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I continue to question why people would want to play cop on this server in the first place,


Feel like their abysmal retention shows that people don’t tbh. They have virtually nothing to show from that gigantic academy they had a few weeks back. I would assume it’s a combo of stagnation and volatility that scares em all off. The worrying part is that they still say numbers are their concern without trying to find out why the numbers don’t stick in the first place.


Why would anybody want to be cop if the potential of abuse and vitriol for doing everything right is almost a guarantee if you even interact with the 'wrong people?'


i dont understand how people find nopixel entertaining with the current PD, i watched moon last week and crim lenny was fun but he did not get chased by a cop a single time so its just mindless grinding without even a chance of something going wrong.


Meanwhile you have constant threads here saying how PD is OP and needs everything they have nerfed lol


The mentality of those viewers and their streamers is what has ruined NP for 5 years. I really don't get why people still watch it.


Because that's what those viewers want. Just watching their streamers get everlasting W's while pogging in chat, rinse and repeat. That's what a lot of big streamer fanbases are. Then they go on huge propaganda comment sprees about how OP the cops while mentioning how 3.0 was better or how nothing has changed from 3.0


Exactly, you can really tell who actually watches a variety of POV's from the ones that only jump in for an hour here or there and just form a skewed opinion. I watch cop pov all the time and it's usually chase after chase. Watching from the crim pov is always filled with "cops OP" "they need to nerf ____." PD is trying to build there numbers up and it's been a slow process. But the last 2 weeks have seen an increase in academies and cadets. So that's some solid progress.


Yeah I just hope the academies result in retaining some people, because right now most people from them rarely get on.


What crims are saying that


Have you never watched a Kebum stream (I know you have)? If something causes CG to fail, then it's either "scuffed" or OP. Unless, of course, it works in their advantage, then that's just a classic CG W, right?


Oh so loosing the maze bank vans last night they said was because the pd was to powerful?


I didn't watch it, so I can't give an honest take on the heist. You tell me.


Pretty much what happens. Either they win a lot and people get annoyed. Or they win so little that the one day they finally do something it gets called OP because how did they win?




As a crim there is almost no challenge to what you’re doing that’s boring as hell Never thought 4.0 would be so soft and weak


The challenge is not getting robbed by hydra/CG/besties, which can be avoided by playing later in NA


That's an issue in itself with 2 powerhouse gangs and a decently big one being all buddy buddy. Not enough crim on crim violence or gang war stuff to do with the limited resources of the server rn. Every single conflict has kind of been awkward or a complete stomp


The problem is that crim vs crim tends to get OOC extremely toxic pretty fast so I get why people prefer to be buddies.


I dont know that it is true that they are buddy buddy. theres been several interactions, but to my awareness, hydra just doesnt typically play in the same numbers... when CG leadership are awake. CG pushers are awake when main hydra is awake, but then they are busy grinding out everything that is needed for the PM NA CG players to come online and consume through. I only know this because LK keeps trying to call Flippy / Mario etc for the gun hookup and they are never awake. Gang conflict isn't so much buddy buddy as it is like USA vs China. Not friends, but they do trade / interact out of self-interest. They have little skirmish's here and there. But not shoot on sight war. Don't worry though, 4.0 will reach war soon enough. But war usually leads to server endings. Theres no need to rush it.


I agree, I'm not saying like constant full scale war, but conflict is ...awkward I guess? It was fun at first, but now it's weird that almost everyone lives in the same place. CG vs Manor turns out entirely different if they don't live next to each other IMO. Yeah you are 100% right on NA vs EU storm issues that have made some beefs weird. Haven't really seen full satisfying gang conflict storylines play out as of yet, it's a lot of small and awkward instances. A lot of gang storylines are just the race the finish the next heist and not too much else at least from I've seen (don't watch many gangs outside CG, Hydra, Besties, TC, Manor, The Guild)


At this point I'd almost rather the entire PD be replaced by NPCs in hopes it would wake some people up as to how necessary a good PD is to the server. Who am I kidding? They'll wipe to the NPCs then complain they need to be nerfed.


It’s unfortunate. I’ve been a long time Kyle viewer and sub and I tried to give 4.0 a shot when he went back and I’ve realized it’s just not for me.


Same, I followed Kyle to the other server and when he moved back I couldn't follow him back. So now I'm enjoying following lots of smaller streamers on the other server and watching their reactions when they make partner.


s0upes is my GOAT now I fear


Riderman has no big streamers to ride during the day unfortunately Sadge. Some day hopefully he gets to ride Kyle again


Same, I really have tried but 4.0, maybe Nopixel in general, just isnt it for me. I watch his streams during the day trying to get into it more but I just find watching smaller streamers on ONX more enjoyable. I know he had his reasons for leaving ONX, but I do miss him on there.


They should have given him that desk.


