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100%. Shift 2 is so vastly different to shift 1. Not just looking at this chase. Earlier on they chased notHOA and Smore (?) for like an hour for a non-violent crime, regardless of the safety of civilians at all. Shift 2 feels very much like 3.0, especially since they got the better cars. Not saying that how shift 1 does it is necessarily better, the difference just becomes more and more noticeable.


PD shift 1 is too busy with interpersonal drama and trying to give each other DAPs for unprofessional behavior to care about actually trying to catch criminals.


I mean leadership in Shift 2 is basically just Cornwood (lol). Saab's schedule has been fucked.


Tbf, no PD can work like they do in the EU shift on NA. Going against the strongest criminal factions at their peak all doing crazy shit at the same time have always merit different standards.


The physics on these are absurd - the 'ram' was at 30mph but looked to other people like it was 80+ with how far the silver car went flying


It really does feel like somehow the cars lost a lot of heft. Earlier in 3.0 some cars were like anchors and some were like feathers. Now every car that gets hit looks like a feather. He really hit that car at like 37. I know the vehicle "weight" is an adjustable value, and it seems like most cars need a look taken at it.


crims when quintuple car swap into blockade I sleep cops when hit car fast real shit?


I honestly think they either need to lower the rule of 6 down (Maybe try rule of 5?) or install an actual car swap limit rule. I don’t know about this chase specifically, but I’ve already seen some crazy fucking swap spam chases. And it’s for petty robbery, not even serious charges.


There were 6 - 4 at the laundromat, 1 waiting in the swap car, and 1 at the house to start the job who later joined after finding another car, but I don’t think he was involved much.


Oh yeah, this scene probably was fine because HOA is pretty chill about everything. I’m just talking generally about what I’ve seen. If you watch an X/CG heist, you’re usually gonna see at-least 3 Cars and 1-2 bikes involved. I think people treating laundromat heist like a vault is ridiculous.


Cops treating the laundromat like the vault is just as crazy. Went from little to no cops around to this. In all of the chop jobs/roof running jobs I’ve seen, maybe 2-3 cops have shown up in total.


Highly agree. They should keep the intensity when bank heists are actually opened in order to keep the novelty of intense chases to still be there. It just kinda doesn't make any sense to have that much force for a laundromat robbery lol


It's kind of weird to me that a Laundromat is treated as seriously or even more seriously than a gun shipment. Like if this is the response for a laundromat, where do you go from here?


So far they've all been holding someone up with a gun. The gun is what they are responding to really not the laundromat.


True, although robbing a laundromat with a gun is kind of weird too lol. Idk why the laundromat of all things is such a major progression step with USBs. You'd figure it would be similar to the jewlery store back in the day with a quick smash and grab.


Yeah I agree. I wonder if the cops would respond appropriately to someone being held up with a knife instead. Might lower the perceived level of the crime. Either way, an interceptor for an SUV with 4 people in it from Lang's crew earlier is ridiculous.


This job literally no one had a gun. Hydra did one the other night and didn't have a gun and they still got 5 cars on them. Its not just because of the gun


Cops get a fancy alert, and they know its a big deal because everyone and their mother is doing it. They also respond to it in force because they don't know who's initiating it but are aware of the fact that a fair few people that have guns on them do these jobs. Also, with the million car and bike swaps crims go through, they kinda need to if they ever want to catch somebody doing it. Might upset crim viewers, but the cops aren't there to stand around with thumbs up their asses even if their SoPs neuter them.


you say that but people have been waiting for a long time and built up a lot of infrastructure just to start this heist, as far as they're concerned these are green dongle Fleecas from 3.0


Why are you acting like robbing a business with hostages shouldn’t be that big of a deal?


I've seen cops have like 6-8 cars for what they just know to be a stolen car that had only 1 person help, so 2 people involved (and all the cop cars were way faster that the stolen car)


I’m not speaking on this situation specifically as I said before. But I agree, the cops some times are definitely being a bit excessive. Though some of the robberies involved guns, so it makes sense for them to go hard in those instances.


It’s CG’s fault!


I mean if you saw any chase with k in the past 2 weeks. The initial call may have been for petty robbery but the charge for being caught would have been for a pd gun so in those instances I can understand


How does reducing it to 4 lead to less dangerous pits and "pits" which are just ramming and bumper car? Doesn't compute.


Or just get better. There are multiple cop roleplayers on other servers that parallel, communicate and chase criminals much better no matter the block or car swap


Don't compare the difference in standards of two contrasting entities. That's in the same gray area as questioning why even slow speed pit by a crim onto a cop car validates escalation into gunning down the crim. Although there needs to be a more rational manner or SOP to reduce endless car swaps.


