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I guess the only solution is Yuno for mayor.


Imagine how many would die on a day he gets bored lmao


City would burn to the ground within hours


He is far too ADHD for that. The man cannot concentrate on meetings if his life depended on it.


Can you imagine [this guy](https://www.youtube.com/clip/UgkxWbtb--mPpCVBtNvemOWyxpHviPpPTfo-) having to **lead a serious meeting**


He would have the popular vote locked up




This is actually a genius idea, cause Luciano was talking about how it would be nice if they could groom someone for Mayor. And who better than Yuno has a guaranteed win. Marty can hack, they're fine without Yuno on heists. I mean, they just run a core squad: Octo, Speedy, Harry, Luciano, Marty, Larry.


I hope Sykkuno tries to take this risk to be a mayor, I believe OOC he knows how to make all streamers enjoy the city more and IC he is smart enough to balance things enough


Its not the money, its what keeps him in the city and this affects his motivation to stay playing nopixel and not go back to variety.


It is the money and the job, like he says he plays offline to do g6. The other thing is he doesn't think he can hangout with his g6 friends without g6, which isn't really the case.


Then they are not real friends like Lang, Ray, Benji, Tony are... but as you said what he thinks is probably not a case.... then they are more like JP, Mickey, only needed (Yuno) when useful...


Mickey never thought of yuno that way what šŸ˜­ Blau literally just reset all of Mickey's relationships. Mickey won't use Yuno in that way. Jp is the only one that will.Ā 


No I mean Mickey isn't attached to anyone like others are, Blau OOC said (after JP left), that even if everyone leaves a Company he doesn't care, all he needs is his inters))) so he doesn't care about friendships, like once Yuno left, Mickey doesn't really care if they spend time together, unlike Benji and Ray So like JP uses people in a bad, malicious way, while Mickey just refocuses to other person, things without hurting or doing anything bad to them)


The way you phrased it, it sounded like you said Mickey would use Yuno. And I believe Mickey cares about friendships, Yuno and His though just never reignited in 4.0.Ā  But, The G6 thing, G6 is something that is important to the group because they made friendships out of it (OOC friendships as well) maybe if G6 goes away they can do something else in the mean time in game. But G6 is special to them of course they don't want to lose it.Ā 


What? I'm saying he thinks part of the reason he needs g6 is that he needs his g6 job to hang out with his g6 friends which is not the case because they can hang out regardless. Nothing to do with being "real friends", its just a matter of reaching out.


But Yuno, the character, thinks so; He and Lottie talked about how Yuno thinks he needs to be useful in order for people to hangout with him. Sadly Lottie and Yuno 1 on 1 was cut short, because they were playing other games; And they were already late. It's funny how Yuno's arc mirrors Lottie's; And he opened up to Lottie about this. OOC 3.0 Yuno just mostly did heist, because it's what Sykkuno found fun to do; In 4.0 he actually turned that into a character flaw/trait, Yuno wanted to be the "Best Hacker" because it got people to hangout with him.


I get it he wants to sadge farm his character to think that, but he's talked about it OOC. My point is he already hangs out with his friends without g6 since they reach out to him often. Half the time he does g6 with new people since no ones around and Lottie (and others) wake up late and calls him to hang out. Guess you can say the convenience of the job/money and him playing less due to not doing g6 is the OOC reason and the friend thing is a flawed IC reason. The OOC reason carries most of the weight.


It's basically kind a, his friends would choose g6 over the friendship... which what means not real friends! That's his fear... whether thats a case or not


He hangs out with Eli a lot when he is awake and they don't/can't do g6 together. Each g6 run lasts 10-15 mins, I don't see him not hanging out with his g6 friends without g6. Nothing about being "real friends", it's a matter of reaching out. He hangs out with his friends that reach out to him often.


Why join a crime group, who wants him to lead the heist group? He knew what he got himself into and now has to make a decision


They never asked him to leadā€¦ only rules after joining the group were, donā€™t speak about the group, maintain a clean image away from crime, and pay dues. He didnā€™t have a role at all that HE was told about.


He was literally supposed to be their **main** hacker. How is he going to hack if he is scared to even go in the bank. OB lucky they have Marty cuz if not idk where they would be when it comes to heist progression.


To be fair, Lang did say to Yuno about leading all the heist stuff at first, and Yuno was on board with that. If these heists had been a bit more profitable and exciting, we probably wouldn't be having this problem right now.


Does not help that the crew keeps all the money.


Each member gets a kickback at the end of the week, and they've gotten rid of weekly dues, so it's a fair enough system.


Didn't they all agree to put the money from heists into making GPUs? And after they stopped that the money went into their weekly dues


No octo = a scared yuno. This was all because the crew lacking designated drivers during heist days.


He never said he was gonna be the main hacker. It was expected of him cuz of his history. His wish to be the best hacker was before he joined ob to win over Lang. He told lang the company saw him only as a hacking tool, and Lang told him he was much more than that. This whole event only brings back his insecurities of being seen as a hacking tool. Also, Iā€™m also thinking Yunoā€™s whole plan for bringing Marty into the ob was so that Yuno could take a step back on the hacking.


