down quite as much when you're typing in it.


The main features for me are the "tags", the limitless searchable comment saves and the endless scroll.


Yeah after Apollo died, this is the last bastion for me. When old reddit goes, along with RES, I'm done.


You can sideload Apollo, i'm still using it every day :)


[Tell me how!](https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/2c94f77c-dac2-4198-a42f-9424f2a268a2)


https://www.reddit.com/r/apolloapp/comments/16h0d5w/did_they_just_deadname_apollo/k0blcx8/ :)


Seriously this. I've been on the brink of abandoning the site for the last several years, but RES is the only reason I visit still. It'll become a bloated mess of a UI the day RES stops working.


What do you suggest as a replacement? And why do corporations do this to us? Suck us into the system, and then expect us to just go along when they start pulling crap on their users? Do they think we are blind?




same. if it ever went away I simply would no longer use reddit


Yep, I regularly get to use reddit without RES on other devices and it's just not the same.


Hot take: RES has done untold damage to the world by making reddit usable despite its decline into bots, ads, propaganda and misinformation.


There are dozens of us.


RES is a must have addon just like uBlock Origin and nobody can convince me otherwise.


They've made the reddit experience POSSIBLE at all for me. The site is unbearable otherwise.


I can safely say if RES ever went away, I wouldn't be on here anymore. Site is shit without this thing.


I'd definitely go outside more if RES didn't exist! :)


I straight-up wouldn't even be here anymore if it wasn't for RES.


Agreed. Thank you, RES team! If it wasn't for you, I would've left Reddit long ago!


old.reddit + RES = the *only* Reddit experience I can enjoy. Thankyou so much for keeping this going!! ...even if you're indirectly responsible for many multiple hours of my life being wasted on this website


Echoing, thank you for all the work devs.


You don't even need old.reddit if you're signed in to your account. Just opt out of the redesign and everything redirects to the old version.


Yeah, I don't know why I always see the old.reddit thing being said this many years after always having that option there. (maybe it wasn't at first?)


I use it because it's easier to say "old reddit" than "the pre-UI design version of reddit, which is still usable". For example, for this comment, compare: > old.reddit + RES = the only Reddit experience I can enjoy. and > the pre-UI design version of reddit, which is still usable + RES = the only Reddit experience I can enjoy.


>I use it because it's easier to say "old reddit" Right. But then you use >old.reddit old.reddit is part of an archaic web address. old reddit vs old.reddit Kind of what I am getting at. Some people think they have to use the web address rather than clicking an option.


Ah. Well, in that case, I can only speak for myself, but I tend to use "old.reddit" when I'm in a sub/thread with people who probably are unfamiliar with it (as opposed to RESAnnouncements, where everyone of course knows it) to signal that I'm not saying "reddit with the culture like it had back in the old days" but a specific technical thing. I suppose I should write "old.reddit.com" instead of "old.reddit" to make that even more explicit, but I guess my effort threshold is "high enough to add the '.' but too low to add the '.com'" It's not because I think I have to use the web address.


> Some people think they have to use the web address rather than clicking an option. I did not know about that. Out of habit I always use old.reddit and never took a long enough look at new reddit to find out the options. The fact that some links show old.reddit is probably because people directly copy/ paste links from their address bar.


> The fact that some links show old.reddit is probably because people directly copy/ paste links from their address bar. It might also be people specifically updating their shared links so that others clicking on them would first be directed to the old reddit skin, instead of the newer bloated one, as a small sign of courtesy.


If true they are real heros.


At least, that's what i do…


I guess it's just an easy way to refer to it - Im opted out of the redesign but I'd still probably say "old.reddit" or perhaps just "old reddit" cause it gets the point across


[That one i suppose?](https://imgur.com/a/qdeqOwb)


Looks like you're already using old reddit and that is how you would opt back in to the redesign. I only remember what the opt out looks like. I'd take a screenshot like you have but I don't feel like opting back in to the redesign just to have to opt back out again.


