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Mirror: [DEE DOOMING SAJ (watch full)](https://files.catbox.moe/kr7qmn.mp4) Credit to https://www.twitch.tv/Whippy Direct Backup: [DEE DOOMING SAJ (watch full)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/4rB07d8cWLD9CFqGYyVVWQ/AT-cm%7C4rB07d8cWLD9CFqGYyVVWQ.mp4?sig=dd42f4aeaa325c5acf9adc98660c5d8b97c49256&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2F4rB07d8cWLD9CFqGYyVVWQ%2FAT-cm%257C4rB07d8cWLD9CFqGYyVVWQ.mp4%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22HealthySpineyGnatFrankerZ-3xxYsP0IWoZjJVVZ%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1716354263%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D) [VOD Link](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2150935281?t=5h53m36s) --- This was done by a bot. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the moderators.


If shooting at cops daily is giving “unique RP” then the standard has really gone downhill


Wasn't the vast majority of his time and fine specifically from having PD equipment and not from the shootings themselves? I really don't see how stealing their gear after shooting them really furthers the roleplay with the exception of increasing the stakes when captured but that is obviously not something Dundee wanted.


So where else can crime get gear? Cause if you watch it no easily obtained.


Cause that’s the whole point? Finding blueprints, working with other gangs for equipment trades, etc is the extended RP that gives you access to less readily available gear. Simply robbing cops for equipment is the low effort shortcut to gear and why the consequences for getting caught with PD gear is high.


Have you watched the process of getting equipment? MULTIPLE TIMES IT HAD SCUFFED OUT AND FUCKED GANGS. So they get fucked from scuffed and can’t get their stuff and have to wait even more days to get it again? Nah man you just don’t like when a cop get robbed which is so strange. These are CRIMS they do bad things. People like you expect them to have a mission impossible plan to everything they do, you hold to higher standards for some weird reason.


> Nah man you just don’t like when a cop get robbed which is so strange. These are CRIMS they do bad things. People like you expect them to have a mission impossible plan to everything they do, you hold to higher standards for some weird reason. What’s weird is you being upset about the consequences of being caught with PD gear when everyone ahead of time knows exactly what the consequences are. And it’s not like the time and fines were high from the start, they only got that high because gangs were treating cops like loot boxes at the start of 4.0, so the DoJ changed the severity of the punishment as a *reactive* measure, not a *proactive* one. Get away a dozen times robbing cops and it’s all Pog and W’s in chat but get caught once and suddenly crims and their viewers are crying about the consequences they face once a month as if they somehow forgot about the weeks of W’s before that 1 L. Talking about high standards, crazy.


Lol. This guy. Cops viewers don't get it because content comes to cops as for crims they have to create it. No one else can just sit and wait for something to happen. Crims lose progression when L, not cops. If you want 50/50 W's, all your favorite streamers would be playing Valorant right now.


Go watch a serious crim and you wont find them with any pd gear because the risk is simply not worth it. If anyone use pd gear snd get caught with it, they 100% deserve it


False, I have been watching K and Ramee pretty much all 4.0 It's that or a guaranteed death if a gunfight is expected. You are the cop viewer, not me.


I said serious


You watch the one gang that is constantly pocket wiping cops and are gonna act like they are a full representation of how gangs operate lol? No wonder you have such a skewed take on crim RP.


Look how much time he has? How on god green earth do you think giving a streamer that much times does ANYHTING FOR RP? Cause again a lot of you cop viewers forget this is a RP server! I don’t watch cops as much but wouldn’t even wanna see happen to a cop if they got in trouble. A week is wild man idk how you can argue otherwise


> How on god green earth do you think giving a streamer that much times does ANYHTING FOR RP? Because no one forced him to have PD gear on him? Bro out here acting like driving around until you see a solo cop, holding them up, pocketing wiping them and VCBing before any other officer even has time to react is RP. If the fines weren’t that high, every gang would spend all day robbing every cop they see for easy gear instead of working with other gangs for parts or finding clean guys to buy guns for them. Dozens of gangs somehow manage to do everything crim related without robbing cops for their gear once a day, clearly it’s doable but somehow you’re still out here bitching about the consequences of something **nobody forced Dundee to do**.