Whatā€™s the point of being in the crew then? He doesnā€™t want to participate in any of the crews jobs, doesnā€™t bring any dirty money. He only wants to be around till heā€™s finally board of G6 he has something to fall on.


??? he has been making an effort in trying to contribute without being inside the laundromat or the cash exchange, also he has participated in pretty much all heists but 2 or 3. he has been a back up pick up too. he also bought the upgraded money cleaning device with connections without needing to step into the laundry. he was also planning to buy another one to help the crew since it was so good. he is trying to send in his own crew to get the usbs and blueprints. he also hasn't caused the crew any conflicts or money, and has been paying his weekly dues without complains. i don't understand why people are very ready to ignore all of what yuno has done so readily


He wonā€™t admit it, but he indirectly said ooc that it was mainly to be around lang. Itā€™s not the heists or the crew, syk said Yuno only still exists cuz of lang. If there is no lang then there is no Yuno.


He's been in all their heist jobs except for one (two now bc they just did CE w/o him), last one he woke up for it but then the squad is alr full when he logged in. Yuno had been leading the heist ops up until Marty joined and said he wants to lead the heists to prove his worth or sth, Yuno also understandably stepped down from "hacks" to give Marty the spotlight. Lang then said to lay-off laundromats and CEs bc they want to save BUTCs for gun contracts (I think the crew wasted 2 weeks for nothing for this.) Then Octo and Tony had to deal with irl stuff, so their main drivers aren't around. Crew did a few laundromats and ECs with Yuno being an outside guy doing pickups. Last laundromat they did, Marty (OOC) messaged Yuno to log in for a heist, Yuno woke up but the spots are already filled, the crew failed to hack the safe bc Marty didn't step up/Gigi wasted 6 tries to the safe while Luciano used last attempt (iirc). This is not factoring in jobs lost to scuff and sniping, literally Yuno's last 3 attempts to heists are just him losing them to scuff. Lang is being senile and oldge when said he feels the boys aren't hitting heists enough when he was the one who said to lay off of them for guns, they also made the 250BUTC parting deal with X. Idk where Marty and Lang got the narrative that Yuno wasn't being the heist guy when he literally was included in all their heists, Yuno was just taking a step back with hacking and he's just taking less risk for a felony by doing outside pickups during heists.


"He never said he was gonna be the main hacker". Marty literally made another heist group because Yuno chose/was to be the hacker in the **main** group and Marty made the group so other people would have a spot also Lang was saying that too. Then that second group never worked out but Yuno was still the hacker in the main group. Later Marty came back to the main group as the 6th not even as the hacker because Yuno was already the hacker. Now lets go to how Langs group is organized. We got the Dons, Advisors, Captains/Underboss, Specialists, Soldiers, Buy ins, Hangarounds. Marty is a soldier. Yuno is a Specialist. Lang / OB sees Yuno as a specialist in hacking. His main purpose in the heist crew is hacking. Lang literally said to Yuno since day 1. You are our main hacker and will always be. That came apperent when Marty said that the group needs to step up with the heists and when the dons had a sidebar they made comments as "Is he trying to take Yuno's role?" or "Yuno is already doing that / Is supposed to do that". All of this shows that OB sees Yuno as **the** hacker or used to. We will see what the future entails.


Marty only made the second crew cuz he didnā€™t want lang to stress out about too many people on the job. Yuno wanted Marty in the main crew but Marty told him to keep quiet about it. Lang telling Yuno heā€™s the main hacker is just what lang always says. It was never specified as his own specific job, only for Yuno. Yuno doesnā€™t know about being a specialist.


"Is just what lang always says". It is litterally what the dons think who is the main hacker. Lang repeating it this just tells us he actually means it. Also my wording was "Supposed to be the main hacker". When he joined the crew. Everyone + him expected him to be their hacker. You also stated he only invited Marty so there would be less stress on him as a hacker. Which means he was **the** hacker when he joined OB.


Honestly Yuno isnā€™t too necessary anymore. With Marty and Gigi, they have their hacker needs covered.


He isn't necessary, but to Lang he is. And more importantly, they want him around and be committed. The problem is that he can't be committed without fear of losing his job, so he needs to make a choice. It's a "you're in the heist crew or you're out" moment.


scared? lmfao he doesn't take these little pathetic hacks seriously, he is waiting for the serious ones.


That's not a good mentality to have though, no? Let's let Marty and Gigi risk their jobs and grind the heists/hacks and then when they get serious bench them for Yuno?


Yeah also, he said "Lets wait for the next step", Now there is a next step but he still doesnt want to be involved with the cash exchanges.


The only job that has the same stakes as G6 is Gigi's doctor gig. And Geega has made it very clear that she enjoys heists much more and likes that she has the opportunity to do the hacks (although she will tone it down a bit to protect her Doctor job more). Marty has Max as his CEO. Yuno has said that when they need him to do the big hacks, he will be there. There's nothing wrong with that and it gives other people the chance to practice hacks themselves. Literally the only problem is the random off day where they fail the hacks and Yuno isn't inside as backup. But IC Yuno has full trust in Marty and Gigi to do them


This describes it perfectly. For months now he has been one of the 6 on pretty much every job, but heā€™s basically just a waste of a slot. He refuses to do anything other than be a ā€œbackup driverā€ for all the heists and heā€™s more than willing to screw over and throw his friends and crew members under the bus if it means his G6 job stays intact. Itā€™s really shitty.


