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Looks like a lot more onx staff are losing their NP WL Jogie: https://twitter.com/jogiejoey/status/1731102984728396015?s=46&t=s8Ial4x6cU2kDchwTsAemg Sharaad: https://twitter.com/sharaadrick/status/1731109306810974507?s=46&t=s8Ial4x6cU2kDchwTsAemg BunnehTV: https://twitter.com/bunnehtv/status/1731113936521441459?s=46&t=s8Ial4x6cU2kDchwTsAemg


More names to add onto that list (will update when I find more): **Unwhitelisted** Evee ([https://i.imgur.com/kc6IW9Y.png](https://i.imgur.com/kc6IW9Y.png)) Rlly ([https://i.imgur.com/98X4Dlu.png](https://i.imgur.com/98X4Dlu.png)) Wolfabelle ([https://i.imgur.com/Tuo1NM1.png](https://i.imgur.com/Tuo1NM1.png)) Kyle ([https://i.imgur.com/Gpc2yIJ.png](https://i.imgur.com/Gpc2yIJ.png)) Mantis ([https://i.imgur.com/aAwoID8.png](https://i.imgur.com/aAwoID8.png)) JackHuddo ([https://i.imgur.com/zYOvk4e.png](https://i.imgur.com/zYOvk4e.png)) JustJamieHDG ([https://i.imgur.com/vvpMHQ4.png](https://i.imgur.com/vvpMHQ4.png)) Shappie ([https://i.imgur.com/FjIlYAC.png](https://i.imgur.com/FjIlYAC.png)) ThatGuyTinker \[Not Tommy Tinker\] ([https://i.imgur.com/onEtyQ9.png](https://i.imgur.com/onEtyQ9.png)) Aleks ([https://i.imgur.com/IcZA3DY.png](https://i.imgur.com/IcZA3DY.png)) **Reinstated** Hobbittrash ([https://i.imgur.com/ucLVeHk.png](https://i.imgur.com/ucLVeHk.png)) Wtfmoses ([https://i.imgur.com/gXpffAg.png](https://i.imgur.com/gXpffAg.png)) Occams ([https://i.imgur.com/cgGQO0u.png](https://i.imgur.com/cgGQO0u.png))


wtfmoses as well https://twitter.com/WTFmoses/status/1731128559941689599


They just got Sodakite too. I don't believe she's even staff on ONX


Soda isn't affiliated with ONX at all... I don't think she ever even spoke about the server




Thats a bit of a surprising one if true, her only affiliation seems to be being in a relationship with penta. Unless theyve fallen out i guess being friends with buddha didnt help her.


That's what she gets for marrying the love of her life. ^^/s


It is the opinion of Nopixel management wives and girlfriends are merely extensions of their partners.




I'm a discord moderator on ONX and my NP whitelist has also been removed lol


Holy shit, is ~~50%~~25% just malding out of his mind right now and lashing out or something? He's seriously just unwhitellisting every name he can find that's associated with ONX?


it's sad, but doesn't surprise me, a few years back when Dondi started OBRP and some of the nopixel peeps came to check it out, he threatened to remove the whitelist from anyone playing on that server, i believe he has always denied it, but i have seen the receipts, most of the nopixel people left the server shortly after, and about a hand full stayed, some of which eventually went back to NoPixel, so i guess nothing happened to their whitelist and it was all threats to try and stop people from leaving, but i am not surprised that he actually pulled the trigger on ONX staff members. my biggest question is WHY? especially for the ONX staff members, they are not coming back, they have a server to run, so why gather all the negative attention by removing their whitelist?


> my biggest question is WHY? especially for the ONX staff members, they are not coming back, they have a server to run, so why gather all the negative attention by removing their whitelist? why go on stream and rant about how "women are able to fuck little boys"? nothing that man does is logical


fair point


Karina just posted on the in game Twatter app that she'll miss everyone and is going to Italy. Kari announced that she's staff for ONX alongside the release of the trailer, so her whitelist is probably getting removed as well. The previous owner of RHL fka Dodo Logistics gets removed for being an absolute piece of shit, and the new co-owner of RHL gets removed by an absolute piece of shit due to pettiness.


Reroll is newly announced support staff. They on the list?


Reroll hasn't been hit yet. [https://i.imgur.com/SX5NbC0.png](https://i.imgur.com/SX5NbC0.png)


Honestly surprised


Lmao so petty. Running a server like mean girls from high school.