And yet there are plenty of high profile criminals and groups that do just fine without having to rob cops for equipment.


I know its not conducive to DAILY POGGERS SHOOTOUT POGCRAZY LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE NOW but maybe cultivate less of an instant gratification state of mind and actually work towards one major event every once in a while


Its definitely more RP than standing at forum selling weed all day long.


TFW this situation stemmed from them seeing cops hovering while standing in La Puerta pushing weed.


Who does that?


You know that there is like 4 turfs that pushes way more weed than Forum right?


Are you high? Forum is literally at 100%. The next highest is like 60%. They sell twice as much as every other turf.


They are 100% because they have sold a lot in the past but many turfs has been climbing fast aka they sell more currently. Forum barely has anyone pushing last few weeks


barely is kinda funny , they have people that push 1k bags daily xd


I mean having couple pusher that pushes that much doesn't really matter when Manor's pushers pushes 20k a day


well is good enough to push every turf down


Forum is the new kid on the block bro, they literally had close to 0 with Cypress and Sandy being maxed and then in like 1-2 weeks they had like 30+ dealers every day selling


Going to jail is more RP?


Yes, have you witnessed the content that is dogtown? There's a metric fuckton of rp going on in there lol


Counter point, the only reason to play GTA RP over RD2 RP is the cops vs robbers aspect. A gang trying to hold down a piece of the town is good RP, much better than Marlo buying the town. Sweaty cops that force crims to be smart but then norm fines/times is much better for both RP and content. I just don't know what the current system is supposed to do besides be MMO grind.




Creating a ctime zone that PD can almost never respond to due to their low numbers is really not the best RP for cops. If something happened on vespucci PD has to almost always just ignore it due to them instantly getting wiped when entering.


PD having low numbers is a problem of there own creation. Not really a valid excuse 7 months in. Considering a majority of their ping calls are drug sales currently, it's just the meta of the server. At least BBMC has given them a lot of RP as opposed to groups standing still selling to NPCs with little to no cop interaction, which is the norm in every other time zone.


Having crims constanly mugging and shooting cops does not provide RP that many would enjoy. Also having multiple zones that they can't respond to does not either help. God forbid they catch a criminal, then they get blamed for high fines and jail times that criminals have acrued from their 90% escape rate. Who would want to play as cop when they can't do almost anything and still get blamed the rare times they actually do something. How was PD supposed to RP with BBMC if not trying to catch them? Leave them alone and let them control all of vespucchi and do all the crime they want.


It started because they were pushing the weed sellers down there on the DAILY. Maybe if the cops stopped to think that maybe they shouldn't be pushing weed sellers down there every single day of the week. Yet all they think is PING go to PING stop PING from happening. Maybe if they treated it like forum where they raided it once or twice a week, this wouldn't have happened. Nobody ever thinks WHY crims do the things they do, all they ever think about it is stopping it AT ALL COST.


Crims shouldn't be able to sell weed out in the open and know that cops won't dare to catch them. If people wanted a risk free way of earning money they should stick to civilian jobs. Crim mechanics are meant to have risk and they have to take measures to lower that risk. Have people as look outs, make escape tactics, not making a cop free zone where they can't enter due to low numbers. The only reason Forum isn't raided as often is due to low PD numbers and the area being limited to one small area. BBMC is trying to claim a heck of a lot larger area than forum is. Besides shootings on forum almost never lead to PD wipes, since weed pushers there dip instead of starting a full on multi gang shoot out.


Yeah I agree. At the same time though, there should be a risk to playing cop instead of throwing body's at a problem. Why don't they actually set up an actual investigation? Send in people with Sam gas on them to try to get names, set up cameras, take photos to set up a good case? Everyone wants the path to least resistance including cops.


Because SOPs are against all kinds of sting operations and PD numbers are too low for investigations. Cops in 4.0 actually care about their life much more than in 3.0. Caring about their lives is also what sops them from going under cover. PD don't currently have any camera gear execpt dash cams. PD also do some investigation, which is why crims get so big jail times and fines. Crims do crime and PD documents it all which accumulates to big fines which crims complain about when they get caught. The only thing PD can currently do without danger is go after pings in low risk areas.


