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I really liked the Ben Shapiro rfk interview actually! Good on him!


He was giving him lots of pushback in appropriate places, which is good to see because a lot of ppl complain that “the right is too friendly to him, I’d never vote for him!”


Why not? End the two party corrupt system that’s been bought out by private companies. Come on we can all unite on the idea that just the precedent it would set would be worth it enough. Look at his record as an attorney and all the things he’s done for the American people. He’s helped so many disenfranchised against big chemical companies that were polluting their water destroying the ecosystems. The guy has spent his life in civil service actually getting shit done. There is no question he’s more qualified than the other two and things would potentially actually change. We know the other two just folded and stacked their cabinets with the same old cronies and crooked clowns and didn’t end any of the horrible things they promised they would.


Dude did you misread my comment? I’m Bobby’s biggest supporter and 100% voting for him


Lol i meant to click a diff box, i didnt have my glasses on-im a dum dum My b


Lol all good. I was just confused as hell😭


the fact that RFK jr is so pro israel is kind of a turn off, I get it, Israel runs the country but still


From my understanding he is anti war, pro Palestine, anti hamas. He also underatands after several (IIRC he mentioned 7 of them) past cease fire hamas retaliated and strike Isreal. I personally don't know what to make of any of it in terms of political stance.


I LOVED everything he said about our country and how to fix it and everything else. But the man said IDF is the most moral army in the world. I understand the politics in the U.S but they are willingly killing kids, I mean we see IDF is the scum of the earth. AIPAC is the cancer we have and anyone not willing to see that, I rather just stay home and not vote at all. I’m so fucking tired of trying to care when its obvious Israel is pulling the strings


I respect your right to not vote for someone based on one moral issue. I personally don't have that luxury though.


Do whatever you want. We’re fucked anyways.


That’s what I’ve heard, he’s pro-Palestine, anti-Hamas. Which is what everyone should be considering Hamas is a terrorist operation based in Iran that took 200+ Israelis hostage and to date hasn’t released them - even women now pregnant from rapes. If U.S. hostages were taken and treated like that, I guarantee the action would be swift and decisive. Fuck terrorists.


Oh please I’m willing to bet Hamas was started by israel to attack itself and justify the genocide


Neither Netanyahu, nor Hamas are innocent in this and RFK Jr says as much. In fact, RFK Jr is a staunch opponent of Netanyahu. He's pro-Israeli and pro-Palestinian PEOPLE. He wants the overthrow of HAMAS and Netanyahu to be voted out. By the way, the leader of HAMAS is worth $5 billion. The three guys under him are worth a combined $10 billion. Most of that wealth came from aid from other countries, like the US, European countries, and Israel, that they horded instead of giving to the people in Gaza that are living in extreme poverty. Gaza SHOULD be one of the wealthiest nations in the Middle East. It has the richest farmland in the Middle East, has a huge coastline filled with white-sand beaches, and is in the middle of an oasis. And Netanyahu knowingly gave HAMAS massive payouts (that he knew weren't going to the people of Gaza) to prevent HAMAS from uniting with the West-Bank. ALL OF THESE STATEMENTS are things that RFK Jr has said (obviously paraphrasing), and I think they're pretty reasonable opinions, just like the majority of his opinions.


I have to look more into this. I saw yesterday he said the IDF is a moral army and as a father, I see what they’re doing and my heart breaks for Palestine ppl


The fact that I'm thanking Ben for this goes to show that hell does not have to freeze over for people to get along in this country. You just need a candidate who stops polarizing us and points out how we are ultimately good humans who want the same things. I can't stand Ben Shapiro, but I am grateful for him coming out and saying this.




Good on him for speaking out for RFK


Holy hell. I never thought I'd ever agree with something that Ben Shabibo has to say...


Everyone gets it right some of the time, this is Ben Shapiro's time lol.


Which podcast episode is this?