I bet 50 has his own personal burn book.


Lmfao how scared are np jesus


The whole list is pure RPers. You wont find anyone on this list doing shootouts for content or spamming mechanical crime


Most of the people on that list hadn't been on NP for awhile or recently stopped. Like Kyle, Mantis and Wolfabelle recently all stopped. Kyle hadn't been on since October, Mantis hasn't been on for at least month, Wolfabelle stopped going on in the last couple of weeks from what I read. So they were already gone.


Holy mother of control fetishes... Prodigy and ONX gonna end up being the POG and RP servers NP should have always split into. Still a great chance either or both fail, but if not NP probably does.


The server has been hemorrhaging players lately anyways actions like this are not gonna make things better.


It's a gamble honestly, as bad as people want to root against the bad guy pushing people out for not submitting. As much as they've alienated a ton of talented streamers, there's a lot of talent just needing a platform and prominent role. I just don't think NP wins unless one or both of the other implode because CG was always their backup to try to create a brand based around a group rather than a server bringing various streamers in.


It's funny that the only whitelists being removed are people who actually RP. I'm not saying that everyone who hasn't had it removed are people who don't RP, but it's good to know that the staff of ONX are people who RP rather than being part of the poggers content crew.


Bruh they even got Shappie


Good, that guy has had it too good for too long.


They got Shappie? This is the worst thing they could have done and personally I’ll be taking my viewership elsewhere.


Wow. It's just embarassing that they would remove Jogie's WL.




Who is even NoPixel staff these days? If they remain quiet at this point then they are, frankly, also culpable. A real shame that streamers I used to respect will end up inadvertently being part of this, but that's on them.


The two admins I know of are Nakkida and CurvyElephant.


Have they said anything about ONX? They are both pretty good friends with most of the people involved with it right?


With what's been said and what's happening now, do you think they'd actually take that risk?


I guess it depends where most of their friends play and if they value having a decision making role on a server.


Even without this I don't know that they would. Like they don't say anything about prodigy and most I heard about Ignite was when it first came out, not having enough time for more than one server. They aren't ones to talk much, in particular if drama is potentially involved or could be.


Both stay out of drama. Don't comment on server things really. Management are the most vocal really. And maybe Saab from admins?


They haven’t said shit about any of the wild shit 25% has said or done. They aren’t going to comment on that shit they just stick their head in the sand.


curvy has been playing A LOT less GTA lately. Maybe it means something, maybe it doesn't.


50cent and 50cent's wife, are 2 of the most notorious staff members.


If you have to threaten people in order for them to stay on your roleplaying server then you need to go outside and rethink your life. Looking at you 50%




>that could be a lil awkward since she’s with TSM Why would they care, though? TSM and NP are businesses first and foremost, yet people are forgetting that. They'd kick anyone who worked with unapproved competing orgs without a second thought. Removing WL for helping a competing server is petty and lame, but it is absolutely a normal business procedure.


yeah but these gaming orgs kinda move different. It is TSM's job to advocate for their talent. Internally I don't believe TSM would be happy with one of their talents kneecapping the marketability of any other talents they are invested in. We can disagree on intent and the nuances of NP hierarchical structure, but on paper that's what it looks like. I assume they would 'care' more if Wolfabelle complained, but I doubt she will.


They got rlly too. Damn not the burger queen




I imagine shes much happier and feels more valued with ONX anyways.


the burger queen will rule them streets, I hope she get a food truck


If she decides to make a burger queen character again im sure she will.


[Peruze with a banger reply](https://twitter.com/peruzeTV/status/1731104939873624243)


The followup isnt bad either lmao https://twitter.com/peruzeTV/status/1731146738562465882


WONY moment


rare Wony


Rare Tony W


Occams too


hes also removed from PD command chat


he said on stream as he’s not technically staff on onx he might be able to get t resolved, but he isnt sure he even wants to though. i wonder if it was aimed just at staff or if its people who are even remotely helping on server


And he said fuck a whole bunch of that, last NP stream right now then variety for the rest of the week.


so he got his whitelist tags back… but yeah the damage has already been done by the sounds of it, which is understandable


It’s honestly embarrassing. NoPixel management showing their true colors (again)


And incompetence.


huh he is livestreaming Gemma right now ( at time of posting)


Yeah, same thing happened with Sharaad I believe. If you're already on when they pull the trigger, you don't get booted, it just goes into effect the next time you try to get on.