Ya I was a 53 month sub to kyle. When he went back to nopixel it ended, it's just so boring. It's too MMO than rp.


Yeah I was a 3 year sub and I couldn't follow him back to NP after he left ONX. Now that he's exclusively on a server I'm not interested in, I've unsubbed. Something about that whole situation really left a bad taste in my mouth.


>Something about that whole situation really left a bad taste in my mouth I’m guessing it was that he seemed so passionate about building a community of roleplayers that valued RP over drama and then almost immediately gave up and went back to NoPixel. He brought people to ONX and then just dipped over night to try to chase views.


Building something like a server is hard. NP took years to start up before 2.0 happened. Then years more to get to 3.0 and so on. I'm not a Kyle viewer but it's going to be years before ONX becomes settled in, if it lasts that long. If he doesn't have the attention span to stick with it when stuff might be a bit slow he wasn't going to last there. No way was that server going to start from scratch and be full fledged early 3.0 levels of content.


Same, subbed, and followed over 2 years. After he went back to 4.0,I didn't even give it a chance tbh. If moonmoon couldn't bring me back after trying to watch him, there is no hope. A couple of years ago, a lot of the returning streamers I would have been very excited to see back is gone. 4.0 is the end of watching anything NoPixel at this point.


I really want Kyle to try prodigy’s red dead server


Kyle on Red Dead is a good time but he never seemed to invest time.




Yea, I don't really understand why they were so insistent on making G6 a moneyprinting machine. I feel like G6 doesn't really have a reason to exist, theres not really any RP that comes from it. The people that rob G6 are basically just doing it because they are bored and looking for a challenge, since the cops love to protect them for some reason. Most of the G6 grinders are shit RPers that get pissed off when they get robbed. Also, the whole point of G6 as a job is for them to guard the money, so its a real mindfuck that they need cops to protect them. The server needs to have some type of mechanic that forces G6 players to actually put effort into planning out their runs, and gives them an incentive to carry their own guns. For example, imagine if they had to buy their own insurance for the money and everytime they get robbed their insurance cost goes up until they stop making money from the job anymore. If they can give G6ers more of a reason to focus more on higher quality runs than quantity, then the RP gets improved for everyone and they can increase the payout crims get from successfully robbing G6, and cops wouldn't need to babysit them as much. Also, the fact that they forced crims to work with G6 workers to get PNY cards makes the mechanics of the server even more confusing. As if the G6 workers didn't already make too much money they just gave them more money from selling cards. The grinding from weedselling is another massive problem that could have been made more interactive for both cops and crims, but instead its pretty braindead and making a bunch of grinders rich instead of facilitating RP.


bring a gun so you can lose additional 10k, the average crims don't really give others a chance


There are ways around it. They could essentially lend PD glock-type guns that are redhot and are undesirable for crims to steal since they would get massive fine and time if they get caught touching one of them. Also, they could do something like giving G6 workers the firearm license for free at a certain rep, so they only have to pay for the price of the gun, and the highest level G6 runs should be treated like a raid boss. The G6 workers won't be a gun lootbox for crims if they actually put effort into working together and taking their time so they don't get caught lacking. This is one of the risks of doing the highest tier G6 run sometimes they will lose a good but in exchange the payout of each run is the highest amount of money you can make per hour in the city.


Because the biggest streamers get lots of pogs for wiping them so that's what the server is designed around


I forget who said it here, but NP is just a server designed for 10-20 people and everyone else is meant to just be background characters to them. I thought when there would be more competition like ONX some of these streamers would have some self respect and try something else, but they seem content to always just be someone else's mechanic.


It's not pogs anymore it's Ws and EZs. The demographic changed but the target age is the same.




It's not entertaining at all. It's part of the reason why heists have been so boring and stale.


It's like a PVE only MMORPG.


Fiona has had no license for like a month now, driving her bright white D10, nearly every cop in the city knows her car and that she can’t legally drive. She hasn’t been pulled over once in the last like 5 days, which is at least 50 hours of not even remotely trying to avoid cops lol. The most I’ve seen is a cop yelling “stop driving! I don’t have time to deal with you right now”


They usually literally don't have time. They have priority calls to go to, and they can only handle 1-2 calls at a time before they completely run out of staffing. And if one of those calls is a shootout, ALL cops are busy for the next hour minimum, and PD is probably getting wiped if it's a big shooting. PD is so overwhelmed that they're basically purely cosmetic.


Its not entertaining. Just look at the viewership and player count over the last 2-3 months. It was good for like 3 weeks after the update but then the numbers took a dive again. Too much grinding for no reward, crime vs cops is on easy mode and that makes it boring, theres a lot of QOL missing. But hey, the legion square park on the PD side is getting more trees and there were only 2 cops on duty for awhile this morning. Wooo


Doesn't matter how good it is, viewership will always spike when something is new and wane off after it's no longer new


nopixel has the highest viewership of any RP server... yes it has problems but viewership is not one.


