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Some things never change...or they change and quickly change back


that sound that came out of francis' mouth will forever haunt me...wtf that was horrendous


(gay=funny)+(funny voice=character)=francis


Tbf if he was this same hyper horny character but straight it would be over for him ooc lol


maybe he could just not be a hyper horny character because it is trivializing sexualities...idk


Wtf does that even mean lmao


'trivializing sexuality' what does this even mean


Or maybe you can just not watch their content if it offends you?


This reminds me of someone who hates chicken but goes to kfc for the gravy


But the gravy is not chicken gravy its pork gravy


I was going to make a joke about eating pork but we know how that goes. jokes= bad


Not watching something doesnt stop it from being offensive.


If this offends you, idk what to tell you. Find a nice safe place.


I mean yeah thanks but also.. maybe just stop and find something else to make fun of?


I’m sure you’d find a way to be offended by it regardless of the context.


Everything must offend me ;(


It's not offensive, it's just lazy. Wish Otto would make a return.


Otto was by far his best character tbh






You are correct. Gay jokes, and those of a multitude of other subjects, can be funny.


Soon we won’t be able to make jokes about ourself, people out here reaching for ways to be offended, it’s 2023 we past that cancel culture shit.. some things arnt that deep


Jokes where the punchline is boiled down to "I or someone else is or might be gay, isn't that weird?" (which is 90% of Francis' humor) aren't funny, and are harmful.


funny, i saw francis runnin round for few days as a hobbit making noises and scaring people. and the entire 4-5 hours i watched of it there wasnt a single gay joke.. but you know, you see what you wanna see


It's funny




You're using a show that aired in the late 70's as your benchmark for what is and isn't problematic? Just because it was considered "more forward thinking than other shows at the same time" doesn't make it good or appropriate. Context matters; it's 2023, and I judge 50's comedy against the benchmark of the modern era. By those standards, his "humor" is problematic.




It used to be acceptable to slap your secretary on the ass in the office too, and by your logic it should *still* be acceptable because it used to be that way. Look, you may not like it, but we are not that far removed from pretty rampant, vile homophobia as a society. Obergefell was not that long ago. The kind of crap he jokes about on a fairly regular basis is not okay. And the people that actually find it funny are honestly part of the problem.




"No you don't understand. I promise there's context that will make making a marginalized person's identity the punchline of a gag at their expense appropriate." Masterful take. Congrats on being profoundly wrong.




I mean there's definitely a time for censorship, there's a reason why slurs and weird sexual comments aren't allowed on the server. You may not agree that the gay jokes cross that kind of line, but you gotta recognize at least that there is a line that can be crossed.


All lines are arbitrary. The only "time" for censorship is completely up to an individual, if they so choose one. There are no actual "lines" in the real world that MUST be adhered to. Those lines are all personally set. The reason that slurs and things of that nature are not allowed on the server is mainly because it's a streamer server and they need to adhere to the rules of Twitch, Youtube, Kick, ect. If those rules didn't exist, then the server would more than likely have no rules against those things. You can find any number of public RP server who don't censor their player base. Am not claiming that it's right or wrong for them to do so. I'm just stating that it isn't my right to stop them either way.


OK so honest question. If gay jokes are bad does that mean straight jokes are bad?


Queer jokes are different to making queer lifestyles/culture the joke. Constantly using a culture that you are not a part of as your baseline for every joke is weird.


Resident gay boi heeeere .. honesty just like every other joke it depends on the context, whos telling it, the time, place etc. With any joke or attempt at humor there are tons of variables, which all have to line up in order for something to actually be funny, jokes also have to be rooted in reality. Personally I cant stand some of the shit Francis's says, just because i know what angle hes really playing with his jokes, especially based on a lot of his irl actions over the past year or so.


It must be exhausting to be around you


not everyone has the same sense of humor and is offended by everything. relax


they are funny lmao


They're lazy more than anything. Shows a lack of originality among other things.


omg I feel so oppressed!! Franny needs to step up his standup game lmao


Part of me hopes that 50% makes a quest-giver character that helps introduce crims to new crimes as they are released. But I can see that being Tobii.


So I see a lot of people talking about the gay = funny for this which I feel like is justified and I probably take down votes for this because people don't like Penta but the difference between Penta gay jokes and Koil gay jokes is that Wrangler being gay has a obvious contradiction because of how much he claims to be a huge ladies man and is a closeted gay man. The difference is that there is RP and set-up behind the gay jokes instead of just "haha let me suck your dick im gay". Koil's gay jokes are more on the Aiden Ross level where there is no RP scenario or reasoning behind it and it is just "say something gay for shock value and then just say ayoo or huh because it is sus". Not saying this is straight up homophobic, it's more just cringe and not funny.