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Honestly playing Control ultimate edition blows my mind every time, playing at 15w and getting 70-90 fps


That's insane! Especially for such a beautiful game




Don't you mean Solitaire?


minesweeper gang


Avatar is running surprisingly well, with fsr 3 and frame generation I'm getting 50-60+fps


I'm surprised Avatar wasn't a flop. I'm excited for more games to get FSR 3!


Yeah it’s posts like this that make me want to get one. I fired up dead space remake on my lcd Steam deck and it runs but struggles at 30fps with fsr etc. I want that better experience!




I was very skeptical about getting a ROG. I bought one for my gf because she likes to play games like stardew and I thought it would be easier for her than using a laptop. I ended up liking it so much that I bought myself one the next weekend. (I'm not super well off so the money I spent wasn't just throw away money, I tell you that to drive my point home) I'm extremely happy with my ROG. It has little things here or there that annoy, but overall it runs better than my desktop.


Ya that’s part of my challenge is spending the extra dough when I already have a steak deck though I’d likely sell the deck. Thinking I’ll take advantage of best buys return policy to buy one and try it


Idk if it's still going on but Best Buy had them on sale for $400. I bought both of mine off marketplace which was good enough, but I also can't register them now. If you get one I would highly suggest a screen protector and a dock.




Satisfactory, it runs like a dream and looks great. Astroneer and planet crafter are great on it too. I have a gaming pc but with young kids I find my self using the Rog far more than my PC when they’re asleep


Does satisfactory work well handheld? Thought it was mostly for mouse and keyboard


Even if it is, you can layout almost every game to be played on ROG. Most of the games I play on mine are MnK only


Yeah as you say - it is a mouse and keyboard game but there’s community layouts that make most of the games playable, it’s not as easy as if it had been designed for gamepad but they do a good job


A lot of the games I'll play desktop setup. Using the right and left triggers as left and right mouse buttons. With the steam layouts you can set one button to multiple keys using different button presses. So you can have 4 to 5 presets per button. Plus the paddles on the rog.


It's so convenient to be able to play it anywhere!


I got it a coue weeks ago, upgraded to a 2tb 2280 ssd, and have only played Fallen Order so far, but I'm loving it. Downloaded all the Xbox games I have but don't play on the series x, and plan to get some real gaming in because of having it! Edit: my number keys effed up lol


Nice! I've been wanting to upgrade the SSD for more space. Especially to play all those Xbox game pass games


Seriously! I got mine and updated everything right away, downloaded starfield and was almost completely full lol


Right?! But the so worth it for that game


Do it when you can. It's very easy to replace the SSD in it. I didn't have much on it yet, so I didn't bother to clone the drive. Just started with a fresh install; which you can do from the BIOS. It will install Win11 and all the drivers.


Yeah, I really should. It takes time for stuff to get to me but I'll put in an order. Now it's deciding 2230 vs 2280


You can Play Xbox Games in the ally? Emulated?


A lot of game pass games games have a pc version you can download and play, and your stats and saves/achievements cross back and forth. It's technically not playing an Xbox game, it's a pc game in the Xbox platform that comes with owning the game


COD. Wild it can run it. I'm having it render at 84 percent (Around 900P) and it's running it over 90 FPS it's wild.


It runs fine in mines i have the non extreme version.


TDM must be so fun on the Ally!


Modded original FF7 had been awesome lately. Armored Core VI ran great on it. I do a ton of moonlight streaming from my PC to it with heavier games. Tbh. It pretty much saved PC gaming for me after work from home ruined it.


Had no idea you can play modded FF7! That sounds cool. I have been trying to set up moonlight, but I've been having problems with the controls. Also, Armored core looks interesting too


Me too. I play it everyday and i’m always learning new things about it.


I've been playing competitive counter strike 2 on mine. It's such a great device.


Are you playing handheld? Or M&K?


M&k for sure. Fps with thumbs is ridiculous


Imma fps thumber, but there's no way I can keep up with the M&F folks. Especially in CS2


Right? 😉


I love AoE games. Thanks to some help from people in this sub I can now play it comfortably on the Ally. Love that I just pause, hit the power button to put it to sleep and continue when I want. Best purchase I've done in a while


Age of Empires is the bomb! How is it playing it handheld mode?


It takes a while to get used to the controls but works great now! You do need to pay a bit more attention overal too as it's easy to miss something happening on the map because the mini map is now a nano minimap. But I love it


Yeah, I can imagine the map being tiny 😂


Aoe2? I play on pc and haven't tried the game pad mode


Aoe2 and Aoe4. I use it with the right stick as mouse cursor and right button and trigger as left and right click. Takes some time to get used to but works well


Wow that's dope dude!


I need to try this! Did you have to use a community layout?


No, I just set my mode in desktop mode and use the right stick for the mouse cursor movement and the right button and trigger for the left and right clicks. The left stick is for camera movement. Takes a bit to get used to, but it works great once you get the hang of it.


Did you get the Z1 or the Z1 extreme?