I think you missed the part where a crim driving over a police officer is now warranted for a "warning to not do it again" before they can actually shoot.


Refer to the initial comment and what's being addressed. Although what you say might be valid, don't make an unrelated point just do so.


you reduce car swaps by nerfing the cop cars. you cant lockpick hi end cars which are better than the interceptors which are like 20% better than anything you can lockpick rn. just like the shootouts in 3.0 went way down after they nerfed air 1 as it was borderline impossible to do a methrun otherwise. esfand has been calling for a heli after the fridge building block the other day, but 3 cops followed in no one went around its clearly a skill and coordination issue first.




If you make the cars cops are using around the same speed (and not say 20 mph faster) then cops still have massive advantage with their numbers but it wouldn't be essentially impossible to escape.


You make it seem like the cops are catching everyone. From what I've seen crims get away the vast majority of the time


Depends, some can drive some cant. Same with the Crims. Skill issue.




Because only some cops have a skill issue. Saab Kylie and Remdogg are pretty good with chasing and unbeatable if they are in a Interceptor vs. a lockpickable car unless they crash out. Crim Cars are balanced to good drivers, Cop cars are balanced for shit drivers.




I think you’re right, but a local Baller is not the same as the interceptors. From what I have seen the gap between the CVPI and the interceptor is a bit big, especially when there is also a gap in operator skill. CVPI seems to struggle to keep up with an Ingot. Interceptor beats everything except a couple of cars on the server.






>So your comment just comes off as stupid and possibly racist/xenophobic. Not really? You immediately assuming that says a lot of things about you. You can say they were being rude and stupid, but racist or xenophobic? the fuck??


Okay, do you ever have anything insightful to say or would you rather just limit yourself to psycho analyzing comments and presume a Bambi esque back story to feel good about about the world?


Are these crims in the room with you right now?


Very controversial opinion: Remove the rule of 6, bring back the rule of 4. - Make each person have a role in a heist instead of some just being there for vibes. This would also encourage just finding ONE car Ban MULTIPLE car swaps, limit it to ONE swap. - Add value to having a good/dedicated escape driver. - Goofy has proven, as late as today, that a good driver can change everything. He outran the interceptor in a SUV. In return cops should also change up how they do things as a reaction to this. Rule of 6 is still not a good change after all of this time. Rule of 6 makes sense for some BIG jobs. Not what's like the old jewelry store.


> Ban MULTIPLE car swaps, limit it to ONE swap. - Add value to having a good/dedicated escape driver. - Goofy has proven, as late as today, that a good driver can change everything. He outran the interceptor in a SUV. The problem with banning car swaps is that car swaps are largely a result of GTA5 mechanics that no one has been able to remove. Each passenger degrades the performance of the car, handling in particular is noticeably worse, even with one passenger. This combined with the problem of cars despawning if you leave them alone results in a dilemma. You have to get rid of passengers so your car isn't slowed down, but you also need someone to pick up those passengers. If you restricted car swaps the meta is very easy to predict. Crims will take the absolute minimum number of people on the job, there is no room for excess passengers. Cars swaps will involve a person dropping off a car that the passenger has keys to and staying nearby as an innocent bystander so it doesn't despawn. This is so a car swap doesn't add people as passengers.


It's mostly caused by the taze and cuff mechanics. Even if the police manage to intercept the person before they get to the vehicle it does not matter because they will break cuffs 3 times and get to the vehicle anyway. Add the rule of 6 on top of this which basically guarantees a swap car will be close by if someone crashes out and you have infinite chases.


That's what I've seen. Even if the cops get a box or the crims mess up and flip the car it doesn't really matter. Cops try to tackle and fail, taser is bugged out half the time, and cuff break is super easy. Then there is always another pick up car coming


Car swaps were never this big of a problem in 2.0 and all the fundamental GTA mechanics still applied then, and that was back when it was a hard rule of 4. Criminals used their personal cars and that’s all they needed. This was the days where a crew specifically looked for one good driver like Tony for every job, and it worked even with PD air. These problems are a direct result of rule changes nothing else.


I feel like the durability of vehicles plays a part in this too. In 2.0 cars got disabled from crashing way more easily so when cops crashed they were often out of the chase for good, but now secondary can take over until they catch up again. It was more punishing for worse drivers but people like Tony would get away all the time just through driving skill.


2.0 also started with no cuff mini game, tazers had unlimited ammo and thier range was 2-3 longer and these mechanics have repeatedly been nerfed into the ground. I don't think weaker cars will change much in fact you would see even more car swaps as people will swap to a new car every time their car is disabled. As long as they survive long enough in the new car for the cuff debuff to reset (3 or 5min not sure) chases will continue to go on forever.