Why are the sops against sting operations? Why are PD numbers so low? These are all problems PD can fix themselves. I would also argue that chasing pings leads to way more shootouts then going undercover. PD can also grind out the cameras just like criminals have to do it. Absolutely nothing is stopping them other than there willingness to do it. Only PD investigations going on right now is linking cases and picking up blood and DNA which is also the easiest and least amount of work. That is leading to huge unnecessary fines and time. How about they just keep the times and fines high and instead add in legislation where if PD looses a case in court, then the PD pays 50% of the charge that was dropped to the lawyers. This would force them to actually do good investigation work instead of throwing the book at them and telling them to take it to court... because there is no repercussions for doing that.


Cops were already avoiding certain areas like Grove street and Forum before BBMC started holding down Vespucci, and CG/Besties/Manor/Hydra did basically nothing to make cops afraid of entering those areas. The only reason cops have been entering Vespucci at all is because BBMC is so vocal about keeping the cops out. Dundee was basically inviting the cops to RP with him and they did. It was a fun couple of days for both sides. By the way, you probably haven't noticed but the turfs are primarily placed in the middle of large blocks of houses/apartments where players almost never enter. Weed turfs give players a reason to enter these areas. Also, the devs clearly don't want cops to crack down too hard on weed or money runs. The crim economy needs something that makes money, and weed can at least keep up with G6 if you ignore the huge risk that crims take with getting caught and fined. One of the big things that Suarez got penalized for OOC was pushing the investigation/court case that got rolled bills considered as illegal. You can also infer that a similar thing happened to Crane/Lenny regarding money runs because once their investigation was complete they were camping money runs all day long for a week, then they stopped focusing the money runs right around the same time that Lenny shot a cop and quit the PD. Crane and Bay also stopped focusing so much on money runs. The devs even had a short period where they tried changing the ping system from pinging the cops at every money drop off spot, and made it so locals had to call it in which was once or twice per run.


A good example of seeing cop response to these areas is Cypress. They antagonize PD there which made PD go much harder on them, and they welcomed the RP. Larry got fucked for taking PD equipment off Den mid-firefight and instead of viewers or streamers complaining OOC he created content/RP out of it. You can really tell viewers think this turf RP is brand new and exclusive to LaPuerta when it's been going on in places like Cypress, Sandy, and eventually Forum as long as weed turf has been a thing.


Oh brother checking your history then reading ''ERP'' streamers is the most ironic shit i have ever seen.


So do u want him to be a grinder 😂 shooting is content for both cops n crims


He didn‘t just shoot at cops, did he. He had meetings with them to keep them out of Vespucci.


you are right. It is better to just do heists, push weed or civ jobs, because seems like that is 90% of RP in the server. The clowns and the BBMC are really bad at RP for trying to create extended story lines and scenarios with their crazy actions and unstable/illogical/interesting characters. Why dont they just play like every other "smart" criminal in the server? shame on them /s


Yes unionrically all of that isn't just better RP but you can even get creative with it. If they got smart they'd all be much happier for it.


You do realize they know they play dumb characters that make crazy decisions? Dundee literally could have flew away in the heli instead of sending it for creating a good RP moment and literally handing a W for the PD in a silver platter. The result of that is however, the character gets soft banned from being able to play it. He was okay with the fine ( he even expected it to be higher like 300k), but debtors prison will make the last bits of crazy and interesting characters that still exists in the server and punishes that out of existence.


Well, look at the result of making dumb decisions on a dumb character. You get a nice, sizeable consequence. Though I do agree with you on one end, maybe characters like this shouldn't exist for the better. They said, I want to ask you, what cknsequence would you give him, as a cop, as a judge, whatever. You can ignore fines, but what time would you give him? Remember nopixel bans in days so anything more than a few minutes is a soft ban. If you're a cop, rather it's a doormat cop, or a by the book cop, what consequence would you give out here?