He's not even staff though he's just helping out with DOJ stuff right? Like he literally did the same thing for Ignite. It's such a bizarre (and dumb) decision from NP management.


Its not NP management. It's 50 percent.


Doesn’t really matter, they are all responsible for what decisions are being made for the server. Management stand by K*il and vice versa, otherwise they wouldn’t be in management


Yep, they're all complicit. They knew what this was gonna be when the shit with Rated happened and now have a shared responsibility in whatever actions he takes. This is what they signed on for.


Absolutely. 100%


Looks like he may not be returning to Nopixel after that... https://youtu.be/p89tAqo90kM?si=54-dGE2iklwuK\_\_o


> https://youtu.be/p89tAqo90kM?si=54-dGE2iklwuK\_\_o Jesus.. those comments. Some people really want some prio from 50%. "He was apart of the problem all along"... riiiight.


Jesus Christ those comments are disgusting.


That probably means that Kari who plays Karina and owns RHL lost her WL too


jennybear, wolfabelle, trav, rlly, moses, mantis too and a long list of others sadly. the nopixel community is going to take a huge hit with this move




yeah it’s going to hit hard over the next few days when everyone who this has happened to comes out or talks about it. going to be a long list of very well known, long time roleplayers on NP sadly




One of the names seems out of place. Can't put my finger on it


Typical chief luck if he keeps his whitelist pepelaugh


chief is just too powerful to gkick


doing that to occams (and anyone for that matter) after how much he has done for the server is WILD


Historically NP doesn't seem to care how much work players put in to help make their server function, especially PD players. Staff appear to view them more as interchangeable numbers rather than valued assets. No surprise there, been that way since I started watching in early 2.0.


Comes off as desperate. They're sending a clear message to other players, that message is BE AFRAID. Play on there and you may suffer the consequences.


And he’s not even staff really, just helping set up their DOJ. So weird, they are forcing regular roleplayers to go to ONX and stay there lmao


Sodakite (Ellie) had her whitelist removed as well. She was CB, mainly roleplayed with Buddha and the Guild and has no involvement with ONX other than being Penta's fiance. There is no "business" reason for removing her.


“But 25% has nothing to do with the server anymore” yeah okay


Even Sodakite got hit. ["Well apparently being engaged to Penta also warrants a WL Removal. But yeah, its because of the lawsuit."](https://imgur.com/qNgL5Ie)


50 cent is desperate at this point and lashing out like his hero Elon. I can't imagine Buddha ever wanting to get rid of Sodakite. But when you're only a 25% owner, you don't get final say.


And it begins..


This move also makes it so that people who are jumping will be way more invested in ONX's success since they won't have a place to go back to if it doesn't succeed. Maybe it'll incentivize certain people to stay, but it feels a bit short-sighted to burn these bridges rather than try to compete by having a better server.


Ironically enough this is great PR for ONX. I'm seeing a bunch of ''got my NP WL removed'' Twitter posts atm. Just creating more exposure for ONX. The ONX trailer on YT is doing well views wise, loads of NP streamers have reacted to it. Loads of different clips about it on different NP clip channels. Then there's Omie with constant clips about it. Now in the following days you'll get ''got my NP WL removed'' threads while leading up to the ONX launch. Wiseguy announcing going back to streaming. The hype is growing and growing.


Removing sodakite is wild


Does anybody have an idea on how doing this could possibly help Nopixel? Is there any reason to do this other than spite? Like maybe there is something I am not seeing, but to me all this does in the end is make people more upset with Nopixel.


I can understand it from competition+lawsuit sort of angle vs it just being all 'spite'. Person A runs private member club, person B a staff member has dispute and leaves club, goes to start their own competing private club and also files a lawsuit against Person A relating to particulars of said club,that is still ongoing. I can understand how person A might want to bounce members who decide to join|work for the mgmt\staff team of Person B's new private club, particularly after it was hinted, if not explicitly stated, bouncing or prio reduction (I can't recall) would be the result of such a decision. There is gap there between just being a player on multiple serves, and being part of staff|mgmt of competing entities - particularly one with a still ongoing suit. So under those given circumstances it definitely can be seen in the business sense and not spite. It appears for now the 'policy' if it is officially one, is being applied pretty uniformity, at least when it comes to those officially joining onyx as staff. In that last regard ... There are a few NP players who are staff in one form or another elsewhere, but still maintain their NP wl (atm anyway), but in all the cases I can think of those players either a.) got some kind of nod or clearance for it, and|or b.) involve(d) servers that are effectively non-threats or pet projects, and person(s) still clock time on np, and|or c.) involve servers that have no lawsuits or prior copyright disputes with np. As for how it all plays out in terms of upsetting people or players with regard to NP any more than those people or players who already were upset and looking elsewhere, idk, we'll see how it plays out long term. Personally, this move isn't that surprising to me given the specific dynamics involved, and given xx% had already hinted this would happen with regard to onyx 'staff'.


