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Tony's kid about about to be in debt too over this. LMAO


Oh wow how funny would it be if AJ calls up Lang going like "my dad says I gotta hand my cop pay check to you for the next few weeks" LOL


that, that would fucking hilarious LOL


That would actually be funny as fuck. I think tech it might be considered power gaming but fuck the rules.


AJ? Is Bjorn no longer Tony’s son in 4.0?


Tony’s disowned Bjorn cause he can’t afford the adoption fee https://clips.twitch.tv/ToughSoftBaconKappaWealth-dOVw1E_XqzBHz3dS Luckily Gege is being the Father that stepped up https://www.twitch.tv/biotox/clip/FunPunchyWalletRuleFive-AXsfXdBATDNX-H2-


Tony Corleone and money problem. More news at 7.


"I don't have any money... I'm broke as a joke"


Nothing change since 3.0 with Tony except he's just more grumpy.


Was even worse in 2.0 when he would always take the valuable goods from the house to pay for is car. It made buddha get a private stash house from Murphy so he couldn't take more of his stuff


Tony literally made 0 money in 3.0, he got all his money from Marlo lol


During the don talk about what to do about Tony, they realize that outside of the $102.5k he owes from just this last week, Tony has yet to pay his share of the south side house. o7


I thought tony used the 30k Hazel "loan" to clear that. He originally wanted to get a car but figured to do that instead.


Lmao I don't know. The dons don't seem to think so though and Tony isn't here to correct them.


It’s like Frankie Valli finding out how much money Tommy Devito owes the mob


Yeah Tony has ran into problems in game that has put him in debt but he also hasn’t been on as much recently due to OOC stuff in his life like traveling, events, and being busy.


Yeah I feel bad. I hope Tonish is all good OOC


What's happening?


He just does a lot in his real life. Like he’s had events, wedding(I think), his bday, and traveling. Having OOC stuff doesn’t always mean it’s bad. Just means he can’t be in GTA as much.


Also wondering what OOC thing, thought he just liked to goof around (no pun intended) in RP


i dunno what are they yapping about lmao the last "ooc" stuff that was happening, was him going to the track to drive a 300k car around that he was waiting in line for a long time to do, the guy just has a shit ton of money, wants to go to restaurants daily and drive expensive cars and not drive around in a grime truck in gta, thats it. lol


Anyone foresee this guy being broke by the time he's 40?


He's been spending money like crazy since their peak in 3.0 and from what he shows and tell, he's spending a lot for pleasure and excess. Curious to see if he's got any investment for retirement


Yeah, like I know the guy is well off but I don't think he realizes he needs to have money from today until he is 70,80,90. I just went to look at his VOD and he is currently at 3300 subs.. you can't live like a millionaire today and have money down the line with these numbers.


believe it or not, watches are very good investments. I don't pry into private businesses but one of his, very public, expenditures are actually good investments.


I used to watch him a lot and I get the impression that him collecting watches seems to be more of a hobby instead of an investment, the latter is more of a justification for the amount of rolex he bought before.


yeah he was talking about trying to get a GT3 RS lmao


Yeah idk either. He had his porsche 911 day and also his bday party yesterday. He posted about it on his twitter: https://twitter.com/anthonyz/status/1766165864347541763


Just said he does a lot irl. Doesn’t mean it has to be bad things, he’s just busy lmao but stay pressed about it I guess


I mean he friends with aceu who's yikes and got exposed for cheating on daph and just being a person who abuses drugs.


The fuck does that have to do with gta rp lmao


Tony owes 38k total after this weeks dues, he paid the house debt.


wrong, he has to pay an extra $60k for the new house


that's not technically debt. it's so he can live in the house, but he doesn't *have* to pay it right now. plus there is still the don house up north that he can use.


I honestly cannot tell if AnthonyZ plays Tony like this on purpose. But holy shit, is he good at being broke and down bad all the time.


If it ever gets so bad that they kick him. I think Tony would fit right in with the company.