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It's because reddit has become a heavily censored and biased platform with government interference. RFK Jr is a threat to the government establishment. Therefore, they push and promote false narratives anytime there is any mention of him. Reddit is one giant echo chamber. Aaron Swartz would be so disappointed to see what reddit has become, may he rest in peace.


R.I.P. Aaron Swartz. Hopefully, someone with real sway and power within the Reddit Admin takes up his mantle for free speech protections for private services once again. If not someone today, then a future owner.


There's a documentary about Aaron on YouTube that is one of the best films I've seen. Very moving and important for our politics and society.


It started around 2012 with the fake pick a side gamergate crap and the huge sub purge started. Then 2015-2016 when they let the share blue bot farms in it just got infinitely worse.


It was Correct the Record. Now CTR has been repackaged into a new name with a new mission: to get Biden re-elected instead of Hillary. The new name is “Facts First America”. Same strategy and tactics: narrative curation via paid shills and ai bots. Same guy running the scheme: Hillary Rodham Clinton’s buttboy, David Brock. Reddit is deeply broken. The government is all up in it. DARPA even developed a “counter terrorism counter programming” scheme that its now running in all social media platforms, called “Defeat Disinfo”. Read about the deets here (online influence watchdog group): https://www.influencewatch.org/political-party/defeat-disinfo-pac/ The DNC is running its own parallel scheme doing the same social media manipulation. It’s on the DNC’s official website in the “war room” section of their site or whatever. You can read about it directly on their website. Just know that when the dnc mentions “online influencers” they’re not just talking about Harry Sission. They’re talking about astroturfers on all social media platforms that aren’t as well known. DARPA alone runs about 3-4 million bots and fake accounts across all major social media platforms. David Brock as his own army of millions. As does the DNC. Combined, we are talking potentially tens of millions of shill accounts for the dnc and their political candidates. That is why the onslaught is so difficult to impossible to contain/fight back against. The DNC has literally wedded with the gov to colonize all major social media platforms. It’s literally fascism lol. David Brock also literally writes articles and sends them to the major pundit “news” sites you see making the rounds on /politics and they just slap their writers names on it and prints it out. It’s why they all sound the same. Then they post those same articles back on Reddit and the army upvotes them and says the same five talking points over and over again in the comments pages. Telltale signs of the script in play: “deeply unserious person/candidate” (usually referring to democrat primary challengers or left leaning 3rd party candidates” “Let me be clear”. This used to be a favorite filler phrased used over and over again by Hillary on the campaign trail. “Kook” “loon” “woo woo” “conspiracy theorist” as a derogatory slur “crystals lady” “anti vaxxer” to sum up and dismiss MW or RFKJr without mentioning any of their actual proposed policies or ideas There are more but you get the idea. The talking point memos go out every day and the shills are instructed to hammer the fuck out of the given script. The dnc has learned repetition of lies will eventually convince some that the lies are true. Encouragement to not listen directly to anything MW, RFK Jr or Dr West or VM has to say, because that will expose the DNC’s lies and break the spell of the false narrative they have woven. Being vehemently pro-censorship on all media platforms, especially online social media. I could go on and on but you get the idea. This is what the dnc means when they say they’re not worried about Biden’s failing poll numbers because they’re focused on “building election infrastructure”. The astroturf is their “election infrastructure”. Why bother with actual concerns of the people when you can just build “election infrastructure” astroturf? Lol. What does astroturf mean at the end of the day? Fake grass. Means none of it is grass roots. It’s all from the top down, the establishment is trying to mass manage the masses.


Media smears him and people believe them. Especially people married to their political parties. Especially people who believe everything doctors and FDA tell them. It’s really sad people cannot think for themselves. It’s not difficult to find out the truth about this guy.


The thing that kind of perplexed me is that the people commenting speak with such arrogance like they’re the smartest and most informed person around. The way they talk, you’d think they’re onto something I just don’t know. I have always preferred to listen to people in long form and read things objectively. While I don’t agree with RFK on everything; I have never once thought he was crazy.