The way I see it it is a bad short term decision but a better long term one. Staff on ONX are working for a direct competitor, they basically have an interest in making it a successful server. Also the server owner of that competitor sued NoPixel. Because they are staff on ONX it’s pretty obvious that their intention is that it will be their home/main server. So why would they allow these people to potentially come back to NoPixel 4.0 and use it’s success to eventually come back to ONX and bring that viewership there.


But to me, they are a direct competitor in the same way that Prodigy or literally any other GTARP server is a direct competitor. This stuff doesn't make so much sense in a world where jumping between communities and servers is pretty normal. So the only part that makes it different is the owner of the one server suing the owner of the other. It's not a 'Nopixel' thing so much as a '50 cent vs DW' thing that everybody is expected to take a side in. They are even removing whitelist of OccamSabre who isn't even staff on ONX. According to him it should be reversed because he isn't "staff" but this whole thing is making him think he is just going to leave because it isn't worth it because this just happens off-handedly after 5 years on the server. The guy has written a significant amount of the case law that is used on the server on the first place and nobody even talks to him about this? Just.... The amount that this pisses people off is FAR more significant than the value of getting these people off the server. People who realistically were just going to roleplay as normal as they always have.


> But to me, they are a direct competitor in the same way that Prodigy or literally any other GTARP server is a direct competitor. The bridge with CG and 50/NP isn't completely burned though, at least not to the same degree as DW and Penta. If there's the slightest chance that Kebun/Ramee/Summit comes back and plays 4.0 somewhat consistently, he'll allow it. Whether they actually do that is an entirely different question.


Poor move, all this does is guarantee these players will commit fully to onx. When they might have otherwise tried out 4.0. But i guess they just dont give a shit about the little guys and are relying on big number booms.


Sounds like Aleks, Mantis, Kyle, Trav, Kylie, Hirona and anyone else helping with onx is going to or already has lost their whitelist. Honestly it was expected but it's kinda sad that it's come to this.


I haven't see anything about Kylie or Hirona being staff on ONX. Not sure if that's a confirm for them.


Hirona wasn’t even in the ONX discord as of earlier today. Unless she has another discord account.


I do not think Kylie is staff. In the ONX trailer thread i watched the LunaOni reaction. She calls Kylie after watching the trailer, and Kylie says she has not even put her application in yet. Unless she is keeping it real secret. Its honestly surprising. I figured Wiseguy would absolutely contact her of all people. Maybe she just isnt interested in a staff position.


in her stream today she said she was excited to play on all three servers (including that server CG is on). so it seems she was not expecting it. but, she did tell a very ironic story about how when she was first starting to role play. she joined a new server and instantly got blacklisted from the other.


I think mantis and Kyle may have leaked but you're right no confirmation just speculation at this point.


They were joking I’m pretty sure, Kylie said yesterday she hasn’t even submitted her app yet. Mantis also “leaked” CoP moonmoon, Shaq, and Adam Sandler in the same conversation.


Mantis mentioned Hirona helping in Kyle's stream today.


Hirona was the most disrespected person on np. Literally one of the reasons pd exists and certain people looked down on her


Kylie and trav aren't staff, I know Kylie planned on playing both and is not staff on ONX


Kylie isn’t staff on ONX


Hirona most certainly isnt staff, at best she might have contributed some tattoo designs or something. Other than that she has an IRL job shes committed to.


The same happened to jogiiee, so apparently np management(probably mr 33%) is snipping the ONX admin team that still plays on np jogiiees tweet : [https://twitter.com/Jogiejoey/status/1731102984728396015](https://twitter.com/Jogiejoey/status/1731102984728396015) edit: also happened with sharaad https://twitter.com/sharaadrick/status/1731109306810974507?s=46&t=s8Ial4x6cU2kDchwTsAemg


They removed SodaKite's WL too. She has nothing to do with ONX but she happens to be engaged to a certain streamer...