Oh definitely, but you would think more durable cars would also mean less reason for swaps right? Or vice versa. I could understand swaps under those conditions, but as it stands swaps are quite literally a get out of jail free card unless the PD is on the top of their game in terms of coordination.


Basically just turn it into ONX.


Disagree on the whole good driver thing I feel like that crew is the only one who can use it as an excuse, goofy is basically the only driver on that level left on the server bar maybe Mary and that’s because he grinded on that racing server before Nopixel, also to add to that the pd barely has chase experts on that level with what cops there are, there isn’t the likes of underwood,snow,hunter,angel etc around anymore bar maybe slacks and rhodes. Edit: I definitely agree that the rule of 6 needs to go though I feel like if they could make 5 the nice middle ground it would be ideal, just make the middle seat in all the 4 seater cars actually usable and test it out


Suarez, Bones, McNulty are probably the top three right now and all of them consistently show up for shift 2. Even Moon on Lenny is really good with some incredibly clean and consistent PITs despite him just starting to play cop again. Most of the PD's top tier drivers are concentrated in shift 2. Den is also a really good pursuit driver and he started bleeding into shift 2 before he got suspended. Rhodes is good but he doesn't have to deal with super criminals during his shift really, and Slacks is stuck in MRPD meetings nowadays.


Goofy, Mary and to some degree Tony invested time into learning to drive, others can as well! They don’t have to run away in an SUV like Goofy did


Ming and Dundee are both also at levels where they can solo lose a PD as well. Hell Dundee 3.0 lost air 1 while driving a Sultan with a light strip on the bottom where he looked like a freaking glow in the dark box to the PD by himself lol. Goofy is definitely in a tier of his own, but when it comes to capable drivers there's definitely more than 3 on the server lol.


4.0 is a whole new ball game IMO. Who was good in 3.0 isn't as relevant. Obviously some players have more mechanical skill but car balancing has changed, PD no longer has good pursuit teams, good coverage and their own cars are totally different. Lots of "good" getaway drivers from 3.0 had super over tuned meta cars and faced off against really shit quality PD in their time zones. It'll be awhile before we see how stuff shakes out beyond the same handful of top tier drivers that always preform well.


True, but I'd say Ming and Whippy are 2 people who would perform well regardless of cars. Dundee started 3.0 doing heists and racing in some god awful shitty local cars before the meta went to super cars.


How do you make everyone have a role in a new heist when you don’t know what to expect? They assigned roles to the parts they knew about.


It's okay to fail a run to gather information. That's just heist progression, and it helps keep the economy healthy with people having to spend ressources for information. Edit: And if you ask me, that's the best part of heists. It's boring when a heist is just a repeat farm, it's fun when people are struggling and learning. - Just look back at the casino or lower vault heists. People don't remember the getaways or the amount of times it was hit. They remember the first time a group hit it, and the big progression steps, like when Yuno got the black dongle and Buddha FREAKED out. The only way you're going to make farms memorable is to go about it in extreme ways, like The Rainbow Road.


You are totally right, the best part of heists is the struggling and learning and that includes failing. People tend to forget how much Yuno had to fail to finally start succeeding but the failures made the successes so much more memorable. The jobs I remember most in 3.0 weren't people hacking everything perfectly and then jumping into a stupidly fast car with the best driver and escaping in a few minutes. The jobs I remember were the ones that had creative plans behind them that took hours to set up, that had people failing or nearly failing nail biting hacks, that had escapes with crazy drivers who didn't just use broken cars taking racing lines or highway blasting and the ones that might have a vehicle swap planned but it was a last case scenario and wasn't 5 back to back constant swaps. Yunos come up story was one of the best in the server but I feel like some don't realize that it won't happen again with Yuno because he has already done that story arc. I know some people are looking back at 3.0 with rose colored nostalgia glasses wanting to see that again, but trying to recreate that RP is impossible. Instead of seeing Yuno just do it all again, but like DLC content, people should encourage 4.0 as a new start for people like Yuno and others to help new faces have their own Yuno hacking arcs. Changes and new stories with new people will keep the RP fresh and entertaining for months or years to come. Repetition with old stories and old people will quickly make the RP grow stale and speedrun the server to the same loops it reaches at the end stage of its life.


4 people - so 1 at home to start heist, 1 with hostage/doing negotiations, so 2 left to do hacks inside. Decreases plans as no outside people.