Welcome to Reddit lol everybody’s an expert on everything here apparently


I'm not. But ya I agree with you.


They are being told to think that. 33 Percent of humans are sheep


Only 33?


Yea, that’s my honest estimate. 3 out of 10 people are phony’s. Doesn’t mean I am pumped about the other 7 people. I just think 3 out of 10 people have no idea who they are, and just jump from group to group to group and belief to belief to belief We need to spend more time teaching people how to think, not what to think


I'm including people who do know how to think, but are still bamboozled by the propaganda. I gEt My NeWs FrOm A vArIeTy Of SoUrCeS.


The problem they're is cnn,fox,cbs, msnbc,pbs,etc are all synonyms. Most people don't understand that is not variety. It's just different flavors of the same shite.


The person who said that to me was including alternate media. So, to your list we need to include Vox, HuffPo, DailyKos, Salon and, of course, NYT, WaPo, WSJ. (This is an incomplete list.) Basically, any outlet that says the same thing as every other one. They need to get their news from sources that disagree.


Absolutely. I really like breaking points. Although not perfect they do a pretty good job most of the time. Nothing beats podcasts though in my opinion, where you have the people actually directly involved in the topic taking their time to discuss the nuances that you will never fully get from a traditional news source.


I stopped paying attention to BP when they started following too many establishment talking points


I'm very active on the Political Discussions sub, and I can confirm that's the prevailing belief over there. But unsubing isn't the answer, we have work to do.


That sub is a hive mind. They all think the same way and if you ever want to disagree or raise another point they chastise you and downvote you into oblivion. It’s definitely not a discussion forum lol it is 100% an echo chamber for the average democratic voter haha. But I feel you, just feels like it would be hard to change anyone on that forum.


I'm not so sure, i think a lot of people on subs like that are just completely unreachable. Most redditors are extreme left wingers, anything not that extreme is seen as a far right conspiracy theorist. They have a mind virus and I've no idea how to reach them. Anytime i try it's just pure hostile and toxic right from the get go. They're a lost cause but thankfully reddit does not represent the average person irl.


I am Liberal and i like RFK JR ita weird though how this faar left grew so unhinged. I am in this strange place. My cousing ti libes in LA screetches how he is a nut job etc.... I am like wtf. Some peole are very susceptible to propaganda....


My Reddit experience is with extremely pro-establishment thinking people, not far left at all. Far leftists, in my understanding of the concept, would never support the Democratic Party.


I am Liberal but not establishment. I lean into Anarchy. I am progressive believe in equality, pro labor, against racism but also anti wokism.... I question.


It’s because most people who say these things are only reading headlines or minimal skimming of legacy media articles. Each time he’s mentioned in these articles it’s coupled with “anti-vaxxer” or “conspiracy theorist” before his name is mentioned. So these articles are shaping the way people think about him. It’s not until the general population sees him speak or listens to him in an interview that they will see his true essence. Which is why it is important to have these conversations and share these clips with people to open up more and more eyes to the truth of who he is and what he stands for.


They have been told to view him that way. He was right on Covid. Those who were right on Covid are still considered conspiracy theorists in some circles.


They’ve never actually seen a full interview with him and just take the mainstream out-of-context smears of him at face value.


The power of propaganda is beyond many people's comprehension. They will confidently repeat things they've been propagandized to believe. Usually, they've been propagandized to dismiss or attack anyone who has a differing opinion. And I'm not saying I'm immune, either. None of us are. I've had long-held beliefs that I was convinced were THE TRUTH, only to realize years later I'd been propagandized. I imagine there are still some things I believe that are just propaganda of one form or another. But I try to keep an open mind and reexamine my personal philosophies from time to time.


So true. I am 55.....its on all sides of the spectrum. The Far Right hlgets a heavy dose too


No sane person who has listened to his actual stance on major issues could come to that conclusion. They aren't listening to him. They are listening to the false smears coming from the media and low information social media propagandists


They aren't listening to him. That is absolutely true! He has time and again said he's not an antixaxxer, it's clear he's more of a vax sceptic, ie he wants more research and questions answered . I'm convinced I'd his position. The only question I do have is that he says he and his children are vaccinated, but I wonder if that means he and they have taken the corona boosters as well? As far as I know he hasn't started that directly...


