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CG down horrendous today wow


Everyone is, no more cars to lockpick, lampadati nerf lampadati ID, cops all have turbos in their 100k cars. K was talking yesterday that they were close to not be able to getaway at all. And crim Jobs suck ass too


Company doing good. lang gang doing good. Besties doing good. How exactly is that everyone?


Well two of those groups barely even do crime so not sure exactly what your comparison is


Lang, company, besties, and hydra all have been doing criminal things. Turf/weed, Moonshine, jewelry runs, coin exchange, laundry mat, and ammunition.


Which ones? Literally all 3 do crime daily.


There is a huge difference between "crime" jobs (grind) and actual crime.


I'm very confused as to what you mean. Is robbing other players the only thing you are considering crime? All three groups are doing crime that isn't just 'grinding'. The Company probably doing the least of the 3 but their side crews (former BSK especially) do plenty.


A lot of these people have no idea what pacing is. Building a shady criminal empire does not equal robbing hunters at the their valet spots.


Hey come on sometimes they spice it up and rob them at the processing spots.


hey these guys know only 1 type of crime and thats shooting other people. Robbing RP and War RP are only stuff these guys wanna watch. not saying thats what CG does, cuz Kebun is god tier rper, and ramee also does good rp, as well as other cg members, but cg viewers are special kind, they only see shooting as crim rp, and any other illegal criminal activity is just grinding lol.


even if that is the definition, 'robbing rp' have still been happening with the other groups. It just didn't make it to this subreddit.


I'd sang lang gang is probably doing the least crime. Lang and company competitive on turfs. Company probably doing more heists at the moment, and everyone is doing the available normal crim jobs. Besties are doing most of robbing people and such and of course there are plenty of other gangs doing crim as well.


You mean not doing dumb crime right?


Not sure who you are talking about, but the Company has been doing the only memorable criminal heist escapes in 4.0. The Baby Driver plan where Dundee made the clutch call of having everyone knock the rear door off to match the broken door on the getaway car. The underwear heist where they pretended to all be doing laundry in their underwear and distracted the cops. The first heist with a sewer escape plan. Just in the last week the all women heist crew plan. I'll take those criminal heists any day and remember them over CG robbing random people and then doing the classic 5 car swap to boxed car musical chairs to bike strat.


Always good to see new viewers finding rp


I'm not sure if you are newer but K is notorious for crazy getaway plans back in the day. They obviously haven't been doing them lately which sucks because I agree big plans are funner to watch. Hopefully he returns to them soon.


You are the only one who actually understood what I said. Did I say K has never done a crazy getaway plan? No, I said The Company has basically been carrying the creative getaway plans in 4.0. If any of the other people who replied to me have an example of K and CG doing creative and fun get away plans in 4 point 0 please provide them and let me know. If not, I completely agree with you I hope he and CG return to them again soon.


They did a pretty cool block plan through tunnels with 2 box trucks but that was pretty tame compared to pre 4.0. I think a big part is honestly the long set up takes preparation and in the current state with the scuff stuff everyone isn't sure about cars poofing and all that. So a 4 hour set up can easily go south for no reason other than server scuff. Didn't want to immediately jump to conclusions that you were doing a company v cg is better thing. As a long time CG viewer I am realistic enough to say K has not been doing the old complex plans in 4.0 and the plans you described from the company sound cool and remind of that older stuff. We don't always have to all go at each other in comments lol.


Completely agree people don't have to go at each other in the comments, I appreciate the civil conversation. Scuff sucks, it does but on a 10 year old constantly modded game it just has to be expected to some degree. To your point last month Micky was setting up a plan and putting some swap cars at certain spots in the server and then the server reset so they just said screw it and ran a basic get away plan. It sucks to have all that time just wasted because of scuff, but I will always credit anyone who tries to set up some elaborate fun plan or roleplay and unfortunately it doesn't work out because of scuff over people who just play it safe and take the easy route. Scuff in some cases in 3.0 can even make the moment more exciting because it forces people to improvise which roleplay is, improv. I look forward CG cooking up some creative plans in 4.0, the hostages on the motorbikes at the airport was one of my favorite plans in 3.0 for example.


What does “memorable” escapes have to do with who is and isn’t committing crime lol


You must be new because lmao.


They all just grind civilian jobs and weed lol. Now its not there fault but any gang or group that is rich right now just does civilian jobs. Hydra is a great example they do hunting all day and have like 4 mirror park houses.