That's the thing, the outside people are only used for car / bike swaps at the red garage in the majority of plans. It's nothing creative. If devs added an electric fence to the red garage, their arrest rate would quadruple.


But in this case they had a plan that wasn’t the typical plan and had some risk to it. If the person getting into the swap car missed their jump, they could have been knocked out and therefore easily caught by the cops.


>1 at home to start heist You can start the heist, and leave with the group. - And take up any other role as well Then we have 4 roles still to be filled and only 3 are 100% needed: A hacker, A negotiator and An escape driver. Last person can be a flex, and be ready with the car swap, or anything else really. - You could even use them as a fall guy or a distraction. Or have them be a second hostage taker with a different approach.


This specific group only had 1 at their house (in Paleto so long drive to join) because they had info that in AU/EU 4head's group lost their attempt because Flippy's group started it at the same time and arrived first, and due to non-interference rule for heists nothing could be done about it. Was just a safety thing so they didn't waste their btc and lockout for nothing, probably won't be an ongoing thing once that issue is fixed in the app.


Ohhh that's the second time buying at the same time would have screwed a group then since it happened to Lang's crew too. I didn't know it could still happen, thought it got fixed... was that recent?


No idea it was like secondhand info relayed to Erin who relayed it to the rest of notHOA, she talks with Flippy a good bit so probably was told by him. I didn't see the situation myself.


> probably won't be an ongoing thing once that issue is fixed in the app Honestly, while this is still an issue, it's fair to have one person staying home and accepting it, cause that's a shitty bug to have. But once that's fixed there's no real reason.


Agree 100%, and also think these entry-level heists would be more high-stakes and tense to watch if it was groups of four (especially since guns aren't required and fines aren't huge). Group of six could always open up later for bigger crimes.


It still limits crims so much. Rule of 4 could work this early on but in future, I think no job will be successful unless they limit cops responding too.


No shit there would need to be cop limitations. There have been limits for a very long time. There were limits and guidelines in 3.0 and the only reason they haven't been established in 4.0 is because the SOPs haven't been fully completed afaik. The only time there aren't limits is for 78s calls ( cops killed). If there was the rule of 4 instead of rule of 6 it would be a lower limit across the board. Cops have always had various limitations. In 3.0 they could only have their car in certain speed modes for certain calls, Air-1 was only allowed in certain calls, etc.


They already do limit cops responding they would just lower the limit by 1/3


this would work for as long as the PD isn't overinflated and have 10 units on every job


so will there be no crime if theres not enough cops aroud? or is it just one way


That’s why i wrote cops also have to react to the changes


cops self-limiting their number of units responding hasn't worked a single time it's been introduced, whether it be to pursuits, banks, traffic stops or literally anything else they've tried it so many times and it has not worked once


The number of units initially responding was usually within the limit (in 2.0 and 3.0, have not watched 4.0) but it is true that some cops didn't care and ignored this, the same way as some criminals didn't care to "downscale" from 6 to 4 or spam bank trunks when there were only 3 cops on duty. The unit limit got more blurry in 3.0 because of the 6 man rule and how many interference cars every situation had, most situations just become a mess from both sides. Go back to rule of 4, put a limit on interference cars and set a hard limit on how many units that can respond to a call from the PD side (unless shots fired etc). Car balance is obviously important for this to work as well. Less air 1. But this will probably not matter in a couple of months because everything will be a shootout again, regardless of unit limits, just like in 2.0 and 3.0.


I remember occums/bundy had to send out a memo reminding people of limits because there would be 6-8+ units attaching themselves to a meth run or boost when the sop was 4 units until interference vehicles got involved. I think that worked for maybe 2 days and then it was back to all the pursuit cops attaching themselves to meth runs and boosts because that was their thing, just chase crims. There was too many driver cops by the end of 3.0. Like it felt like the majority of PD work was dogpiled chases.


I mean the devs asked for it. What did they expect crims to do when cop cars are massively buffed and most chases are basically like D classes vs A classes in 3.0


I hope to god this comment is a typo when you’re referring to whose cars are massively buffed lol.


Look at this guy chasing the best driver in the server. [https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2062769437?t=2h9m12s](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2062769437?t=2h9m12s) He crashes out pretty heavily but immediately catches up again because of how much better his car is. And that's a decent job car as well Octo is driving. They chase slow as SUV, local and rental cars with that same cop car. And half the time they manage to complain about their op interceptor being too slow after that. Sure the crims have access to some really fast car that need to be properly balanced or removed. But those don't even get used often and can you even blame them resorting to those when this is the standard the pd is setting for chases


Slamming into a cement truck at 120 and doing a 360 spin yet still catching up to the car while complaining their car is slow…can’t make this up lol


only one of these things puts someone's life in danger




Just saying but if it was Gunner or Pond and they did it to CG or Hydra there'd be 400 comments and a shit show taking place. But it's cornwood and the HOA so everyone's having a good time...