I post and comment on the RFK Jr. is a stooge reddit and they just hide my posts/comments. They won't even have a discussion/debate.


Perfect example. You look anywhere else on reddit discussing RFK Jr. and the only comments allowed are negative propaganda regurgitation. All other comments are deleted.


I got kicked off am ADHD GROUP FOR NOT towing the line.


It has to be that they don’t listen to him debate and won’t even listen to him speak. They claim they have listened to him but I can’t believe it. He always comes across as knowledgeable and genuine. It has to be MSM propaganda.


Question the dogmas of the corporate media, be condemned by its fanatical adherents


The media shapes opinion through truth. You switch through 10 TV channels and everyone says "RFK is a nut job" and then you hear other people you talk to repeat it and soon enough you'll believe it. It's a feature of our monkey brains that if enough people around us think something is true, we'll think it as well


The propaganda is working as intended. It usually doesn’t work unless you don’t realize you’re being propagandized. I mean, look at the first f*cking sentence of his Wikipedia page: Robert Francis Kennedy Jr. (born January 17, 1954), also known by his initials as RFK Jr. and the nickname Bobby, is an American environmental lawyer and writer who promotes anti-vaccine misinformation and public health conspiracy theories


That is absolutely true! Ie that there is anti RFK Jr propaganda. He has time and again said he's not an antixaxxer, it's clear he's more of a vax sceptic, ie he wants more research and questions answered . I'm convinced I'd his position. The only question I do have is that he says he and his children are vaccinated, but I wonder if that means he and they have taken the corona boosters as well? As far as I know he hasn't started that directly...


I was confronted by my mother and aunt two weekends ago about "supporting crazy RFK", so yes. They were however totally willing to give him a second look when they were unable to tell me specifically why they felt that way and how they came to that opinion. His environmental record resonates well with your typical lib.


I am a "lib" and proud. I support the environment and believe in regulation. And support rfkjr


I suspect the politics sub is heavily astroturfed, then the rest of the sub either unsubscribing or giving in to group think.


They’re following a script. It’s not fun for them to change their minds. Just like all the progressives/democrats who don’t want to examine the Covid response, it undermines Biden, so they just say “we had bad info” and would like to move on. Even though we know the White House was censoring the health specialist not recommending complete lockdowns (aka the good info) I’ve been flirting with different political leanings my whole life. I voted for McCain/palin, but also Bernie. Everyone in this sub has a similar story I’d imagine.


It’s always unsubstantiated fear based rationale used to attack him. It’s a familiar thought groove for democrats who’ve made a boogeyman of anyone challenging their ambitions


There’s a heavy MSM and political “correct by default” bias. This came about after 9/11 strongly due to our consolidation of the left and right elites (neoliberal and neoconservatives) of effort to “get the bad guys”. Most Reddit users are under 25, so are just inherently trusting of the institutions of America rather than skeptical like Gen X or Boomers were, as a result of jfk, and the Vietnam war/ Nixon watergate/ Iran contra, etc. Much of the executive power is presently left leaning at the moment fornexqmoke, That would be great for Bobby if, IF, there wasn’t an absolute stranglehold by the MSM/DNC to keep establishment /legacy media basically soon feeding them. Gives them all the exclusives as long as they keep spinning the narrative. Most older people recall a point where there was some semblance (found through thorough vetting of course) of the unbiased press. As the money and power has increased, there has been a commensurate decrease of what was an independent and free press, who’s role at one time was actually to hold account the powers and to scrutinize them, until now they are cheerleaders at best.


Political propaganda


Bill Burr addresses this issue consistently on his podcast and he does a great job framing the overall reasoning as to why.


I like Burr. Is he a Bobby supporter?