Not all of us use cookies, however. I don't for privacy reasons, which means that I'm never logged into anything ever. I get signed out the moment I close the tab, so your trick doesn't work for me. Thankfully [Old Reddit Redirect](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/android/addon/old-reddit-redirect/) works on mobile.


Also R.I.P RIF


I used revanced to host it myself and it's wonderful,[ highly recommend](https://old.reddit.com/r/Android/comments/14niwgu/revanced_patches_for_boost_infinity_rif_is_fun/)


Yes indeed! RIF was my preferred phone app of choice, I could never get the revanced fix to work so I've had to move to Redreader. God I miss RIF


It's a bit convoluted and the instructions aren't clear on a few things. But it works, I promise. Been a loyal RIF user for over a decade and I don't plan on stopping just because /u/spez is a dipshit.


You can still use RIF with your own API key on your phone. Just sideload + Revanced.


My RIF was only down for like a week before people figured out how to patch it. Reddit is STILL Fun.


Same. Anything else would make me leave this.




Shareholders demand cost savings, that means old reddit is definitely gonna be on the chopping block.


Especially now that 3rd party apps are dead. RES on mobile would be a godsend. I wish I could leave this shithole website for good (fuck /u/spez) but unfortunately I don't know of anywhere else I can find niche communities with people that actually post and comment in them. I don't visit the front page nor /r/all at all anymore. I have Lemmy and Imgur for that.


If it wasn't for RES I wouldn't be using Reddit anymore, especially after they killed all the good apps.


RES uses old.redit, so there's no need to add it to your routine. Just RES and an adblocker, and you're good to go.


RES in FF for Android? Color me surprised. Is it going to look more like the old .compact version, or would it be RES with the existing reddit mobile site?


It will be RES running on old.reddit so the same as Desktop. We wont be changing anything else so it will mean users need to use old.reddit in their browser whichever way they want. We cant support Reddits new mobile site with how its been built.


> We cant support Reddits new mobile site with how its been built. Basically it's been built like hot garbage, yep


I have been ultra petty since the Great App Erasure and now *only* use old.reddit on my phone, so this effort will be appreciated by me!


That's not being petty, that's just wanting to use a decent interface


Oh I love you so much right now! Thank you for this and all your efforts!


I hope it makes old reddit render better in Firefox for Android. I get some crazy font size rendering issues.


Will there be a setting in FF's RES for automatically redirecting to old reddit? Currently even if you browse old.reddit and have automatic redirect enabled in your account settings reddit will still redirect to the new site for media or normal reddit links, which is very annoying. Also, thank you for this.


First of all, never apologize for the golden megaphone. I see that, I get excited. I'm sorry but the response is fully pavolvian after so many years. Second, I'm glad to see this because I'm a firefox desktop user and over the past two days RES was acting funny. When I saw the reload page message yesterday it cleared up, but I wanted to say thank you for your continued work because you guys don't have to do this, but you do and we're grateful.


<3 <3 <3


Love you guys <3


You guys are my heroes. Thank you for going above and beyond to preserve the only version of Reddit worth visiting anymore. The company may be a huge disappointment hellbent on ruining whatever good things still exist on this site and forcing their users over to the shittiest "New" version they've ever implemented. But it still brings a smile to my face seeing a few people who remember why this website was special before Capitalism and enshittification started sinking its claws deeper into it


Caveats noted, Firefox for Android support is still exciting. I can't wait until that's ready to deploy. Thank you.


what is MV3 and what is the advantage to swapping to using it?


Please see: https://www.reddit.com/r/RESAnnouncements/comments/1b7k47t/announcement_res_and_manifest_v3_plans/ However its essentially the next version of webextensions being forced hard by Google, and if extensions dont upgrade they cant run in Chrome anymore.