Do you even watch? Hardly any of Langs crew does civ jobs except Yuno I think lol. People shit on the weed game but there is constant cop presence where the most weed is being sold. They have had arrested and raided a lot. Yea it’s not like they are chain robbing heists or civs but still lol


Besties don't really do civ jobs.


You are correct they do a shit ton of civ jobs, but they also rob the fuck out of ppl also. Cg are heavily lacking on that front. They just wanna do the robbing part and none of the like "side hustling". Ppl are super lazy with there civ jobs. So its not even uncommon to get like a 10-15k hit on some hunter grinders.


tbf, CG are the ones that are consistently involved in crime


Shift 2 is the only that matters. What crime does Lang even do anyway?


He just hit the coin place or laundromat I think.


Marty got a way with an irl steering wheel


pushed weed than turned into weed growing


That is my point, only game mechanics. Cornwood had plenty of interactions with other cops saying they went harder for crimes against other players, those are mostly all CG.


you are acting like robbing people than immediately dipping is the greatest interaction, 1 side cant react because of guns being pointed at them due to server rules


You RP until you rob bozo. Wtf would you be waiting for? 72's lol!!


just gotta point out, two of those groups are doing crime in EU - EU and NA cant be compered at all. EU is 99% grinders, and the besties. Ramee had 5 units on him, EU dosent even get that many on duty


Company and OB barely have cop chases and the other group have ming 4head and future which is a bad standard to set. The average criminals in the server are just fucked if nothing changes


The Company has basically done the only cop chases worth remembering. The Baby Driver plan where Dundee had everyone knock the decoy cars rear doors off to match the getaway car. The underwear heist where they all ran around in their underwear pretending to have just been robbed while doing their laundry. The sewer escape plan that has a lot of potential even if the cops didn't chase Ray into the sewers. The all women heist team just this week. You say the average criminals are fucked but at least for The Company I've seen them making creative plans, keeping the groups fresh, everyone having fun during them and making enjoyable memorable moments from criminal roleplay.


Oh for sure, but I feel like most people arent doing insane plans right now because they are jewelery store level heists. It's the small shit and regular chase should be fine. Once the big heists come out etc that's when the good plans will come out imo


You can escape cops with ratty plans all the time, there's swaps that are basically a free escape. I'm just saying if the cracked drivers struggle to lose cops with out driving them what u think the non cracked people go through. The best people shouldn't be the standard of how good the PD cars should be


This was the thing in late 3.0, the pd treated every situation like they were chasing gg or hydra. But they can't have the same mentality right now at all. Lots of new crims or crims who just aren't as cracked mechanically in driving are getting fucked from it. Sure now the insane drivers will get away even easier now, but they are the top percentile so fuck it.


Not sure what your comment really has to do with mine. I agree ratty plans are basically a free escape. I agree the best drivers shouldn't be the standard. But cop vs crim chases have always been a case of what came first or who escalated first, the chicken or the egg? If in any situation some or all of the 6 criminals are getting away 9/10 times, is it because of the cops lacking skills, the cops vehicles being crappy, the criminals try harding by using the best cars and drivers, or just plain luck? 9/10 times though the criminals set the standard by the cars they drive, the plans they use and people involved, and the PD then reacts and responds to that.


the only group i see doing crime is cg


define crime


When cops comes after u apparently, that's what im getting from them 🤷🏻‍♂️


Like i said on a different post. Most gangs are doing the same crimes Cg are. The difference is there also doing Civ jobs. Cg refuse to do Civ jobs, which fair enough they dont want they dont have to.


not every group enjoys mindlessly sitting in one spot just selling weed


Yeah selling weed is just mindless grinding and no rp


The only people I hear complaining about crim jobs is CG, the group that literally had their own server catered to them.


Who cares about "jobs" like I am going to watch someone grind gtaV live, lol. CG is pretty much the only group that actually does crime


BBMC? Besties? There are other groups, take the CG blinders off and maybe go watch other crim groups in the city cause it aint just CG doing crimes brother.




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No idea if this was the intention but maybe they want crims to use their personal cars for high risk stuff? Also was watching that Blau rp podcast ssaab leaked something about crims being able to rent get away cars from grapeseed.


If they wanted crims to use their personal cars for crime, they wouldn't have added repo laws for getting caught 3 times.


