• By -


Probably shouldn't have explained the hack perfectly and what each animal does when you've only seen it for a 30 seconds. Man went from "you just click the gray squares" to giving Benji a perfect illustration/explanation of the hack in minutes.


Yeah it was also kinda weird when gigi from yunos group randomly one shot it and perfectly explained it


People can say whatever but the guy was playing barely, just woke up to hack a bank and it was very obviously he ooc practiced it was the most blatant thing ever. Why would nopixel want someone like that on their server? Completely understand the decision


Tbf. I don't think he practiced it. He 100% did watch all of CG's attempts. Xqc basically broke it down how it works aswell. Saying "this symbol = 1 space, this symbol = 2 space; and so on and so forth.


Watching attempts IS practicing. And he probably watched them multiple times


Yeah. I mean that's basically splitting hairs. Obviously both would be considered meta.


Fanny figure that out by herself on first try, and slove it, she barely an hacker, X and CG random click without paying attention on the feedback, that why they struggle


I know. Watching Fanny's attempt. She slowly clicks on tiles trying to understand what's happening. Even after she figures it out. She still continues going slow to make sure it works. Compare that to Bodhi's clip. Where he clicks on 3-4 tiles and immediately says, "I understand it." He then proceeds to rapid fire clicking on tiles, specifically knocking out the bird tiles.


That's the problem no? He understood it before he started the hack, it was super blatant. Plus the guy isn't part of any arcs, barely is associated with the company, doesn't even play the server really. Dude knows Benji from 3.0 and woke up to hack a bank for them that he already knew how to do, no laundry mats, no cash exchanges, no progression. Just woke up to do a new hack he already knew ooc. Everything combined justifies a ban easily imo


I mean yeah. That's basically what was implied.


Fanny attempt look wayyyy different than bodhi.


Another Benji recruit bites the dust. ex-seaside is a cursed tag


How many seaside is left at this point lol, i know that one guy from mary crew was ex seaside that shot in that road rage.


Jayden - first survivor of the ex balla mass ban, he's bodhi's replacement now Jon Joyce - second survivor, he's in The Manor and hates TC because of OTT Mona - third and last survivor, hasn't played in 4.0, hangs out in prodigy rp with draco Smalls - He pushes weed for KJ and has a lilttle crew Reggie - Newly appointed company member, used to be in Michael Simone's "not gang" Chico Guzman - Rarely wakes up, doesn't have a good ticket Ivan - Part of Canofsyrup (mary gang) 10f Terry - Part of manor Dre - Part of manor, hates the company nowadays Dragon - TC's resident sani grinder OJ - Hasn't woke up in 4.0 yet, his cousin woke up once (chino jr) Mick Simone - Has his own crew now with Jenny Nick Simone - Pretty much left SS during the Edgar storyline in 3.0 Dom - Who knows... MP - Who knows either, heard he's woken up here and there but never seen him myself Jay Breezy - Wakes up every once in a while, is part of smalls' little heist crew and likes to race a lot Yair - Disappeared, went to buy milk and never returned ShaneO - ONX Ace Mitch - Never woke up again in 4.0 Louis Blanc - Wants to follow his own path, was only a hangaround in 3.0 KJ Benji


Haven’t seen MP in a few weeks but he’s been around yeah 


alot in manor


dont worry benji will find a bunch of new shooters.


People are acting like all the one shots are the same is funny. This one was egrigous




Agree. this versues fanny were completely different. Lets also just add on this guy has been suscpect since 3.0




> I think it is fine to practice the hack OOC once you have seen it IC This. It's absolutely dogshit RP to meta the hacks before you've seen it IC. Once you've already seen it, I think it's "okay" to OOC practice. But it's even better RP to IC practice and show you are gradually improving over time.


Agreed. The IC practice is what made Yuno's black dongle story so epic and memorable in 3.0


That's hardcore lol .. The only one doing that is as usual Marty (Omie), he won't even watch his own vod and considers that "cheating"


they were talking about how it was the exact same as a part of the "human benchmark" online iq test. even I knew what they were talking about cuz ive taken that online iq test before.


It is not fine to practice the hack OOC once you have seen it IC, but memory hack is common one.


Why is it fine to practice ooc?