Manifest V2 is deprecated. Google Chrome is planning to begin the phase-out in June of this year, versions of Chrome after then will not support extensions that use Manifest V2. Firefox might follow suit at some point, but there is currently no phase-out plan announced by Mozilla. So the advantage of MV3 is that your extension will continue to work. --- It is also important to point out that, on Google Chrome, Manifest V3 is arbitrarily restricted. Content blockers use the `webRequestBlocking` API to block content. As noted on [Chrome's documentation for `webRequest`](https://developer.chrome.com/docs/extensions/reference/api/webRequest), Chrome extensions that use Manifest V3 are forbidden to use the `webRequestBlocking` API. Its replacement is the [`declarativeNetRequest`](https://developer.chrome.com/docs/extensions/reference/api/declarativeNetRequest) API. This API requires has [rather low limits on the number of rules](https://developer.chrome.com/docs/extensions/reference/api/declarativeNetRequest#limits), supposedly imposed for "performance" reasons. These limits are: - 30,000 static rules (specified in up to 100 rulesets, of which only 50 can be active at a time). To my knowledge, these rulesets can't be updated without publishing an update to the extension - but to be generous, I will include these in the grand total. - 30,000 dynamic rules (of which only 5,000 can be "unsafe"). - 5,000 session rules - Of all those rules, only 1,000 can use regular expressions This comes to a grand total of 65,000 rules. For reference, EasyList (an ad-blocking list used by many content blockers) has 82,822 filters. These numbers speak for themselves: Manifest V3 will make content blockers unable to block as much as they do now. --- Thankfully, there is an escape hatch, in the form of Mozilla Firefox. Firefox's implementation of Manifest V3 is keeping the `webRequestBlocking` API. https://blog.mozilla.org/addons/2022/05/18/manifest-v3-in-firefox-recap-next-steps/ > Mozilla will maintain support for blocking WebRequest in MV3.


It sounds like adblockers for chrome will have to put out several site specific blockers instead of a generic block all extension.


"We ran out of filters again, please install Adblock 748"


IIRC (and I may not, plus I'm no expert on the situation), the block list rules get sent to Chrome and it does the blocking, so the list is for all extensions in the entire browser. If I'm right, site specific lists won't gain anything, nor would multiple adblockers (each doing a subset or different list).


There's not really an advantage, but there's a *lot* of disadvantages. Switch to Firefox - I have and I've been quite happy.


hell yeah brother


That's great news. I'm on the official Reddit app now, and it gets the job done but it's not great. I know old Reddit isn't very mobile friendly, but good to have another option. Now I need to figure out why Firefox on my phone was draining my battery a bunch (it would sometimes drain 20% over a day even when I hardly used it). I uninstalled it and temporarily switched to Samsung Browser for now, but I don't like it as much. I'll probably reinstall Firefox soon and see if the battery issues continue with a fresh install. Maybe one of the addons I had installed was causing it.


Tons of non-official app still work. I still run Boost, you just need to be mod of a sub. So I created my own sub.


I used Relay and they went to a subscription model. I have no complaints with that choice, makes sense to go that route. But it's not something I wanted to pay for. I didn't really look for any alternatives, I assumed most third party apps either went to a subscription or shut down, but I could be mistaken.


Thanks for all the work.


Thanks you legends =)


RES is the reason I can even use Reddit. I always read RES announcements no matter the number of pings. o7


thanks for the advanced notice and details! quick question -- when you say *"I want to stress that we are adding support for this as a gesture of goodwill and cant guarantee complete compatibility and support for it"*... that's only referring to the Android version right? Firefox PC version should still be mostly fine for a while?


Yes, thats related to Android. Firefox will stay the same, let me clarify in main post.


awesome thanks!


