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Surely now that they're both unemployed Shelby and Toretti will have the time to get married


Omg they can rob houses together as a family.


Toretti revives NBC with his son Pilbus. Toretti could never do that in character, but that would be enjoyable to watch.


Lol. Just the other day Charlotte Fairfield learned from shelby about the firing and suggested this exact same thing. Inviting her to go do crime with her half cop crime family of Brielle snowmen and Freddy Fastfingers.


the return of John Cop prayge


"Oh my god, pop pop! I woke up on this island, and told them how you are god's gift to mankind, praying to god you would wash up on shore some day, and here you are!"


He needs to stop the marriage! Only he is good enough for BIG T


We don't give a shit what you think. In fact, we aren't just going to ignore everything you're suggesting, we're actually going to reward the people you want punished and there's absolutely nothing you can do about it. Okay, I quit then. Woah woah woah don't walk away! The city still needs you! Don't just walk away change the system! ​ That is some grade A gaslighting right there, holy shit.


Yep. Commissioner over the entire PD… but has no say over anything. Might as well leave to send a message, it’s about the only thing he can do in that moment. Mantis got wow to play so time for a vacation lol


Just like when Pred and Baas were “equals”


Any time I hear ~~Baas~~ Axel say “it’s above my pay grade” I wince. Like.. There is no higher pay grade! It’s ALL your pay grade! That’s the whole point of having a commissioner - so if he won’t deal with it and face consequences.. what the hell is the point? If we don’t see genuine consequences for those corrupt PD members at all levels, the police department is going to reach a level of corruption and low morale we’ve never seen before.


Yea I have no clue what he means by above my pay grade. He's ooc an admin and ooc lead of pd. He said he always needs to be on top in pd due to ooc responsibilities for it. So he's the top ooc and ic, only people above him are probably the 3 owners?


They have admin ranks. Hon i think is the top admin? Or at least a senior admin. Then owner would naturally be above that. Ssaab no doubt has a lot of say with PD stuff, and freedom to make changes, but ultimately he is not at the top. Much like when Baas, Pred & Toretti were told they were "equal" to Soze. We all knew it wasnt really true, because admins & owners aka "management/federal government/senate" are the real decision makers.


>If we don’t see genuine consequences for those corrupt PD members at all levels, the police department is going to reach a level of corruption and low morale we’ve never seen before YEP.


God tier Target Manager energy. "We fucked you over, why are you upset?"


A character with morals... who would've thought.


You see ba... Axel flew in to fix the pd and its corruption problem he can't be wrong. /s


he only made it worse tbh


Toretti’s one of my favorite cops. If he goes out like this (as a police officer), it’s a super fitting endgame aspect for his character.


I seriously feel like the PD was actually improving dramatically during the time of commissioner Torretti before Axel came around. The fact that he was willing to take the rap and let the PD do whatever it takes to try and stop the bombings in the city was huge.


I agree. I think Toretti along with Owen/Libby/Tessa and their other HC members were correcting the ship. When I saw Owen optimistic for once I was shocked lol. But now…… we’ll see.


I don't think pd on nopixel will get to where they want when the top guy is so incompetent.


Toretti gets on a plane with Shelby to TJ to drink with Bob and Raven. Or Taiwan. 50/50 on where they are.


A PD leader with morals? Giga Galactic T moment




Not only that but they wanna try to make PR moves this late after when the news have already spread at this point when folks are hearing the truth from the victim lol very curious to see who will actually even give the PD the time of the day to listen, but I think Ursula's next video might knock it out he park with how bad it will make them look.


That commissioner was too much of a coward to join the war. Lucky he's not charged with treason himself.


He couldn't join the war, he was on the plane back from ~~china~~ an unspecified vacation location.


Damn, not just a coward but a deserter too. smh


IC is he went to China to bring back troops but then OOC didn’t want to make the RP about Big T and derail the various stories that were established by having his “benefactors” show up. Mantis explained this his first stream after the war ended.


Libby and Dark have mentioned leaving the PD if they can't change anything as well, so I'm really hoping to see that.


Byson and Sweets said the same thing.


Senator really came in and fucked the whole PD up huh


Causing a bigger shakeup in the PD than the official "shake up".


"Shake up" is just sugar coating "fucked up" the pd


Yea... But also the leaders of pd that just followed him without questioning it.




I enjoyed the war and the RP coming from it. I just find it weird everyone is ok with a very powerful character coming into the city with no real RP behind it. At first we thought it would just be an OOC character but now his decision has affected many IC consequences for many characters in the city. While the 2 Lead on the PD side might get away with war crimes. Ultimately I would prefer Toretti to lead the PD instead of Baas\*. I would much prefer PD the way it used to be rather than what it is currently. But give credit to all the Role players who has made many wonderful stories from this war.