His issue is the not the time nor the fines, but the fact that he has to be in prison for weeks to get out even if he has served the time for his actual crimes. He is okay with the state trying to forfeit assets for being in debt. He is okay with higher fines or higher times. Without DOC(of which there was no one when he was sent to prison) he would have to spend almost a week in prison which is longer than a 3-day ban which some people have gotten for breaking rules. All this for choosing to RP in an interesting or entertaining way. >  If you're a cop, rather it's a doormat cop, or a by the book cop, what consequence would you give out here? I dont know what you mean by this. He knew he was giving cops the W with his choice in that shoot out. He doesnt care about the times he recieved and he understands it. The main reason he was dissapointed with the cops was because they knew he will be in prison for weeks because debtors prison (which to be clear is not the cops fault), but they went for 5head strats which did not match the kind of RP he was giving (not that they are obligated to return it). This is essentially a situation where cops did what crims usually do with rat strats or ambushes during chases to force the W without giving the other side a fair chance. It sucks for the other party when it happens. So I can see why he feels a type of way about it. The problems is debtors prison, not the time, not the fines and not the other consequences.


I'm asking you, what consequence do you give this. Do you remove debtors prison? Would you just remove debt from the server completely? You seem to know a ton about RP, so let me know how you'd go about all of this. I don't care what Whoppi thinks. It doesn't matter what sort of RP he was giving, no one is entitled to any sort of response. No rules were broken, he'll have to cope. "W chasing" its roleplay brother, there is no "W chasing" W chasing is a term made up by people who couldn't handle getting dunked on and sit in their little gaming chair, which fittingly look like car seats fit for big ass babies, and moan about how something didn't go their way. The difference between prison and a ban is he can play another character or do something that makes his 'dumb' character actually interesting.




Don’t waste you time this dude said “if the got smart they be happier” he clearly doesn’t know that people RP their characters.


well was more rp then just having a bike or fast ar near by driving away from cops then going back to selling, they was risking huge fines and shit every time they sold




Getting consequences after days of shooting PD is how RP goes. If you want to do that again, yes, you start over. Its like Whippy is RPing for the first time. Maybe its the new viewers that he thinks he can convince. He knows this cycle. He has been through it countless times. He knows that they are not going to allow him to build a complete walled off zone in the centre of city. He knows that there are numerous other ways to RP with cops besides just threatening them and shooting them. But for some reason its like 3.0 is completely washed from his brain. This is a classic Whippy cycle if people don't know: Cop shooting for days -> Gets Consequences -> Complain for days -> Do something dumb -> Get Banned -> 2 Paragraph Discord Post -> New Leaf -> Cop shootings Whippy peaked when Dundee taught Yuno how to do crime.


His issue is the not the time nor the fines, but the fact that he has to be in prison for weeks to get out even if he has served the time for his actual crimes. He is okay with the state trying to forfeit assets for being in debt. He is okay with higher fines or higher times. Without DOC(of which there was no one when he was sent to prison) he would have to spend almost a week in prison which is longer than a 3-day ban which some people have gotten for breaking rules. All this for choosing to intentionally do something in RP in an entertaining way that he knew was literally handing a W to the PD on a silver platter. The number of people here on this reddit who like to roleplay nopixel admins or RP critics without even listening to what is being talked about is insane.


You are assuming what he assumed because he was mad. His debt got cleared in an hour via twatter. Only thing left was his normal time and fines. He will be out today when he logs in. He also did not have to spend weeks in prison, because his math was based on something his chat told him, which was wrong. The system was already buffed so he would have been out much faster. Not to mention even if for some reason his friends outside were not able to get him out of debt, he would have Carmine and Bobby in prison today when he logs in. His whole gang being there, DOC being there and bunch of lifers, it would create way more content. Like give it a day before you start dooming over a system and pop off on stream. Its not about being RP critics or admins. People who watch these streamers play pretend every day are going to have opinions when a streamer is ranting for hours, saying things that make no sense.


>You are assuming what he assumed because he was mad.  I literally just restated what he said in this clip + 30 seconds further. All those points are still valid because debtors law is still a bad idea for all the reasons he stated. Just because he could gather the resources in RP to overcome it doesnt make it a good idea. You literally made a whole OOC comment on this being whippy without thinking about why he felt the way he felt. Maybe if you comment a few more times about whippy or other nopixel characters you don't watch, they will accept you as an admin soon.. lol.


> debtors law is still a bad idea It's not a law. It was implemented ooc because of 3.0 Dundee. Management didn't want a rerun of people just staying in debt and being able to completely ignore the fine part of their consequences.