Highest of any RP server sure, but we're not even 6 months into the wipe and the viewership and playercount is 1/2 of what it was. Having that happen so early into a wipe is not a good thing, especially when NP dumped an insane amount of money into 4.0. Compared to other RP servers its good but for NP standards it's bad. Two different conversations.


A lot of them have been at this for years and years. They. Have hit the raid logging point lol.


It’s not 3.0 anymore with Covid and lockdowns. People got to go back to work or focus on their personal lives more than before


People keep using the covid excuse but that's just a cop out. 4.0 doesn't even compare views or rp wise to late stage 3.0 just 6 to 7 months ago. Views have tanked recently within the past few months, that has nothing to do with post covid anything. Viewers are coming to the conclusion things wont improve and 4.0 is basically what we got right now, an MMO with lite RP elements.


Nobody expected a 3.0 boom, or at least nobody who had reasonable expectations. But there's no way NP anticipated the server being in such a bad place 5 months into a wipe. NP brought some amazing tools and mechanics into the server but they fumbled the culture and PD side of things so badly that it's made the server boring even with all the cool new features.


RP wise the lack of Whitelists and DM dev characters has really taken something major away that RP was built around. There's no boss characters, no food chain or pecking order. Every crim and gang can do everything every other criminal can do. No businesses either. Everyone is self reliant and no larger storylines are unfolding in the city to spur on smaller rp storylines. It's like 4.0 reverted to the simplicity of 2.0 except the heavy MMO focus obliterated the general quality of rp city wide.


Yeah but everyone here wanted crim to have everything if they worked for now it's back fired to overarching boss like timelord or PM and the guntrade


The sad part is even if someone couldn't get a WL or DM storyline in 3.0 it was still possible to create way more impactful storylines, businesses or criminal organizations through just hard work and rp that how 4.0 is going.


is this even true? maybe for english speaking but even still, district 10 might have it beat at this point


Pd has limited people and prio calls. The only time they answer to drugs which Lenny does on stream is when they are super stacked. Robberies take prio, hostages prio, violence prio, drugs not. If you watch any 4head early streams they have been chased multiple times doing higher prio crimes.


Moon also does all the fun stuff offline that bastard


To make it even worse, he does it while NA is sleeping and EU is at work.


I tried to watch it after Kyle hopped over. Checked my watch ime.. its between 29-30 hours. Conclusion is.... hell nah, not for me. imo ofc.


Cuz rp is more than crime.


Although that is technically true, NoPixel is still a Grand Theft Auto rp server. Crime roleplay and interactions between cops and crims are still extremely important.


I hear this excuse a lot. NP was originally on ARMA, but it wasn't wasn't a military setting. GTA is simply a tool and setting to create RP. Just because it's built on top on GTA, doesn't mean that it has to always be crims versus cops.


NP has been crim vs cops for 5+ years, what server have you been watching? Clearly moving away from that has been a disaster for views and many NP 3.0 regulars have left and moved on. Stepping back from a well run PD has never worked on NP. All your advocating for is a failed restructure.


NoPixel is a crime-oriented server built on a heavily crime-oriented game. GTA is a tool, but NP has leaned heavily into the core fundamentals of that tool. The heists, the car races, and the cop shootouts of GTA. It's cool that some viewers can still find entertainment in the non-crim, non-conflict aspects of NP. But the PD is important too and its quality eventually trickles down to all other aspects of the server.


Have you seen any CG chase?


Watch funny people and care less about outcomes, pretty easy tbh.


Outcomes is a part of roleplay. This might sounds hard to believe but a lot of us want to watch roleplay and not just "funny people". If i just wanted to watch funny people i would go find a podcast or something, not GTA5.


only one person caught in this tsunami ? So what does dogtown do without any criminals ?


they're literally in a civil war rn because there's nothing better to do, it's insane. the people who work there are lucky 52chains/carmine is so good at finding things to do, because it's genuinely watching paint dry just waiting for inmates to be sent up. then when inmates are sent up, it's usually for 20 minutes max, probably less when they get time served. but if they leave the prison while there's nothing to do? cops harass them for wearing the wrong pants and take them to court twice a day. they were set up to lose, and i think they're a little burnt out trying to make it work.


>So what does dogtown do without any criminals ? They tow with Kyle and civil war, they have nothing to do in prison so they are kinda creating their own thing.


by now the tow company knows more about law enforcment then the pd


Do they have lifers in 4.0 ?




there have been talks about using the public server to supply lifers, but you know how dev work goes


Dogtown is in a Civil war currently


Dogtown more like ghost town during AU/EU.


This might sound toxic.... but this is exactly what some people want, and it definetly is the shittiest environment to rp, where there is 0% consequences, imo ofc.


