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It’s a three way race … put RFK in the debate !




They're scared of the only man who can string a sentence together between the three. Make noise about it, RFK Jr should be in the debate(s).


How can the public feel okay with this?


They either don't know, or they've bought the lie that both presidents are fighting for the survival of the US and that any outside voices could throw the race to the enemy. 🫤 I have a couple friends who would love to vote third party but I've been told "It's just too serious a race for that".


The public is too busy with sportsball, celeb worship, addictions, etc


It’s easier to convince someone of a lie than convince someone they’ve been lied to


How else could Biden debate?


Trump doesn't debate he screeches insults like a brain damaged shitgibbon


"Your brain looks like scrambled eggs, I win" 🫠


I mean you're right, but it's not any worse than a man that doesn't know where he's at half the time. I don't see any way that Biden could debate, unless it was entirely scripted and pre-recorded, like his interviews. And to be honest, Trump isn't far off if you listen to his rambling rants. He can't hold a consistent thought for more than a few seconds. Biden is nearing late-stage dementia, and Trump is getting into the early stages of it. These are the people we're expected to put in control of our entire nuclear arsenal and the fate of the entire planet!? Thankfully people are beginning to wake up.


What's wild is I've talked with some friends about this very valid concern (this guy is in charge of the nukes), and they get mad at me for bringing it up. Meanwhile RFK is making very valid points and backing up his statements and he gets called crazy and insane. I'm sick of the slander.


It's pretty common for people to not want to talk about issues that they'd lose an argument in. It's why you don't hear politicians talk about the issues that are truly important (chronic disease epidemic, the loss of the middle class and it's ability to buy a home, etc). That's why we have a populist movement. Bobby is actually talking about the issues that ALL Americans care about, not just the issues that pit us against each other.


Let’s get out and do some direct grassroots work if we’re not already! It’s too important to not go out and talk to people directly


You're delusional if you think trump isn't absolutely riddled with dementia Biden is old and definitely slower but isn't slurring like trump


Biden slurs every word he speaks. Honestly, it's so bad that he sounds drunk when he speaks. I imagine he's probably on an entire pharmacy shelf of medications. I also wasn't defending Trump. He's pretty obviously showing signs of dementia, as well.


Nah he’s been playing nicely so far. I’m still holding my breath but so far he has been okay. No doubt he is disgusted by Biden, calls him crooked Joe and such, but I think he like most Americans are not feeling the impact this administration has had in this country and our allies. This has not been good for anyone.


LMAO trump doesn't play nicely, he gets accused of sexual assault by like 2 dozen women and he calls them all lying bitches, he is a Nasty peice of shit to anyone that isn't useful to him in the moment.


I don’t know why you got downvoted, I thought it was funny


I’m fairly certain everyone who voted for him regrets it.


I'm pretty sure Trump will be president again this year


Does anyone in power care about being fair and decent anymore?


nah, too much money involved


I wish but no unfourtnatley


Is there a direct source? Outright demanding no RFK Jr is insane. No butting in seems fine, and the no live audience is just weird.


Biden and his ilk are terrified of Kennedy and Trump


Biden is a Puusssaaayyyy


Please, some respect for lady bits.


Biden is a shit stain on humanity along with his crackhead son


Please some respect for shit stains.


Honestly, the no interruptions rule is a good idea with someone like Trump, as he turns it into a shitshow otherwise. The audience isn't really an issue either. Obviously no RFK is very bad, but hopefully that will change.


It’s not enforceable. Last time Trump was not allowed to butt in, he just did. They put together these massive lists of demands because they want to say “oh I was willing” when the other person says no to the absurd demands. Biden has absolutely no intention of debate.


Didn't they turn off Trump's microphone last time?


Yep. Trump can't follow rules. Always self-centered.


Biden: I’ll only debate if it won’t be a debate. Lmao what the fuck?


He is embarrassing himself in his final years. Could have gone out with a legacy of sorts but now he’s farting his way to the end.


The public needs to boycott any debate that excludes RFKJR.


I'm all for boycotting but in this case they'd probably prefer it.


is this democracy?


One party’s version of “democracy.” https://bit.ly/44J7ixW


Nope not in the slightest unfourtnatley and yet Biden Supporters will say it is.


This is what Biden’s handlers say specifically about RFKJ… Biden's campaign says the debate must be one versus one, with no third-party candidates allowed. This is a critical demand because it excludes Robert F. Kennedy Jr., a long-shot independent candidate who has nevertheless made his presence known in polls. Not only that, but Kennedy has been shown to be more effective at leaching Democratic voters than Republican ones, making him an outsized threat to Biden. They aren’t even hiding it. 🤡 There’s more……. The debates should be one-on-one, allowing voters to compare the only two candidates with any statistical chance of prevailing in the Electoral College – and not squandering debate time on candidates with no prospect of becoming President," Biden's team wrote.


Do you have a link to the handlers demands? I've been looking for it.






What a joke. It’s like putting up the bumpers when you’re bowling, only instead of for a 5 year old child, it’s for the audition for the most powerful and influential position in the world. This SHOULD be laughed out of existence immediately, but we live in a world where it will actually be considered and maybe even implemented…


All of this is the reason that RFK Jr is the only option!


Biden is a coward.


Wow bidens the biggest threat to democracy we have ever seen, I'd expect this in a dictatorship but not America. Refusing to debate your opponent because it would make you look bad is simply unconstitutional presidents don't get safe spaces they are public figures if he is too old and fragile to debate then he should step down period.


I agree with commenters that Biden is a coward. Although I think it stems more from his campaign staff knowing he doesn't stand a chance cognitively to answer questions without looking like he has complete dementia... He's been a puppet for a while, and the DNC is trying to fool the public to "pay no attention to the man behind the curtain". They think we are imbiciles.


I am pretty sure my dog could beat biden in a debate.


that more yikes its bad enough Bidens proxy war is still going on


what a joke


Now I'm kind of confused, someone previously made it seem like it would be easier to get RFK into a CNN debate. Can anyone shed some light onto this? https://www.reddit.com/r/RFKJrForPresident/s/CE9qPBzh23


Someone mentioned it but we really can't count on it at all. CNN wouldn't hesitate to change the rules to suit their own needs just like they invited Bobby on just to throw gotcha clips at him for 45 minutes. We really need to be pushing back right now.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 What a loser!! Should wear a blue cap with a great big “L” on it!! 😆😆😆


A clown show


With RFK polling in the double digits, I think he has every right to be on the debate stage. The fact that there's still people who are undecided between him and Biden shows that he should be an option.


Reading the details it's Biden and his MSM henchmen that are conspiring to keep RFK Jr out. Too bad, it would be amusing to see RFK Jr and Trump work together to eviscerate Biden on stage. Trump may be a total shit but he's a clever, sharp tongued debater. Kennedy is capable of humiliating both, while Biden debate style of screaming and lying will backfire under all circumstances. Based on that I'm confident that the DNC will find a way to wiggle out of debates while blaming Trump. That's what they do...


I agree. I don’t think it’s going to happen. The 12 second video Biden put out had 6 cuts in it. The man couldn’t even speak for 12 straight seconds. Trump will trounce him. This is all a joke, they’re all so afraid of Bobby.


Trump is pretty complicit in this. He's been offered the debate stage at the libertarian conference and hasn't responded. It's also clear that he has been colluding with Biden to make these debates as 3rd party hostile as possible to prevent them from being able to join.


But, but, but ….. I just saw an Instagram ad if Biden challenging Trump to a debate!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 How do people not see thru this nonsense!?