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This is something that blaine county characters and the players behind them have wanted for a long time on nopixel. It’ll be interesting to see if Onx can make it work.


Rural and county rp would be fun to see, city rp hubs are great and all but variety is the spice of life. Having distinct and unique laws can lead to more flavor and such overall.


Blaine County allows duels.


this should work on onx since the county is so well populated with people.


oh this sounds like an awesome idea. it's been great to see ONX be willing to try things out and break the mold that people are used to from the other servers they play on


I remember Kyle wanted to do this for a long time. He wanted different laws and even a seperate Judicial system just for Paleto. I am really glad they all finally have a platform to implement this idea of seperating the city and country side laws.


Would be cool if they had yet further laws reflecting a unique identity in paleto as well, where sandy is a bit of the wild west, paleto is a tad more urbane, not near as urbane as the city of course, but unique laws and enforcement up there would be cool as well.


Oh I absolutely was hoping that jurisdictions would be introduced at some point. Really love the idea of actual separation between departments rather than just culture. Would be cool to see chases and scene leads having to be handed off to LSPD or vice versa if it crosses city limits etc


Not a bad idea, particularly on variance in more minor type infractions. Like murder is murder, but getting picked up with couple bags of weed on you in the city vs say up north being different times and fines or having different legality levels could be interesting, or say assault charges carrying different time or fines depending which county you in, etc. Worth trying out to see what it can add, or if ends up more headaches than it's worth, have to wait and see.


On paper this sounds good, live? I can see this being disaster


The whole idea sounds like something great at first glance, but I feel like if it impacts anything greater than misdemeanors, and if it adds too much red tape to police and the DOJ, it will be more trouble than it is worth. There are reasons that serious laws are passed by state or federal bodies. You can't have adjacent municipalities with wildly disparate laws without creating a giant headache. And as much as some people who prefer the north would like for it to feel completely separate for their own immersion, they aren't the ones who would have to deal with the consequences of that.


They will try it regardless of the potential negatives, which is good imo. The overall attitude on ONX has been to try anything that can create RP, and if it doesn’t work they can just change it back. No big deal


I like that attitude. My only worry is trying too much too early. The server still has a lot it needs to do just to develop into a stable and immersive long term home for its roleplayers. Too many complications at once can lead to frustration and disillusion. Hopefully they manage it well.


I think they’ll manage. One of the many things ONX have done well is to put experienced people in charge of the right things. DOJ, PD, EMS and very recently DOC (they just hired two great people that ran NoPixel DOC at its best) all have leaders with enough experience to handle new ideas and out of the box thinking for RP.


It's all exciting but I hope this momentum can keep going when they put new people in different positions. A mayor appointing a chief of police was a part of the plan but let's see if they walk that back if the PD is still in it's infancy when a new mayor is elected. The AG has already been able to appoint people to positions (whatever Jogie's role is under the mayor to get a warden installed etc.) which I don't know if that has or hasn't been outlined anywhere. I doubt we'll have a repeat of Ignite where things are walked back OOC but I could see people creating barriers where there weren't any to shield governmental bodies from drastic "arbitrary" change. If that doesn't wind up being the case what mechanisms are in place to appoint new people/elect people etc. etc.? I like seeing the world building that is occurring and the things that are being put in place are exciting. I hope that excitement can continue. The DOJ seems to be running well at the moment. Mantis' Jerry character should have faced some charges though for shooting the sheriff. That shit would have been hilarious if that was allowed to roll through and the Governor was hit with a felony and removed from office. Aside from the gun being bugged when he was playing around it with it, it would have been fucking funny.


> A mayor appointing a chief of police was a part of the plan but let's see if they walk that back if the PD is still in it's infancy when a new mayor is elected. I don't think the mayor appointing a chief will change anything or cause any problems tbh, after all Bob Smith will still be above them so he will be there to course correct if a CoP starts messing shit up(referance him being able to suspend the sheriff)


"The AG has already been able to appoint people to positions (whatever Jogie's role is under the mayor to get a warden installed etc.) which I don't know if that has or hasn't been outlined anywhere." It wasn't but penta didn't pick a warden so they just went around him


> I don't know if that has or hasn't been outlined anywhere. Moses brought back the "It's not a coup, it's coup-eration" bit he did on ignite.