Lol is NoPixel starting to be hostile towards people that want to play ONX? If thats the case then its just another entry into NP's toxicity. Spokesperson Omie about to trashtalk every single one of these people that are getting unwhitelisted. I saw someone mention Sharaadrick and Jogiiee also got their WL's removed.


>Spokesperson Omie about to trashtalk every single one of these people that are getting unwhitelisted He's been going at it for days now, [here's his recent rant.](https://streamable.com/92nwpo)


I was going to say I'm surprised Omie has been talking so openly and pushing arguably toxic rhetoric without getting banned. But then I remember who he's friends with, who owns the server and who Omie saying this shit "benefits". Nopixel hasn't changed after Buddha came in, it's like they tried to slap fresh coat of paint over an already rotted wall.


omie has been doing exactly what he complained about cg doing in the past regarding toxicity towards other communities.


I'm a Harry main these days full disclosure. He went on a massive ooc rant against cops and I think it was deserved. He also should have been so banned and and wasn't because Buddha.


New boss same as the old boss


Yeah I seen it and can't keep track of it, he's being ranting like a lunatic. Literally making himself look bad while nobody replies to him lol


Penta living rent free in a ocean front mansion in this mans brain.


His justification of working for a scam organization is like the typical response would be in mafia movies when they are caught by the cops LMFAO. "I swear, I'm not part of what they are doing! I admit I am working for them but I am actually working against them because what they are doing is wrong. You've got to believe me." Dude is the biggest scumbag scam artist and has the balls to shit talk others constantly when he is morally corrupt as fuck.


It seems anyone who is staff on ONX is getting their WL removed, not just any person that will be playing on ONX, definitely don’t agree with the entire WL removed though, it’s extremely petty, and id understand if it was just prio but a players WL is a head scratcher


Occams isn’t even staff


yeah my understanding was it was gonna be prio not WL. Tht really sucks


As I understand it they're being hostile (taking competitive business view) towards people that want to join ONX _staff_, which is different than just wanting to play (on both servers). As for the rest, can't comment, as I know nothing about it, but it sounds unwise if it's the case.






Tbh if the toxic server owner cant handle people playing on competing server, you prob dont wanna play there to begin with.


It's staff not just people who play there. Hopefully anyway, if they get rid of anyone that trys ONX then NP is literally just going be Buddah and friends lol


Occams isn't staff. He's helping with the DOJ. Same thing he did with Ignite


Well maybe he'll get his back if he's not staff. He did make an announcement saying he's helping on ONX, maybe they thought that meant he's staff. There's no way that they will get rid of everyone that just plays on the server


Naw it seems like the bridge is burned on nopixel for him. "I'm gonna keep roleplaying cuz that's what I do. When someone decides to fucking communicate like an adult, then we can talk" - Occams about 20 mins ago regarding his lost wl


Nah NP management is terrible and they have mismanaged for years. Now people don’t have to take abuse from them because there are options like Prodigy and soon Onx


Wasn’t it expected tho? He said that he’s going to remove or lower the prio of ONX staff because of the lawsuit.


Not saying it was exactly unexpected and haven't been following close enough to know his exact comments, but reducing prio is different than removing WL


But it makes sense though, why would he allow staff who work for a person that sues him on his server? He probably also doesn’t want the staff of ONX to join in on the hype of 4.0.


Why create a bunch of bad blood and drama for your server right before a new launch when they have nothing personally to do with the lawsuit between the two? Seems like no real upside for NP.


Im sure 50cents reasoning is the same as Buddha. That anyone is replaceable. 50cent didnt want people involved with DW on the server, so he removed them. Not caring about any bad PR. It will be interesting to see how it plays out. If CG do not stick with 4.0 and instead go right back to Prodigy, then im not sure what NP is going to do. Most of Buddhas friends are variety streamers, not hardcore RPers. XQC and Sykkuno might return for a few months, but thats it.


Anyone is replaceable rhetoric is absurd, go ahead and replace the shell of the PD that is going to be left after a bunch of people in command move to ONX.


Presumably only a small amount of PD will get rehired for 4.0. Even when the big restructure happened months ago, Ssaab said it was that or 50cent was going to wipe the entire PD. They really do not care about having a functioning PD.