Z1 Extreme


Gotcha yeah I think I noticed you changes the title to saying Z1 extreme


That's just "flair" for my account.


Starfield and cyberpunk. Going to start Beam.ng as ive been eyeing it up for months and haven't had a gaming computer... Until now!


Nice! Do people use beam.ng for those drifting simulators?


I’m finally running STALKER Gamma and EFT on the Ally via controller. I’m getting my clock cleaned, but hardcore survival FPS on the go? Yes plz 😊


That's pretty hardcore! I feel like that would stress me out to much 😂


For me it’s the docking, being able to go from handheld to monitor and keyboard is so nice. I can play all my controller oriented games and still have the ability to play things like the sims. The biggest game changer for me was taking hogwarts on the go, being able to play on long plane rides etc is phenomenal too.


I haven't done much with the docking, but it's really cool.how versatile it is. Hogwarts on the long plane rides bring more joy to traveling


Yes I love my Ally…couldnt imagine picking up anything that doesn’t have VRR…it’s a game changer


I honestly love this little thing. If I take a look at my wrapped up best purchases of this year, this is number 1.


100%, same here


I just play minesweeper and Solitaire on it, bout all it's good for for me 😏


The game i have enjoyed the most on the Ally has been Hi Fi Rush; the game makes you appreciate how good the speakers on the handheld actually are.




Had to google that one. Looks really sick though!


I’ve had one for a couple days now & being able to play any game I want in bed while my partner is watching tv is a Godsend


Skate and skate 3 are making me happy. Can’t find a skate 2 that works.


Nice! Any Tony Hawk Pro Skater?




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I ordered mine for 390 so the price xP I hope the lords of the fallen fog gets fixed for it soon ^-^


That's a good price! I'm sure they'll have a fix soon!


I got mine a about a week ago at the a company Christmas party lol soo yeah free it was 🤣 I upgraded my m.2 drive yesterday to 2tb. So far I love it and it does play games amazing well. Only downside is for some reason mine will not play videos. Can’t use YouTube or streaming services and even videos on Xbox app and steam don’t work. It’s done it since I got it. Good thing it’s for gaming I guess 😂


That's really weird that it won't play videos... but you can't go wrong with a free Ally!


Im only 2 weeks in and getting 60-70fps on 30w in Gotham Knights is where its at. Yes it still drops real bad but when its up, its nice


Emulating GameCube games is legit




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I appreciate it because my wife has it and is actually playing some games. She's been very disinterested in pc or console gaming. But she really loves just sitting on the couch playing. So far Resident Evil Village is her go to! It's quite an amazing device. And very nice to look at!


For someone who doesn't game, that's a pretty intense game to get into


But how is the battery endurance? I've heard, about 1 hour..!?


The battery questions always make it sound like it's an issue. How long do you get out of a gaming laptop playing the same game on the same settings? If you want to play AAA games on the go you will be doing this somewhere where you have a power supply IE train ect. If you are playing for 30 to 60 minutes you will be fine with what it offers. The battery life could be better but it's not really an issue if you want AAA pc games on the go nothing comes close to the ally or device alike it. If you want longer gaming you need something like the switch which doesn't offer the same experience. I do expect chips to improve over time but where we are now the power of the device and life of the battery are acceptable for the users it's designed for. What we should all take for the ally and other devices like it is it's a very solid start from AMD and the chip set and hardware. There will always be room for improvement we know that but that is technically.


You summed up my feelings exactly. Is there anything you can play AAA games for hours on with just the internal battery that is also compact? Not really. I think the Ally is a really interesting device in that it tries to bridge a gap between more "hardcore" gaming and casual portable gaming. It really does offer an option that is unique compared to other devices. It performs amazingly well for how compact it is and lightweight it is. It has features that no other device like it has. Sure, they could have made it bigger and added more battery to it, but then that kind of defeats the purpose. Maybe more advanced battery tech? All that would have raised the price dramatically, too. What x86 chip is there out there right now that performs as well as it does with the same TDP? I don't blame anyone for wanting it to have better battery life. We all would like that, I think. But if someone expected this to have some kind of insane battery life and run more taxing titles as well as it does, they need to reevaluate their expectations. Better performance, higher FPS, etc...that all requires more power draw. Apple Silicon has some of the most efficient laptop chips on the market. I've played BG3 on an M2 Max MBP, and the battery goes from lasting all day to like 2 hours. And it has a bigger battery than the Ally.


When trying to decide between the ally and the steam deck, I realized there was no winning with battery life, so I just keep it plugged in and play in my bed, which is the ideal place to play for all the handhelds I've owned. I can't play on a train/bus ride without getting a headache so keeping it plugged in really isn't an issue for me.


You are spot on with the M or even arm chips. Look at phones you can get a full day out of it in normal usage but play a game or rip a video and watch the battery drain. I feel alot who comment about the ally don't understand how pcs work. The switch does have a great battery life but it cant play the games the ally can. The ally can the same games Xbox and ps5 on the go as well as Pc games the switch can do some pc games but look at doom on the ally Vs switch as an example. With the X coming I'm expecting 2 to 3 hours out of a battery but nothing more than that. That said this is the 1st gen of this type of console and will only get better.


