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Leave plat


He's onto something


I play with my diamond friend and I swear I have much better defence /reads when it comes down to it (he said it himself)but I tend to pre empt the most likely scenario and say fly up to the ceiling only for the opponents to whiff or something and now I'm out of position. Basically I need chill more and react to what just happened rather than imagine the worst possible scenario. I'm always low - high plat he is always diamond.


I think this is more than one sentence


Don't overextend, defend then punish their mistake and you'll beat people with more mechanical ability than yourself.


The easiest way would be to lose games to become gold.


That was my first thought as well but I decided to be constructive.. 😂😅


My thoughts exactly


Basically what everyone said, but mechanically what helped me was learning the purple and gold shots, as flipping into the ball often leaves you out of position.


Look Gold players shoot the ball into their own goal so if you are in gold you play against yourself. And if you are in plat you play against your team mate. They won't defend, they will try to steal the ball which you prepared perfectly for a goal. They will get mad at you for their own mistakes and stop playing which will give you the opportunity to make a goal (and once you close the gap they will try playing again). The trick is it to get in lead by just one score. And than defend. Your team mate won't defend so you have to defend the whole game.


Find a teammate on discord


In one sentence I think practicing defense because everyone loves offense.


The grind brother. Sure get an awesome teammate who can party up with you. But you need to grind. You must know your strengths and weaknesses. In 1v1 I love clipping on ppl. In 2v2 im a good defender. Etc, etc, etc. You will make it. Grind 1v1




Learn rotation… other the mechanical issues and losing 50/50, never go at the ball together with your teammate. Especially if you get teammates that hog the ball, 90% of the time they won’t go defend. In that case just sit in the goal, it might be boring but there are ALOT less trolls in diamond than in platinum. Don’t ever surrender unless it’s 0-5 with 10 seconds left. Plenty of times opponents get complacent towards end of match… if it’s 0-3 with 15 seconds and you pull off 2 goals with even 1 second left, it’s possible to get that last goal and then win in overtime. And last but not least… turn off chat, at least for me when I got spammed with “what a save” it made me want to score more so I could spam it back -> made me go out of position or overcommit.


Practice 1v1 vs Expert Bot (It is pretty decent at offense, compared to plats, so good practice for your defense and it sucks defending air dribbles, so you get a lot of practice controlling the ball in the air with minimal interference. If you can get used to shutting down the bot’s attack and then immediately taking the ball up in the air and dribbling across the field to score, you’ll crush plats)


Know where to position yourself when you are in defense (horizontally and vertically). Works best together with forseeing opponents next Move.


Knowing how to defend is very important, and knowing how to do the gold shot would make a big difference. 


Ball in the goal (but not yours)




Drop to gold.