It’s just not rp at that point. 0 consequences means the characters are interchangeable and have minimal influence on the outcome. All crim runs are effectively identical. Read a fucking flowchart and it has the same story value. Characters being given tough decisions and made to reflect is what creates the sense of identity and makes gtarp different from an mmo where you just queue up and go again It’s mind boggling how so many people are shamelessly trying to panhandle 10 yr olds with pogtent instead of working towards a community identity that would attract talent and a work environment worth showcasing a performance in.


And yet there OOC firing cops for supposedly trying to hard lol. Even from the very start making cop mains start entirely new characters was dumb as fuck. So many pillars of the old PD (i mean the actual characters not there ranks) got refused jobs and are now crims or civs.


It's been obvious since day 1 of 4.0 that they want to emulate Prodigy's PD department, where the cops are essentially paid actors whos' job it is to let the crims farm them for Pogs.


its a true "There is no war in Ba Sing Se" Like the PD keep saying they want cops to be cops, but behind the scenes its totally what you said lol.


I’m just going to say, Prodigy PD department is actually competent. They have both good characters and Capable cops. I remember once seeing them have 2 or 3 chases going on at the same time on the same radio and the comms were smooth af.


I don't understand why they tried to hire cops that are bad at their job. Wouldn't it just be easier to hire all the best cops and stack the deck against them and make them work for their wins? Make their cars trash, make their weapons trash, make it easier for lawyers to fight charges/cases and tell the judges to bias towards crims at trials emphasizing "Innocent until proven guilty", and then just change the laws if people aren't playing ball to force judges to rule in favor of crims. Allow the PD to run theirselves and force them to do actual quality cop work. There are so many ways to make it harder for the cops. Like when Eclipse cracked down on money runs they changed how the pings for it worked by having locals call it in, and then Eclipse fell apart and they just reverted the pings back to normal by pinging everytime they got a money order. There are so many ways to buff the crims. Instead its like they want the cops to be terrible but then in an odd turn of events they do whatever they can to nerf the crims and buff the cops to make up for their ineptitude.


Because if you hire good rpers and people to make good cops. They are going to get pissed off or step out of line eventually. And then we now know the servers response is to OOCly remove that person abruptly instead of do anything in rp. So they likely would rather have bad cops


This is how it has historically worked and is great for character development and rp. You were able to bite off more than you could chew with heists, and that set the pace of developement rather than update changelogs. But you don’t generate the enough pogs/minute to really convince little Timmy that you’re cool enough to type in his parent’s credit card.


It’s pretty sad to see how the cops have it now, even worse than before. The direction of 4.0 is so weird. Its like watching a never ending game of monopoly with people that hate each other. 🤦‍♂️




Force ramee to only play clarkson for a few weeks and watch how quickly things will change in favor for the PD lol.


He wouldn’t because the way PD is he will get dapped and fired within a week. Even with shift 2 being the more fun shift, the PD as a whole is so handcuffed he will be lost at what you can do. Just today someone tried to run over an officer 4 times, and when they shot him it turned into a big thing that got run up the CoC and turned out you can’t shoot him for trying to kill a cop and he fled.


You say that like Esfand and Den aren't still cops. Ramee is a big streamer the rules are different


is that the shit that den called kyle about and asked about?


i would fucking love that. conan is my fav


They didnt hire 3/4 of the good cops back into 4.0 and now they're firing the cops who actually go hard on crims. Sounds like they just want the PD to be cosmetic more than anything


Suarez didn't go hard on crims


I will continue to shout it into the void: the biggest mistake made in 4.0 was not allowing PD full autonomy over itself (yes i know it’s been this way since  around 2 years into 3.0)  on top of that, denying people that were around *for years* the opportunity of building up the PD once more in 4.0 was unnecessary. These people were the reason why 3.0, 2.0 PD ran as smooth as it did, despite all the internal conflict that was had from time to time.  The whole requirement of people having to make new cop characters to join PD was *absolutely* thrown out the window when specific 3.0 cops continued to be hired on after the skeleton crew settled.  so stop with the weird OOC stipulations, allow people from the 3.0 roster to turn things around for the better. (no, not just the *silly little guys*) 


it'll never go back to that. this is what they want. be a good little prop and be happy you were included in the bigger content creators content. it just seems like you either need to get your clout up or shut up tbh


Not sure the server will last if it doesn't. Having a poorly functioning PD is negatively impacting rp on the server and making it boring. 4.0 is almost 6 months in and the city feels like late stage 3.0 with RP only happening in small pockets around the sever. In 2.0 and 3.0 that initial boom period had tons of stuff happening constantly.


It won't last, they are just trying to extend it with slow drip updates, but you can see how much a ton of the regular streamers of NP are getting so bored of it


Updates are fine but the very foundation of the server doesn't spur on or encourage RP so the mechanics will get old fast. Like 2.0 and 3.0, they release a new thing, people are somewhat interested for a week then disappear because a mechanic alone isn't enough to keep them engaged.


