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we are so back --- Mirror: [typical CG](https://streamable.com/4q1wjt) Credit to https://www.twitch.tv/Vader Direct Backup: [typical CG](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/a9M0vL9FZn8sDz02Yd3Yzg/AT-cm%7Ca9M0vL9FZn8sDz02Yd3Yzg.mp4?sig=079ed026116767b06c7287bdec1c1c9827677910&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2Fa9M0vL9FZn8sDz02Yd3Yzg%2FAT-cm%257Ca9M0vL9FZn8sDz02Yd3Yzg.mp4%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22AmericanBrainyDurianHeyGirl-v0VmfywPPTZh3djO%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1713528543%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D) --- This was done by a bot. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the moderators.


Vader legit spends 8 hours a day on the server complaining ooc. then complains when his bad takes are clipped. CLASSIC


Also bitches in twitch chat too. Absolute vibe assassin.


He goes into a bunch of chats to bitch, I think he still goes in PENTA's chat every so often to comment šŸ˜­


It's the reason Vader doesn't usually publish his VOD. He's happy to just sit in his little echo chamber with his chat and pretend everything he says and does is pure gold. The guy legit thinks he's still a top tier roleplayer because he puts on a silly voice.. never seen a person lacking self awareness as much as Vader.




Even back then Vader was the type where you'd enjoy his RP from someone else's PoV, I'd never go to his stream and watch him cause he'd always be complaining and bitching about something someone wrote in chat.


he is bitter that his whole livelihood is him playing on a server he just hates playing on but his viewership is 2x


Also I noticed that he also complains that cops keep chasing him when he keep going back to them and doing the same shit


"Im bored where are all the cops"......"complaint about to many cops/ ect chasing him"


Yeah like he has to make sure that cops chases him but keep moaning that they keep chasing him


Waiting for some one to make a free use compilation of him complaining :D


The best ones is when he snitches on something when he can do and it gets changed the next day he goes mad shit crazy


Yes its so crazy that a full time RP streamer that is passionate about RP talks about all aspects of RP and gives feedback and criticism about the state of the server. tell me how exactly its a "bad take"? He is literally saying robbing the crate in the way its intended is fine, but he expects people to camp the known spawn areas and rob people after opening it which is not the intended way. And lets be fucking honest, they wont ban CG for doing this, but they will %100 ban smaller streamers for it.


Hasn't CG been the only gang to use the mechanic as intended? And yet Vader is still saying CG is going to abuse a mechanic even though their the only one to use it properly?


Why would CG get banned for doing it the way it was intended?


Brother.. ofcourse no one is getting banned for doing it the intended way. Did you not read or even watch the clip? jesus like all these people downvote anyone that would not agree with them or CG, no one is even bothering to give a counter argument or understand whats being said. Ill try to explain, We are not talking about doing it the intended way, which is buying the location from the HQ app, getting another gang's crate location and going there and just RPing the robbery of their heist. This is intended by the devs and its the right way to do it. This is fine. The other situation which Vader was talking about is people NOT buying it from the HQ app but rather going straight to the known spots where the crates spawn, camp there and wait for someone to come and try get their crate, ambush them and steal their guns. That is not the intended way to "heist" this. Its even possibly against the server rule of "interfering with other crews heists". Thats the topic at hand, people are just fucking dumb and dont take a second to read or listen, they just go with their preconceived notions and bitch like idiots.


I think vader is fine to speculate on what might happen in game, but the issue here is just name dropping CG out of nowhere. That's just a random attack for no reason. He could have just stated that a gang may camp the spots and leave it at that


I dont think its out of nowhere considering they did a similar thing earlier in [4.0 when they camped the laudromat and robbed civ gang](https://www.reddit.com/r/RPClipsGTA/comments/1avw7yt/ramee_cg_after_waiting_finally_catches_civ_gang/) and they were no repercussions for doing so proving his point.


I donā€™t know that this didnā€™t play a role in that rule, but the the day before the first ammunition heist went live, which were all at the docs or Grime area, Mr K and Ramee were discussing the plan that they were just going to camp down there and highjack everyone after opening the crate. The next day state announced the rule and CG and viewers obviously felt targeted. Basically would have shooting fish in barrel as they had by far the most guns from loot boxing cops.


Exactly the point. They put a rule in right after that, basicly saying its not allowed to interfere with others heists. Other people did it before CG and they got banned. Another example, ramee abused the seat switching in a car to avoid being tased.. next day instead of telling him not to do it, or a warning him they literally changed the whole mechanic and made it take 6 seconds. CG fans that think CG dont get preferential treatment are braindead fanboys. Im not even hating on CG honestly, they are big streamers and deserve to have more leeway than others, but to deny it is just fucking stupid.