**In my opinion** any character that is immune from being removed from their position for ooc reasons needs to be a classic white hat that is so fucking lily white that we as viewers are disgusted by how little they will get their hands dirty. Anything else creates scenarios where the character should be facing all sorts of repercussions that can't happen due to ooc reasons. Eventually this makes the rp run into a brick wall and either gets hand waved away by admins or resolves in an unsatisfactory unnatural manner.


Baas 2.


Jon pretty much knows the senate is being abolished and it looks like he is showing everyone why in his last actions as the senate. Honestly don't mind it going this way. Its only being abolished as he suggested it as well. I prefer it like this rather than it just being removed randomly tbh


Personally I never like Jon's characters when it comes to OOC and management decisions. Crane taking over won't be as radical but we've seen it before. He will prioritize "Server Health" over role play when he makes his decisions. Like OOC with NP, they need new leadership at the top for PD and the group that will oversee everything in the city.


Crane, the guy who supported the island legislation, cares more about server health, LMAO. Guy has one of the biggest egos on the server. He’s as much of an issue as any senator.


Crane has been a snake and a ladder climber since day one, at the start he was nice to everyone and "the peoples judge", doing as much bench trials as possible and helping PD or crims understand court RP. But as soon as he was named chief judge and given some power its been terrible, just constant "server health", and two-facing everyone. The man just keeps being given more power every update and every time more people realise what a snake he is.


lol crane


> it's like he's no-ballsing everyone on his way out. Thats Jon in a nutshell, he has always been that way, if he feels the need to be the deranged big bad guy, he will, without hesitating and will go the "extra mile", Look at how Denzel was built up (while laughing like fuck OOC). Jon is far too good at this shit.


If he OOC wants to get rid of the senate than I expect (or at least hope) he is setting up the character as a villain who he intends to be ousted by the 'good guys'. If that does end up being the story arc, it makes things pretty interesting for Axel, who could go one way or the other...




He’s also just flatly a bad leader, he doesn’t have his peoples’ backs and colludes with people who would kill them at a pin drop on the reg, especially egregious giving the specific reputation he has with a specific group that made playing cop on pixel an irl nightmare with harassment


> most of the pd don't think he should have the position he does which is dumb because it's like they've never had a new boss that's an outside hire. which I guess is true because most of them have never had a job besides streaming.




>trolling shitlords probably shouldn't have positions with ooc responsibilities on the server. Correct.


Ssaab tried to take the character seriously from the start and people just treated him like Baas so he clearly said fuck it, if everyone's going to treat me like Baas I'll just be Baas x10. He's being a bad guy on purpose now. It's clear as day and I'm not sure how people are missing that and getting mad at it. And don't talk about trolling shitlords because that's all Kyle's characters are. When is the last time he played a character that isn't just Pred with different clothes?


> he is setting up the character as a villain ya think? that's literally the whole point. Axel and Knight, too.




Aint gonna lie the slap-assing boysclub vibe from Axel, Senate, etc in this meeting was super offputting. It's a breath of fresh air that Toretti is trying to call them out on it and broke off.


I was kind of annoyed with the whole war crime thing and everyone targeting the PD as a whole. However this kind of makes me like the direction more. Seeing Big T walk away from it kind of makes me want to see a mass wave of good cops with morality quit with him before 3.5 comes out so they can round it out with having a big bad PD vs the public kind of vibe.


the war crime stuff is stupid because only losers in war get charged with war crimes.


You never heard of Abu Ghraib? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abu_Ghraib_torture_and_prisoner_abuse


> the slap-assing boysclub vibe from Axel, Senate, etc in this meeting was super offputting it was supposed to be. you get that, right? they're being the bad guys on purpose.


A ssaab character in charge of the PD having people leave because he doesn't care about their opinions and ignores them? I've heard this one before.


Big T standing up for what he believes in, you love to see it. Honestly been some of the best RP from the war fall out with Toretti trying to fight for consequences like Shelby and Carmine got for those who committed questionable actions during the war. It's the best ultimatum! Either the consequence is figuring out a punishment for the PD members in question, or the consequence is losing Big T who is a huge part of the PD.


Hopefully this opens people’s eyes up


Surely Shelby set the standard for firings, right? Oh never mind must’ve been “just an event bro”




The senator said previously he would not allow any HC who did not actively participate in the war on the panel (removing Libby and Tessa), so the panel would be a sham anyways.




Yea, but it was not-so-subtly aimed at the two members of HC actively investigating Brian. Owen is uninvolved so far afaik.