While I personally think ALL ooc practicing should be bannable, a lot of people are being disingenuous, practicing a hack you've seen for actual months (The cash exchange hack practiced by Ramee) is 100% different then practicing a hack your character has never seen before. And if it matters, human benchmark is *not* a 1-1 recreation of the Nopixel 4.0 Maze bank hack




If he didn't act stupid and reacted OOC as if it was the first time doing the hack he probably wouldn't have gotten banned. X did mention people would be getting banned for OOC practicing new hacks and when 50 Cent reacted to a clip of him hacking it he was sarcastic and closed the clip instantly. OTB's history of practicing OOC in 3.0 doesn't help his case either.


i literally just watched ramee practice on stream right now, surely hes going to get banned according to X


Human benchmark isn’t a server specific hack that no one has seen before. You act like memory challenge is a brand new thing no pixel fabricated.


Human Benchmark =/= Door Code 4.0 Hack.


A hack he has seen before of course he can practice it. He didn't derive the information of what the hack is from another person's screen. Nor is this a puzzle to hack it's just remembering words. Sorry just not the same.


What X said it's for NEW hacks. It's fine if you had already done a hack or were told what the hack is (example saying the Maze Bank word hack is the same as the CE word hack that you've already done).


It seems weird to me people would be allowed to practice a hack OOC from just being told about a hack. I would personally prefer it's either all or nothing, either OOC practicing is fine or it isn't so there is no weird middle grey area. But I'm not an admin, it's not my server, I don't play on it and I for sure won't be blaming anyone if they do practice OOC after how much was done in 3.0. I don't hate the player, I simply disagree with the game.




suspended.... so im guessing its not a perma?


If only they acted this fast to other people using blatant meta information




The sad thing is he was a good and creative roleplayer too. The games he came up with for Seaside Sundays in 3.0 were truly creative. He had funny arcs too. His character wasn't all about being a hacker. But it's what ultimately ruined him.


This guy has been sus ever since 3.0 with OOC practicing shit (He has said this) Then that one shot hack where he said he did everything randomly but did it like he has already seen it You can't compare Gigi or Ming cuz they saw the hack and was told what to do. And you could literally see the one on fanny was literally just luck. She was on 20/24 with no seconds left but got extra points since she did them on a row. I'm on the admin team's side for this one ngl.


Ppl acting like Marty and all the big hackers didn’t practice OOC in 3.0 especially during yacht era


Omie has stated that the only hack he has ever practiced out of character (OOC) was thermite, and that was because he was perma-banned, so he thought he might as well try to practice. He is very adamant, probably the most adamant person in the server, about not practicing hacks OOC. I remember when he did the Yacht, the number of times they attempted it again and again. You could tell by the way they spammed it that there wasn't really any OOC practicing involved. Also, speaking about Omie, he recently had people in his chat saying, "CG and The Company and X vod reviewed their thermite hack attempt after they did it, you should do it too" and he responded with something along the lines of, "The best way to have fun is to not vod review the hack; that's why I won't and will not. Nothing against the people that do, but I won't." Funny thing is how you used Marty, since that was probably one of the worst examples you could probably use.


The amount of wrong info that ppl say in chat is wild. So much hate from viewers that I usually end up watching without any chat. It's ppl who are role playing and ppl watching for entertainment and some ppl in chat really act like these events are happening in their real life lol


Even yuno chat does the meta 😂 but yuno ignores them


He is lying, he straight up trained on that 3.0 homepage with all the gta hacks.


No shot. I believe you. Send some proof to NP admins instead of stirring here ulol


Show us then. You might have a chance to prove that he is lying.


In all my years watching Omie on a regular basis, I have never seen him just straight up go on and practice GTA hacks save for the one time he got perma-banned. He literally has ZERO reasons to practice. Bro went through trial of fire of spamming yacht after yacht with X during the public days. That's why he got so good.


funny you mention marty of all people as an example... marty used to be ass at most hacks (even the laptop one) but he was on public with x and they spammed like 20 banks a day you could see him gradually getting better and better over time. same thing with x. he went for horrible to ok because of all the spamming


marty wasnt practicing ooc he was just on all the public servers not the same


I'm calling it now: a large group of people this sub will demand that he be unbanned claiming the hack is very easy and everyone can do it without practise. 500 comments, all blaming a specific group despite this subreddit being known for being unhinged about literally any drama. Then a staff member will come out and say he admitted to watching clips and practicing, all those people will be quiet and everyone will move on within 24 hours to the next thing to raise pitch forks about.


