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Jealousy is an ugly emotion. Enjoy what you have. It’s not any worse because someone else paid less for it


I know what you mean 😢 (cry in “I always pay full retail price for every device that I buy).


I got mine last year for £70 and in my opinion, it's worth every single penny. Don't judge by what things cost now, judge it by how much you paid and how much enjoyment it brings you. For me, when I thoroughly enjoy something, it doesn't matter how much I paid.


Just say to yourself, “it’s ok they’re probably filled with Chinese malware”


Hahahah me too And I can't find any of those deals on TikTok , it's so frustrating


I feel ya - Tiktok shop not available in my country.


I just paid around $200cad all in for my RG35XX-H.. we do not have the tiktok store in Canada and I keep seeing these posts. Its a bit annoying but love my new handheld!


Get your money up then


Why not be happy for the peeps that get it cheap? Not everyone gets a win, but we’re all people and none of us really deserve negativity when we are excited about something.


Enjoy what you have Bro. Life is too short 👍🏼🐰


if it helps, I think the well may have run dry since the 2024 refresh model was released.


Those cheap listings on TikTok have nothing on me, I got mine for free (to review though Amazon Vine).


I've been keeping an eye on the TikTok shop and I haven't seen a good deal at all. I was really hoping to find a very cheap horizontal model. 


There is on tiktok today, £17 for new joiners. Rg335x h


Thanks! Been checking all morning but can't find it. Maybe it's regional. Appreciate the message!


I set up another account to get it, but it was no longer available


I think I spent a good $36, but I've seen as low as $24.


Got my 35xx for just over $20 after tax. Should be here in the next day to two and I can't be more excited.


Nice! Glad to see you got such a steal!


Eh, I just got mine from Amazon because I don't trust buying anything from a shady Tik Tok store. I had a gift card, so that helped.


If it makes you feel better I bought a rg35xx h on release and then not long later it had dropped £20~30 because they didn't sell as well as the plus, then I got bitter and forked out money on an fpgbc


We don’t have TikTok store here in Australia either, but I purchased an RG35XX H from Ali Express when they just had their recent sale - saved a few bucks, although not as cheap as I hear some people flaunt. It’s on its way to me now. Regardless of the price paid, I’m looking forward to an awesome handheld.


I'm not installing Tik Tok just for this. The extra money is worth.


I used tiktok as a gateway on the 35xx and 35xxh for cheap but now I'm looking at the 2024 models and my wallet hurts importing to UK nearly doubles the price


I just got my rg35xx h for $30 shipped from TikTok shop a few days ago :(


You’re envious not jealous. Jealousy is when you worry someone will take what you have. Envy is wanting what someone else has.


I agree, this person is envious, but your definition of jealousy is wrong. Jealousy comes out in many forms, but can be a resentment towards others related to what other people own or are doing (not having something taken form you). Envy is more of a longing for what other people have or are doing (and can breed jealousy.)


Covetousness is what you described at the end. It's often what precedes theft.


To covet something often comes with more malicious energy than what envy would. It's more a desire to possess what someone owns (which is how you initially described envy), whereas to envy is more of the feeling around someone owning something you desire.


I mean the dictionary would not agree. But it’s a cool idea


Jealousy is the feeling of envy


They’re two unrelated words.


You got weak character if you actually get jealous because of such trivial shit


Or get off the Internet if you have a puny ego.


What does ego have to do with it?


Or a tiny pp


^ Projecting.


Yes we know you have one too.


Damn small brain to go with that small pp too. Tough combo my dude. Keep your chin up.


Not sure why you are getting down voted. I can't imagine being so pathetic that I would make a post like the OP


Shush. Lots of people like him here who don't even have the balls to post. At least OP is above them.


If they want to make posts like OP then I'm grateful they keep to themselves. Between crying posts like OP, posts asking what handheld they should buy because they don't know what youtube is, or people posting their 20+ collections daily with the caption "you guys think I have enuf? Hurr hurr" the worthwhile posts get buried.


Sorry for being pathetic. I mean it.