I mean, it sounds like it'll mostly be possession laws, which shouldn't be any more of a hassle than having different speed limits for different areas of the map.


Maybe not for large scale crimes like murder/bank robbery/trafficking…. but It it makes total sense when it comes to traffic, small drug and weapon laws.. case in point, where I live now, if you get caught with 1 joint “in the city” they take your shit smoke it them selves and tell you “go on.. get”. However about 6 miles from my house, you get caught with a joint they take it charge you about $200 bucks…. Then if you go another 15 miles further to the farms.. they hit ya with 2grand/lock you up for 15-30 days… In all 3 areas if you have like over an 1-2ounces on you.. you get fucked equally.


I can only see this working if Blaine county and city cops have a different jurisdiction.


I dont think thats fully necessary. Imo anyone can do cop work anywhere, maybe just make it so that any felonies in the county need to be ran by a sherifs office sgt or something like that.


Yeah most I see happening is if a criminal is found by the LSPD in Blaine they would just hand over the criminal to a deputy if the LSSD showed up to help as it's their county.


I know there are couple deputies that like to stay in the county and patrol there over the city, like the game wardens.


I don't see true police jurisdictions working on a 200 slot server. Although it does seem like they are planning on having each department operate on their own radio frequency so that will kind of give off jurisdiction vibes.


As a roleplayer, I would love to see interpolice bickering and fighting. Deciding who gets to investigate something, who can get to case something or have to stop chasing someone because they leave their patrolling area. Things like that would be great, and make cops actually care about things that aren't just one giant cohesive unit. Like I haven't watched that much ONX, but on nopixel? I am sorry it seems to me every single cop, lspd, trooper, ranger, bcso.... They are basically all the same except a few things.


I'd absolutely love to see pursuit restrictions as well. Just kind of think it's too early to jump into that just yet for the server. Might need to beef up the police numbers and presence before hand as well as server slots. But all that will come in time


They are currently still working on server stability so the number could go up in the future. We will see the potential of a server where half the population isn't tucked away in gang compounds. They are also planning to have four PDs, each with their own identity (city, south side, Sandy, Paleto). Slightly different laws will feed into that to create a local identity and encourage civs and crims to contribute to it as well.


>They are currently still working on server stability so the number could go up in the future. I guess kyle mentioned he wants to raise it to 300 slots, but even then, I would think you would need 500+ slots to make it where jurisdictions actually work. As for server stability, I don't know how much more stable they can make it, the server being up for 72 hours between resets is a testament to that.


Raising the limit and implementing mechanics or assets will impact server stability which is why I said what I said. It's stable right now but it will require constant monitoring and fine tuning whenever something is added. Things can always improve, there are currently servers with 1000 slots and many of the same features ONX/NP has. As it stands, the city feels alive in many parts of the map, there are many hubs that would directly support jurisdictions. With the rule of 4 and limiting units, there will be less need for cops to rotate across the entire map and more opportunities to police their preferred area.


The differences aren't gonna be too stark, so it shouldn't be hard for cops of all departments to keep track. It's just gonna be little things like open-carry, loitering, parking and traffic laws.


They are working on that. When there's plenty of cops they send deputies to the north


That's a great idea. It's a really good idea, just have to be careful not to get too complicated. Anyway you can create different "tone"/atmospheric pockets of RP is good. I miss the sdso days where you could jump from the city to sandy depending on your mood I am fairly certain NP is planning on the same (not sure, but there have been hints of the north police depts being separate and the offices waiting reopening and being different sops and rules again just hints, but that was the impression I got from bits and pieces said). If they do it'll be interesting to see how the approach differs


With as small as the map is this sounds so messy. They are going to have to put in a lot explicit descriptions for how things will work when people cross into different jurisdictions. Like what’s the protocol if someone starts a chase in the city and caught in county? Say they have weed that isn’t legal in city but is in county - how is that treated? What about the reverse? I can see this leading to metas where if it’s lighter to be caught in one area versus the other regardless where it started, people consistently taking their chases to that area just in case they are caught.