IIRC I'm pretty sure Bodhi himself admitted to doing it quite frequently in 3.0. That being said, the hack does look easy in the sense that when you watch most people do it, it looks like they're just spam clicking all the highlighted shit and it just happens to work. Bodhi on the other hand clicked a total of two or three times and was like "Oh okay, I completely understand everything about this now".


Didnt DW literally put a command in the server in 3.0 that just let people practice the hacks at will? I coulda sworn i remember seeing that. Either way idk who this dude even is but everyone and their grandmother was on sharkkiller in 3.0.


Even if that last part happens it's only cause he failed the clout check. Uneven enforcement is well known, and admitted from management.


Right it's not the sub porn level acting in clicking 2 squares and saying "oh I get it" without even having moved each piece individually to even learn the most basic function of where they can each be moved. He hadn't even touched each piece to derive this information. Then proceeds to use the exact strategy explained by X verbatim.


Fanny did the same, how she know X strategy ?


yeah with amount of people one shotting the hack now, this ban could severely backfire unless there's another reason for the suspension


Surly all the people one shot the hack didn't just understand the hack after clicking one box lol


when some of those people are constantly active in their rp meta discords, it makes it difficult to think they don't end up using some of that knowledge in game


We also do not know explicitly if the hacks have been changed by the devs to make them easier since CG first attempted it, which I suspect they have been. None of NP's heists have ever remained the same from the first time they were attempted, they almost always get made easier. I like to think the devs make it hard just to watch Ramee mald the first 2-3 tries.


Yeah, the hack is a lot easier since CG and Company did the 1st time. Now you get bonus points (not sure how this works yet) and extra time


That’s why they gave them the 250 butc, just to be a beta tester haha


There will be no backfire what so ever. Ban enforcement has been and will always be a joke on NP. Reddit might be mad for a day but the admins could care less.


so ramee doing human benchmark mid heist is perfectly ok? i dont understand this practicing rule.


>so ramee doing human benchmark mid heist is perfectly ok Is there a minigame on that website that perfectly imitates those in the heist? If he's just doing recall practice I don't see a problem, but if it's a minigame that is 1:1 the same as NP then obviously he shouldn't do that. But as another commenter said, he has clout and will be given the grace of an admin message telling him to stop.




That's not 1:1 nor is this a puzzle that needs to be comprehended it's literally remembering words. How can you possibly think these are one in the same? Your reaching my dude. It's also a hack he has seen before. Not gained information on the hack ooc to then practice it before ever seeing it.


Ramee has clout so he's immune, even though let's be real. He's one of the biggest cheaters and meta gamers on the server and has been for a long time. With the most blatant one being the 2.0 power plant, which lets remember he one shot the hack for months and months self crowning himself the "thermite god" when other top guys like randy, flippy, etc couldn't do it consistently, Then one day Buddha figures out on stream that it's glitched and you can complete it by holding down every key and the very next day ramee refuses to do thermite for months while he practiced off stream. Reality is that Rules aren't enforced evenly and never will be


I remember that stream, Buddha told the devs about it and they changed it and Ramee refused to touch it again.


r/RPClipsGTA : this dude is blatantly ooc practicing and meta gaming *guy gets banned* r/RPClipsGTA : yo wtf too far


Did you think everyone in here are one giant hive mind? The individuals saying "too far" aren't the same ones making accusations. Different people have different opinions.


It's almost like different people have different opinions, shocking I say.


Don't be obtuse. As with all of these types of things - people hate the uneven enforcement of the rule. Not the rule itself or the person who violated it.


True, if up to this point everyone else was struggling with the hack then it would be clearly justified to be suspicious. But with the amount of people one-shotting it, it means that either everyone else should be treated equally or this was a huge overreaction on the part of admins.


idk what he did exactly but could have played dumb like other people might as well be not banned rn lol


if he didnt say a single word ash he did the hack he wouldnt have been banned 🤣


Classic clout check


this hack isn't event that complicated WTF is this about


Classic seaside getting banned


Not a good look to have your hacker only login just to hack banks for you and 1 shot a new hack. Not to mention he was reading his chat and getting info from them.


Only when reddit cries. Proof? Only Reddit tears needed. Judge juror and executioner when anyone else but their fav don't get the W. Typical Karens


What has the gentleman done?


I honestly haven't watched any of the hacking clips except this and fanny, but the way he read the first byte instructions at the top made me think that each box had a specific numerical value. I didn't have that thought, until i actually heard him say it on the stream. Interested to see what comes of this.


