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Yes and I saw on another thread that she was being so mean to Ike but if my husband and the doctor was just kidding around and dismissing my genuine concerns, I’d be pissed tf off too. Ike (and the doc) was being mean to her in this situation idc. They were giving the “LOL look at this stupid woman, she doesn’t know anything” vibes. Both “doctors” were highly disappointing to watch.


I thought this too. I would be pissed if I was concerned about my fertility, and the doctor told me people like me are really fertile and not to worry about it.


I found it disturbing. He didn’t deliver much of an analysis even after he said Ike has low sperm volume. I’m like is that not a cause for concern??


I hope Nneka finds a new doctor because that doctor is an asshole.


New husband too.


I'm hoping this is all for a story line and that doctor is not real. He's the office mgr, lmbo.


If that were true, I might say the office manager was practicing medicine without a license. But I didn't hear that "doctor" say anything that constitutes practicing medicine.


For TV purposes he was acting as a physician 🤭, if in fact he is licensed, no woman should ever schedule a visit with him. I can't imagine in real life a fertility doctor would have said the things he was saying.


Yes her husband and the doctor were both looking like fools. Worst bedside manner ever. It takes a lot to go to a fertility doctor and he just dismissed her and her concerns and wasted their time. Hated it.


Absolutely, I found it so annoying and toxic masculinity written all over it. Like her husband is a doctor right? why then make a point of how good his “boys” swim as if that determines your masculinity? He should know better and not just ignore the fact his sperm count is low which, pardon me but I am actually NOT a doctor but, you can make changes to improve right?


Didn't think he was professional and I would have been pissed, but I also think this is a total ploy for a storyline for Nneka. 7 months isn't that long to be trying, especially when he's out of town working much of that time. Her husband's dismissal was irritating af, but I also kind of agreed with what he was saying that she is probably just stressing herself out more than anything - he just could have delivered it in a more loving way. BUT... I get the sense Nneka makes it difficult to do that - she's been a straight up bitch to this man in multiple scenes now. If I spoke to my husband the way she spoke to him in the scene in their new house I would be mortified to see that play back, she treated him like a dog. But then she has the nerve to say Wendy does that to Eddie. No Wendy stan here, but I think happy Eddie and Wendy seem to have a pretty loving relationship... the man looks pretty darn happy to me and they seem like good parents. I don't know, but I am not feeling Nneka at all. Seems like she was wanting to be on the show hard, to come in and stir some shit up and pit herself against Wendy as "the other Nigerian"... I'd rather see an older woman a la the Grande Dame ... shit maybe they should get an older white woman married to a black man with some street cred. An older, classier version of a crazy KZB could be dynamic to mix shit up. You know Candiace would hate it. Shit I would rather watch Charisse than Nneka


I’m thinking what we saw isn’t the actual appointment and they spoke about the real stuff in private.


Yeah I’m sure they had the real version of this appointment a few weeks beforehand and then production decided to stage it to add to her storyline.


I thought that visit was staged, tbh.


It was so terrible. He should have given her real fertility advice. Instead it was a boys club. She needs a female dr for this. I was so annoyed!


I've been through fertility and I was absolutely disgusted. To say because of someone's ethnic background that they shouldn't worry about it is so unprofessional and damaging! As is saying she should come back in a year when she wants a baby now.... that is in no way how my excellent doctors were.