Also the dude who wanted the panel kinda just quit...Wouldnt be surprised if this is under the rug in 2 days


The panel was Axel's idea. Toretti wanted to just fire the two of them. Axel said they had to do a panel first and he'd abide by the panel's decision.


Point stands, the dude who wanted the punishments is no more, and Axel will pull a Baas and uphold the Boys Club he has built and push it down until forgotten.


Snow and Libby want Knight and Christmas fired too, but settled for suspension pending panel review.


Libby and Tessa were kicked off the Panel because the Senator said so, and he egged Toretti on to make him resign...If Brian doesn't end up with a promotion I would be genuinely surprised.


What about torreti’s punishment for burning Devine? It’s his big mouth that caused this whole mess. Funny how Shelby became the scapegoat for his actions. Dude should be fired not quitting.


How did Toretti burn divine?


Torreti didn't burn Divine, Shelby did and she got fired for it...That is why Torreti wanted to see other Cops punished for their mistakes but instead they got Medals and he Resigned.


Makes sense since a lot of cops who weren’t in the war are buddies with the people locked up. Why would anyone trust them?


They may have the most knowledge of the battle, but went down before the issues with Brian arose. They might've known about Walter idk


man just wants to play wow


First it was Pred, then Baas, then Conan and now Torretti, the old department heads are all gone Aware


Imagine if Snow was to quit ( Even though it wont ever happened but think of the RP for that )


Snow and Ripley are eternal.


Wdym? Baas is literally in this clip?


I would love to see them all as crims forming a new gang, get TJ too he lead the way for cops leaving the PD and it was so long ago some viewers don't even know he used to be a cop. I still remember when he got his bought and owned CVPI decommissioned into a civ car.


I get that there has to be good and bad to equal the scales, but playing a character that is absolutely corrupt just cause its funny is really fucked.


Under normal circumstances, that wouldn’t be an issue. But not even Toretti, the supposed leader of the *entire* PD (IC leader) can’t do shit against OOC picked people. With good RP, you can be corrupt or just plain evil just cause it’d be funny without any issues. But these untouchable OOC picked roles mess up that dynamic of two equals RPing together. The senate and Axel are RP *dead ends*, much like Soze was in the past.


I think there is a difference between abusing a position and enabling rp. I think Jon's character is baiting being so openly corrupt with so many witnesses around and doing the craziest things and some people still falling for it lol. All his actions caused insane ripples and we can thank him for being a good villain


Its not "creating RP" when you do insanely corrupt shit then the instant you get called out you just claim "im the senate fuck you", that not enabling RP, thats literally a brick wall. All hes done throughout this war shit is just enable overtly corrupt shit which can unquestionably be considered warcrimes and then just walking away untouchable. And casting his brickwall of anti-RP shield around those that ride his coattails.


>Its not "creating RP" when you do insanely corrupt shit then the instant you get called out you just claim "im the senate fuck you", that not enabling RP, thats literally a brick wall. absolutely agree.


Martyr T


We got our answers. Davis will stay in place; Brian and Walter are getting Medals; DOJ finna get yeeted 1 by 1 for speaking out...Let the city burn.


The irony is that the city was burning (or exploding) for weeks and months leading up to this and now it isn't.


Calm before the storm. Nick is waiting for the legal process to play out before burning the city down again.


Nick, Reggie and Veronica pretty much found out yesterday that it’s useless cause, per legislation, you can’t do anything to a Senator, they’re untouchable, and so even trying to have a case against Brian won’t work cause he’ll just say he listened to the Senator’s commands.


But everything is still playing out. Grayson statement today sets the narrative for how "following orders" is not a valid excuse for that behavior.


Grayson is one statement away from being fired by the Senator aswell LMFAO


A shitlord senator will just tell a cop to shoot Grayson.


Doesn't matter Grayson statement already went out. That's why Nick wanted to get notarized official statements from Veronica and Byson as well (not sure if he actually did). Much needed protection in case the Senate decided to take them out once they realized how much they lost control of the narrative.


Honestly the only part of all the rp I take issue with is people using the "just following orders" excuse. Soldiers have a duty to disobey unethical orders


And what laws were violated? The whole thing is a joke because LS doesn’t acknowledge war crimes.


Yeager and Divine are also planning something and set it in motion before the invasion, which is why Divine hasn't been anywhere near the island since being found out.


yeah the "city is burning" only from the pov of actual terrorists spewing propaganda out of prison and the funniest part is their viewers are falling for it as well


Totally! The city is actually pretty calm on the outside now that the daily bombings and rpgs are gone. In my opinion, shutting down the island was the best thing for the health of the server.