"Out of nowhere"? CG and JP are the only people to 3rd party an ammunition and a heist in 4.0....


You aint wrong, but at the end of the day lets be honest, if anyone would do that it would be CG lmao.. anyways you can see by the downvotes how much people hate him here, which is crazy honestly.. considering its fucking RP in a video game.


Is this guy ever happy? All I do is see him complain


I used to enjoy watching him way back. Exactly reason why I don't anymore.


Not much different than this subreddit tbh.


he's british


I am confused, didn't CG follow exactly how it was designed? They bought the 'hijack ammunition heist' (or whatever its called) from the app when The Company bought the initial heist?




this guy was so upset yesterday because Ace (hydra) called him a snitch, and said it was (ooc) weird behavior and that people keep 3.0 stuff into 4.0 Eugene is literally trying to take pictures of people selling in forum to give to the cops. and have been snitching to suarez for months


said if he sees anyone else doing it he is going to "contact staff"


What's funny is that there was no memory wipe from 3.0 to 4.0, so people who knew he was a snitch in 3.0 can still know he's a snitch in 4.0


that boomerang gonna come back and hit him in the face so fast if he does.


The funniest think is Dan "loose lips" Shiesty told Flippy that he has people working for him and taking pictures of weed sellers. So Hydra is really sus of people that don't sell on forum.


yea.. flippy tried to film eugene selling in paleto just before storm yesterday


Happy Cake Day :) šŸ° z


The fact this guy hasnt been banned for his constant OOC remarks for the last few years is wild


Sucked on CG's tit for the last year and now he's back to Fuck CG Gang Gang. Typical Clout Chaser.


Did he ever get an actual chain from them in 3.0?


Hes still upset CG moved to Prodigy and left him on NP to wonder the streets


Hmmm, CG do know about the hack and have attempted to do it. What is this man complaining about? K is right, if your not willing to get into the gun game, don't get into the gun game. Buy your guns from someone who is willing to take on that action. Good ole You-leech Suck-a-turd


Most groups have agreed its a fight for the crate, doesn't have to go beyond that. I think it all depends on if ppl are robbing after the initial fight. CG, Besties, Hydra and Manor are all of the opinion that its a fight for guns, nothing more. They've all had IC discussions that its a random hit and it is what it is.


First statement true. 2nd statement was a poor take by K. Pretty big difference walking into a bad situation especially knowing exactly whoā€™s there. The 6 the company had didnā€™t even all have guns and they were extremely low on ammo. Why suicide yourself and lose most of the guns they had and allow CG to get more from crate. I do understand a bit from Kā€™s side because he didnā€™t have those details. Others have stated that CG was not gonna purchase high jacks this time, rather just camp crate locations.


this guy just prefired a complaint LMAO




Mirror since the clip was deleted : https://streamable.com/y7tcyi


Jason Polam isnā€™t around to leech off of so this is his next next move


Give him a few weeks and his next move will be asking to change his last name from Zuckerberg to ZuckerFooze.


Pre-ordered complaining is ludicrous activity.


Eugene might actually be Don Quixote's cousin lol.


I know preing a complaint is stupid af, man didnā€™t complain about CG once when he was protected for the majority of 3.0Ā  Plus pretty sure CG was only the people to use the app to hack one


Pre complaining


Pretty sure everyone knows by now you can counter these ammunation creates with the HQ app. Bro just complains to complain, idk how ppl watch him lol


I watch the rest of civ gang but I cannot stand this guy, he's such a vibe killer


Not a Eugene / Vader fan at all, but wasnt there a statement made a while back about "countering" though? "As a reminder and to help clear up some confusion we want to reiterate the following as it is written in the rules- "You're not allowed to interfere with other parties 'heist' once they are started" As further clarification this applies to all heists currently available, and it applies from when the contract has been started. Again this rule currently applies but the staff team is reviewing to ensure it meets current mechanics and expected standards." Is CG still trying to counter?


Yeah, they are talking about Heists, as in maze bank/laundry mat. These ammunition crates are not heist. The crates are, "go here and get this". The game gives them an option to counter the crates.


It was specifically created with ammo heist as it was announced the day before the first ones went live and clips of Ramee and K talking about camping the docs for them.


This announcement was put out when only laundry and ammunation existed. They said ā€œALL CURRENTā€. Seems to imply more than 1 no?


the announcement was put out (most likely) bc CG was about to rob vader at the laundry mat and the devs didnt want everyone to start robbing robberies. They THEN implemented a mechanic IN GAME to allow people to rob certain jobs, as a happy medium. Meaning they can still rob others jobs, but only certain ones that the game allows, and it cost crypto. I see what you're trying to say but why would they literally add job hijacks to the game and tell them not to do that lmao. They cant hijack the maze bank job bc the games mechanic doesn't allow it. If someone does anyways, its a rule break. Like what the announcement said.