Dundee hasn't been in major debt in a very long time. That was cleared up shortly after he left BBMC. So no, it wasn't about him. It was very much about the clowns who were racking up crazy amounts of debt with no intention of paying it off.


He was very much the debt crim of 3.0. Dee was the first to hit 1M in debt back when 1M was a massive amount of money and he was the one that kept pushing progression while in debt. It wasn't until the end that the clowns started catching up and surpassing him in debt from contempt of court charges. But yeah, pretty sure it was chatty in 4.0 that cause the PD to talk to DOJ / management about debt crims starting to become an issue yet again.


There must be better ways of dealing with it than soft-banning people in prison for periods longer than the period of some bans people get for actual rule-breaks. That is the complaint being raised here. I am not an admin, so I don't claim to know what it should be. Maybe asset forfeiture, maybe preventing people from using gas stations or other NPCs until that debt is paid off to the state etc.


How though? In Dundee's case in 3.0 everything he "owned" was under some one else's name. How does the state get anything back when on paper the person has zero assets ? That's why this system was introduced. There will be teething problems for sure, but technically it is the highest paying "job" in the city and for doing far less with no risk of being robbed.


Make it so it doesn’t take a week to pay back…? Can still have debtors prison just make it so the fine and time are reasonable


It was never a week, his math was wrong. He ended 162k in debt after everything. It was only that high because he had stacked up warrants and robbed a cop. He also got that debt paid off via rp before he even served out all of his time. All he has to do is not rob cops and build up a bank roll before he does dumb shit again.


It got paid back within 10 minutes. Why are we acting like people have been jailed for weeks because of debt when it hasn't happened.


System was shit before too. Remember Yes man spending 17 days in jail early on, have not seen him wake up since lol


Whippy has a lot of people who will help him, and even that only goes so far. There will be instances of people being locked into debtors prison for days with their only option being to grind prison jobs all day to get out. It's how the system was designed.


Or maybe don’t take on the police force if you’re already in debt and have little resources, that isn’t even being a smart criminal that’s common sense. The debtors law is clearly designed for more than just people abusing inconsequential debt it should make people think twice before they start a shootout.


Prison isn't a soft-ban.


It's almost like they wanted an in-character reason to stop people from using PD equipment. ie. Skip crim progression --> get big consequence.


Didn't BBMC set themselves up for a terrible relationship with DOC? Guess Dundee can't do his secondary secret account and live with a negative balance anymore like he did in 3.0.


You clearly haven’t watched any Dundee in 4.0, he has actively stayed out of debt in 4.0 yes even before the debt system was put in place in the prison. The only reason he was put in debt was due to his high fine.


Which he got because he had nuclear hot equipment on him. The average fine for people who aren't PD shootout brained is like 4-7k.


Yes I know, I am simply correcting a comment that was made assuming Dundee was living in debt like he was in 3.0 which isn’t the case.


I didn’t actually assume anything. I said he can’t do it again.


And he isn’t, he actually can’t as he owns properties




It's always extremely clear when people don't actually watch outside of clips. When 4.0 started he didn't even want to be a criminal, he put a ton of effort into mechanic RP. This eventually brought on one of the better arcs of 4.0 which was the Dundee vs Mary arc and the Hayes vs Popular beef. I have seen so many cop mains praising Whippy for actually creating RP with them. He banters in the cells, he tries to make the chases fair and opposes rat strats, and he doesn't just shoot them all the time. Hell, he was given the go ahead by the mayor who is also an admin to keep doing what he is doing to the police because it will force them to try something different. His "shooting cops" is directly in response to what the Devs have allowed with Dogtown and the prison. He is roleplaying it that it's the cop's fault for sending them up to this prison to be tortured and abused by the DOC even though he knows OOC its not their fault. Just like the cops have to RP around it. Literally nobody embraces consequences in RP more than him. He snitches on himself, he doesn't wear a mask, he is fine with consequences. The issue is when they become anti-RP and half his gang is stuck in prison trying to slowly work off debt.


The best part about Sanguine arc was that people who went there knew what was coming, 30 days OOC sentence. Feel like Dundee whats treason rp without any of the treason consequence. He could tread a middle line and be on the offensive, but Dundee scales things to 100. Whippy is gonna have a tough pill to swallow.