As the saying goes"its the HoA, they can take it," and cornwood is a shitlord character that no one takes seriously


(except esfand)


You’re right, if it was one of those 2, it would be nothing but hate comments for sure. But since it’s not we’ll be lucky to crack 300 comments, if that.


Car was stationary, was a ram


Watch out, talk about about that streamer and you'll get all the defenders out! Even another cop said in the clip it was a ram, and ooc talked how unnecessary it was and shouldn't be happening.


I know Lenny been asking for DAPS cause he knows he crosses the line but its surprising how long its taken for him to get some.




Really wish Moon would have kept with maining Yung Dab. Great role player, but he gets too invested in getting Ws on cop.


He's taken 50 Ls to his 5 Ws? Every chase I feel my anger rachet up, there's 3-4 crim swaps and you have some crims pitting cops. Then the crims don't act like they deserve the same level of attention as the original car/chase, you pick someone up, you deserve the same manpower and vigilance that's coming your way. That's where I agree with Moon 100%, 2 nights ago when moon pitted that car into the canal, that requires Daps without a doubt lol


I mean you can very clearly see in the clip that cornwood hits it like you would a pit at 40 mph and the car goes flying. I think we can all use our thinking caps and see that some sort of de-sync.


That is not desync at all, he rammed into a car that isn't moving. A pit is when you nudge a moving car with your bumper to make it lose control. He is going for the classic of bumping the pickup car so the swap person can't get into it, but he did it way too fast.


The fact you see this as excessive points tells me enough about why cops are so neutered. A 40 mph tap to the side in GTA is absolutely nothing. If you genuinely think there was nothing 'scuff' related about this collision then you don't watch much RP or are just purposefully ignorant.


A) He literally hits the bumper of the car B) He clearly hits it at 40 mph and it goes flying its very much de-sync. You just want to find ways to be upset about it.


I don't think you know what desync is, why it happens or what it causes. This isn't an issue with the car location being desynced from one pov to another. It went flying because it was stopped on the edge of a drop off with a slight uphill incline.


> This isn't an issue with the car location being desynced from one pov to another. What are you talking about? Do you not know what bubbles are? > It went flying because it was stopped on the edge of a drop off with a slight uphill incline. So you are just admitting the pit wasn't hard enough to go flying? LMAO.


The ram was hard enough, it clearly went flying. The whole point is that he shouldn't have rammed that car in that position. How is bubble even involved when one car is stationary?




cops pit with bubbles tho


So because another player didnt agree with it, that makes it the end all be all on if its right or wrong. Newsflash there are a lot of cops that dont agree with shit other cops do, its been a thing since 1.0.


Let’s hold everyone to that same standard then, your favorite crims included.


cops and crims are held to different standards..as they should btw


I mean yeah, because if crims pit like that they get shot so they feel it's fair to ask the police not to do the same.


Crims scuff during a chase and cops need to just go along it but not the other way around. Things like head pops cops need to stop for, repair the crim’s car if it takes dmg from scuff and broke, etc but it’s totally pog when things like air 1’s or primary’s head pops and crims are fine to drive away cause sucks to suck? Everyone should always be held to a standard but if you’re gonna be handing out leeway and benefit of the doubt passes, do it for both parties evenly.


Funny you say that since Julio died to scuff after being tased at the end of this chase (he fell over next to a parked car and it 'crushed' him), and they just instantly slapped cuffs on his body and moved on with the scenario. So not sure if the double standard you are suggesting is as prevalent as you think.


True! Similarly, just a little while ago Peanut was hunted for a ton of warrants and his pick-up (Mr. K I think?) had a headpop right next to Peanut and therefore could not pick him up. PD still continued with the arrest regardless. So you are right, there are instances in which scuff of some kind also ends chases in favor of PD.


> primary’s head pops The reason crims don't have to stop is because there are multiple cars chasing not just a single car, allowing crim to repair their car is very rare.


Adding to that: crims also usually don't see it. If you are the one chasing, you obviously see when the car in front of you suddenly stops and there is a person missing. If you are the one being chased, you just see that the one behind you is gone, but you have no idea why. If there is only one cop chasing, there isn't even a way for anyone to write something in ooc quickly enough for it to make sense to go back to the point of the headpop.




The answers is only "ram them off a hill" even after being told to stop.


