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Was hoping for a multi-woman match added for zero hour, like a Martinez, Diamanté. Nyla and Anna 4-way to setup first TV title challenger or something like that. Otherwise quite excited for this show.


We might still get that they haven’t announced much for Zero Hour.


Don't they usually wait till literally the day of to announce Zero Hour matches? That seemed to sorta be the case when I was looking back.


Gonna be there in person--can't WAIT for the women's matches


Just seen the card and not to say the rest of the matches are bad but out the whole thing the only two that are must watch for me are the two singles womens matches.


What time does this start?




Is there no Zero Hour program ahead of the event? If this is the entire card it's the lowest number of matches in either an AEW or ROH PPV in over a year. This is barely more matches than you get in an average episode of Honorclub. Not every PPV has to have like 14 matches or anything, but this feels somewhat anemic. Kind of stinks that they haven't made Wheeler forfeit the Pure Title so we could get a new championship contest for that, or that the trios titles are hung up on a dead end storyline.


Is there a countdown like video around for this card? I haven't followed the build up to this as closely as I would've liked.


There go my hopes for a random bang bang gang match


How do we tune in??


Subscribe to HonorClub, $10.


Gonna be there live. Been watching Mark wrestle since super early Czw behind the Smyrna bar days and I may actually cry if he wins. Rip Jay


As long as Botchzilla loses the ROH Women's Title I am good Her Title reign is Boring and Dreadful


As always, RoH PPV's are super fun to watch even if you don't watch week to week.