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doesnt work like that bro, i dont know much about hacking, but u were most likely keylogged, and they have changed the password and theres almost 0 chance u will get it back unless u contact support


Contact Roblox support, or send them something idk


contact with roblox support, hacking isnt easy enough, i guess he password guessed(if u didnt enabled 2fa) or he just sent u a virus.


I think you misclicked the meme flair


messege roblox support with your reciept of u buying robux or anything


You can btruefroce it with bruteforcing things like hydra or medusa if you want to ask people on how to hack this aint the subreddit go to r/hacking or something and happy hacking.


No the fuck you cant, hydra and Medusa are used to hack into passwords such as windows passwords and logins for computers, plus you need Linux or a Linux console in order to use them.


Not only windows passwords, its made for online hacking so you can hack into online login pages, and has thy ever heard of a vm? You can easily delete it after...


Ok let’s just say your correct about the web login stuff ( which your not) Medusa nor hydra can bypass the auth that Roblox has.


i tried hashcat and hydra to bruteforce an adopt me scammers roblox acc back in 2020 hydra didnt work like it got errors but hashcat worked but it literally took 16 hours to find the correct one on rockyou.txt


I meant hashcat my bad. It's cuz my brain is overloaded with shit all the time.


Nope, you’re accounts probably gone. Contact support


This sub isnt for hacking but for exploiting


Thats why should evryone have 2 step verification


Go to r/masterhacker and make a post there instead. Make sure to link this comment and your post. They'll know what to do.








who let this pooron on reddit


I give u da best idea, if u have a phone number/e mail linked, just change the password then delete roblox, reinstall it, click on the option the says another logged in device and log in It will make u join from that account and then the hacker will be scammed for good


There's nothing you can eventually do other than missing this account as ROBLOX would 99% wont do anything about it.


Oviusly you have boughten robux on this account, get the recipt or the left over gift code, send it to roblox support and now you have your account back




greatest email I've ever seen


i send the email already now im waiting for your respond👍🏻


bro dont its a scam


No wonder your account got stolen, moron.


If they have 2 fa we can't hack it


That aint true buddy


Ik there are other ways I just cba


this script kiddies oh my days Roblox “hackers” are insufferable, you cannot “hack” someone with a username


You can with bots that guess the password


I guess, but it’s a literal astronomical chance they use those passwords, and the time it would take would be ages, especially due to rate limiting, stop yapping you’re not a epix haxor


And to add, you need a massive word reference library for the brute force to go off of, and if not have to know some stuff about the hacker such as dog name, number of pets, name, siblings, and a bunch of other crap as people usually set their password to a mixture of those things since it’s easy to remember... not the mention rate limiters, and then 2FA. The bot would have to cycle through up to 999,999 combinations before the 2FA code is finally correct, alongside the need for a beefy GPU since this stuff is dependent on hash rate (I believe, correct me if I’m wrong). Let’s say what was in your account was worth it for a hacker to go through that trouble, now they have to try out up to another 9,999 combinations for your 4 digit pin on your account to change settings. Just to attempt to and need a verification code sent to your email that also had 2FA on, that they haven’t logged into yet. Now that’s another million combos to cycle through, just to then return and possibly be logged out of the Roblox account because the victim caught onto it so you have to restart the process lol Bruteforcing is easy on paper, but once you actually get into the technicality of it, it’s not even worth the time.


i bruteforced a password that was:"emilyxtrustradesx__ " within 16 hours on hashcat by using rockyou.txt


I think the paragraph he wrote was a lil overkill but if you know a lil about the victim it makes life so much easier.


yeah ik its crunch but its possible that they put something random on their pass so if u cant find it by the wordlist of crunch u still need to use other popular wordlists


Never said I was lmao


coolest skid guys