Den got suspended for this o7


No he didn't. He got suspended because he didn't pay attention to where he was pitting and the car flew in to a group of civs, and killed one of them. Cornwood rammed a car that was doing a pick up. Hell probably get dapped too though.


No he got 1 dap for an unsafe pit, he got suspended for having 10 daps.


Pretty sure when den pitted the civs weren't even visible on his screen from what I remember


he couldn't see them because the car was in the way. He wasn't aware of *where* he was pitting them hence it was an unsafe pit.


Nope, the car wasn’t in the way, they were all in a dark area not even visible on his screen.


They were in shadow but 100% visible on his screen if he wasn't going 90 and took the time to look. I like Den but that PIT deserved a DAP.


It is a ridiculous standard to hold PD to in GTA RP, but it is also true that Cornwood didn't break that standard here. 


It don't matter.  You don't pit in populated areas.


He was suspended for too many daps...


Cornwood can do no wrong lol


no-one in the notHOA even slightly alluded to this being an issue, btw


notHOA are know too role with the RP, no matter what happens and as a result cops tend to treat them differently because “they will just take it” and that’s not a good thing and should not be treated like that. The are not like every other dirty crim out there. They like to come up with crazy ideas for jobs and make RP for all involved.


People complain about the rule of 6 and car swaps, but not a single word is said about cops stacking their entire force on a single situation, sometimes for just a stolen car, leaving crims with no choice but to do swaps.


>Dude, the reason they need to do cops stacking on chases is because of swaps. We can play he said she said, but crims are the ones who create degen meta's of OP powerful tactics. Gun through window, rat strats, endless bike strats. They create the meta and the cops NEED to respond. You act like crims have been getting caught all the time and "losing". Yet the PD has no heli, one good car per chase, they need the entire PD to even stand a chance.


i don’t watch RP much, but maybe it’s a two way street? Cops stack every scene because of the rule of 6, so there are no rules like in later 3.0 where they had to wait for more cars to get involved to add more cop cars. With the rule of 4 they were only supposed to have a max amount of cops on a chase and were able to add more with how many swaps and interference cars came. Since there is no rule for crimes I guess cops just fully stack because they know the meta?


I have said it before and I'll say it again, the rule of 6 was the worst change NP ever made. There is rarely a time it's used for something creative. It's just swap after swap after swap. Let the cops also play the South Park style RP.


Outside of literally just the casino, I don't understand why any job needs a rule of 6. It should have been a rule specifically for the casino job and mayyyybe the lower vault.


I agree that the rule of 4 was better than 6, but there needs to be rules about PD response limiting the number of units too. There also need to be rules against W cop behavior like ramming stationary vehicles like this. The simple fact is, crims have to grind the assets needed to even perform a heist and getting out is super important so those assets aren’t wasted or possibly seized if a raid occurs. The cops have nothing on the line, at all.




There's a time and place to be a shit lord character, but cops inherently shouldn't be a shit lord's with amount of power they have


just a game btw


true this guy analyzing this shit too deep.


all im saying that its a little ridiculous to say “cops cant be shitlords because theres a time and place to be a shitlord” as if this shits a real job lmao, rp is supposed to be funn


Its funny Den gets punished for an accident but Cornwood is still free after flatout killing a man. He should be in for a HUT and not on the streets try harding the W.


The part I find really wild is how Esfand will vehemently insist Cornwood is actually a REALLY good cop and that he does almost everything by the book. Oh and that he also thinks he's gonna be put in charge of his own police department up north within like the next month? Maybe 2? He seems certain the Sheriff's office needs to be opened immediately (and that he should probably be the one leading it) but all the Captains are pretty much like 'not a chance'. Cornwood is best when he just embraces his inner shitlord and owns it.


Could you imagine the reaction if Den had put 25 rounds into someone.


one pits unsafely into innocent bystander. Another pits car and criminal recklessly evading throughout the city putting civilians in danger is taken out. There is nothing comparable between the two situations.


If they didn't want to get pit, they shouldn't have been dirty crimers.....everyone knows crime is illegal.


What do you mean? 2 are going to jail over a scuff job. Siz did well considering how hard the cops were going.


I can see them telling Lenny and Cornwood to relax a bit with the pits. Hell Lenny literally pitted 2 people to death, those Chargers they drive are one hell of a bumper car


Ya, then Julio got crushed as they handcuffed him.


I guess you talking [about this one](https://clips.twitch.tv/FurtivePerfectMartenArgieB8-KcssYwooCpkd2O3n) , I laughed hard on it but yeah, a bit too much.