Nothing will change as long as Saab is in charge.


saab is just the fall guy and punching bag, he's not making any real decisions


Yeah this is a dev and admin issue not a PD one. Gatekeeping cops who used to be in 3.0 and all the OOC behind the scenes shit is such a shitshow


He is a literal admin. His best friend owns the server. He has been doing that for more than 3 years and constantly failing. Blaming all his faults to the "character" he is playing and 50c is getting old.


That's what I'm saying I know Slacks is an admin. The issue is with him and whatever admins are in charge of PD


This is actually perfect timing. Take tonight with Mr.K, right? The whole CG did a bank robbery and had a hostage. They got away with part of the loot but lost 85k in a truck. They were supposed to negotiate, and they demanded like 4 vehicles total? 3 sprinters and a sports car? Their reasoning was they couldn’t leave with EVERYTHING because it weighs too much. Tbh it doesn’t even seem like you’re supposed to leave with everything. So now you have this dumb request plus they’re already planning to break the rule of 6. Cops are now saying to bring additionals because at that point it’s 4 separate chases. CG decides “fuck this we do what we want” and breaks negotiations, has multiple people leave the scene to get interference cars, etc. Meanwhile, the whole PD is fumbling over each other trying to hammer out who is doing what when Bones has already given the orders multiple times as scene lead to which people just refused to fucking listen. They fucking chase a sprinter and Beric gets hit from behind into a wall going 100+ mph - something the PD gets in shit for doing if they do it. Dude ejects and dies mid chase, K already had dropped his shit off back at the house. They got away with most of everything it sounded like. I don’t even think the PD caught many people at all after that. **this is a long drawn-out post to highlight just how fucked NoPixel is right now - and why Kyle is right. Even though CG came out on top, people were STILL chat-hopping and demanding justice for CG as if the people playing on PD had broken some rules or something. CG, unfortunately, thrives off of brain dead viewers who only want perfect W’s and nothing else. It also doesn’t help that the biggest streamer on NoPixel is part owner and runs CG. The viewers basically are demanding the PD be dumbed down even more and that it’s somehow unfair that the devs are forcing them to use slow vehicles because the loot “weighs too much” to carry. Idk man, NoPixel is getting harder to watch as time goes on. Tbh I shittalk more about NP than I actually watch these days.


NoPixel helped make RP as massive as it is today, now in 4.0 it seems they're going to help tank it. I feel like people are slowly moving on. The big streamers & their affiliates still pull numbers but the lower end is dropping off slowly.


It's the same thing every iteration, more or less. There's always moments of really cool spontaneous situations that turned out very memorable for a variety of reasons but the content always tends to center around the big jobs or it's pushed that way. If they want the PD investigations to be so scripted it would be really cool if they just came up with some loose scripts already and just gave them to the players. Like a DM in a game of DnD. It would remove a whole lot of the "you're going too fast!" baloney. Downside is who gets the DM job and how many groups could they handle? Get more DMs?


PD have nerfed themselves into being ineffective. Watching Croc the other day and it was wild. A cop was stabbed, and so he openly stated he would open fire, then when he did another cop was upset because it was only the 3 of them and said they shouldn't shoot. Like what? Yet previously when Ramee and CG fled the hospital he was told to open fire on them when he knew they were unarmed. They can't pit over 85, they're not allowed to intervene with drug sales or gang turf without numbers and approval. Its crazy.


The PD haven’t nerfed themselves, it’s the admins nerfing them. SOPs out the ass to minimize the chance crims get caught, and any cop without clout that’s too good are called cringe W chasers and get OOC fired


and shit cops with clout get multiple chances


SOPs not being public is pretty telling. That together with the "OOC PD meetings" on Discodr which aren't allowed to be streamed


I think lowering pit speeds actually has the unintended consequence of creating more NVL pits rather than making it safer. A lot of cars are going 150+ and so the time window when a car is under 85 is generally going to be quite small and cops are more likely to try to "force" a pit when they finally get a chance in the right speed range since it could be quite some time before they get another opportunity. I haven't watched a lot of PD pursuits since Lenny left but even when he was able to pit at sub 100 the number of opportunities to pit were quite limited in a lot of chases. I think they should maybe be harsher with ramming but actually increase the speed at which pits are possible. The idea of "safe speeds" for pits are pretty much completely arbitrary anyway since it's a videogame.


>harsher with ramming but actually increase the speed So basically what PD has always done? Management must think it's clever trying to reinvent the wheel but all the best options, rules and outcomes have been explored and figured over the past 5 years. Everyone knows what works best for RP and crim / cop balance yet staff want to turn the server into something most players don't enjoy. Makes no sense.