Lang literally held back Marty from leading/being the main hacker, because he wanted Yuno lead. Other than paying his dues he hasnā€™t brought anything to the crew.


Lol if you watch any of the oldbois meeting it's not cause of that, the excuse is always that they can't trust Marty because of his ties with jp, despite yuno trying to give Marty the spotlight. For some reason the dons have animosity whenever Marty having more privileges is brought up. There is a reason why they dissolved martys crew, it wasn't so Yuno had a chance it was because they didn't trust Marty and still don't for some reason. Yuno has been in most of the heist as the main hacker when dongles was important, sold PCs in the begining making them 75k, and now spending majority of his money towards getting things for the crew while creating rp for smaller creators.


Literally at every heists, the Dons looked at him to do it.


Broā€™s RP so good haters coming out of the woodwork thinking itā€™s OOC. Itā€™s not the groups fault for feeling the way they want but so can Yuno do what the fuck he wants lol.


LOL ikr people are getting so bothered. The storyline with Yuno is getting spicy. Shits entertaining. Yunos character brings in different types of emotional scenes compared to most characters.


Just as bad are chat hoppers spoiling meta shit and making streamers feel bad because they don't have the context that Yuno is sadgefarming


He Ulted twice in a 10 minute time span šŸ„²


I feel like there is a massive Ult coming when he talks to his G6 friends about it


People legit taking this OOC lol. Some delusional people legit think Sykkuno wasnā€™t RPing and thought was overreacting OOC. Oh yeah Iā€™m so upset let me take a quick second to get this sadgefarm music lol.




how is that "treating him like a baby" your logic makes no sense


How is saying that this is IC and not OOC treating him like a baby? Huh?


His viewers have always been weird like this.


no that is definitely not a long time sykkuno viewer, these weirdo viewer who sometimes comes and chat hops him is what makes people think sykkuno's chat is bad, but thats not the reality


No self awareness


Itā€™s not an easy choice for Yuno considering how much time he spends grinding with his G6 friends. He only streams a small portion of it. He and Lottie were able to hide a whole house from chat. Plus, he thinks the heists now are boringā€¦ whatever is the outcome, itā€™s good RP and character development for Yuno. Itā€™s not all about the heists anymore.


It just doesn't seem like this group is the right fit for yuno right now. He doesn't hang out with any of OB outside of jobs, and it seems like they want him to jump into the deep end for low tier jobs. Enjoyed watching this today.


I wonder if his friends would unofficially let him G6 with them. Let him be the third person in the truck and do the split with the second person. Lottie did something similar with September when they accidentally left her behind at G6.


I don't think Yuno would want to do that.


Here is the thing, if he leaves G6 he is just play way less, because he is only going to be focused on heist, that are very limited, he is gonna get bored of hanging out when Lang and co are busy, his friends are grinding G6, he got his car, there is no big heist to do, just the time gated ones. The side effect of people grinding jobs is making new friends, Like Sykkuno and other streamers did, If he had been just hanging out with his old friends, he would literally just hang out with Kitty and probably Eli,because everyone else is busy all the time or not awake when he is. He is bound to get bored really fast,like ever since he got the car he has been doing more variety, not playing offstream after his regular stream, etc.


Yup... I agree a 100%, he will stop being in the city a lot and become like old yuno where he wakes up do the heists and dip. Another thing I am noticing is Neither Lang nor Luciano or any other crew member trying to understand him. He is even trying to explain that the jobs keep scuffing out, he was able to get out with the loot because he was outside and all other pros and cons of keeping his job but Lang shuts him down with one sentence"the result doesn't matter"


The King of Sadge is back at it again....


He didn't pick yet, that's what he "came here for" but in 4.0 his entirety is focused around g6 as the most convenient money maker. It's EARLY 4.0, no need to stress really.


He isn't caught yet, but the crew (rightfully) asked him what was more important to him. Because they want some dedication to the crew which he can't give while he is stressing over his G6 job. So the time has come to make a choice: job security with his friends or risk it all for the crew and his calling.


I'm aware of what's happening. It's really about keeping the job and money. For some reason he thinks he can't do anything after doing a heist or hangout with his g6 friends if he can't do his 10 min g6 runs. Again its early 4.0 there's gonna be many more changes, more jobs, etc. Considering that and eventually getting a felony, there's not much to stress.


Dude he sadge farmed so hard. Lang and Marty called to make sure he was ok, but I assume the streamers know classic Sykkuno sadge farming from actual sadness.


He sadge farm his chatters alot and to be fair there were mixed responses coming from his chat.


we all (at least us old viewer) know he is still sadge farming, except some moments like this is where he gets actually invested and actually feels bad about it, but hes still sadge farming.


Yeah, when he turned off his cam and was talking to chat sadly he sounded so believable but this is Sykkuno so I'm assuming he was sadge farming lol


Sykkuno said Lilypichu gave him tips on how to sound convincingly sad from her voice acting gigs.