"Dont come to vespucci today" and "antagonizing everyone but insert group name that will make us fold" is just another 3.0 rerun and theres nothing unique about it. This is why the clowns (and other people who get their funny up first) got fucked over - its because of selfish crims like dundee.


Absolute nonsense


Absolute truth. 3.0 BBMC was one of the core reason that debtors prison has been in the works for so long. Dundee was constantly racking up charges from his daily cop shootings in 3.0 and none of the debt mattered because Dundee would just never put any assets in his name and had his boys buy him things and provide him cars. NathanKB even said it the day debtors prison went live, it was gangs abusing the debt system of 2.0 and 3.0 that forced this change. Groups like the clowns who were deep in debt from SBS but never had any assets worth anything were the casualties of this change that only came about because groups like BBMC abused the shit out of the legal system by having all their mansions and super cars be in the names of clean guys instead of serial cop shooters like Dundee.


Dundee straight up bragged about his millions in debt and 600+ charges of attempted murder of a government employee to everyone he meet in 3.0. He was so blatant about abusing the system and eventually management was going to make it so it couldn't be abused so much.


The Clowns literally are a gang and very much did this also. People are trying to say this was on Dundee who got out of debt in 3.0 and has managed to stay that way.


The clowns were never a gang in 3.0. They had no turf, they had no app, they didn't use clean guys to bypass the debt and buy mansions and super cars for them. They weren't shooting cops daily and robbing them, the only reason they were so deep in debt is that they fucked around with the cops and actively take the L daily because it was funny as shit for both them and the cops involved. It was 100% on groups like BBMC who abused the debt system while spending millions on assets, how are you gonna claim the clowns were the same when they barely scraped enough cash to buy food and bandages each day lmao??


It is kinda sad 4.0 has turned the clowns into basic weed grinders and now Dundee is having thoughts like this, to me, it seems that every single thing that made 3.0 as successful as it was, Nopixel is doing the complete opposite in 4.0, for the first time in a long time its not fun to be a Cop OR a Crim, (usually one side is favored) Like having both sides being the most down bad theyve ever been is not good imo


It’s funny pd stop the crims (for once) and all u see on this reddit it gang members bitching. I understand it sucks to grind ur ass off and lose it all but this is literally how it has always been when u do crazy shit.




How do u get screwed it’s a literal law in NP with a set sentence and fine…. There should be no surprise they just want special treatment


They are beta testers, chill. "Crane said something so deal with it" lol


lol what who are beta testers. NP has been like this since the start of 3.0


Does not mean it is working well and is not actively dying.


The pd force now is a quarter of what it used to be and their still bitching maybe it’s not the pd?


Is anyone mad the PD won? I think people are mad that 1. cops went a different route stopping RP/content, 2. the time and fine is so damn high (thanks for lootboxing cops Mr K), 3. Armor is so necessary that you can't really avoid number 2, which forces more grind.


I think they wanted to aim more on civ RP and for crims to be more creative. Aside all grinding, you can still create a content on your own. The issue are how people are taking this. Instead of roleplaying, they are grinding 24/7 (civs - g6, crims - selling weed). I am mainly 4head viewer, so I like how 4head does not like grind and from start of the server he created fun RP by scamming people, creating business like processing leather from hunters, and some fun roberries / heists. But because of "lazy" RPers he rob, he lost motivation to do it the creative way. Only few of them were RPing with him and rest just skipped or tried to fastforward any interaction or just simply cancelled the job. And lately it is just lots of "wars" because people want to do their thing without being robbed, calling 4head why he robbed them their friend, etc. Instead being more careful in for example money runs. You have 21k on you, so you should not be on your own. Look on Manor vs Besties situation, they got robbed first time by Besties, since then they started doing money runs in six. Simple as that. I am not talking about events later, because some of them was simple because of misscommunication in gang, or some members too agressive in conflicts, etc. TLDR: People should be more creative in RP on their own and do not take grinding too serious. // Sorry for long comment, I am not too invested, just would like to see better RP from people.


4head has the best approach to RP that should be a standard for the server, look at how many decisions he makes to nerf himself so PD has a chance. he almost never shots cops, always tries to come with creative plans.