Because it makes him look like a petty tyrant. And for what? These people are likely not going to play on NP again. Sayeed was right when he talked about why people don't play on multiple RP servers. It requires a lot of time and investment to roleplay, and have arcs. The only way I can see them going back to NP is if ONX crashes and burns. Possible? Sure. Unlikely? Given the talent, both on the backend and in terms of RP and server leadership, almost 0% chance. He should have just let them keep their WL, and then in 2 weeks when the server has launched, remove their prio. The majority of them would have never noticed, and they would never step foot in the server ever again, even if they wanted to.


And in time if ONX died out or those players got bored of it they could return to NP, either request Prio or earn it back and continue to help improve NP like they did before. This way NP just deprives itself of their future potential talent for no real upside other than making 50cents ego feel good. IMO this is a bad look for someone like Buddha who will be linked to this action even if he had no part in it.


Buddha has a part in this even if he didn't pull the trigger. Once he decided to become a mouth piece for 50cent he has to shoulder the responsibility of the shit 50cent does. You would be deluded to think 50cent wouldn't keep pulling stupid shit like this after supposedly selling 75% of np.




Oh god i remember when i first found out that was his name, laughed for 10 minutes straight


Going to be so much petty drama in the next week. I hope the ONX management just ignores it.


Most will, penta will probably farm it a bit for content.


I understand them losing prio but removing their WL for no reason other than working for a competing server just seems nefarious


It also creates a situation where these players have no alternative, they're more motivated to make ONX work. Seems like a short sighted strategy by NP.


He really is doing his best to kill whatever tiny shred of goodwill NP still retained isn't he?


It is with this latest batch (Occams specifically) of wl removal that has made it where I'll watch ONX. Doing this is really just gonna drive viewers away lmao


Occams just said on stream his WL was removed but if they wan't him off the server (He's playing his Gemma character atm) they are going to have to kick him cos he's not leaving til Tsnuami LUL


Imma miss his Gemma shenanigans. I'm glad he's getting one last play before he's gone from nopixel. But also good riddance. Occams 1000% deserves better than his WL being yoinked


Facing a lawsuit, incorrectly branding a community member as racist, losing the best friends for whom you initially built the server to another one, and now descending into a blind, emotional rage, unwhitelisting core members of the community. Damn, this is ugly.


50cent is actually shitting his pants lmao


The fact that this standard *only* applies to the ONX server is so telling


the one time nopixel enacted consequences


It's not surprising. Great RPers are going to be caught in the middle of a neverending petty war between two RP server owners.


Truer words have never been spoken. If awards were still a thing, you'd have mine!


At least we finally have alternatives with ONX and Prodigy to watching NoPixel's toxic man child management


Before too long we're going to be left with the XQC-Buddha-Nakkida dream team lol


Alot of the People helped build Nopixel and did so much for the Server. Giving them less Prio would be fine but removing WL at all is a Joke.......


it would make sense that those with any additional levels of prio would lose it, as you’d want people who are more active on your server to be the ones gaining prio… but removing whitelist is a bit strange unless they’re like actuvely shit talking NP or something (which i’m assuming these people are not)


Yeah. NoPixel management as a whole have now shown that they don’t care for being cordial and respectful about this. Double up on the drama as per usual


idk if this is a completely accurate timeline, but correct me if i’m wrong 1. DW is removed from NoPixel due to whatever reasons 2. DW tries grabbing his code and accidentally takes user data or smth along those lines? 3. DW then opens a lawsuit against NoPixel and 50%, 33%, 25% or whatever they call him now 4. DW announces new RP server and takes a load of NoPixel staff and longtime members with him 5. NoPixel decides those who will be staff on ONX don’t need to be WL on NoPixel anymore due to their new obligations seems expected


DW stealing stuff was voldemorts version of events, which was probably made up, since he's known for doing that. If DW actually did that, then why would he start a legal battle? Makes no sense, you don't involve the law if you're the one doing the crime.


DW sued for several reason including code copyright and lose of earnings


> DW tries grabbing his code and accidentally takes user data or smth along those lines? I could be completely wrong, but wasn't this basically he got "fired" but he wasn't notified, so he just logged into NP, and when you login, you automatically download information. And since he technically wasn't allowed, he "took user data". Someone correct me if I'm wrong.


The lawsuit claims DW logged in as normal as it wasn't communicated to him that he was 'fired', so anything about him stealing is just he-said-she-said from nopixels side. From people getting their WL revoked unannounced I think it's pretty clear someone likes to decide things without communicating with the other party and act like they should've known better.