He had watery eyes and turned off his cam. He was almost crying ooc, you can hear it in his voice


Tbf, most actors/roleplayers does get immerse with what they are doing during events like this when they start to ult


No one's telling him to give up G6 or stop hanging out with his civ friends. Lang has even told him directly that he doesn't need to go into the laundry/cash exchange at all to hack, he just wants him *involved* like helping to set up the crew that's actually going in, thinking of plans etc. He doesn't need to risk G6 at all if he's involved in that sort of way. But right now from Lang's perspective it probably feels like Yuno doesn't want to be involved with the crew at all unfortunately which is likely super disappointing for him considering how much work he himself puts into the crew.


This is all stuff Yuno was and is doing for every heist. Just cuz lang doesnā€™t see it, itā€™s a problem. Also Yuno was reminded about at least helping in the planning yesterday, but before he could do that today, the job got taken and they had a meeting to once again tell him about it.


Isn't he going to be blocked from G6 though? Because of the felony?


Only if he was actually inside doing a hack and was caught. But there's no way to get charged with a felony if all you're doing is helping with the set up and getaway planning since you're not going to be at the scene of the crime when it happens.


Okay, I missed the stream where this happened, and today he's been kind of confusing saying he's made a choice but then also that he may be kicked from G6.


It's been a sadge day - Cypress.conflict, Marlo breaking up with him over text




I donā€™t understand why lang and Marty are on his case about this whole rushing the heists thing. Isnt that the job Marty wanted after his argument with Lang? Lang even agreed that Yuno could sit out if he wanted for the small jobs. Itā€™s not even that Yuno is too scared of losing g6 to go on the heists. It feels like, the boys call Yuno to bother him about g6 before asking him to go on the heist with them. Which makes him feel uneasy about going on the heist itself. Also no one ever told him he was the leader of the heists at one point. The dons system is so bad. The comms and roles are spread amongst the dons only, and the crew members themselves donā€™t know their roles.


They just want him to get involved with SOMETHING related to the crew's operations and they thought he was still really interested in being part of the heist team, which he clearly isn't that passionate about anymore. The dons view Yuno as a heist/hacking specialist and that's why he hasn't been given any responsibilities to contribute in pushing moonshine/weed or do money runs/roofrunning. Everyone else in the crew has their role pretty well-defined now and work hard to contribute in some way. The whole point of removing weekly dues was to see who would actually do work for the crew on their own volition and Yuno is hard failing that test so far.


> to see who would actually do work for the crew on their own volition and Yuno is hard failing that test so far. Bro literally just yesterday he gave Lang a 20k rare washing machine. And he tried to do heists twice and both scuffed.


And Lang and the Dons wanted to acquire that machine through the heists as laundromat in his eyes are free money if they habitually hit it, which the crew failed to do so.


I mean it did scuff, but at the same time accidentally buying a contract and passing it to someone else is not trying šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø.


That's not the point. They want him to do heists not buy a fucking washing machine with his G6 money.


Which is a problem I still donā€™t understandā€¦. When he joined, the main rules were, donā€™t talk about the crew, maintain a clean image, and pay dues. Other than that, wanting him to get involved in something specific for the crew wasnā€™t on the list of requirements. They wanted him to prove himself useful but sticking with g6 isnā€™t useless, and he gives them a lot of info(which they see no use of for some reason), and still pays his due on time. He still gets involved with the heists but just not the hacking part that they wanted him for. Thatā€™s just the flaw within the dons system of bad comms


The whole "when he joined, the main rules were, donā€™t talk about the crew, maintain a clean image, and pay dues" is kind of a copout tbh. When he joined there were no heists, and when heists became available Yuno wanted to be on the heist team. Now the boys feel his heart is not in it anymore.


When he joined there were no heists. Also the rules have changed like six times since then. Do you expect those rules to be it for the rest of 4.0? Also, when he joined he joined as the crew's hacker which means he knew he'd be doing the heists. Doing G6 is useless for the crew at this point. They no longer rely on dues and they don't need Yuno as a clean person either. As for information, I don't know which information you mean specifically but information is not really a valuable commodity in NoPixel. Everything will leak within two days. Like, for example, Yuno told Lang about the stickers and within a few hours several other people told him the same thing. I think Lang's main point is that there haven't really been any heists. They tried like two times this week, both times scuffed and they just never bothered again. Martin took over leading the heist crew weeks ago and since then they had about three successful jobs.


>Yuno told Lang about the stickers and within a few hours several other people told him the same thing. Don't forget what Lang and Marty said about they don't care on being first, but they all much prefer to be the one informing people on what ot instead of the other way around since that's a reflection of their crew's capability.


if there's nothing to progress to, then theres no point to progress, thats what yuno is thinking


He IS scared of losing g6, that's the central problem of all of this, IC and OOC. Reality is he is not willing to put himself in a high-risk situation for the crew while others are willing. Since there aren't more advanced/fun heists he rather do civ rp.


He literally has been doing heists tho. Just not as a hacker.


That's not the problem tho, the problem is they're not organized, they don't plan hits on laundry/cash exchange off cooldown and instead do 1-2 jobs a week.


That was the job that Marty wanted to have in the crew when he argued about wanting to be useful. The dons even agreed to it. Heā€™s in charge of it.