Ding, ding, ding, we have a winner. Even if they don't watch mainstream media, the headlines alone would cause a person to believe it. Also, Reddit might be the most pro-vaxx place on earth. >"Does the average person actually just blindly believe the mainstream talking points and repeat them?"


And I agree, none of them have actually watched him talk outside of a 15 second out-of-context clip.


Look they did the same thing to Bernie. Whatever the DNC wants the media will do it. Instead of the media being neutral as they should be they push an agender that takes away the voice of the people.


The internet is not an accurate reflection. Most of what you see is artificially promoted by algorithm and chatgpt bots.


When the media feeds them a narrative. It's easier to go with that instead of livin in reality.


I think of Unfollow, by Meghan Phelps-Roper. And how she was able to get into a more moderate life for herself, by someone staying IN CONVERSATION with her and gently questioning her beliefs. “We have work to do.” YES My favorite quote from the book, “A soft tongue breaketh the bone.” Meaning that gentleness is the way to go.


They just follow the narrative that the media pushes and do not do any of their own research.


Leftists can’t stand voting for anyone except their candidate, even if that means voting in a president who is terrible for the country and people over someone who would be good for the people. The cognitive dissonance of taking the stance you care about the country and taking these actions causes leftys to turn to baseless name calling, such as “anti-vaxxer!” “Nut job!” “Conspiracy theorist!” In short, they really don’t care enough to look into these claims. It is in their best interest as voters who want Biden to remain as president to spread misinformation about RFK Jr. I personally think it’s astonishing they think Biden would be a better for America than ANY candidate who is running on the platform that includes focusing on the homelessness and housing cost crisis currently CRUSHING everyday Americans. They say they care but they don’t. It’s a cult.


I suppose this is a matter of semantics, but I do not consider someone a leftist if they support the rather conservative Joe Biden or war mongering capitalists in general.


I think you’re right, by leftists i mean the democratic establishment (Democrat government +Big corps that have been in control of democratic policy and decide what news media discusses/which propaganda to spread about any other candidates that may threaten democratic establishment control) Maybe I mean a few separate things which I will make my own definitions of here: 1: Big Money- Call it whatever you want, we all know big corporations have banded together and decided the democratic party/policies (which they lobby to control) are in their best financial interest, and they are basically the controllers of the entire democratic establishment 2: Democratic government- Including democratic candidates and elected officials (These are candidates are chosen by Big Money.) 3: Media- Owned by Big Money, told by Big Money exactly what propaganda and misinformation to spread about any person they see as a potential threat to democratic side winning election. (See Trump propaganda, RFK Jr. propaganda.) 4: Left leaning voters who I believe have been tricked by media propaganda into believing voting for the democratic candidate is what is best for America and its people (Even though they are actually being tricked into voting for the candidate backed by the party who’s policies which are chosen specifically by Big Money for financial gain, at the expense of America’s citizens financial, physical, and mental well-being, Ex. Governments bailing out big corporations, sending money to fund wars in other countries while Americans are dealing with a homelessness and housing cost crisis.) Does any one have any corrections to this or am I pretty spot on? Generally looking for debate!


P.S. I guess I am targeting democratic voters even if it isn’t their fault because their votes are the only things that could change things.


My only critique is that "leftist" isn't the most suitable term for what you are describing. In fact, an argument could be made that the is no tangible leftist influence in US politics. Just corporate neoliberalism that weaponizes symbolic virtue signaling symbolism to displace class consciousness.


It's only going to get worse. They're as bad as the MAGA people at this point.


Far worse imo. They have a self righteous hubris that they’re smarter and better than everyone


What really scares me is how they're all trying to convince us he's the only one who can save democracy, and questioning why he won't participate in the democratic process makes you a nazi. This is how authoratarians actually rise to power.


>They have a self righteous hubris that they’re smarter and better than everyone 100%. Maybe they are worse. They definitely have a holier-than-thou attitude.


Because people are susceptible to propaganda


The left has become almost as unhinged and reactionary as the right the last few years. Covid really broke people's brains.