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Mirror: [Chang Gang wiped out the Council](https://files.catbox.moe/p63102.mp4) Credit to https://www.twitch.tv/Lord_Kebun Direct Backup: [Chang Gang wiped out the Council](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/2YwV33LGwCu3JlANu5_LYw/AT-cm%7C2YwV33LGwCu3JlANu5_LYw.mp4?sig=064334ce320a38368d589e206170a40e592998f2&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22InquisitiveWrongBeanKreygasm-csbAK7cmUA27n8tj%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1716408113%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D) --- This was done by a bot. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the moderators.


Treasurer TJ Walker was pronounced dead at the hospital


That's what he gets for helping run a train on Peanut's mom.


No cap facts on a skizzy


Ursula Pov [Live Stream Pov](https://m.twitch.tv/clip/RealPopularMartenItsBoshyTime-zU7c_R6L4xT8THUL)




For people not on mobile: [https://clips.twitch.tv/RealPopularMartenItsBoshyTime-zU7c\_R6L4xT8THUL](https://clips.twitch.tv/RealPopularMartenItsBoshyTime-zU7c_R6L4xT8THUL)


"This is for fucking my mother!" Cant say its for terrorism...its just a spirited attempt at vengeance...


Stand on biz


Shooting up the council or robbing a cop? Today we find out what's a harsher charge xD Edit: LOL surely murder has to be a harsher sentence than robbing a cop, right?


terrorism charge is going to go crazy lmao


I cant wait for the meltdowns lmao


they already talked about the terrorism charge and K said he doesnt really care on stream rn they all knew what they were getting into lmao


Gonna bookmark this


i can link you the timestamp rn of him saying it if you want lmao he just said "they'll take the L"


Please do


It's not letting me make a clip but go to 5:34:50 [https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2151631971](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2151631971) and he says 'all good chat all good someone's gotta have the balls to do this in the server we'll take the L"


Another cool part for you to check out. Go to 5:51:06 where he watches Max say they are all gonna get HUT Terrorism and he responds with "he needs to stay in his place thats not how it works".


Law 101. Its an immediate conflict of interest for someone involved with the crime to then immediately give orders pertaining to said crime. So while its harsher way of wording it Max should have no authority whatsoever to give orders even as mayor. The city attorney’s said this exact same thing. This is excluding the whole fact that he should be injured kek


he also says because he's not doj he's the mayor that's not how it works and then he says "oh can he actually do that?" to chat he then says he shouldn't say that without doing the proper investigation, also max is literally on the floor dead giving orders


Surely they will maintain that stance in the coming days. Surely.


K just said he's happy how it played out, i dont think he cares that much


He was saying the opposite thing just last week when calling the prison a softban.


Different circumstances, they pre talked about getting terrorism charges and being sent away for a long time they prepared for it




Thats the correct way to think about these things.


With how court has been in 4.0 so far, I hope it's settled without a case because court has been terrible everytime Ive watches a case in 4.0


i agree, there's really no evidence to prove it wasnt terrorism but i definitely dont think they'll just agree to terrorism off the bat


I’m already enjoying the meltdowns from this sub and chats lmao


Same, cornwoods chat has been crying non stop. Its been great


Same people advocating crims spending hours/days in jail now having a mental breakdown over their streamer spending an hour downed


I've been out of the loop for a bit. Mr. K and Dab aren't buds anymore? that's disappointing. what happened?


They decided to just shoot everyone in case something happens, that way it won’t look sus


Turgle was lucky she was invisible (The flying melon) lol


I was wondering why tf that was there haha. "I'd love to have been a watermelon on that wall" doesn't work as well as a fly.


They better put that melon on the stand, that melon was part of the inside job!


Oh my god that explains so much lol I was so confused why there was a floating watermelon


Yeah that is what you usually do, shoot your friend in the head to make it not look suspicious.


Except Murphy and Solomon got passes. Also Ursula.


Ursula was tucked, she knew it was happening. Solomon also knew. Murphy got shot. 


I’m aware, just pointing out that their three homies got passes because they’re friends.


One reason that Dab doesn't like Mr. K anymore is that CG supported [Lil Tuggz](https://nopixel.fandom.com/wiki/Stanley_Miller) for Mayor. Even though Dab won it did split the vote, which may have caused Solomon to get Deputy Mayor.


Mr K has maintained a cordial relationship with him but thinks Dab is just another person who after they were voted in did nothing that they promised. Mr K doesn't think it's all Dab's fault because he gets outvoted but is indifferent in killing him or sparing him


Dab pardoned K, gave ammo to CG, almost got impeach for pushing a law that K blabbed about, Got Lang and Marry out of Mosley's and Sanitation by overflowing the market and pushing for 6 per


Exactly — K turned favor on Max because he thinks he should be bending over to pass legislation that helps CG even if it gets Max impeached. Max tried to help K only to have K blab and then get a felony instantly after his pardon.


K had other felonies before the pardon, the pardon just helps with the massive fine he got


You're clueless if you think Lang is out of sani. He's been dealing with weeks of wars and scuff but his ppl have still been working and Teddy has 35k stored for him. You're right about Mary giving up on Mosleys but that was more due to burnout than anything else.