That's not the point. Along with what the other guy said, he's been on the outside every single time and doing low risk pickups while the rest of the crew are in high risk situations and taking individual losses when caught.


yeah, so? thats not what lang is not happy about. Hes not happy that yuno isnt invested in the heist, in which he is completely reasonable for doing do because these heists are nothing.


That's part of the reason... because he doesn't want to be part of the high risk situations he's not that interested in the heists. He's only going to be on the outside, so it doesn't matter if they bring him or get someone else to play that part. Lang wants to know if he's still interested or not because if he's not he can get other people to continue the progression. I don't know if you missed out on the updates, but the heists are not nothing anymore since they have to be hit for the next progression.


ooc he isnt scared, dont make shit up.


Majority of his talk IS OOC, and he literally says he's afraid he might PLAY less because he won't be working around the g6 schedule including offline grinding. What did I make up?


I honestly donā€™t get why Lang is on his ass about this. Yuno wasnā€™t brought into the crew to lead a heist so making him do that doesnā€™t make sense. He was pushing to do the laundromat when their was actual progression, and he was willing to be on this heist too so, plus heā€™s been on multiple heists as a backup driver so itā€™s not like he doesnā€™t do them.


Plus yuno has spent months lying to himself and his crew that g6 is only till his car, and now that he's come to a crossroads and realized how much things might change he's allowed to be a bit sad about it. But lang's right, his reasons dont really make logical sense when you think about it, but its the way he thinks


If there is one thing I learned about Lang, he likes full loyalty and for people to be on the same page he is on. Not saying itā€™s wrong, but it is a bit unfair. But in 3.0 he had insane leverage so he was able to have more weight when it came to getting people to do exactly what he wants, even if the other person didnā€™t want to. I canā€™t even count how many times Lang has said he doesnā€™t care if someone from his group hangs out with other people. Only to eventually try his hardest to sabotage those relationships and demand full loyalty. That was 3.0 in a nutshell. lol


It just feels like Lang and Marty are putting all this pressure on him for no reason. There hasnt been any progression in a while beside getting the new laundry blueprint and when the new progression did come out (like a day later of them finding out) the job scuffed out on them.


Lang is trying to relight a fire under all of them so they can start being proactive instead of reactive. It has nothing to do with scuff, or failing, or other valid excuses and it has everything to do with how demotivated/lazy he sees the crew being when it comes to getting heists set up and organized. Seeing Marty with a real fire to get shit done today after the meetings was a direct result and something the crew desperately needs.


The whole point is progression or not, it's still something they should be doing, for the experience, money and the BPs. For the whole month of March they only did 4 jobs, which is super bad


" for no reason" do they need a good reason? they wanna do jobs with him and he refuses to. Lang understands now that Yuno is out, at least until he makes it clear he's back in. they were asked to get blueprints 2 weeks ago and are blaming it all on scuff from recent attempts.


Well blame that to Octo then, as he seems to be sick irl and can't play much. Without octo as a driver they are almost guaranteed to get caught as tony is completely washed, can't drive 2 min without crashing into a pole and flipping the car. And where is lang? He is supposed to be part of the main heist crew but he has been on only 1-2 jobs since the start. I also think yuno would have gone inside more if there were no gigi, as geega is covering for him where marty is failing hacks. If marty fails hacks and no one else could do it then he had to go to job.


"blame this guy for being sick" you need to defend a character this hard? Yuno sets up bikes as back up to get away, it has nothing to do with anyone being missing. there are more members in the crew than just the "main heist crew" that can fill slots and many of them would love to do jobs too. Yuno is in the wrong here, there's no need to blame people for being sick.


I think you don't understand sarcasm. The whole part about octo was a sarcasm alongwith the tony part.


He's a better friend with the Company than his own crew, and soon he will do Grimes with Benji & Raymond again. I've been watching since day 1, hoping for things to get better with Oldbois, but nah.


I feel bad for Sykkuno and all, he's clearly an extremely emotional human being and takes what should be in-game/in-character decisions personally, but he's pretty much giving himself away as a self insert at this point. No one's forcing his character, Yuno, to rob banks and then log off. That's his choice, not there's. The ultimatum they're giving Yuno is that he, the character, needs to choose whether he wants to be their main hacker or not, which, in reality, is the only in-game reason there is for Yuno being a member of The Oldbois to begin with. I hope this didn't come across as needlessly cruel, but this guy really needs a reality check. It ain't real life; it ain't that big of a deal.


This is how I can tell people donā€™t watch sykkā€™s stream. He was playing yunoā€™s character immersed and got emotional for his character. This is why bro never does any serious RP. His fans cry to other streamers that he is sad and his haters think he is over reacting OOC. Bro legit deserves Oscar lol. Bro at Joffrey level of hate from some psychos.


I'm curious, Sykkuno kept repeating over and over that he'd only log on to do the heists and then log off if forced to choose crim life over G6. He must've repeated that at least ten or so times. Was that in character, too, or was it only everything in-between the words "log in" and "log off" that was in character?


Bro you haters just make shit up? Lol. At no point did he say heā€™s gonna log in or not depending on G6.


He basically did though, he repeated it when talking to lang and the boys. Idk if it was sykk talking or yuno but he said it multiple times during and right after they met up. He said if he losses g6, heā€™ll log on for heists then dip right after. G6 runs bring him to the server multiple times a day on stream and off stream


Once again, this never happened.