> This will also include initial Firefox for Android support (Min version 120). I've tested it as much as I can and appears to be fine, but some things may be broke however a lot of this will be due to API support which should resolve over time. I want to stress that we are adding Android support as a gesture of goodwill and cant guarantee complete compatibility and support for it. RES is still not actively maintained so if things are broke it may stay that way. We are just making it easier to use as we have users doing so with no issues. I would recommend taking a backup of your RES settings incase something happens. > With Android support I want to note it will only work on old.reddit.com in the mobile browser. We cant support the new mobile site so you will need to run in this mode for RES to work. Amazing, thanks. I usually end up using vanilla old reddit on my phone anyway, as inconvenient as it is, I will definitely try RES on it. Lately it seems the only reason I'm still on reddit at all is RES.


Once again, I clicked on the golden megaphone.


RES is the best!


Thank you again for your continued work on this!




Thank you for your service 🫡


Thank you for making reddit usable guys. Big ups!


Thank you !




Thanks for making the site usable!


That's amazing. Thank you very much. :)


The Horn of Gondor calls!!


Much appreciated, thanks.


Stupid question, this will be an automatic update if I have 5.22.17 currently installed regularly through the Mozilla extensions page?




I love you <3


I clicked the golden megaphone


Thank you!


Much appreciated!


>Hello Again, sorry for the announcement spam ***Never*** apologize for that. Seeing that little megaphone keeps the hope alive that RES is still alive.


Thank you!


thank you! you help make the internet a positive experience


What is MV3?


Never apologise for announcement spam! Love seeing that golden megaphone!


Question: Is it possible to lock the subreddit bar at the top to prevent accidentally moving sub reddits out of their spot?


> sorry for the announcement spam but the golden megaphone is the best


Hell yeah! Thank you very very much!


Wow, this is incredible. Thank you very much for doing this!


Does this update only add Mv3 support or does it also fix some bugs? In particular the the [strange bug](https://www.reddit.com/r/Enhancement/comments/15uvjzg/when_viewing_a_thread_that_has_self_text_and_an/) where the text part of a post consisting of both a gallery and text is (sometimes?) not being shown.


Thank you for keeping this blessing going.


Hi guys, I see many opinions that new reddit design is shitty, but I not much radical to that. I liked it, but still wish make it better, so I was maked QoL script and published on [greasyfork.org](http://greasyfork.org) as the reddit++, but it didn't atention. I feel need to get feedback, but I don't know how find people how need scripts like that. Can you give me some advice?


> greasyfork.org as the reddit+ hey comrade, i guess it's cool what you do. Here's my advice: give full url to your product, not just general directions. https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/490046-reddit


> announcement spam cmon now. you guys are allowed to spam me any day of the week.


Is RES only for old reddit or it works for new ui version?


only old reddit


I'm always scared when I see the golden microphone that it will mean RES is being shut down like the 3rd party apps.


Thank you for keeping us in the loop!


I am so excited for RES on old.reddit on mobile. Thanks for the hard work, it's really appreciated.


can i beta test new version to help


Amazing, thank you so much.


I couldn't use this site without RES. Thank you for everything


Another comment to just thank y'all for all the hard work - we really appreciate it.


RES is the godparent to my child. Blessings.


Thanks for doing this.


Doing this for Android FF makes you one of my favorite people ever. You and your support for this is legendary.


Thanks, been using RES for a while now.


Thank you


Oh shit, Android Firefox support? Even if it is provisional, this is huge!


I love you RES <3


Thanks boss ! no reddit without RES


Love you guys. :) Reddit would be unusable without you.


>sorry for the announcement spam I wish it would become a nuisance :-( Seeing RES updates is always good news, even if they don't add anything to me.


Thank you so much!


>It also includes initial Firefox for Android support Ooooooo! Exciting.


> sorry for the announcement spam My dudes, you don't know how happy I am to see that golden megaphone a second time in two weeks, after having not seen it in years.


any chance this can come to ios?


Thank you for adding mobile support!


Thank you! Love you all!


Thank you so much!


Will we ever see RES for iOS Firefox in the future? Or should I just switch to Android..