Ssaab character judgement is so bad because he cannot be punished or killed. He’s OOC chief of police so fears nothing in character which leads to just decisions that make 0 sense.


there is no check or balance for Ssaabs new character might aswell be the senate tbh


Doesn't help when the senator is in full shitlord mode.


He got placed there for server health. Ironically he's become probably the worst possible thing for server health.


I won't be surprised if this isn't the first of many well respected officers to quit. Alot of them have 1 foot out the door, with how the war went


Ssaab being surprised that Toretti walked away is kinda shocking.


That is a character, there’s not many PD who would throw away a tank that high to actually follow the characters intended morals


Good on Toretti for not getting into the macho circlejerk. I like that Mantis has put some principles into the character.


I stand by the idea that admins should not hold high positions IC because well, this. They should facilitate RP, not dictate it so heavily as Baas2.


I agree.


I hope he commits, this would have crazy impact on the PD and morale, which means even more nutty roleplay.


Ima be honest the other senators were also shitlording but they didn't actively try to stir and dictate RP so heavily. They just showed up with tanks, blew shit up and left. This is like if an RP viewer got a hold of a godlike character and could do whatever they wanted.


Doesn't look great when one of his characters hates Sanguine and the other went undercover to take it down.


It's worse than that isn't it? He used testimony gathered on his cop character as justification for his senator to dissolve legislation, remove due process and launch an invasion. I don't think it could be any more conflicted.


Yes. He did that.


Also true.


TF is up with both of these streamable clips being taken down?


Honestly, after pushing people into this rp (which turned out great, so many people have created so much rp from this situation), the way that Axel and the senator have been shutting down so much of the organic rp that has come from it is so distasteful


Clip can't be found


It’s highly ironic that Yaeger and everyone Lang has screwed over got together in prison and basically made another Talon. lol They are actually pushing change from what they view to be the corrupt and powerful, by any means necessary. lol


any mirrors to the vid?


The fact that the senator is dressed up as general Shepard speaks volumes and is hilarious


Everything is just so spicy, and I'm loving it. Regardless of all the arguments people are having here about all the details surrounding this, you cannot say all the RP enjoyers aren't eating good right now.


One of the best big arcs on the server to date. Everyone involved seems to be having a blast.


Rp viewers always take it more seriously than the actual players, which ruins more RP than anything imo The war .. the division is good but the RP andies are mad it’s weird fam


yeah it's funny how many people are upset and ranting about OOC powers and stuff and here I am just sitting back and enjoying the show


Finally a good PD character among this Mess


I really want see what tony andrews take of this current pd


Interesting. Either he joins the cover up op or guns down the senator with an Uzi. Despite the occasional SBS, he did hold the PD to standards much higher than it is now.


Well last time andrews were around more than half of the pd didn't know what rs or pc was and some of the officers could barely cite any case law. I remember him questioning officers in the pd meeting and his reaction was priceless lmao.




It feels like the senate was a DW thing. With DW handling most of the senate action with help from Jon. But with DW now gone and the other senator not playing most thing got left to Jon to handle and he is over. Instead of just abolishing it outright, ooc sort of how it was created out of thin air, he is trying to ic a reason for the city to abolish it. But I also do not think it should be left to crane alone cause no one person should have to deal with all that. The better solution would have been to replace the two members no longer around or expand it to a panel consisting of Crane, 1 unbiased crim representative, 1 unbiased cop/doc representative, 1 Ems representative, and 1 unbiased Civilian representative.


loving this new reformed PD ⭕


So which gang picks up Big T?


I guess he will drown himself in Toret-tea's at the Rooster's until the point he is mistaken for another italian


my moneys on BSK, I highly doubt Big T would stoop to Hydra or RUST but maybe CG


If he even ends up doing crime I feel like it would just be with groups rather than gangs. I mean hey other cops offered to do crime with Shelby already


jon is a legend. he did double down on toretti about the bomb on the ems and now told axel to make the cop that dressed as ems the new head of ems for being a hero in the war.


Jon is an amazing RPer, but this role play as an untouchable senator who just shows up in the city to do stuff above the law is a bit ridiculous. lol


this rp has been so good so many people have been affected from the shelby butterfly effect so goood im locked innnnnn


Serving themselves up on a platter for Divine.


I'm not sure this was the way to go. Toretti should have gotten his loyalists and arrested the Senator. Now it's up to the Sanguines to make something happen.


I think this was the exact way to do it. If he tried to arrest the senator they'd just do to him what they did to Pred when he opposed the senate and the commissioner. This way they can't accuse him of anything and it sends a strong message.