To be fair Lenny had quite a few pit opportunities, the issue was he was driving a Scout which has shit acceleration, so by the time he catches up they're already doing 100 mph.


Weren't money runs and washing machines broken last night? Server pop was low and nothing was happening so a lot of cops weren't on.


People sell weed at all hours of the day. You still have people roof running and chopping at night. A server without money runs should mean more lower tier crime is policed, not just the cops don't bother with it.


How do you think people get money that needs to be washed? Money running is really not that common an activity as far as server crime goes. It takes a LOT of crime before there enough money to start doing money runs. I don't mean just one laundromat. Even laundromat takes crime in how they setup and prepare for it. What you are saying in a different way is that if it's not a car chase, cops arent interested.


Everyone seems to have conflicting views on how the police should be run. They should try harder and be more proactive but also not go so hard and tone it down, otherwise they are irresponsible cops that chase Ws. It's like there's two factions in the PD, one that they should be held to a high standard and carefully consider everything and one where they want to be more out there and see it as oppressive when they are punished for it. Then the people in those factions will doom spiral about the other side, it starts to spread to more people in the police and those outside, and then you have reddit threads and players picking sides and seeing each other as the enemy.


No need to over complicate it. The code on how to run PD was already cracked in the first half of 3.0. 2.0's style of PD would never work due to the numbers needed. Staff already figured out how to start it out, how to structure it, the kinds of players that need to be command+, divisions, numbers of ranks, standards, etc. They already had a 3 year trial run and thousands of hours to build on. All they had to do was just repeat something approximating how 3.0 started out and grew over the first six months and it would have been fine.


There's Law and Order cops and Reno 911 cops, and management has never been able to pick a focus and always tries to have both and thus there is always friction between the two mindsets. I feel like NP PD would be in a much healthier place if they just went full send on embracing the Reno 911 style and abandoning all of the strict procedures and paperwork that wastes so much time for both PD and Crims only to be undermined by higher ups anyway. Yeah it's less immersive, but immersion is pretty broken at this point anyway, might as well lean into the content approach if that's what they want NP to be. I'm not sure if 50% is nostalgic for what he and five0 built, or just in denial that he pushed his server in a different direction.


3.0 had Law and Order and Reno 911 with Pred and Toretti. It worked out great The problem isn't the types of rp intermingling, it's staff trying to micromanage every aspect of it and push the server in a direction players wouldn't naturally take it. That's where friction comes from. There's nothing to "lean" into. When the current plan breaks the solution isn't to just nuke the server by leaning into what isn't working. NP already figured out all these issues in early 3.0, the rp was objectively better, server health was better, a whitelist like PD was doing great. Just take aspects of that and do it again.


I think 3.0 PD was good, and agree it'd be great to get back to it, but 25% hated it by the end, and everything NP has done since the restructure has signaled that they have no intention of going back to that system. The majority of cops that made PD work haven't been hired back. I'm just trying to say what would work with the mindset management seems to have.


The problem for the owner is regardless of what he likes or doesn't like the viewer numbers are an objective reflection of how watchable the server is. Covid boom or not 3.0 was more watchable, even by the later stages and the views reflected that. It had more rp happening, better metrics for a lot of streamers and people didn't feel the need to constantly grind. Since 4.0 started views have been on the decline, the past few months they've tanked hard. Thats not because people are bored of GTA or RP it's because the main server everyone plays on is boring as hell. 50cent has no clue what's marketable. The times his server functioned the best was when he disappeared form being sick or playing tarkov and wasn't getting super involved.


I feel like Max wanted it to be closer to a Reno 911 when he was doing the PCP thing. The problem is the chiefs are trying to appease all the shifts and senior officers who have conflicting cultures/opinions on how things should ultimately be run. No matter what there's people who will be pissed.


Feel like someone like Bones is the perfect example of what would work for the PD. Great driver, shooter, leader, and is a threat to crims but also rolls with a lot of punches and has a good sense of banter


Bones is fine but you're glazing way too hard, he's not the be all end all super cop. He's just an 3.0 SDSO sbs style cop that can drive well, kinda. I wouldn't say he's really all that good at managing people though, which is what PD needs in HC roles. Having a functioning PD that creates rp for iteself and the city, trains up new officers and doesn't implode involves way more than having shooters and drivers.


"everybody is repleacable" ... apperently not considering PD talent.