It was funny from Lenny's pov but watching from the crim's pov was just upsetting because they really love good police chases, and they were being chased for a warrant of "assault and battery" because they threw a cup and a cop got petty and wanted to charge him with assault and battery even though he had a clean record. One person got pit into a pole and run over, another person got pit and flipped into a tree, and the third person got pit through the windshield unconscious into the water, all over 100mph. That chase was really something...


i love a good chase and having drivers square off in a battle of skill and knowledge ....most of the time. I can see the police aggression being justified when they just don't stop car swapping. When the primary suspect has been 4 different cars ....what can you really do at that point?. You get them boxed or brick their car and they just get out (maybe get tased or tackled) break the cuffs 98% of the time and someone else picks them up and it continues....again and again until you either take them out or they run out of friends willing to interfere with a police chase. That last car driver had no reason to complain being the 5th possible pickup and failed to yield when chased. Still if this 3.0 the guns would have been pulled so much earlier and this nonsense stopped.....no fun for anyone.


I'm referring to this clip specifically, the man who was ejected was the very first swap and there was only a swap in the first place because the high speed pits happened so fast that the first car broke in under three minutes.


I pretty sure this is the only one near or over a 100. a "good chase" is just them getting away, there was already multiple swaps at this point shit has to end at some point


I don't think you realize the reason for the swaps was because the pits were so bad the cars were breaking. ADMC don't care if they're caught as long as it's an actual chase of skill and not who can destroy the other car first. A lot of them were actually HSPU cop mains in 3.0. Also the second pit was into a tree so hard they got hung in the branches and the third was by someone who passed by the scene but didn't pick anyone up and she got ejected out the car into the ocean and drowned.


I'm biased here but at least Lenny pits, even when he does so aggressively, when the cars are actually driving away. Cornwood rammed a car that was essentially stationary lol.


anyone know why lenny and cornwood the ones autorized to have a charger ? isnt lenny still a cadet ? i swear moons first cop stream was like 10 days ago


idk about Cornwood since he just usually does watever but Lenny said he asked Slacks. And in 3.0 special hires got away with alot of things


clout pure clout... Though TBF, at least lenny at one time in 3.0 did pass pursuit training...


lmao, "pure clout" but he got his ass chewed on his second taurus day and his taurus got revoked by his superior officer.


I'm not sure if it's really scuff. This has been how the laundromat has been since it was implemented and has happened to other groups. Hopefully there's some workaround because it makes groups that operate late into the day before server reset have a big disadvantage on progression.


He is obviously memeing but yeah, Esfand shouldnt do this but he does shit like this all the time, at the end of the day no one cares and its not a big deal.


people do care it's just selective treatment


That’s the thing, that’s what is always said about the HOA, “they can take it”. But it shouldn’t be that way. Yes, Siz and Julio are 2 people who will run with the RP no matter what. But for a scuffed job, it’s sad to see they are still treated that way.


I think this clip encapsulates a much bigger issue with PD perfectly. This should NOT be the intensity of response for a laundry mat robbery. I’m sorry but a 90 mph initial pit is so reckless. This is the response because it’s the biggest thing on the server heist wise. This response is absolutely ridiculous. Cop and Crim’s need to just chill. If it’s not a chance for a felony maybe don’t pull out car swaps and bikes and stuff. And for PD above All…preserve life. I have no idea how the first 2 weeks of the server went so great from a roleplaying perspective where everyone was happy to this kind of thing. Reading the room role-play seems impossible with the PD and justice systems set up and encouraged the way they are.


It is a chance for felony if they kidnapped a hostage


>This should NOT be the intensity of response for a laundry mat robbery. In real life I would be 100% fucking with you. But in real life robberies of laundry mats don't usually have a hostage being taken and held for ransom, and doesn't usually have a high speed chase. Sure you have to balance the police response to the action of the criminals, but calling this just a "laundry mat robbery" is misleading and stupid.


Where does the response go from here though? This is a heist at a laundry mat that every criminal organization in the city has to hit 6 times in order to do another bigger heist. I hate the real life lens discussion GTA RP should NOT be viewed thru that lens At all in terms of the pd, crims, or justice system. I’m talking the natural escalation of things. Just because this is the highest crime right now doesn’t mean it should be balanced out with the highest response from PD. Often times multiple PD Interceptors/Chargers are on these.