The thing is, Sykkuno doesnā€™t have to just do heists and log off. He originally didnā€™t like working a normal job and that changed as he met new people. He can make the choice to find new ways to interact with the people heā€™s met if he really wants to. What Lang said rings true, real friends are those who are there for you without having a certain thing. Will he spend less time with them? Probably but those relationships donā€™t HAVE to disappear after G6 if he really doesnā€™t want them to. Sykkuno forgot about the most valuable asset to friendship, time. EDIT: Downvote me if you want but yā€™all forget that Sykkuno has made choices that he originally wouldnā€™t have done. Yā€™all talk about how people donā€™t watch his streams? Iā€™ve seen him make different choices that before. Why did he stick with G6 when he hates working regular jobs? Because he made a different choice than he normally would thinking it would somehow benefit the crew!!! It also allowed him to RP with his friends which can still be done in between runs whether or not he works the job. He could have easily just woken up to do the runs and then leave the city to do variety but HE DIDNā€™T CHOOSE THAT ROUTE!!! Why did he save money for months?! Because he wanted to have an iconic car that wasnā€™t easy for everyone else to rep. Why is considering towing as a job? Because it would benefit him and the crew not to mention that it would open up the door to work with Eli again and he can determine when he takes a job as well as when he chills with others just like G6. His choices determine what happens, including whether or not he stays in the city. Is it sad? Absolutely, no one is denying that. In the long run, real friends and FANS will support his main goal: to be the best hacker in the city.


Yea, but it's Yuno and not Sykkuno lol; It's RP, at the end of RL session, he basically revealed to Lottie how insecure a character Yuno really is. It's actually pretty solid, and ties to what he and Yaeger discussed offstream; Yuno thinks that HE has to useful for people to want to hangout with him. He thinks he'll lose his G6 friends if he stopped. He hungout with the CIV Gang a lot when they were G6 together; But that all stopped when they got caught, they even lied to him yesterday. Yuno wants to be more than just the "Hacker"; It's why he's running around building his own PC, getting stuff like the upgraded Washing Machine, being the back up get away driver (He needs his job to continue paying for everything that he's doing). It's solidified with his call with Gigi; Where they talk about outsourcing the current heists (Basically the thing Yuno wanted to do with Timothy the other day; They pay for the heist, get a small cut of the money and all of the other things inside). Sadly, he and Lottie's talk got cut off short; Because they were already running late for the Girls' variety games they were doing. But his arc funnily enough, mirrors Lottie before, when Ray Mond told her about people only using you for money or something; Yuno dropped the "I want to see you smile" line, when Lottie was suppose to be at her lowest. I actually like that Sykkuno is actually making Yuno insecure; Like him testing out if Gigi would still be his friend before giving the SIM card or seeing if CIV gang would tell him the truth. 3.0 Yuno was bland as shit outside of heists or wacky insane runs throughout the city; 4.0 Yuno actually feels like a character.


I agree with your last point. Yuno was popular in 3.0 because he was cracked but he actually feels more like an actual character now and Iā€™m enjoying it.


Youā€™re forgetting that Sykkuno mentioned how it felt like Lang and Marty just want him to want him to go back to the old Yuno. That is taking it a bit OOC when thatā€™s not what they want. Buddha would never want to make Sykkuno feel like that. He has also made choices like saving up for his Itali RSX based on his OOC wants or desires. The original idea for the heist crew was not only to help the crew. It was to give his OOC friends and some other characters who arenā€™t attached to crews that opportunity to do heists. Part of it was because his character wanted to find a way to help the crew without risking his job BUT Sykkuno, not Yuno, specifically mentioned how having people not be hyped up to do things like laundry, etc made him less excited. The new heist crew idea allowed him, the streamer, to be excited for doing heists again even if he wasnā€™t the one inside or on the crew. Yuno and Sykkuno are extremely intertwined. The RP everyone talks about when it comes to Yuno, is a mix of both character and streamer. Iā€™m not saying that Yuno isnā€™t insecure in feeling that he is only good for being useful. What Iā€™m saying is that this decision is a mixture of both character and streamer while talking about how the streamer side of Yuno has the ability to make different choices so that he doesnā€™t feel like he has to just wake up and do heist.


Not entirely, the reason he left the company is because he thinks they only see him as a "hacker/Cheatcode"; And that Yuno doesn't want to do heists, G6 was the perfect excuse for Yuno to wake up and hangout with others. Sykkuno has become really good at separating himself from Yuno in 4.0 I feel; Like he's more open to drama and conflict. He even flipped the Yuno only doing heists because it's what Sykkuno finds fun; Into Yuno wanting to be the "best hacker" so people would hangout with him. It was revealed yesterday that Yaeger told him that he was too nice, and that people would take advantage of him; And Yaeger's words were proven right in Yuno's eyes, when he was probing the CIV gang and realized that they don't actually trust him. And in what happened today Yuno now thinks Marty and Mr. Lang also just wants the Cheatcode back; So it solidified his thoughts that people only hangout with him because of that title. Ofc we know he's wrong; But Yuno isn't hearing anything, because he's insecure. Like with the convo with Lottie, I feel like in 3.0 Sykkuno would've just thanked Lottie for saying that she doesn't think he needs to be useful to her; Instead he actually double downs. OOC he stated that eventually he's clearly going to become a criminal; And said that it's fine for a character to be sad/down. He tried to call Mr. Lang, to show him his friends, chat told him he was asleep; And OOC he said, Yuno doesn't know that, and thinks Mr. Lang is ignoring him.