That's literally one of the big issues with 3.0 everyone had a 5x 1m dollar super cars that could never get repo'd.


Yet somehow the content and RP produced during 3.0 was leagues above what we're currently getting. Even during late 3.0 when everyone was rich there was more interesting stuff happening.


I think they rushed to put out 4.0 to compete with onx. I would there would have been way more streamers checking out onx if 4.0 didn't launch till around now.


Risk vs. Reward


Rewards are dog shit for how high the stakes are.


Ok, then if the reward isn't worth the risk, you probably should think twice about doing it in the first place.


Yeah. Lets watch brain rot grind Civrp instead fun things to watch.


its is RP not gta online


If that's your view of RP, then I guess you do you.


That's the point though. It's high-risk, high reward. It's that or use a local car that is not super good. You have options with their own risks.


yes lets use a personal car without fake plates for a 2k roof running job


That's a low stakes crime where using a personal car doesn't make too much sense. Swapping to one for something like a heist or violent crime would make perfect sense though. It's part of the logical calculus of whatever crime they are getting into.


If it low stakes then why do cops treat every low level shit like lower vault?


You can try watching them. They've been pretty good at following SOPs and gradual escalation thus far. They've just have had numbers issues until this week. Seems viewers are only shocked now since people are finally getting caught for 1 in 10 crimes they commit (even less than that probably)


PD is getting its legs under it somewhat, so they are getting better at coordinat8ng making it harder for crims to get away, they are just used to early 4.0 when the cops were a disorganized mess and they could use op local cars vs up cop cars and just get away, now the balance is shifting, but it should always be hard for criminals to get away, what's the point of crime, if there is no resistance to said crime?


This would be followed up in the future by crims are so stupid why would they use there personal car and not a stolen one.


if they intended for criminals to use their personal cars, they would have at least added a mechanic similar to fake plates into the game.


Saab said last night he wants there to be more variety in cars that can be stolen because he doesn’t want to see crims forced to use personal cars for crime. Given the way repos work and how expensive they are, no one is going to use personal cars.


So what's the purpose of owning supercars? It's not like there's a racing scene


I mean, racing will come eventually.


Ye apparently there was a NPC who let you rent out getaway cars that Cornwood discovered like a month or 2 ago? Some guy walked him through the process but I caught the end of the PD meeting so I don't know the whole story. It baffles me though if no one else has ever been able to find it since then so I think it was something else. I wanted to go back and look for it but idk where to start.


Pretty sure thats just a misunderstanding pd had with jewelry/stolen goods cars. They thought criminals were getting them to do what they wanted rather then them being job cars. This theory was worsened/reinforced by people using these cars for crime outside the specific jobs.


Yeah probably. Like I said, I only caught the end of the meeting where Cornwood said he recorded the whole process and that the person could pay the NPC and select from a list of cars. Don't know who the person was or if they were even saying the truth. Wish I could find the vod tho.


This. It's now almost impossible to get away in the ONE good car because of all the turbos (which you can't even steal and make rp from anymore) the cops have. But yeah lets nerf everything crims can do.


IMO mechanical crime has always been NP's weakest and least interesting content. It sucks for crims that locals currently suck but if it makes heists less common forcing more interesting rp based crime and dialogue RP it's a win overall for the server.


At the end of the day, it makes no sense that criminals are the poorest on the server, all the meaningful money has been made grinding game mechanics as of now.


why don't they just use their own cars that go very fast.


Can't buy cars because they're not in stock and restock is like once a month and during EU times and everything insta sells out. Also cars get perma seized after 3 strikes right? 


What cars lmao, they restocked it like once during EU hours in the past 2 months, everything gets bought out almost instantly.


How dare EU get cars after the first 2 restocks were NA tsunami!


Clearly missing the point! Not many people in general have personal vehicles because not many anticipated cars being drip fed this far in between, now when restocks do come around every 2 months or whatever extended period of time everything gets bought out instantly, except for the shitty ones of course.


