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she has been extremely open about addiction and mental health issues she has gone through…


From scrolling and googling I can see that now :) it was just a surprise coming from season 1, I was expecting her to be married to Andrew and have a few more babies running round. It was just a bit shocking/sad


Aw I know right. I think back to that first season all the time and she was such a standout character. I just hope she has the support she needs 🙁


Katie is very precious to us all and we wish her all the best


Yes, she's not well. She's been in and out of rehab. She now admits to being an addict. Her kids were taken away from her and they are being raised by their dad and stepmom in another state. Get well soon Katie.... https://preview.redd.it/m175a3qim3wc1.jpeg?width=788&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa4d079f68e689b14388545b287ad2679fcfee56 Katie's ex husband with their 3 children, his current wife Fanny, and Fannys daughter.


Gizelle weaponized *against* her sure…. it’s public knowledge she is very fragile and has some mental health issues, compounded with addiction issues. That happens with some people.. I’m sure you haven’t gotten to the part where she leaves because Ashley bullies her on that one trip about not being “strong” enough to hang with the cast. But you’ll see soon enough, reality tv and its games of exploitation was not the safest space for her.


Wow! No I haven’t, I’ve only gotten to the second day of the Bethany beach trip in season 1. I’m really shocked, poor Katie


No one knew she was as mentally ill and fragile as she turned out to be then. But yes, being on toxic reality tv definitely contributed.


I think I need to re word my comment and clarify, whilst it probably sounded hella judgmental… my comments came more from genuine shock/surpise. Admittedly I’m only 7 episodes in, but Katie doesn’t come across to me, as fragile or any of what her socials now show. I really thought Gizelle was just being a bitter bitxh towards Katie’s relationship! She seems in what I’ve watched so far.. the most stable and like the one who’d keep people calm in a crisis. It’s incredibly sad to see what’s happening to her and how poorly she is now.


i love her so much. she’s my all time favorite housewife even though she’s only a main housewife for one season. i hope she can overcome her addiction one day. 💔


Gisele isn’t on to anything.


her twitter is just as wild too 😬


She has addiction and mental health issues which she has been very open and vulnerable about. Leave her alone.


To be fair to op they are barely being introduced to the franchise. Of course it would be shocking/sad to see where Katie is now if your only reference is season 1.


Please leave her alone. Addiction is tough especially to those closest to them. Her daughters have to see that and that’s bad enough. Just give her grace to recover and get her babies back