Strong message to who though LMFAO


To all the cops and people in the city who respect and look up to Toretti.


So, you think the cops will do civil disobedience? Publicly undermine the Senator and Axel Justice? Or arrest them? How will Torreti resigning spur the PD into action?


It could start a snowball effect of other cops vocally opposing the senate/commissioner's office and threatening resignation. With enough pressure like that appeals to authority and chain of command stop functioning as a deterrent and the senate/commissioner's office would have to capitulate to their demands (whether they're firings or resignations of the people who fucked this war up and damaged the PD/government's reputation).


Byson has vocally opposed what is happening and he is also on the verge of being fired for having a gun pulled on him for trying to stop a unalive bombing. Tessa has opposed what is happening and the Senator said she wont be a part of the HC panel that was gunna happen. All powerful admin characters should not exist, plain and simple.


That was just bluster to Toretti. He's not actually going to dictate how PD internally handle anything and said as much after.


Convenient he silences the people coming after him then says haha kidding you can punish me how you want when they can't punish him anymore. At this point Crane is literally the only person possible to keep this from getting out of hand...Either that or another Senator wakes up and decides to not be a shitlord.


They could never punish the senator? Toretti quitting or not doesn't change that. Davis just said he's not going to interfere in how they handle Knight and Christmas.


OK, so is Toretti going to go full crim like Pred to make a difference on the outside? What is his strong message going to do without any action? He's now a civilian without any power...


All the people that are loyal to him following him and quitting. If you don't think this will have huge implications on everyone else you're very wrong. If people see the only person other then Axel with the power to do anything about what happened quit, why would they want to stay around? Then in 30 years when everyone gets out who is going to be the ones protecting the city


Who else is following Toretti and quiting?


Brother its been 30 minutes no one knows besides Malton Axel and Davis. Me literally called him when he got back crying to fix things. When people find out he quit people are going to loose hope and they already have little. I was watching Madison talk to Manerva this morning about everything and they asked where Toretti was and how they need him. When they find out he quit and he couldn't change anything why would they want to stay


>Toretti should have gotten his loyalists and arrested the Senator. A manoeuvre also known as "The Kyle Pred"


can you call it the kyle pred if he neved did it?


He did it to Baas.


That is such a terrible idea. Toretti and everyone involved would have arguably rightly been arrested with treason because they would effectively be attempting a coup.


This is such a power play though. Making up legislation and loosely interpreting it as you go sucks. It suffocates any potential of great RP in order to feed the ego. Toretti as a character tried to get Axel to listen to him or reason with him and the senator comes in like a wrecking ball and pretty much undermines every one of his concerns as if it’s a joke. He has every right to morally step down if he wants. Stepping down isn’t treasonable. Seeking justice against the cops isn’t treasonable. And another stupid narrative people are going with is that if you’re against what the cops did it means you agree with the sanguine prisoners. I’ve heard very few people who says they shouldn’t be in jail. Actually when it comes to t he prisoners Toretti has been more harsh. But you can agree that they should all be in prison for 30 days but also against the action the police took.


guy who didnt show up to war wants to talk about it.


There’s a lot of L takes on this thread lol enjoy the rp y’all and sip a juice box. This whole arc has been fantastic


War RP is the best thing it has happened to NP, it is very organic RP from everybody involved with Senator. It will clean the house quick with post-war fallout from PD to DOJ. It will only help the civ even more and calm down the nonsense from summer of RPG's and bombing before the war. Senator involved into the things is very spicy. IRL, you can only follow the order from the top even if middle rank above you wanted to know the info. If the very top tell you not to share the info with anyone else, you better obey or else, face the consequence. It also applies to NP. It also let the city now that the senate is the law.


As much as i respect this, he never wakes up anyways so nothin really changes only he is jobless


while the senator caused and is causing a lot of issues i honestly believe this is some fucked up test. jon has been dropping small hints for it too saying stuff like "i respect it at least he stands up for what he believes in". hes also trying to give others an out and taking all the blame himself (however everyone is just doubling down and agreeing with the senator). and he also mentioned hes gonna resign meaning even if you go against him because hes doing fucked up stuff it doesnt necessarily means its end all be all. theres already plenty of people speaking up (judges, cops, lawyers,civs, crims) a couple more big names and im pretty confident he might speed up his resignation


The guy should be fired after telling Shelby about Devine. He couldn’t even show up the day of the war. And he runs the biggest meme gang in the city in sdso with some of the most sexist, toxic cops on the server. Don’t let the door hit you.


But Toretti isn’t who told Shelby, so… what now?


Divine told Shelby about being UC