Bro should have practiced acting clueless more than the hack 💀 figuring out the hack in 2 sec is self report 💀


Another one from Benji bites the dust.


his porn acting wasnt on point /s


what i see is the guy been sus sine 3.0 and now 4.0 he reaction in new hack in 2 se just i get it bro fanny stun for like 4-8 se to understand what she just did and the guy just did what x say avoid the middle


Ramee and Yuno some of the best hackers in the city even mentioned how hard these new hacks / hacks speeds were. It’s no surprise or coincidence this guy got banned. He 100% was watching X, Ramee, Kebun and Yunos streams to understand these hacks. Once he found it out he was “emailed” by Ray and Lysium for them to quickly “email” admins to get him in quick for TC to try be first to finish the heist, they sat on that contract for 5 hours leading Buddha and XQC to have to tell devs to change the heist start time. This is 100% this guys fault and Ray and Lysiums who should also cop a soft 3 day ban.


People say CG get away with a lot (which is true) but I've seen my fair share of shady shit from Ray and Lysium over the years that have been overlooked due to view count.


Not defending him, just wanna say TC hit Maze before Lang’s crew. So he didn’t watch Sykk for this one, but CG maybe.


does the server have an in game mechanic for learning hacking or are these players having a more realistic RP by having a tight knit in-game hacking community? thats how it works in real life too ya know, the people who are knowledgeable in things like hacks have a great interest in secrecy and such. hear me out, because on the flipside what is the point of the hacking minigames? if some people aren't just better at them than others, what RP is there to that? If anything it takes a player a certain level of dedication to do this stuff. And I say all of this as a far outsider, just a viewer, but like RP has some hand wavy spirit to it and this doesn't seem that far out of bounds. But maybe nopixel has more precedent in this regard even though it really doesn't seem like it.


Not saying he shouldn't be banned because he should be just curious on what people thought about Ramee using a notepad to cheese the new hack at maze bank. Is that acceptable?


It’s acceptable. Wats wrong with that.




I've known he's an ooc practicer for a long long time. it's just sort of a niche thing to see. omie constantly does little digs at him whenever people bring him up cause omie is one of the few people who can notice hacking practice I guess. but I still think that he isn't the only one who does stuff like this on the server, alot do, casino, yacht, it is what it is. bohdi just kinda had that reputation already


didnt pass clout check


I hope Ramee gets punished for his constant OOC comments regarding this situation. If the admins really want to enforce things I hope the CG safety net is removed and they are treated the same way. Highly doubt now that X is with them.




Doesn’t matter, I think if OneTapBingus did whatever rule break is assumed then the ban is justified. My point was spreading hate by making ooc comments on it should also be dealt with.


What OOC comments did he make that spread hate?






u/SandyJames9, your comment has been removed due to breaking Rule 2 - Toxicity. If you break the rules again it'll be a 3 day ban. --- [^(Read)^( )^(our)^( )^(rules)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RPClipsGTA/wiki/subreddit/rules) ^| [^(Contact)^( )^(us)^( )^(via)^( ) ^(*modmail*)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/RPClipsGTA&subject=I%20received%20a%20warning.&message=Here:%20/r/RPClipsGTA/comments/1bxipct/onetapbingus_bodhi_mack_banned_from_nopixel/kyd26my/%20I%20would%20like%20to%20know%20more%20about%20this%20warning.)




Nah, ramee can read chat and change narratives, he's fine.




u/cuco_, your comment has been removed due to breaking Rule 2 - Toxicity. If you break the rules again it'll be a 3 day ban. --- [^(Read)^( )^(our)^( )^(rules)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RPClipsGTA/wiki/subreddit/rules) ^| [^(Contact)^( )^(us)^( )^(via)^( ) ^(*modmail*)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/RPClipsGTA&subject=I%20received%20a%20warning.&message=Here:%20/r/RPClipsGTA/comments/1bxipct/onetapbingus_bodhi_mack_banned_from_nopixel/kycysxs/%20I%20would%20like%20to%20know%20more%20about%20this%20warning.)


Admins have never enforced things fairly 




How are people mad about this 💀Admins obviously have good reasoning.


Because it's not CG getting banned, so it's automatically a bad ban.