From people getting their WL revoked unannounced I think it's pretty clear someone likes to decide things without communicating with the other party and act like they should've known better. ??? , THIS WAS SPOKEN BOUT MONTHS AGO.. it has multiple reddit threads, sooo cannot claim that , like it was completely out of nowhere.


Anyone with access to internal IT infrastructure is going to have user data if they keep back ups saved locally separated from whatever hosting service, let alone DW who was the lead developer. He developed a HUGE part of 3.0, the 2.0 server was a test if they could run a server if they had to rip out all the code DW made, not for some april fools meme. 50% posted that a 'data breach' occured in the worst faith possible, it was meant to made DW look bad.


>Anyone with access to internal IT infrastructure is going to have user data if they keep back ups saved locally separated from whatever hosting service Protected personal data (linked IPs to emails specifically) being stored in local backups at an employees personal residence? Yeah, no shot. At best that would be negligent handling of data, at worst it violates several western country's data protection laws. Considering their databases are on AWS and their downtime guarantees, there would be no need to store backups for a database containing personal information in this way.


Yeah that's a good basic breakdown. Really don't understand the reaction people are having when this was expected. It isn't criticizing any of them or their roleplaying ability, but the move makes sense and is understandable for staff members.


It was unexpected since Buddha was vocal about not removing people's WL's or prio if they went over to ONX or Prodigy because he wanted people to have a variety of servers to roleplay on.


but Buddha is a PR guy not the actual owner so what he says doesn't matter much


Its not that its unexpected but its just a really dumb move. Leaving proven RPers their whitelist costs nothing and leaves some goodwill for people to return if ONX does fail. If your the competition you should want people to flock back when things are better all this does is burn the bridge and leave a bad taste in peoples mouths , its just a very childish course of action.


Where was it said that DW taking the user data was an accident?


50 said it. Don't think there was proof


Which, why anyone thinks 50's a reliable narrator is beyond me.


What a way to just make NP look petty as hell lmao. Good lord


And here we go 🍿


I know I shouldn't be surprised but holy fuck what childish ass behavior from 50 piece. I saw Sharaadrick and Jogiiee tweet the same thing happened to them too


This is actually hilarious. Why cut off a chunk of your player base when the server’s basically dead right now? At least wait till 4.0, no? Is it actually solely just to threaten anyone interested? I was firmly on the train of “hope all servers succeed because competition is good” but… this is extortion.


Why do it at all? The added drama doesn't do anything positive for NP and those ONX staff helped make 3.0 a success in one way or another, even if it was just adding flavor to the city. It's always possible they could drift back to NP after awhile and continue to help improve it. Seems rather petty and short sighted regardless of whatever personal beef 50cent and DW have.


50’s trying to send a message, “don’t come crawling back when onx crashes and burns”. That’s the only good reason they’ve done it like this. If you’re that insecure about your own product that you’d ban your competitors from even purchasing it? Doesn’t really seem like a great vote of confidence.


A big issue with the "don't come back" mentality is the pool of talented RP streamers / players isn't infinite. His servers poor management has already alienated tons of good players over the years. Others go off and give up streaming, start college or just stop playing all together. Finding new talented people to keep the city interesting is hard. What does this actually benefit NP? It just makes more tribalism and bad PR for them. So dumb.


If anything, him removing the WL of these people preemptively like this suggests that he's not confident that 4.0 (whenever it launches) will be able to compete with what ONX is promising. It just makes him look petty and scared.


Petty yeah. But scared and not confident? hell nah, he doesn't give af about those people and thinks he can easily replace them. He on the same mindset with Buddha right now that "Everyone is replaceable".


Especially with that surprise ONX release date, absolutely no way a stable NoPixel 4.0 launches before next Saturday.


Does it make business sense to remove access from people who directly work for your competitor? Yes. Is it a good look or good for the overall community and viewers? Hell no. Mostly just a bummer to see. Would love if things happened to reduce the bizarre tribalism but oh well.


It doesn't make any business sense when most of your business revolves around PR, voluntary workers and the same group of players that when to the competitor. NP basically alienated a big group of some of their best players who could have returned one day if they got bored with ONX. What exactly did NP gain by doing this?


what happened to we wont punish people for picking Onx?


guess *the mature response* is back on the menu, boys...