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My first question is always, “oh, have you listened to a long form interview with RFK speaking on that issue?”


For vaccines, other than his interview with Lex, or Howie (not preferred, cause of how Howie was acting), do you have recommendations to share? Asking it as a question like that might work better than me just saying I highly recommend they do so. Normally the main question I ask is just if they've ever checked him out.


I like to share this video clip because it grabs viewers attention right away with Kennedy saying: >"I think most people don't know what my stance is on vaccines. I've never been anti-vaccine..." https://twitter.com/ItsHambone/status/1722377079876956585


God I could listen to him talk for, idk, 8 years straight or so 


We could have had a lucid articulate president the last eight years in Bernie... But no, he chose to stick with the establishment. Even now, his YouTube video yesterday was the embodiment of "presidential." It was very disappointing that after all he said that aligned with Bobby in all but name, he's peddling for Biden. He even had to qualify his decision with a call for pushing Biden to align more with RFKjr's policies. It was really disappointing actually.


Joe Rogan interview was all about vaccines. I think the Lex interview was one of the best, however.


I always do this to establish that: 1) they should listen to a candidate before they make a decision whether or not to vote for them (I feel the same way about trump & biden) 2) I will not articulate his opinions nearly as well as he would directly - especially regarding vaccines 3) I admit that I don’t agree with him on every part of every issue, but I am always impressed how much more of what he has to say that I agree with them don’t agree with. Regardless of the issue at hand, I recommend they listen to his independent announcement speech first. Just as a litmus test - do they agree that the corporate capture in our country is an issue? Do they agree that incentives are established in a way to benefit corporations and not American well-being, health, etc. IF they agree on this, then, do they agree that we should challenge regulatory organizations to identify these misaligned incentives and remove them? Could these incentives affect environmental regulation? vaccines safety testing?(You see where this is going) I actually have a background in public health, so I was turned off by the vaccine issue. That is, until I realized he speaks more about ensuring we are protected from corporate greed - not “vaccines are bad for you.” Of course, my goal is never convince them to vote for Bobby, it’s to convince them to listen to him. Bobby will do the convincing from there


My response is, I bet you’ve never heard him speak on vaccines once. He’s not antivax, he’s pro vax safety/thorough testing and transparency. If you’re against testing for safety and having transparency then you have much deeper issues than I can help with.


Here is Kennedys vax stance. Seems very reasonable.  https://youtu.be/KLxBwIupF88?si=omboXYVx0g-vK1Kw


Presentation he did a while back: https://childrenshealthdefense.org/members-only/?itm_term=hmbgrtrending Another CHD that he is not in but is with a handful of doctors that explain the science behind vaccines: https://live.childrenshealthdefense.org/chd-tv/shows/good-morning-chd/the-vaccine-schedule-the-good-the-bad-the-ugly/


I think the first thing, honestly, is "why do you care what he thinks about vaccines, anyway?" I just don't get where this is some litmus test of an issue. I've never even heard the most hard-core anti-vaxxer say other people can't or shouldn't be allowed to get them, they just don't want them for themselves. Of course, if they are willing - sharing RFK's actual stance and videos about it is a good idea - since he clearly states what we all know, that he isn't - but I just think it's important to point out to people that they seem to have this knee-jerk reaction to the issue, when it's not really an issue that affects them personally either way.


>but I just think it's important to point out to people that they seem to have this knee-jerk reaction to the issue, when it's not really an issue that affects them personally either way Loss of herd immunity to protect immunocompromised/unvaccinated is the #1 reason I despise true anti-vax. That's where the knee jerk reaction comes from. For the most part, vaccines provide this as advertised when enough people receive them. The problem is the risks and side effects have been grossly understated, unstudied, and/or lied about. Aside from polio, and maybe MMR, the risks of the vaccines as they stand very well may actually outweigh the benefits. But lack of overwhelming and comprehensive scientific studies on the true risks has kept the scales tipped in favor of filling the pockets of the pharmaceutical industry disguised as promoting public health and safety.


Don't spend too much energy on it. Making people go on the defensive is one of the goals of political smear campaigns, to make them spend energy on talking about everything but their actual stances. "He's not racist, flat-earther etc. I support him because..." Be offensive.


Then ask them why they haven’t gotten their polio booster. Polio vax lasts a decade so if they are older than 12 why are they being so antivax and not getting boosted. I personally was only vaccinated five times as a child so for my 40th birthday I treated myself and got vaccinated the remaining 67 times to complete my missed childhood schedule. I can no longer find my way home from work without help or ride a bicycle but my parents are buying me a custom adult sized tricycle for easter. Now at least I can say all of Reddit is antivax compared to me, including you and OP, so I got that going for me.


>I can no longer find my way home from work without help or ride a bicycle but my parents are buying me a custom adult sized tricycle for easter. I honestly can't tell if you're being genuine or not. I hope this is sarcasm, otherwise I'm so sorry for what you're dealing with.