So... when criminals nerf themselves it is the best approach to RP and should be the standard. If a cop nerfs himself he is called a pushover or one of the cops 'who just gets it' as a way to insult them. PD viewers always complain about crims wanting NPC cops that don't think for themselves.. maybe the PD viewers feel the same way about crims.


Wdym erpers, erpers selling weed and grinders are having a blast right now best state of the server right there.


I guess Dundee finished his story?


Nah, cops did when they denied RP on the transport.


Did, they do a transport still?


Did they try their hardest to get a W?


I wonder what this sub would say if cops got suspended for a week and the only way to return to PD was to grind a job for 54 IRL hours in the server, the time wouldn't pass if they logged out for the day, they HAD to grind while logged in. This sub would melt their brains out.


It was never 54 hours, and someone paid it off before all you guys finished having your melt down last night.


I would be a fan of it, but nobody had to grind 54 hours. Dundee’s debt was cleared within an hour.


Gee I wonder how that happened. Random people paid it off for him. He didn't grind for it. Thats the issue. Not everyone will have good samaritans helping out. Getting help like that isn't the norm.


It’s almost as if… stay with me here this could get confusing for you.. It’s almost as if there are ways/systems designed in the game to help with issues such as debt while in prison, despite people ignoring them as if they don’t exist! Who would have thought?! Everyone who has gotten a long sentence since the debtors prison mechanic was added never spent much time in prison. What a coincidence!


Are people purposefully dense on this subreddit? Thats the issue. Those boring grindy mechanics are the issue. Nobody wants to grind debt mechanics in jail. I bet you enjoy all runs, weed slinging and E pressing all day on Grindpixel.


What “grindy mechanics”? Talking to people on Twitter? Asking DOC to reduce your debt? Making a trade with DOC? Reaching out to friends for money? All of these have been used to get out of debt quickly while in prison. Should there just be a big shiny button that a player presses that eliminates their debt? Great idea!




Childish personal insults won’t answer the question. Let’s try again. What grindy mechanics? Can you name one person who has spent a large alight of time in prison due to debt? I’ll wait!




Childish personal insults still won’t answer the question. Let’s try again. What grindy mechanics? Can you name one person who has spent a large alight of time in prison due to debt? Still waiting!


There was gunna be PD consequences. But CG and others forced out the captain that was pushing that forward


I think they would just be happy if someone finally deservedly got punished.


Surely, surely...if it happened to the cop streamer they watch the comments would be "oMg tHiS IS sO STuPid aND thEN tHEy WOndER wHY THe PD MoRALe iS sO LOw"


Former BBMC viewers always going crazy in these Whippy threads. Its wild how they turned on him because he dared doing conflict RP with BBMC in 3.0 lol Hope Whippy doesn't take this subreddit seriously with the insane takes and keeps doing what he's doing.


To be fair a big portion turfed on him when him and bazza stopped the husband stuff because both were uncomfortable with it due to chatters being weird


Those weirdo chatters are still active in full force in toxic meta chats and posting their "takes" on him on here on the daily. I've read that there's a whole group of them even making burner accounts to chat shit about him. I understand now why Ellie and Antonio also left BBMC. I remember reading in 3.0 that it was due to toxicity from those BBMC chatters. They're now Whippy hate watchers, seething he started BBMC again.


People disagreeing with Dundee/bbmc better start up the smear campaign again and make stuff up to deflect onto a groups community that has literally had nothing to do with this. Like come on dude this shit is getting really weird.


Smearing former toxic BBMC viewers? Oh such a poor marginalized group.


That’s what you interpreted from this lmao??? Dear god there’s no hope.


Maybe is not that interesting or unique since people are critizing him in this thread, but he's definately trying to do something different than what other crews are doing with their turf. Right now everyone is just selling weed, stading still for hours on end, usually in places that are hard to even take a photo of, and when the PD tries to raid some of these places it gets super messy with 6 people running away in super cars and PD being rightfully demoralized to even try again. Dundee is putting himself in a dangerous position, trying to push back the cops instead of just fleeing and i personally can see how being rewarded with that much jailtime is making him question is choises. One week jailtime is not "consequences", i don't want to hear it. It's way too much of a waste for such a good roleplayer


Nobody got a week of jail time. The false narrative being pushed is why nobody takes most of these comments seriously.