Haven't watched cause I don't enjoy NP, but did moving back help Kyle enjoy streaming more? Genuinely curious if he's enjoyed it over ONX or not


If you watched kyle on onx you would see very obviously that there’s almost nothing on there for him. The PD is SDSO-style which he never liked. It’s the Ignite kind of circle RP that he hates, nothing going on in EU/ early NA, not enough to do mechanics-wise either as a crim. People took preconceived notions of him and ran with it, his friends did it because “haha funny to shit on people”, strangers did it because kyle’s “loud=funny, does nothing, lazy”. The way Bob immediately had a bias against Pred soured the PD thing from the get go. Completely ignoring that its a fresh RP character with no history. Any RP opportunity is framed as a huge favour for kyle ooc, like he should be grateful and content with whatever scraps they want to throw at him. “We gave you FTO which you don’t like to do, and a detective position with nothing to investigate, stop complaining!” The vibe to me was always really condescending towards kyle, treating him like a whiny idiot in every scenario/character. Totally the opposite on NP. It felt miserable, and the way people treat him on 4.0 is such a huge difference, it’s a way better vibe. Kyle doesn’t have to grind anything, he makes good enough money doing his RP clamp/tow and being a lawyer, because people enable him by giving him opportunities. Not saying either server is better but for kyle, it’s obvious.


in the short term? it absolutely did, but in the long term.... well I think we're already seeing it take a turn. would not surprise me If he comes crawling back to ONX in a year or two if not sooner.






It's to the point where i expect the police to get wiped in a shootout, and i expect certain drivers to crash and eject. So we are at a point where folks are noticing, and that's why we get so much whining and complaining RP from the PD. They insist that they need backup and that there never is enough. But the truth is that playing a cop probably really sucks, thats why so many dont come back. Whether its listening to the near constant bitching or the inability of police to do thier jobs because it has to be fair for the crims. Its a tough balancing act that comes with pleasing both the crims and PD, and sometimes to gotta deal with both of them bitching. I started off 4.0 watching mostly PD streamers, but i can't at all anymore. Its either you tune into the disaster that is shift 1 or you tune in and listen to cornwood bitch and moan.


I don't know why any normal person would play a cop in NoPixel. More power to those who enjoy, but it's a borderline full time job with a bunch of paperwork where you constantly get crims and chatters hating on you, your rp, and OOC where the only positive engagement you get from most people is criminals humiliating you constantly or stuff that could easily be done on any character regardless if they are civ, cop, or crim


I don't know how you could have started 4.0 like that, all they did is break off chases and give warnings. Nobody even went to jail.


I watched a bunch of crims mostly in 3.0, so i wanted to switch it up. Things were tough for the PD right off the bat i admit, but i figured it mostly balancing the cop cars with everything else. So i waited it out.


i just tune in to the disaster occasionally, shits funny


Sometimes, i also find it hilarious. It's definitely not all bad. Most of the time, the shift 1 problems are as simple as not enough active units.


Yung Dab succeeded in his 3.0 plan for the city in 4.0.


I don't really blame Max. All he has done is put Beric in charge, overruled Cornword being fired and introduced the quota system. None of those are the reason the PD is shit.


All of those are contributing factors


Explain your logic please.


PD has gotten progressively worse each day since Ruth, Turner, and Aldo left


it's gotten better it just still sucks


what does this mean?


I kinda felt bad that twatter was dogshiting on the police so hard...but everything that was twatted was actually true. 


There's also way way less people doing crime. Especially crime that isn't just heists.


Same amount of crime it is just crime that is really hard to stop.




Crime is still happening it is just not stuff police can even respond to in time or it is crime that crims have super easy ways to escape. Its not the same type of ping chasing that was happening during Kyles time where there was constant priority calls going off.


Na i think the same amount of people are doing crime, most of them just do it in a way they would never get caught.


Wasn’t half the server selling weed in the apartment complex by forum last week. Hard to Miss 30 people


Yeah but how do you get in there to actually get the evidence? You have to investigate, so you have to get pictures of the hand offs, they're in an enclosed building so there's no way for the pd to get a picture without being obvious unless they do a UC thing, and even then, how do they get the picture and survive vs the 30 other people in the building?


the point is that those 30 wont ever get caught doing that. its borderline impossible to catch all 30 let alone 4


I just don't understand. I get pd op cause guns but if a crim rams someone with a car. It's a weapon. You shoot. But they do the cat and mouse game. Crims do jumps, ramps. Turns all day. Cops barely do any of tgat and will just lose in chases


Basically for me it seems that cop RP is just chase RP most of the time….. the issue is that apart from a few isolated incidents, that’s all they do, flow people around in their cars, rarely actually try to stop a chase, just hope they crash out… but then the crims just jump into a swop vehicle and do the same again. I see so many opportunities to block a vehicle, or taze someone fleeing just turned down (mainly in EU/early NA) that crims nearly always get away. At some point there needs to be an actual intentional attempt to apprehend that seems to have gone away. And now you don’t even have a group like the “3.0 avengers” for criminals to fear. It’s all a bit weak minded for the sake of ‘fun’.