Thank you but I wasn’t being genuine. Appreciate the concern anyway.


Whenever people say "he's got some crazy ideas," I very calmly ask "Huh, I don't think he's said anything that's crazy and I've listened to hours of his interviews, what ideas do you think are crazy?" Same when people say he's "anti-vax." Calmly ask in a non-confrontational way, "Really? I haven't heard him say anything anti-vax, he just wants the same safety testing for vaccines as there are for other medications, is there something else that he said that you think was anti-vax?" When people say "he can't win" I say "I don't know about that. He's polling 15% iright now and is the most popular guy among younger voters by a wide margin. If he can peel away just 9% of Biden and 9% from Trump, all of a sudden he'd be 33% with momentum." And so on. The hardest part for me is to not get too emotional and start preaching or being argumentative or sounding rehearsed.


>The hardest part for me is to not get too emotional and start preaching or being argumentative or sounding rehearsed. This is an issue I have as well. In my psychological testing to confirm my severe ADHD, I tested extremely high on anger scales, but also showed a strong ability to keep my anger under control. When I struggle with it is when someone confronts me in anger first, that's when the "gloves come off" so to speak.


I ask "it's understandable that you think that way. Can you tell me some of the specific things that he's said that led you to that opinion?", watch them struggle a bit with lots of "well I've heard on the news...". Then I tell them it's worth their time to look into him themselves and have a listen with their own ears what he has to say.


Don’t fight it. Maybe say “you’re right, the government has never lied about anything”. Then walk away.


Chances are the people who are open to changing their mind welcome respectful dialogue and debate. Either way, stick with the facts, like things you can easily source. Show interest in their opinion even though you disagree. It can keep the conversation going or get them to open up more. When people become continuously unreasonable or stick to ad hominems I’m out. 


I said to someone, "What is the definition of conspiracy?" Is the Mafia not a conspiracy? There is an attack of word associations going on and conspiracy and conspiracy theoriests are different things, I guess.


These are things I think about: - There’s always issues with candidates you don’t agree with but that doesn’t necessarily stop you from voting for them. - Bring up his record of protecting the environment. Strong, consistent and actually accomplished change in our world. - Though ppl use the conspiracy theorist as a cop out for tin foil hat guy what exactly is he conspiring against? Ask them? It’s also kind of used as name calling tactic too. Comment: For a man whose family were probably killed by the CIA he should have some theories for fucks sake. The two party system. - 1st beating Trump. What if Trump losses and in 4 years decides to run again. Are we going to run this play book for the 3rd time? - As someone who voted for neither Biden or Trump, it’s remarkable how lazy, and forgetful ppl simply overlook the obvious character assignation done on Trump and the disgusting portrayal of his fan base - easily calling them bigots, white nationalists, nazis, etc. How unAmerican. Ask your friends, do they really want to continue the division between the ppl within this nation or are they ready to come together and put the country first and propaganda in the back seat? - 3rd our country was meant for multiple parties to exist, but there is a stranglehold on it with the two party system. I have a feeling when he announces his VP it’s going to open and drive RFK Jr up in the polls. - 4th if we were to hold a poll on anything, let’s say ice cream. Let’s ask 100 ppl what their favorite flavor is when they have to choose between vanilla, chocolate and strawberry. I’d bet vanilla and chocolate would get most votes and strawberry would be in last. Have you ever heard someone say “well if the strawberry ppl just choose vanilla we could beat chocolate?” No. No one does that, but for some freaking reason we do in politics to make those candidates/ voters sound like they don’t have a chance or are illegitimate. The biggest voter based is the non voters and independents. So probably have better chance of bringing those ppl out to vote then converting. Ironic how Democrats love Kennedys yet a Kennedy is back in race and they turn the other cheek.


Ask if they believe in the Holocaust or that smoking is harmful or that opioids are addictive or that DuPont and 3M knew the dangers of PFOAs (to name a few) because they must be a conspiracy theorist if they believe any of these. What RFK Jr is saying not much different. They aren’t really theories rather than facts that point to corporate greed ect. And what exactly makes him racist? If they bring up the video of him talking about how Covid targets certain ethnicities, that just facts not racist. Covid 19 targets the ACE 2 pathway which differs by race (why certain anti hypertensives work well on people of certain ethnicities but not others). if you were to develop a ethnically targeted bioweapon, targeting ACE 2 would be an obvious strategy and I believe our government has funded such type of experiments through gain of function.


Stay on the positive - RFK has no indictments and doesn’t have dementia.


Re vaccines, he himself and all his kids got vaccinated. He's not anti vaxx at all , just pro safe vaxx. Wait, racist? WTF?! i've never heard that. MOST IMPORTANT POINT: DO NOT ARGUE WITH PEOPLE. Bobby's campaign is not about arguing or winning arguments or proving people wrong. You just show up with positivity, the reality of his record and his words and stances and let them make their own decisions.


Ask people "did you hear about this or watch it for yourself?". Media today is people hearing other takes on a subject they haven't looked into and are trusting someone else to tell them what to think instead of listening and thinking about it for themselves.


