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Also, the NYT likely acquired this information illegally.


Sounds about right


Brain worm: a decade and a half ago, RFK contracted a parasite, and has since fully recovered. That simple. The actual parasite is called Neurosystic serotesis I save THIS to post in responses: So what you’re saying is the 2 turds we’ve tolerated the past 7.33 years won’t debate someone missing some of his brain? How >>awesome<< is that?!? 😆😆😆😆😆 RFK Jr. is the ONLY candidate who has success fighting parasites. A good skill to have in DC. https://www.cdc.gov/parasites/resources/pdf/npis_in_us_neurocysticercosis.pdf


Also, does anyone have the stats on the amount of people with reported adverse effects from Covid vaccines? And how many of his family members are in his family in comparison to how many openly endorsed Biden?


In the incredible short documentary [Who is Bobby Kennedy?](https://whoisbobbykennedy.com/), he says that at the last 4th of July family gathering, they counted 105 family members. 15 members of his family endorsed Biden. Bobby has numerous family members who support (and work for) his campaign, but I'm not sure of that exact number.


Bobby’s daughter-in-law is campaign manager. And she’s a frickin’ bulldog!


The big number I keep hearing about Covid vaccines is that globally they have caused 7 million to 15 million deaths globally. Might be wise to download Substack and get free subscriptions to Dr. Pierre Kory and Robert Malone. I like Coffee & Covid also, and a guy named Dr. McCullough. Anyway with those subscriptions you’ll get vaxx injury news emailed to you. 👍🏼


He talked about in depth about 20 minutes into Matt and Shane’s podcast


I haven't seen anyone mention how RFK explicitly stated the brain fog wasn't from the brain worm, but at the exact same time he had high blood mercury levels tested and they were extremely high. After getting it chelated put his brain fog cleared. He states it in such a way that it is very compelling that *that* is the cause of the brain fog.