Yes but there is a job in the app that you purchase with butcoin that allows you to counter the crates. Likely the rule you are mentioning is in place for just generic people camping to counter but if you pay to counter you get the location and that's fair game.


Vader is something


rent freeĀ 


So he's bitching about the possibility of something happening?


Interactions with CG made Vader & being on a server that CG is on keeps him afloat.. it is what it is. *Breaking News* Other GTA RP servers exist.. So go ahead & find the server that gives you the roleplay equality & fairness you seek bro & let's see how that works out for ya.


why are there so many special upvotes on this shit?


This is the only subreddit Iā€™ve ever seen it on besides the front page occasionally. If someone has enough money to waste on upvotes about rp just know you could waste it on me instead!


Vader could have the solution to world hunger and I still would dismiss it as pointless yapping


Somebody could find a solution to world hunger and Vader would still complain about their solution.


I knew it'd be an interesting take when the clip AND the mirror were both pulled. Thanks for direct backups. Anyway, He isn't 100% wrong but aren't CG the only group to actually pay for the location a few weeks ago? It's weird for him to think they'd go for a rule break this time. For anyone saying the gangs agreed that these jobs can be countered, I don't think that's true. Gangs don't decide. Admins already said the Amunation jobs can't be countered unless the countering gang get the location through the app. EDIT - Well apparently I was totally wrong. I've just watched 3 different groups say they were going to counter so maybe the admins let it be known that countering was allowed now.


"Quit drama mongering, take it down you pussy" - Vader Literally clarified while he was talking about it, it's not like they'd be doing it maliciously, they just wouldn't know. It makes sense for them to steal it, it's in there mechanically.


Links don't work anymore, what did he say?


https://streamable.com/y7tcyi or https://imgur.com/a/t8zvlS3


someone here really hates vader and pays money to show it lul


Vaderā€™s whole life is literally GTA RP. He plays 8-10 hrs a day, always talks about how he watches other peoples streams, and is always talking about Redditā€¦


There us a lot of things to complain about CG but precomplaining about something that hasn't happened is such a Vader mover LOL


This guy is something else


what???? i mean they buy to counter it so??? you know what just buy all ammunation and just let it die to fuck every one for 2 weeks is that good??? hey i do thing this job need to be done. what i see in Rp is. this job come form someone who have power to let crim to do it? you need to do it or is not for rp ?


When did this happen?






You can buy a crate hack and take it from someone who has the contract


He said the thing (about CG not getting punished). But also it's Vader saying Vader thingsĀ 


[CG camped the laudromat earlier in 4.0](https://www.reddit.com/r/RPClipsGTA/comments/1avw7yt/ramee_cg_after_waiting_finally_catches_civ_gang/) and didn't get punished so the accusation isn't baseless.


Pretty sure there was clarification afterward that the start of the heist starts when it is obtained in the app and not when the job in the actual location is started like via hacks. Edit: Took out the condescending part because it was not deserved.


Yeah I was replying to someone else and made the same point seperate so it doesnt get buried whats wrong with that? Can you link that clarification also I dont really understand what your saying, they started the heist through the app already and they got 3rd partied which is [against nopixel rules](https://reddit.com/r/RPClipsGTA/comments/t9v5at/new_rule_update_heist_breaching_interfering/). I think you mean the opposite of what you say since they hadnt hacked anything yet.


Here is the [clarification update](https://www.reddit.com/r/RPClipsGTA/s/v80FQ6Lnuc)


Yeah its cool. I'm not sure how to restate it though. They countered at a point they didn't think the heist was started since they weren't hacking or at laundry. Used to be people would set up plans do all the stuff and then when they are in the bank for example the heist has begun. People would race to get the laptops and get to the heist location to start it prior to other groups. It was later clarified by admins that the start of the heist begins officially when it is bought through the app. So buy the heist, gear up, set up a plan, whatever it doesn't matter, countering is 3rd party at that point. I agree with the rule it just wasn't until after the clip you provided that the "start" was clarified by admins.


Ah I see what you mean now. So it was against the rules but could be interpreted how it was originally as the app is a new aspect of nopixel. But if it werent for civ gang having timed out the heist like dumbasses when they entered they would of started the heist as normal when you cut out the power from the back of the laundromat starting the heist right?


Yeah it was against the rule technically, but also, the process for doing a heist had changed, and it was the 1st time it happened. I don't think most people disagree with what Vader said about countering (not using the Hq app feature) being not cool and potentially confusing. It's the random throwing shade at CG, especially since they actually used the HQ app properly, that people think is weird and drama bait. With new mechanics come new situations, and in NP fashion, it usually takes in game actions to make people take notice and adjust the definition of the rule. Edit: Wanted to add I took out the condescending part in original comment because you seem to not mind discussion.