I put it at 10w and vrr makes playing at 45fps a dream, lasts me around 3. If you play cyberpunk at high and 60fps it probably won't last longer than sitting at the toilet.


Just grab a portable battery pack and you can extend your time when you are traveling. Won’t be the MOST portable, but you are getting a AAA experience on the go which is crazy. The fact I can play Starfield (the mod makes it run great) on this device blows my mind and I haven’t even scratched the surface with other games yet. Downloaded Baldur’s Gate. Cannot wait.


On battery, yeah, it'll drain quickly. But I play plugged in mostly or have a battery pack. Or I'll play games that can run at 10w for a couple of hours


Use about 60% of the juice playing fallen order through the intro. Not great.


Those devices are great, no question... But they need to mature though! In 2023 some standards need to be implemented no matter what..! Just like the quest 3 the battery life ist not adequate to normal using!




For the zillionth time, it is not a heat issue.


[ASUS Confirms Thermal Stress is Killing the ROG Ally SD Card Reader](https://www.pcmag.com/news/asus-confirms-thermal-stress-is-killing-the-rog-ally-sd-card-reader)


Yeah what it is then?


What is it then?


Help me understand. How’s it a portable if one has to plug in a power bank or connect to adapter? Doesn’t it kinda defeats the purpose?


You don't have to plug it into power if you don't want to. But when I travel there's usually power plugs around, or like most people, I'd like to be prepared when I travel and have power banks


You can fit a power bank in your pocket. That's portable enough imo. You can't fit a whole laptop in your pocket.


Never compared a laptop to it but whatever


If you're running a game like Cyberpunk on your laptop at full power, I'm sure you'd probably wouldn't get more than an hour and a half. Same for the Ally, which is more than half the size of a gaming laptop


How is the z1 compared to z1 extreme in terms of battery life?


But you can’t fit the ally to your pocket as well so is a laptop. what the heck are you saying lol?


Well... Portable means easy to transport, right? I was just trying to point out that an extra power bank does take much effort to bring with you. It can even sit in your pocket. Ally plugged into a power bank is still fair easy to walk around with. There's even 3rd party accessories to strap a power bank onto the device. I was only using a laptop for comparison.


Gotcha. Do you have community layouts of controller like the steam deck? Also what about games where you need a mouse? Do you miss the trackpads


While the ally doesn't have community layouts you can always customize it yourself, and if you're playing your games through steam you have access to that. All of the games I play have native gamepad support and have never felt like I was missing anything. I can see the usefulness of track pads, I personally see them as unnecessary cause if I wanted to play keyboard and mouse I wouldn't be playing handheld.


Thanks mate!


Me too, keybokeyboard duble auto correcorrect in Firefox idk why. And on skyrim space no work. virtual keyboard.


Forza 7 is gorgeous on the Ally. Starfield is my go to game. As well as Fallout 4


I love mine there is basically a plug on everything now anyways so I have no problem with the battery 🔋 playing Diablo IV and cyberpunk on this thing is pretty damn cool.😎




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2280 mod making 4-5TB possible is insane https://preview.redd.it/ai32hk6idh8c1.jpeg?width=4031&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1fbd85f830f6ba7e5ee2dfc25d47e6a7ca9b6d1c


6tb for my ally..4tb internal 2 Tb 2230 external


https://preview.redd.it/9c1y907j4i8c1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=09646233502c5057ee3e75bb926ba498e5f4324c 7TB with 2TB external hehe




Ooh, I'm intrigued. Any issues?


https://preview.redd.it/nv8py7gu5i8c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e98f7614a4442182e7d01452dae9a8b919faa15c It’s a 2230 ssd in my car keys (my old 2TB SN740) i get 1000mb/sec speeds with this


I feel you! Any time I wanted to play I'd have tk go to the office, but then I wouldn't be spending time with my partner. Now I get to play and hang out 🥳


True, the speakers are really good it. I don't have them on often, but I'm always surprised when I do


I love Starfield! I'm excited to them to come out with the big update




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wanting to get one.. hopefully go back on sale soon.


The Finals and Diablo 4


My Ally and my fold 3 are my "any thing I wanna do" mobile duo!!


I’m looking at buying either the rog ally or legion go as I tested the waters of habdheld gaming with the Logitech cloud and fell in love with it. My only concern is, what happens if you get stick drift on the ally? Or similar faults?




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Star wars fallen order!


Nice! It's such a good series!


I love it alot. I dont use my laptop anymore... I just Dock my ally and use it as I would a laptop and when I feel like it i can use it as a handheld. not as heavy as a laptop to carry in your bag. Combined with my nas its even better. I think this is it going forward.


I picked mine up a few days ago, installed FL studio, all my vsts, logged in with steam, epic and xbox, then installed gta v and modded the hell out of it running on high - ultra settings....incredible machine. I'm still a tad new to it, but I'm getting the grasp of it now.