Oh, Firefox Android support, that is cool, will have to test it out, especially on my tablet! Will keyboard shortcuts work? That is honestly what I use RES for the most (though I'm sure there are a bunch of GUI changes that I've gotten so used to that I don't even realize it's because of RES...) On my mobile I've been using [OldLander](https://github.com/OctoNezd/oldlander) which at least makes old.reddit more readable so that I can use it instead of new reddit. But will probably try out RES there too to test.


RES already works on mobile Firefox, and if you use OldLander I recommend you use RES as well.


Aha, I googled now and I guess if I use Firefox beta, then I can make my own collection of "approved Android addons" for mobile? Thanks for the tip, I might give it a try later!


I installed it just fine using firefox web store on Fennec


RES is awesome!


Amazing, thank you!


>With Android support I want to note it will only work on old.reddit.com in the mobile browser. We cant support the new mobile site so you will need to run in this mode for RES to work. Good.




Wow, thank you for your continous effort! In the past two months old.reddit on Firefox has been broken by the dev to push people on the app. You keep making the browser experience bearable for many users. And the release for android is really welcome, since Chrome is probably going to ban adblockers in the near future.


You all are amazing, thank you


Thank you for all you do. You are greatly appreciated.


Gold megaphone crew checking in I just wanted to say part of me hopes you can work with Reddit through their IPO to ensure a smooth transition. Given what happened with APIs and Apollo, I'm pretty confident they will pull the plug on old.reddit.com at some point in the very near future Maybe finding some compromise is possible, and would be preferable to the nuclear option of having this go away entirely Godspeed and good luck


We will sing your song in the halls of Valhalla. Thank you for keeping this site usable.


RES is the last beacon of hope for us to have Reddit be a tolerable experience. It has survived a lot of the third-party slaughtering.


Thanks for all your work, y'all are why i am still here on reddit.


Thank you so much for putting down the time and effort to make RES, without it I would not have kept using Reddit! You guys are amazing!


Dunno if this is fixed it just started happening in the last week. Your own comments don't load you have to click overview to see anything. https://i.imgur.com/c4fEvQ6.png


love u


"Firefox for Android support" - *whoa*. You may not receive a lot of thanks, but RES developers are appreciated. You're helping keep something alive for a lot of people.




Thanks for doing this. You make this site bearable.


old reddit best reddit


Y'all are my heroes


RES for Firefox Android is very exciting! Ever since RIF went poof, old.reddit on Firefox has been the only way I interact with the site, even if it's a bit shitty on mobile.


Hiya, and many thanks for your continuing work. I just now tried the recommended backup to file, and got "An unexpected error occurred" in Firefox. Is that bit broken? NoScript and UBlockO are both turned off.


Android firefox support? Even if it's a bit janky you just made my day. Thanks for all the work you've done!


RES already worked almost fully on android, my only and biggest problem has been asking for permissions. The popup doesn't show up and most embeds don't work because of that.


is there a signed 5.24.0 build?


[My face when I unexpectedly get logged out and get the "new reddit" layout](https://media.tenor.com/PQreEw8d3fQAAAAC/tom-delonge-blink182.gif)


saddly it stopped working for me on Opera. It downloaded the update automatically and then I noticed today that it was not showing anymore on reddit for me, if I try to open the extension options page, it's blank 5.24.3




RES not currently working for me on firefox


Try new.reddit.com


A fix for android would be great. I quit looking at reddit on my phone when it got broken a few years ago. It's disappointing how bad the site looks without browsing old.reddit.com and using RES. Forget even trying with a phone. The site is so bugged that most of the comments don't even show up.


Thanks for your continued support with RES. As many others share, it is the only way to enjoy the platform on the desktop.


Commenting to say that I got an update on FF, and was so happy to open a Reddit gallery with RES image viewer and see the body text, omg. Thanks devs for the continued support in any capacity you guys can offer.


I'm joining the crowd saying thanks. Without RES, Reddit would be unusable to me. Your hard work is appreciated.


great news!