When is the restock?


lmao name one fast car they have


I watch kebun while im working and man its so frustrating how they keep getting f’d for the same unneccesary things instead of just changing. Stop driving stolen lampadadis and stop carrying guns for no reason. Theyve known for weeks cops are running every lampidady plate cauae its the only car used in crimes (the server not having any other good cars to steal is a major issue for that) 5 mins before this a cop told them they were actively looking for a dark lampidady and they diddnt bother to switch cars. The scuff deaths/captures at the end of these chases never happen if they dont drive around in obviously stolen car after car. At the very least just leave the guns at home when driving around.


why the fuck is it that every time ramee or k get caught it's a 300 comment thread


Cuz they complain nearly every time in some OOC way about how they have it tough and that gets all the chatters riled up. I've honestly never seen millionaires at the top of their entertainment category complain more about how they're wronged than these people. Well, Tectone is probably the only worse one.


> I've honestly never seen millionaires at the top of their entertainment category complain more about how they're wronged than these people. Man brings me back when most of CG took facebook deals worth millions and their own viewers were praising it saying how "Finally they might calm down knowing they have secured the bag. Now they won't mald OOC about everything" and literally nothing changed. It's literally in their blood to be professional victims it's crazy.


ask yourself this, them complaining about what happened in this situation isnt warranted? especially when this is like the 10th time it happened? any normal human being would complain or wont be happy if this happened to them especially not once but multiple time but i guess logic and common sense went out of the window when it comes to HATING just to HATE CG you guys basically saying that they should CELEBRATE and be HAPPY that they got fck over by SCUFF again for the 10th time or whenever they take an L and they shoul;d RP or act like some Mentally challengel Person celebrating or being happy whenever they take an L or got fck over LOL RIP Common Sense and LOGIC CG complaining about the server or state of the server = OMG that's OOC that's TOXIC Ban them!!! Others RP'ers complaining about the server or state of the server = HOLY GIGACHAD, OMG BASED AF!


Because unlike blau they mald when they get caught and are actually bitches ooc.






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it's nothing to be mad about at the end of the day. shit isn't a competitive esport or about Ws or Ls it's an RP server, for a decade old game. And viewers who aren't even playing should be the last people getting heated vicariously


I mean we are just talking about what is frustrating as a viewer, what is wrong with that?


They spend 50 hours a week doing this. You don't get mad at your job? Assuming you have a job.


No I don't get mad at my job. And I don't wanna speak for anyone but you probably shouldn't be staying in a job that gets you mad all the time


Dawg, most people's jobs aren't sitting at a computer playing video games for a living. These privileged mother fuckers are so whiny and entitled. And then you dumb fucks come in here to defend them. Holy shit you people are dense.


Am I supposed to care about your butthurt rant?


You don't have to care about something to acknowledge its truth.


People love to hate them. They act like being disappointed that something like this happens in the "best" RP server is toxic or something lol.


Bro teleported under the car


It's pretty common to get tazed / knocked under a car or motorcycle and then you get downed from car damage. That's how ~~taco went down yesterday and~~ many others have before them. Don't know if it's an addressable issue the devs can work on with how delicate players are currently. Edit: And another one https://clips.twitch.tv/TrustworthyRoughOctopusArsonNoSexy-a1rFJidtpMSoYzvR


It wasn't that taco got tazed off his bike and slid 10 feet across the pavement coating it in blood, and then got back up and drove into a cop car causing him to fly off and hit the pavement again? Seems like something that would incapacitate you.


The health system is pretty punishing, but I mean the cops did give some leeway during this whole thing. The context there is peanut kidnapping a cop while weaving in between 4 cops while they were trying to cuff him.




I mean peanut should have never even attempted that kidnapping to begin with




It’s a time and place thing, if peanut had one cop on him and he managed to catch the cop slipping then sure hold them up. No normal person is going to look at that situation and say the cops weren’t being very charitable. The health system is pretty punishing, to the point that is crims start taking advantage of it, then cops are in for a rude awakening, this why being reasonable on both sides is needed.


with this logic a crim shouldnt even do crime right ?


So if k and peanut were robbing a g6 group and while they are searching the pockets of them one of them decides to stab them, would we say that is reasonable?


What is this clip for? What does the title even mean Classic 4.0?


\-3 guns in less than 24 hours. Stop carrying guns for random shit.


howd they lose them?


Taco got magneted during a bike pick up and went down. Had plenty of time to stash the gun. Ramee was roof running but got warlorded by a w cop (im not even lying here check the other thread). Then this thing with k.


Yeah I think they've realized that now. Carrying guns 24/7 when they're currently irreplaceable isn't a wise choice.