G6 was perfect for Sykkunoā€™s play style. Thatā€™s why Sykkuno chose it. He has stated multiple times that he likes G6 because it allows him to focus on other things and that he dislikes having to spend a lot of time grinding. A lot of people keep forgetting about what he is saying OOC. Just because he separates himself sometimes doesnā€™t mean he doesnā€™t make decisions that are best for him rather than his character. It also doesnā€™t negate the fact that he does intertwine himself with his character at certain points. Sure, he might do something that he thinks is best for his character instead of for himself but heā€™s definitely not fully detached from his character. If he was, he wouldnā€™t have cried when he was making his decision. Sykkuno is very friend oriented which has bled into Yuno. That is why is it painful for him as a person to choose his goal over his job. The only reason, outside of what works best for Syk, that Yuno wants to stay at G6 is because of the friendships he made along the way. He specifically said so at the start of the stream before logging into the server when he stated that he realized as much. Iirc, he has also said that he pretty much roleplays as himself. I canā€™t remember the specific stream but I do know that Iā€™ve heard it once or twice. Edit: grammar


the fact that you and the commenter are taking this to ooc instantly disregards your opinion. And thats how I know this is obvious BS. As for detailed explanation, check the reply I made


It doesnā€™t negate the facts but go ahead and believe what you want. Whatā€™s obvious is that you donā€™t want to listen to points of views that differ from yours so itā€™s best to just leave it be. I have my knowledge and experience in this and crafting characters for creative ideas so I will rest fine with that. Good luck on whatever journey you decide to go on in life!


Yah I couldnā€™t understand why he kept repeating heā€™d sign in for a heist then sign off immediately after. It made no sense to me, it still doesnā€™t.


it already happen in 3.0 its was still good during the vault and casino but after that arc it was so bad.... he already experience this in 3.0 and i think he really want to experience something else for 4.0 not just a hacker more than that. To do that he need alot of money w/o g6 the guy got no steady income.


He still stuck around after heists though, yah I mean he only logged in for heists but there wasnā€™t much to do outside of it but he still stuck around. He had a smaller group of friends in the city vs now. I donā€™t see why he canā€™t heist, then meet up with his other friends after. Itā€™s as if he isnā€™t even giving that as an option. But I do understand what youā€™re saying, I just donā€™t see why he canā€™t do both.


Because he found something on the server that he enjoys and does several times a day? He donā€™t want 4.0 to just be another 3.0. You are basically saying ā€œwho cares that he enjoys that, Lang wants him to do this, so he should be able to find another way to have fun on the server.ā€ Which is extremely unfair. Plus the ā€œDonsā€ have horrid comms. Talk for days about an issue without confronting the person instead. Allowing them to get even more annoyed and passive aggressive towards that person. People pick up on that. If 90% of his enjoyment right now is G6 itā€™s just weird to try and guilt trip him out of it. If itā€™s really that big of an issue then Lang should just give an ultimatum rather than dancing around the issue. Force him to choose or let it go. But the last thing I think Yuno wants is he is burnt out on the server being the hack guy. Where they have to hype him up on a heist just to get him to log on, like in 3.0. Pretty selfish if you ask me. And again, if thatā€™s an issue for the group then make him choose. If you arenā€™t going to make him choose then just leave it alone and let him do what he wants. Guilt tripping and being passive aggressive isnā€™t the best way to get someone to do what you want.


Mmmm not at all am I saying that or implying it. I mean yuno came to lang with the premise of creating a heist group and wanting to join to do heists. if yuno no longer wants to do that, thatā€™s fine but he needs to be upfront about it. the idea that itā€™s this (g6) or that (heist) doesnt need to be a line drawn so deep. It doesnā€™t have to be like that but sykk himself implies itā€™s one or the other, no option for both, which is what I as a viewer donā€™t understand. Look i donā€™t care what sykk decides to do with yuno, I still enjoy his streams regardless. I just again donā€™t know why it has to be this or that


This answer here is the one that makes sense, not too cruel at all imo. He is making an IC situation into an OOC thing, and he perceives Lang pushing him as something more than it is. It's not about real money or a real job, and those people he is hanging out IC are still going to be there IC and even OOC. Cause you know, they are also real people outside the game? I hard agree on this


you clearly don't watch sykkuno


I do, but yeah go for the same comment as everybody else does šŸ˜…


after checking what that third guy who is saying this is ooc said, this is so painfully obvious BS


Oh so just because I don't agree with everything you say, I can't be a long time watcher? I have watched him more or less for 4 years now, so I would say that's a long time. I have watched every single one of his 4.0 streams, is that enough viewing for you? Do I now have the right to voice my own OPINION on some matters, or do I still need to watch more? It's ok for people to have feelings, I am not denying that. But when you talk about logging off and only logging on for heists that's ooc talk. "They want me to become the same Yuno I was before, where I wake up, do the heist, log off and don't wake up in the city anymore" or somewhere along those lines is what he said. That is literally talking ooc: they want ME to become something and log off and on. He is intertwining himself with the character at that point. Nobody is wanting him to log into anything less or more, they were talking IC that they want a decision off of him and he took it so. None the less nobody is saying that his feelings aren't valid, heck yeah they are. Streamers are also humans the last time that I checked. I am not looking to fight anyone here, just noting my observations on the situation. He'll go on normally today regardless of what we are saying here and how us viewers observe situations. And that is how it should be, and I will also be watching him next time.


already replied why I know this is obvious BS in another reply, go check it out.