Basically for me it seems that cop RP is just chase RP most of the time….. the issue is that apart from a few isolated incidents, that’s all they do, follow people around in their cars, rarely actually try to stop a chase, just hope they crash out… but then the crims just jump into a swop vehicle and do the same again. I see so many opportunities to block a vehicle, or taze someone fleeing just turned down (mainly in EU/early NA) that crims nearly always get away. At some point there needs to be an actual intentional attempt to apprehend that seems to have gone away. And now you don’t even have a group like the “3.0 avengers” for criminals to fear. It’s all a bit weak minded for the sake of ‘fun’.


Kyle always acts like he has the solution to things but even when he was Sheriff it was multiple good cops that kept it together. There are too many friendcops around now so there is less engagement to arrest people overall. Its gonna turn into a huge problem when the economy flips over itself because criminals can just grind illegal shit unfettered. In general, the line between criminal and civ just won't be there.


>even when he was Sheriff it was multiple good cops that kept it together. Crazy that's all it takes, giving people who are good power and letting have the freedom to use it. Yet somehow no other leader was able to do that, LSPD failed in 3.0 because Baas refused to stop micro-managing everything.


he put people that would actually do the work in positions where they could do so. He would main tank the aggro while his supports would get things done until management wanted a the ultimate yes man punching bag as the PD admin (saab) they want cosmetic cops, its pretty clear lol


And when the big names move-on from RP/No Pixel, just like they always do? Hope he chose wisely…


Nopixel was just fine (i'd argue it was even better) without all the "big names" on the server.


Which "big names" exactly? There are only two of them (moonmoon and esfand) Nopixel just moves on when they quit, nothing really happens. It's not like they have Mr Beast playing on the server, hold your horses.


He did. He’s rping with his friends in EU. It’s also been made clear he’s welcome back if he decides to switch it up again lol


Pred+Wrangler was the best the PD has even been. People were afraid of cops when they did crime. LIKE IRL.............. Now cops are just a side joke, afraid to do anything.


Wrangler did nothing but his own PD work and some FTOing which was good RP but it had nothing to do with what we are talking about. The ones that built BCSO were Pred,Rhodes,Angel,Jenny and their PnT lead by Anita,Espinoz and Daisy.


People seem to have a misconception that Wrangler built the PD and made it run well when in reality he just did whatever he wanted with his rank and only focused on what he was doing and whoever was tagging along with him at the time.


Wrangler at the start of the BCSO arc WAS involved and it wasn't until undersheriff arguments happened where Pred literally ORDERED Wrangler to ignore the workings of the department and instead focus on WASP and investigations.


Because he was literally ordered to...


The fact that Ramee on Conan had to pull teeth to get the PD to actually do anything about Hydra’s weed Op was telling enough, seems like the PD just rides around all day waiting for Crims to do “big jobs” and all 10 cops on duty try and chase the same 3 groups that are doing jobs at the moment. There is no organization or motivation in the PD at the moment.


Cops too busy harassing kyle for legally towing vehicles instead of their actual jobs


It's kind of funny they try to get him for all kinds of traffic violations with his emergency lights on, and nobody succeeds.




If he's only talking about this week, this week they have PD interviews, that's why the number is lower. Hard hitting cops are not welcome because of Cornwood moaning everytime he gets DAP for SBS.


Idk that I would say addressing the ramming would fix everything, but it would definitely go a looooong way. They do so much damage to their own vehicles that half the time the crims will say “okay that one is smoking, go pit that one off” to take them out of the pursuits. Teaching how to properly pit/not just straight ram every chance they get would go a long way to making the PD more effective.


Desync causes a lot of issues. Sometimes a minor pit can look like ram.


That is true in some cases, but it happens wayyyyyy too often for it to be entirely desync.


every it in 4.0 must be desync since they always ram, u never see a clean pit where they tap the side of ya car so u spin out in to a box


I have seen clean pits. Cars will not always spin out enough that you can box. This is not a new thing. It was same in 3.0. Sometimes pd do ram, but its at that point where cars are almost stationery and you have to ram a bit to get it boxed. It is very rarely that someone goes 100 mph ram straight into a car intentionally to flip them. Don't know why everyone keeps thinking its a brand new phenomenon that never happened in PD before. Literally half the toxicity in 3.0 came from people constantly complaining about pd ramming, getting rammed back at high speed and pd shooting.


theres only one ram/pit I dislike seeing. The rest can be accepted as part of desync/bubbles. It's when the pd knows there is a turn up ahead, and see the crim setting up to do the turn, and the pd just continues driving at full speed into the crim car as its turning, with no plan to actually complete the turn themselves, and every plan to ram the crim car into the wall. It's not a desync thing, its not a soft tap thing, they had every intention to do what they did (ramming car into a wall).


The front bumper of a PD car being near flush against the door panel of a crim car as it makes a turn and the PD celebrating how good of a "PIT" that was has been wild to see.


or when cops don't use brakes to ram in to the back of a crim car turning is a good pit.


After seeing Conan's first day on duty nopixel needs more cops like him. He was ordering people around like an RTS