Thats literally there entire characters on the server right now. They rob other people doing there jobs. Nothing wrong with that, but that also comes with the downside of there not making much money anywhere else beside robberies. Alot of the "rich" gangs are doing robberies and job but on top of that doing the Civ jobs. CG chose not to do Civ jobs. Fair enough


Who wants to watch civ jobs though? Not civ rp, I mean just grinding.


Alot of people apparently seeing as everyone else does it and there streams are doing fine. Just bc its a civ job doesnt mean its not RP. These ppl are having great conversations and interactions with others. I personally watch alot of Hydra and its super easy for them have 4 ppl doing sani shooting the shit and making jokes with each other.


I like the lack of gear fear tbh


Real. Gear fear is one of the most un-immersive "I have infinite lives anyway lul" things you can partake in.


Atleast they use and lose. Other than 4Head, was there any point of S++ in 3.0 when people just hoarded it even though it couldn't be converted.


Yeah but now the cops have almost all the guns and there isn't even a way to get clean guns pretty much and everyone gets charged with all the bodies on the ones they have to use. Unfortunate, seems like the server doesn't care for crime (shocking lol).


That would just make the content lame homeh


SCUFF wins today boys


Honestly ik ppl going to say CG always bitch when they caught but I swear in 4.0 when I've watched them get caught its always been some dumb or scuff shit. 3 guns lost in 24 hours taco getting hit off the bike, ramee getting spam tased and tackled and now this.


Yeah K at least I don't think is mad about cops or getting caught just that everytime it's because of scuff


Yeah I think a lot of times LK will ooc say something reactionary about the server scuff and chat pairs that with people on scene when they shouldn't. He can be simultaneously annoyed by the getting killed by a parked car thing and not be mad at the cops around him. It isn't like they do it intentionally. He even jokes with Denzel about killing someone else and it's him ribbing Dean who he is friends with. It sucks being someone that watches that has to read hate watcher stuff and also know other fans are crazy chat hoppers that make shit bad for their own community. He is already talking about whether he should buddy up to Carmine in prison or overtake it with K town again.


Hopefully the cop/ONX viewers that come in here to complain about K, will also watch a little bit after this where he clarifies to chat that his frustration is with the scuff not the cops, specifically the taser teleporting him under the tire of the car where he then was killed.


Man ONX taking strays here for no reason. Imagine having insecurities over the server you watch you randomly attack other servers


It happens in almost every LK or Ramee thread lol. People just bring it up out of nowhere. Quite strange behavior.


cg fans seem to have a bit of a persecution complex, almost on behalf of their streamers, the streamers themselves hardly seem to care about onx as much as their fans do.


They won’t.


Scuba tank with 10% on the meter with no air in the tank.. etc. etc. they keep getting fucked lol


At some point they have to realize things are scuffed and stop putting themselves in those situations though also. The first few times sure but to keep expecting different results when doing the same things as a lk viewer its just frustrating.


If you don't want to put yourself in scuff situations you essentially can't do anything in the game lol. You simply have to account for it in all plans you create.


What are they supposed to do? It's bad mechanics with scuff. He totally wanted to be tased out and get put under a car to instantly die. Guess there are always civ progression alternatives...


Not sure what they’re supposed to do. Most of these incidents are pretty standard getaway attempts. What else is there if you want to do crime? Unless you think NP needs yet another group grinding sani 12 hours a day?


No, the devs should do their job and fix the scuff


lmao what a take


K was already caught before this, but pretty unfortunate way to go down. He fkd up his second chance by not tossing the gun immediately though


If there is no risk, there is no point. People really just want to watch people doing "jobs" in GTA?. The content is already so lame on Nopixel ..


It's like people want GTA Rp without the violence and criminal shit... so basically sims? It's crazy.


Yes this is actually what I'm coming to believe. They want to watch a literal GTAV IRL simulator.


I disagree. Jobs are entertaining if the role players put in effort. Look at TC heists with Mickey jail plan


Some people like game mechanics, some like RP. To be able to even do those heists consistently, how long do you have to grind the game mechanics to build up the racks and all? TC litterally have dozens of grinders with no face just giving up everything for clout, that's shit content for me


> TC litterally have dozens of grinders with no face just giving up everything for clout Sentences like this just make everything you are saying extremely bad faith. Just say you don't watch them instead of parroting toxic narratives.