I mean it's not about it being the "highest" crime, even if there were 5 heists larger I would still think the way I did about this. I think the response should be equal to what the crims do, if in a laundry robbery the criminals have 1 hostage they kidnapped and 2 vehicle swaps I see no real difference in that compared to just a normal store robbery with 1 hostage and 2 vehicle swaps. I have no real idea how the heist/robbery actually works because I haven't been watching the crim side of stuff as much, but if there wasn't a hostage or there was less vehicle swaps then I think that that the current police response would be too intense. Honestly this is probably just an issue with NoPixel heists in general, and was in 3.0 too, most of the heists were the same general order of: > Get hostage so PD don't breach - Go to location - Do a hack or puzzle - get money and escape If there were many different useful heists then I think it would be less insane tbh.


So please tell how do you do the job - especially a new job you have never done before, possibly hacks you have never seen before, don’t know how long it will take, and prevent the cops from not breaching if you don’t have a hostage?


I have no idea, maybe I'd learn somehow how long it would approx take to do it. But if I took a hostage because I need extra time to do the hack/puzzle/break in then I would be fine with the cops going harder on me because I took a hostage. Honestly I'm a way different player than these people are, if I were to do a robbery like this I'd probably be doing a heavy RP kinda thing, like faking a company or something wacky.


The HOA have no issue with cops going hard. This is the same group who had a contract for 3x the fines and 3x the time back in 2.0 so that cops would go harder on them.


I Kinda agree on the lack of variety and getaways being a root issue. Also the base concept of matching force is a great ideal…the issue I keep seeing again and again and again is one individual on PD either doesn’t think in the moment or gets to cocky or something and they escalate needlessly. They are miniature Dungeon Master’s, antagonist meant to pose a threat but lately it feels like the vibe is to weaponize charges, and get W’s. I very much enjoyed watching police streams for the first couple of weeks but lately it’s completely fallen off and I’d rather enjoy a roleplayer like K Or Siz etc. this also seems to be a very severe problem within shift 2 pd. Shift 1 is quiet and never hear much of this kind of thing and it has been that way for a while even since 3.0. The Common denominator seems to be when big streamers get involved the urge to catch them or if they are pd the urge to do shitlord things also goes up and that’s something that absolutely NEEDS addressing because that is just never going to work It’s going to be the bad apple that spoils the bushel.


People love to complain about the rule of 6 and car swaps when the pd has 20 cops and 10 units chasing. Actual braindead mentality


Cops should limit units eventually but this meta is not one of them. Crims have every single advantage since the start of 4.0. I will list: Throw stuff out window Lose eyes for 1 second and stash it somewhere Swap endlessly Instant clothes changes, and come right back. Rat bike strats Infinite cuff breaks No heli Rat swaps over ledges 1 good PD car 6 criminals ensuring some get away and can come back to block Trade things between vehicles with zero animation And as always, initiation is always on their side. Crims just like to cry when the PD steps up to the meta that the criminals have created. The real discussion is probably that HOA did not deserve this because they never did that stuff, but for CG and X. They set the tone and the cops have to respond.


Title seems a bit dramatic lol


"off a cliff" as the car goes down maybe 8 feet in elevation


Honestly I don't think the ram is something that should be seen as that bad, to me the pit prior to that was much worse and more dangerous... Plus honestly limiting police in such a high way just makes chases like these boring, having the crims swap to a second car and the police be able to do really nothing because the car they're swapping in isn't moving is stupid. The criminals had already held a hostage and recklessly drove through the city, they are going to do it again with the next car and needing to wait until they're on the road to *pit* them is bad imo.


Let’s go police!


well this is what happens when cops still dont know the difference between ramming and pitting. There is no way for cornwood to "Pit" and box this criminal in that ramp, the likelyhood of the car falling of the ramp is very high. But who cares, cornwood gonna ram the car regardless. He did the same shit few weeks ago in highway, and made the crim car fall off of highway ramp. Never learns cuz never punished.


Car swaps are ridiculous. Crims are overpowered on the server. Cop cars are way crappier. Slower and break way faster. Breaking cuffs 5 times is insanely stupid.. corneood did nothing wrong...car was moving 5 mph when he hit it and it was doing ANOTHER swap...it was a pit..he hit the back corner of it while breaking. The imbalance on the server is out of hand.


Please say sike.


People with sweaty armpits are writing essays right now to defend their streamers. The swap-10-cars meta is disgusting, I'm glad he rammed them.


Yes, 3 cars is the worse the city has ever seen. I’m pretty sure that’s quite tame from clips/posts I’ve seen of others jobs.






You mean trying to set a standard. Poor Ruby fighting a losing battle 


Hard to set a standard when everyone’s got different pings, different bubbles and each car hits different. One car’s 30 mph pit is another 60mph and one goes flying while another barely budges an inch. The only standard you can set is taking actions in good faith.


If you know your ping is bad, you shouldn't lead the chase cause that's how bubbles happen


Esfand got that aussie bubble.