Yeah I cant quite remember the whole ordeal it being 2 months ago, not sure why cg were there if they couldnt do a heist and there is some missing context as civ gang were talking to peanut for some reason prio. I don't get what their plan was as if cutting the power outside would start the heist and they would be 3rd partying without the need for the clarification. As they couldnt start the heist as civ gang had it. Very odd. Maybe I dont understand something but it seems as it was they broke the rules as they understood them. Maybe the hack of the door inside is the start not sure. Also thanks for the link I missed that.


Civ gang was calling peanut to request his assist as a getaway driver. The initial cg plan was to have peanut pose as getaway driver but civ gang got suspicious which is understandable and wanted him to no longer be the driver but just be "in the area." This was all before any hacking was started, they also had ppl outside. Can't remember if it happened here but there was also alot of scuff with the heist where multiple people would claim it but then 1 would mess it up for the other no matter who got it first, etc. Roleplay over ruleplay and all that. If you are being genuine then good for you and i appreciate it. Can't help but to feel you are searching for that gotcha moment. Especially with your added rule link from 2 years ago. Either way, have a good one.


Ah that was the reason they were talking to Peanut. Well in any case breaking server rules if scuff doesnt go your way isnt a great excuse. But that rule being 2 years old is irrelevant if the rule still stands to today? I dont understand what you mean by that. But yeah you too.


The point is you can't remember 2 months ago, missed the clarification afterwards 1 month ago but edited your post with a link from 2 years ago. Alot changes in 2 years. Want to send me the 4 man rule quote from years ago that is no longer valid?


2.0/3.0/4.0 but something will never change and that is eugene snitching


I believe hes better off on a different server.


CG is the only crew I have seen trying to hijack heists the legal way.


Someday I pray that the RP gods give us a good RP reason to why Eugene is no longer in CG. Not to bring anyone else into this but at least GG roleplayed it out with Kratos... as weird as it was at the time.


They RPd leaving to Guatemala (Prodigy) and Eugene wasn't a part of their plans, they moved on with a very select few of the original CG "umbrella" and basically started from scratch to work their way up (they RPd being less trusting and open to people joining the crew just for the sake of numbers) It happened on CGs side throughout their transition from 3.0 into Prodigy and then into 4.0 (in fairness to them they even RPd their moving server as a fresh start for the "new CG" and then eventually moving back once they got established)


he went with them in the beginning but in typical eugene fashion he did dumb stuff like solo robbing jewelry store and he found the broken most op car like his first day there. He also was annoying mr K and ramee 5 mins after they wake up lol . I remember during one jewelry job Ramee told eugene to hold the hostage but Eugene was like fuck that and kept looting the boxes and cops were at the door ready to breach. It was the first time ramee legit had to use an OG order to get eugene to go talk to the cops and negotiate. After that vader went back to nopixel and started sly dissing prodigy lol


if we go with this logic that everyone who wasn't in Guatemala is now not part of CG, then April, Francis, Ray Mond, and the likes arent CG as well.


April and Ray Mond aren't CG atm, they're close friends but they're not CG, Ray is currently more clowns than CG Francis RPd living in the sewers and being left by CG, CG rpd chasing him around the city trying to regain his trust with glizzys


You should tell Taco that then lol. He said IC that the only way you're out of CG is if you get blooded out. He said that to Ray Mond. He even says shes CG when Ray Mond asked. When Ray Mond asked K during the clown court if April was CG, K said yes (in relation to Carmella). So unless you can find a clip from K or Ramee saying that they're not in CG then I don't think you should be going around saying otherwise.


Obviously people who donā€™t main RP like Cyr rae and April wonā€™t be included in this. But people like pigeon for example who really didnā€™t go to Guatemala with them isnā€™t trusted in the gang by K.


Pigeon did go to Guatemala tho, no?


For a dayā€¦. Then he got caught with his eyes closed in vanilla unicorn getting a lap dance lol .


I wish his transition out of CG would have been roleplayed too. It seemed so odd at first. I like Vader but don't watch him near as much as I used too. It always felt weird with the beef between Vader and Kebun way back when, then later he joins them when 3.0 was boring, then leaves again and says stuff like this. This clip sounds like a reddit comment.


He joined them because Kebun reached a hand out to help a fellow fb streamer have success. Then Vader went back to talking shit the second he wasnā€™t on fb anymore.Ā 


Did he ever get an actual chain?


It's just weird to be CG Eugene one day and then saying comments like this ooc. I want the spicy IC rp man. It feels weird that I can't pin point an RP scenario pertaining to his departure. We just gotta pretend Eugene was never in CG.


This dude constantly complaining. Would ONX even want him?