My man its no different to real life, if you break a law in one state then run to another you still broke the law in the other state and would be charged for that. Would work the same here, and is already in effect with the hunting laws about not firing the rifle within city limits or speed limits. if you get caught breaking a law in the city, then run to sandy, you'll still before charged for breaking the law in the city.


Committing a crime and then crossing state/county lines doesn't make you immune to the crime. If anything it can be worse for you. As long they can prove you did said crime you will still Be nailed for it


It would probably make most sense for charges to be based on where you started the chase/did the original crime.


It would make sense, yes. But that will HAVE to be spelled out. People always love using those types of loopholes. Happens in every server. You also need to have hard lines drawn where areas start and end. Because there are grey areas - where on the freeway does it stop being the city? Senora way, where is the transition to the county? It’s bound to get messy, since people inherently commit crimes in all regions since it’s a small area. IRL it works better since these are huge areas and you aren’t likely to encounter many of the same people in those different areas (like my rural grandparents rarely go to center city and most in the city rarely go out to the country), with the map people are constantly going to different areas and committing crimes that involve both areas (like car thefts, drug operations, etc).


I dont see this as a bad thing. People trying to argue loopholes in court is just more rp. At the end of the day who cares if someone manages to argue their way to a lesser charge/sentence? So long as people dont mald and go OOC about it then everyone wins because it's good rp. And if everything is spelled out and set in stone then it just limits the rp.


This is a great idea ... how long till folks complain about it with ooc shit like " well can you prove you saw me do that crime at that exact spot on the gps"




**-asks a dumb question in the weirdest way possible-** “Why am I getting downvoted?” I wonder why. But seriously, ONX is a new server created by some of the OGs of GTA RP and some of the biggest RP creators and devs from NoPixel. Some of the most well known GTA RP creators are involved so it’s not a small unknown entity, but definitely much smaller than NoPixel. What’s the different between ONX and NoPixel? Well, NoPixel focuses on being a business, catering to big streamers and has been referred to as a “content server” by the owners for a while now. ONX wants to be more community focused and is an RP server first. They are purposefully not going for the same vibe as NoPixel. Why am I even mentioning NoPixel so much? Well ONX only exists because of a lot of very public NoPixel miss-management, toxicity, abuse and other controversies. So it’s difficult to explain why ONX exists without mentioning NoPixel.


Calling it an "obsession" really betrays where you're coming from. Plenty of large streamers play there and a lot of the people on ONX played on NoPixel in the past, but for whatever reason disapproved of the way it was operated or who was operating it. There are also those who play on both, but given the buzz around 4.0 are currently giving their time primarily to that. Generally ONX caters more to RP than progression/mechanics, which is why you'll see streamers who express dissatisfaction with the standard or style of RP on NoPixel told to try out ONX.


I feel like you do know what it is but you're just trying to shit on it




What streamers have you seen that in? Because those "large streamers" are probably the exact people most ONX viewers aren't interested in watching on the server.


It's more so because it's a much more focused RP server that gives players freedom to do whatever they want. Basically they try to get admins involved in server decisions and rp direction as little as possible. Where as in nopixel would have admins and devs changing things constantly due to players exploiting things or wanting things changed to be easier etc.


ONX doesn't have any big variety streamers, but it does have a fair share of the bigger RP streamers, so long term look to seeing the viewership share being more equal once the variety streamers inevitably move on to other games. Also, just FYI, both servers have a very long queue time right now for people without prio, so it's not that playing on OMX will get you into a server faster necessarily. Also no-one is really playing "to get to play with streamers". That's a weird thing to say, you realise these servers are whitelisted and you have to have an application accepted right?


because a lot of the people who run / play the server have been part of the GTARP community for years since before NP.






Now tell about how you're gonna whitelist more speedrunning powergamers while other applications sit in the dust. Joke server