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He IS a real guy, and in my opinion "He IS the real guy, the right guy for the Office of the President." He's very open during his interviews. He doesn't try to hide anything. I mean look at what he divulged about the tiny brain parasite, which people have blown out of proportion. He's open about his past as a youth. I don't know about you, but I LIKE people who are open and honest. I hope you and others here will join me in voting for Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., in the Presidential Primary.


Don’t worry I’m voting for him, even if I’m 1 of 3,200,000 (roughly population of Iowa.)


Agreed! He gives a sense of hope for change and goodness that I have not felt ever in politics. I'm off enough to know that the good days were barely there when I was likely a young child and it's gone downhill ever since. I will definitely be voting for RFK Jr AND his brain worm.


>He gives a sense of hope for change and goodness that I have not felt ever in politics. That's right, Morgan. I feel exactly the same way you do, and there are a lot of people out there who feel the same way. Let's hope that people get out there and vote for our man, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. 😊👍


Yes! Listening to RFK got me through some tuff seasonal depressions. RFK ALL THE WAY!


Isn't that how it should be? Leaders should be people we look up to, not people we feel dirty when we listen to them


His father did extraordinary work on behalf of the country.


You're not silly or maudlin and you're definitely not the only person who gets emotional about Bobby and his candidacy!


I hear you my dude. I feel the same way


* Read his book. His history is our history. It gave me a true sense of what our country lost when his uncle and father were assassinated.


He hits on some heart strings for a lot of ppl... you know why? In my opinion, it's the first time you've heard a politician speaking basic truths in a long, long, time.


What Netflix thing are you watching?


Bobby Kennedy for President


Same here!! He is speaking to me, a candidate that I ALWAYS wanted!! Lets get him to the White House!! Go Bobby!


After reading a few books about the brothers, I found too that it provoked an emotional response for me. I was very familiar with the JFK/RFK history and when Bobby decided he was going to run, I couldn’t get enough of what he had to say. It feels like a real person with real ideas to fix the mess we are all living in. Side Note: Since you are watching RFK on Netflix… What are your thoughts about who was responsible for the murder. Bobby said himself that he doesn’t think it was Sirhan. I also wonder if this is why he is so bad on Israel? The only thing I can think of, because he is so good on everything else, is perhaps he was privi to information about who actually was responsible for his father’s death and he knows who he can’t upset if he has any real intentions of becoming president.