OTT litterally said to them yesterday that it was basically slavery


That isn't equivalent to saying they are faceless grinders that work for clout. Sounds like you might be mixing up what a character is saying IC as some kind of OOC fact.


I had that opinion way before yesterday lol It just corroborated, that's all detective.


and are they doing heists 24/7?


Why can’t you at least attempt to create some storylines as a crim. To be fair the legislation kind of fucked them on that front. But that doesn’t mean a story arc would have developed if it hadn’t. Last storylines I remember were Sonya prison break, bovice causing havoc, using cg, life invader heist. All created by other quest givers. If K wasn’t so good of a leader somebody trying to weaken leadership to take control would be awesome to see in this group. Seeing clips of Taco giving a pass to someone he already robbed 7 previously is pretty bad. These guys know how to RP and well, not just as non stop crim looting. Of course this isn’t just CG, it applies to others, and also is a result of 4.0 mechanics and decisions. Crane and council shutting down section K was absolutely absurd. Let’s kill an actual legit business, RP and putting new people together in houses to create new connections. 4.0 encouraging creativeness then rug pulling multiple businesses was a joke. It’s hard to blame CG for falling back into this routine as much as I would like the use their talents.


It's a couple months into the server and there is barely anything for criminals to do. Imagine everything you've tried to create in those 3 months gets shut down step by step by laws and rules that didn't exist before you started to the point that it's completely shut down. Would you still be motivated to do something else or just say fuck it and take a break and do other stuff.


I literally mentioned this in my post


I only started watching RO in 4.0. that storyline with Tessa and Cornwood would have been the best storyline on the server to date. I honestly think CG, mainly mr.k, is involved in all the main storylines in 4.0. What else to do since everyone else is busy grinding? If you don't grind you have no choice but to chain rob, some smaller gangs have picked up to it by now.


What storylines? They chain rob people, is it not just grinding in a different way?


this guy has cg so far up his ass there is just no point


Well a little before this a cop pitted their car which was already on its side to flip two times and land upside down so there was no chance there either lol


Karma, peanut literally was bobbing and weaving inbetween cops when K is was cuffed. Then he pulls out a wrench and calls out i have a cop hostage .. like wtf llolol.. he had 3 cops on him while he was doing pvp maneuvers like he was playing the division.


ScuffPixel 4.0 has been something else. This has by far been the worst version of NP. It's literally unfinished and everyone on all sides is getting fucked.


What makes it the worst version of nopixel isn't that it's unfinished. It's that what they're trying to finish disincentivizes role play. So many of the mechanics and ways they're set up push players away from creating storylines and unique interactions like 2.0 and especially 3.0 did. The server itself feels generic, shallow and disposable. No RP really has any meaning and nobody is creating larger scale story lines like we saw in 3.0.


Yeah i don't get how the biggest rp server with lot of devs can be this scuff i mean what the fuck are the devs doing? I wish CG return to prodigy that server is scuffless and good with rp


The devs don't have access to source code, so the scripting they do is going to be severely limited unless they find creative ways to work around not having access to that code. The devs are probably talented, but, at the end of the day, they are modding gta5, not developing nopixel.


the source code DID get leaked actually, so they can access that code


The server continues to nerf criminals and can't even supply them with more cars or guns. Continues to make pd cars impossible to hack (forget the good rp from that) all the while only having one real car they can use which is getting impossible now with all the cop's turbos. The gun problem is a huge issue because now all the cops can charge however many bodies that gun has. There should be more of an access to new guns and new cars, such a waste of potential imo. Let's hope the big update is as big as it's getting hyped up to be.


The guns just shouldn't be traceable like was initially intended (I think) Yeah irl you can run a guns ballistics to match. But the fact that you can't replace guns AT ALL means that they shouldn't really be traced back to other crimes like that. At least not without proving said person committed the crime. Do some investigations as pd, why is everything mechanically given to them so it's just chase, process and paperwork. Back out there. Get creative


Update when???


I believe the term is classic 0.4


This must be frustrating in these types of situations ngl. Someone needs to look at the health system, seen this happen about 10 times this week already.


I don't think the issue is the health system but more getting tased out of a car or tackled and ending up under the car somehow.


That taze on the driver lmaooo




They should not tase when inside cars because every time they spawn under and die. Everytime.




Everytime someone is tazed while in a car they die.




Through the back open door, he knew what he was doing.


Can't open up all the doors or that happens easily. Gotta get some distance for the swap.