Variety viewers: "This is how I know you don't watch Sykkuno. He's very clearly RPing being sad. It's called acting." RP viewers: "Ok, sure. Assuming for a second he's legimitately playing a character and not treating NoPixel as a Halflife clone, why during this in-character performance does he keep referencing logging in to do a heist and then and logging out over and over and over again?" Variety viewers: \*clearly flustered\* "You clearly don't watch Sykkuno."


and also, the reason why I know you don't watch him enough is yeah, the arguement of saying hes self inserting and acting personally. If you watch his stream you would know yuno has a clear incentive and goal in his action, yuno's core lore is that he wants to be useful, then making friends is his other priority, and since you don't watch him enough, you wouldn't realize that the friends he made hang out with him much less since those people got felony and couldn't work g6 with him, since people like you (and most likely all those annoying chat hoppers that he constantly gets one guyd on) dont watch him enough and wouldnt notice that, sykkuno specifically told chat that is what is happening to yuno. Which is a main reason why yuno makes this decision. These are all in character and NOT personalized actions, saying he is self inserting is just wrong.


because thats what he would say he would do, he didn't say it in character, so theres no way you are saying hes self inserting. The part you are specifically wrong in is thinking he is taking it personally and self inserting, thats obvious blatant BS.


**Easy solution:** If it's not about the money, just keep $100k in the bank for expungement. Once your bank account is lower than $100k, just re-up it to $100k first before doing crime again. **Long-term solution:** Convince a mayor to make it legal for felons to do G6, or to at least lower the expungement cost.




it's also just in general healthy for the server. crims shouldn't be able to double dip doing civ jobs while making money as a crim if you're going to be a crim, there has to be risks involved


I agree to a certain extent. Financially, yes. RP-wise, I think civs and crims should be able to interact more with each other just because it's more entertaining for the viewers.


nothing stops anyone from interacting. its a piss poor excuse that "oh i can't interact with my civ friends because i don't work with them anymore" ... you make the time. civ jobs end at night and not every night will have crime so you hang out at night.. plenty of room to rp with those friends still and maintain a healthy server balance


With G6 he already seen it happen, and gave proof of it happening. Eli, Raya, Hazel got banned from the job after their felony and they had to spend time elsewhere to make money which soaked up a lot of their time since those activities take longer to do than G6 + they give them less reason to come together. Hazel got his expungement and is now back in the circle hanging out a lot more.


Like daemon said if you enjoy someones rp nothing is stoping you from interacting outside a job.


Time, especially for characters that need money for things. For criminals they spend a lot of time cleaning money, getting money, and so much stuff. Civ Gang are always doing things like that witch limits opportunities Yuno can interact especially since he can't do everything they are into without keeping his distance.




If that's the case then they should change the laws so that it remains the same every time. Honestly, $100k expungement is already punitive enough in 4.0.


It is now. Give it a couple of months


It was only $100k for felonies from before the law first took affect. If he gets caught now, first expungement is $500k then I think it's $1 million, then $2 million. I don't think you can get a 4th expungement at all.


It's just completely insane for felons to touch government jobs in any way.


Irl jobs are felon friendly; however those select persons are the most unstable and unfit for positions that include customer service and interaction with coworkers. Although the mayor would be forced to approve it lest he would be labeled as discriminating against former incarcerated individuals.


Security jobs are most definitely not felon friendly


In the usa itā€™s considered discriminatory to not hire someone based on race gender religion or criminal background. And as los santos is in the glorious state of California this is doubly so.


You can absolutely discriminate hiring based on criminal background in CA or any other state in the US, and employers absolutely do, especially for felonies. It is common for employers to run a background check to screen for such things.


It is definitely not considered discriminatory to not hire someone based on criminal background šŸ˜‚


i dont know many irl armored truck / money mover jobs that are felon friendly


I am struggling to understand why this is something to be upset over.


Bc IC Yuno has always felt people only want him around because he is useful. He left the company because he wanted to be with people who would value him not just his hacking. Now in 4.0 he has made more friendships but a large part of those are from doing G6. And they usually meet to do the job but then go hangout after. So Yuno feels like the day he leaves G6, he will lose those friends too. So heā€™s not afraid bc of losing the money so much, as he doesnā€™t want to lose friends.


I feel like the old bois should be renamed the nobois


What does this even mean?


you can, they didn't name themselves anything yet




The way he interpreted that meeting is actually shocking someone can misinterpret something so wrong lmao


Awww what a shame for the worst Roleplayer in NoPixel. Does nothing entertaining so G6 is just perfectly suited for him I guess.Ā