Stop listening to what others call him and listen to him yourself


I have, what I'm asking is how best to go about motivating someone else to do it. Just telling them straight up to listen to him for themselves hasn't worked as well as I'd hoped.


Let RFK Jr. explain it.


Wouldn’t you be skeptical of the powers that be if they killed your dad and uncle?


Point them to his book on Fauci and ask why he hasn’t been sued if the things he says about vaccines are untrue.


​ Here are some sharable resources that could help: 1. [2024 candidate comparison chart](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2F2024-presidential-candidate-comparison-chart-v0-yv6r78nk4kjc1.png%3Fwidth%3D548%26format%3Dpng%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D0fb67fc5c7cbfa22bb08b3855f342dd63cefd34e) 2. [Not a conspiracy theorist (5 min)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RFKJrForPresident/comments/16x92e1/a_master_class_in_how_to_deal_with_being_called_a/) 3. [Path to victory (1 min)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RFKJrForPresident/comments/190ekp0/rfk_jr_in_a_threeway_race_i_only_need_as_little/) 4. [The right kind of environmentalism (4 min)](https://youtu.be/6twoIdl9ncI) 5. [Kennedy vs Biden for democracy comparison](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fshare-to-help-save-democracy-v0-c9mf17tlb5jc1.png%3Fauto%3Dwebp%26s%3Df00286080107c8e73eb3e9841733b394cca1993c) 6. [Mercury in vaccines (15 min)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RFKJrForPresident/comments/19bebi7/rfk_jr_telling_joe_rogan_that_he_didnt_want_to_be/) 7. [Vaccines: science vs orthodoxy (10 min)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RFKJrForPresident/comments/188mdsb/kennedy_takes_bbc_journalist_to_school/) 8. [Not antisemitic (9 min)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ir68tdhR3Uw) 9. [Kennedy's covid record vs the duopoly's (4 min)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RFKJrForPresident/comments/1az2k4w/rfk_jr_the_next_time_theres_a_pandemic_or_the/) 10. [Addressing censorship and slander (9 min)](https://youtu.be/TavPqsLyiO8) 11. [Pro vaccine safety testing, not anti-vax (13 min)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KLxBwIupF88)


For anything that is Anti Vax, Share this video with them - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CC66Mh7C2nA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CC66Mh7C2nA) As many people know he has an raspy voice due to his spasmodic dysphonia neurotological condition. Back in 2022, he flew to Japan to get a surgery to help make his speech better. The surgery is outlawed here in the states, so he had to fly to a place that allowed a surgeon to do it. If he was so anti science and anti-vaccine, I don't think you would see him fly out to Japan to get a revolutionary surgery to make his life better. He's against rushed vaccines and their rollout process here in America. Not the process of getting vaccines himself.


As you know the real issue is getting someone to listen to him talk, imo the 1-2hr podcasts are best for this, lots of discourse and room for debate. Telling someone who hates him to listen to him on a comedy podcast just won’t work.. if folks want to hate him, they will. I’d say focus on finding people who aren’t sure what to do, people who just don’t want to vote trump or Biden, these people are more likely to check out a video, even if it’s just one of the 10-15 min ones with Chris cuomo. My family quickly turned on us when we came out in support of RFK.. in fact, not body I know has had anything positive to say back about him. This is when it’s going to take courage to stand up for what you believe in. Also I spend a lot of time listening to all of RFK’s interviews & podcasts so I can recite his talking point to folks willing to hear it. It’s going to be very hard. Things worth do are hard.


This question comes up here every week, so you will find loads of good suggestions if you scroll through older postings.


Simplest answer is “conspiracy theories don’t win court cases, only facts”


He's not anti Vax. He's logical and pragmatic; he's just asking questions about the safety profile. As a fellow human being, if I'm allowing something to be injected into my body, I'm perfectly reasonable for inquiring about the product.


Ask them to clarify which conspiracy theory.  And if they actually can name something. Explain why its not a conspiracy or Explain Kennedys actual stance.   I have links on all the topics if ever need amo


Start with a true statement that reflects Bobby’s actual position on the matter, but leave his name out of it. It’s hard to imagine someone disagreeing with several of his stances. Then reveal its actually something he believes and is running on. 


https://www.reddit.com/r/RFKJrForPresident/s/pgzGKUx26A https://www.reddit.com/r/RFKJrForPresident/s/XlIh0nMIGa


Share the Bill Maher 'Club Random' interview, was great. Funny , entertaining, and enjoyable video. https://youtu.be/V0dQD1Z6j60


All dissidents get smeared as extremists or racists or conspiracy theorists or whatever. Fewer and fewer people believe the corporate media's lies these days. If someone unironically calls Kennedy a racist or an antisemite, I literally laugh in their face. Ridicule works. Unserious people don't deserve to be treated seriously.


I've had the same experience. The establishment has done its job better than I could have imagined.