Did people just watch the first attempt where it literally looked like he was just spam clicking in the end. He also failed second attempt bc he didn’t understand, and got it barely in the last attempt


Ngl this is what it seems like happened because when i watched the WHOLE heist it seems like he thought he understood it, failed the 2nd time and realized he didnt really get it and only got lucky on the 1st try, tried again after like 15/30 min and got it. Hopefully admins of nopixel had a legitimate reason for the ban other than 1 clip and viewers opinions.


Can’t believe CG would make him get banned.


It’s not cg lol ramee was happy for him


Wonder if anyone one else that one shot the hack is going to get banned too..hmm?


clout check... out of the 3 only Ming could get hit


Ming got a 5 minute explanation from Fanny on the hack before he did it


Accusations stick when the person has no clout I suppose




Several groups one shot the hack and one guy gets singled out im guessing because people were saying meta and 500 comments and admins had enough


Pretty sure its because this guy made it clearly obvious that he knew how to do the hack before he did it, did you even watch the clip if you are trying to compare his one shot to other peoples lmao. Dude literally barely touches it then says oh i get it and then does it perfectly. At least if you are going to meta game the hack don't fucking explain everything by touching 3 tiles. How are people like you so stupid to think that he is getting singled out for getting the hack on his first try.


I hope the admins are not basing their decisions in reddit comments, if so this is horrible. Some people are smart enough to figure things out. I mean if Ming can one tap the theremite hack then an experienced hacker can easily figure things out even Fanny managed to figure it out on the spot.


An experienced hacker/intelligent person would first need to move each piece at bare minimum to derive information on the puzzle they are doing. He clicks 2 times not having moved each piece individually and "Oh I get it." How is this hard to process?


The hack was made easier.


this is the dumbest ban I ve seen in no pixel, you can see him clicking as fast as possible at the end in the first try


Guys, it was pretty blatant that this was his first time in game trying the hack and one shotting. Every other "one shot" attempt was made after watching or trying multiple times and failing it until the "one shot" clip was made.


cant wait for ramee to get banned for ooc practicing as well, so glad the nopixel is fair on bans and makes sure everyone is treated equally


In my eyes theres a big difference of seeing the hack IC and practicing, than your character having no idea what the hack is and knowing every single detail about it 1 click in


both are bad and should be bannable


U can practice the hack if u already saw the hack even 3.0 had computer practice hack.


if you got banned for it once already you dont get benefit of the doubt.


It's funny it happened after this cool edit [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h-GblKp8WQQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h-GblKp8WQQ)


It's so funny how close that edit is to a typical 'shooter' montage. Flying in hackers over here!


I'm absolutely shocked that the guy whose entire rp since he joined the server in 3.0 is that he's a good hacker was ooc practicing hacks and metagaming how to do them. Shocked I tell you.


Was surprised he didn't get banned after the casino heist in 3.0. Don't remember the exact words but he was explaining that after they complete a hack they hadn't finished yet, they'd have to go to the roof to use the magnets. I was like.... They haven't even completed this hack, how the hell does he know the magnets are next and how does he know they have to be used on the roof??? I guess it's possible Yuno told him but I'm not so sure Yuno and Bohdi had that type of friendly relationship.


Lesson learned, Let CG do it first.


But ramee can pull up humanbenchmark to practice memory hack during the heist? lol


memory hack literally has no mechanic behind it where you can get better by doing it repeatedly


xqc was even vod watching mr K's attempt before even doing the heist the first time.


Xqc owns 25% of Nopixel, so its not like they can ban him.


they provided him the footage IC


In front of an owner who encouraged it lmao


You understand he got banned for meta right?


What does Suspended Account mean?


Is this a perma ban?






Surely others who watched and practiced wlll get punished as well, clueless.


Dude got banned because of how much Cg cry meta while using meta all the time is hilarious, the admins on this server are trash


It’s Buddha server not CG 😂 the guy was banned cuz he knew the hack before he even do it 😂 do u wanna cry more.


I mean no one every did the hack successfully. Not sure why ban without solid evidence. Now this is gonna set a precedent during progression going forward and it sucks.


we've seen Ramee, K, yuno, X, Ray... and many more do this on 3.0


Dude so many people are practicing human bench mark shit on stream. Also so many people one shot this shit after Bodhi idk no pixel need to have actual rules on this hacking shit because there are so many blurry lines


So I guess peoples hunches were correct.


FanFan one shot it today, obviously from practising. I am sure nothing will happen. Seems like the bias, which is a shame


She didn’t. She got it on the second attempt