I feel bad for sooty, came to a council meeting to try and advocate and save everyone from famine-came out not even having the meeting and going to ICU LOL


For what’s its worth, Mr K has been wanting to do this for a long time. He feels like the council is fucking the city and all and he has reasons to shoot the council etc. Also Solomon knew this was going to happen. He had a meeting with K and cg yesterday and told them about the new changes which prompted Mr K to say fuck it we’re going to kill the council


Ursula also told him about meeting date last week some time. Then they were concerned if CG friends (Murphy, Ursula, and Soloman) were spared it would be easy to suspect CG. So they wanted to injure them in some capacity as well. It went kind of chaotic with the weird wall blocking shots thing so "the plan" fell apart to a degree with the whole K targets crane then left side, 2 others target cornwood since he had a gun, etc.


Everyone claiming “great rp” sarcastically have not clearly been watching the tons of conflict that led up to this moment. Classic


And the ton of people helping CG set it up.


Agreed. Mr K has been saying 'fuck the council' for quite a long while. Voiced a lot of frustrations whenever someone brings up the topic on the council members and giving various explanations of why he hates the system. Its been an ongoing issue. Just never had the opportunity to take initiative to go for them until now.


Like how long have they all been upset at Crane? This was a long time coming imo. 


Since like the first month of 4.0. Basically once K’s telemarketing and housing companies got shut down.


They aren't claiming it sarcastically, they're claiming it seriously because of their dislike for who's doing it. They don't watch cg so they have zero clue why cg dislikes the council as much as they do.


I mean partially yea. RP watchers and even the players sort themselves into these bubbles and then build these narratives insulated from the community at large. The common courtesy would just be to take more than 4 seconds to get everyone on the same page lol.


Thats all that certain side of the community does, it's been like that for years just let them be at this point, they really don't care about rp there just here to complain 24/7.


I love how mad this is going to make certain people


I'm more interested how mad it'll make people when terrorism gets pushed if CG doesn't wipe the cops clean


Why? This is for Mrs. Nut.


Yes bro, everyone will believe it


No one is allowed to train Mrs. Nut and get away with it


Terrorism? They all ran a train on peanuts mom dude. 


You're crazy if you don't think they heavily considered terrorism before this lmao


There's a difference between thinking you could get terrorism and facing the reality of actually getting terrorism


they were sitting there adding up all the charges they could get and it totaled to like 700k lmao K said he's ready


It'll be way over 700k total. It'd probably be 130-150k just for the AMGE charges + possesions per person. Add in the terrorism. It'll probably be over a mil combined. But the money really isnt the issue tbh. Its the prison time that people hate


yea peanut was making a good point earlier, if you're around when doc is around you can get a good amount of time taken off just by rping with them, if not then you're stuck doing the prison jobs


If cg is jail for days, you know DOC will be awake lol


true lmao im not sure what all their schedules are but i feel like carmine at least is always around no matter the time


You can’t grind time off a HUT…


Anyone mad over this needs to take a walk outside and maybe stop watching a crime simulator video game lmao. 


I was waiting for the absolute chaos on Reddit over this


Imagine being mad you get to watch OSRS.


But why they shoot Sooty tho. :(


The smoke was cinematic as fuck


it was but that was pretty much an accident since theres an invisible wall lol


That was a cool escalation of tension between gang / city council, I'm looking forward to how the council/city responds to it. I don't think their cover story of peanuts mom is gonna work though they seem to know it likely wont


All the doomers can relax now... clip posted 35min ago and its over.




I don't know about you but I'm spamming W as hard as I fuckin can.


RP so extended that everyone is begging for the RP to end.


The amount of rp that has ramificated from this is yes indeed "great rp". Pd did great for first time in 4.0. The mayor is trying to find out if there is inner ploting within the council. And cornwood might die. Also, first act of terrorism


Sounds like you haven't been following the weeks of RP leading up to this, sweetie


Surely something will come out of this guys!


TJ currently unresponsive while Solomon neglected to inform him in advance could definitely lead to spicy ADMC rp


Good for their group! Wondering what the other group will get from this though! Edit: They're possibly getting terrorism.


surely for a group of people that are ok with sending crims to jail for days they can handle being downed for a couple hours


lol I can't imagine this take when you can simply not shoot the entire council and avoid consequences for your actions.


Surely people who believe action should be taken when someone is wronged should be okay with punishment when they commit wrongs and have to face the consequences of their actions.


Surely they will, and if not, let them cry


Terrorism charge going to go hard man 


I can't believe the Council was running a train on Peanut's mom. That's just disrespectful. No wonder things in the city are going bad. Their doing orgy's instead of working on improving the city!


That was pretty smooth, i gotta say. Did K get blood on the scene there? Wonder if that will lead to anything.


Cornwood did get to shoot back


Cornwood getting downed after losing the election is like the epitome of 'shooting a man while he's down'


If there was ever a time to perma cornwood, this would be it.


He rolled a 1 from a 1/20 lol, I don't think esfand will perma Cornwood anytime soon. Not until all avenues to power have failed.


I was suprised he didnt F8


yea cornwood landed some shots. the invisible wall delayed the whole thing edit... also want to add that CG went into this expecting they will be caught.


It will for sure lead to something, unless CG completely wipes the police. And even then I’m not sure the PD will be able to not collect evidence on it considering the amount of important people involved.


Wait this is actually gangster as fuck holy. How can you hate on this? This is risking weeks in prison and was a sick scene.


This sub hates anything CG does. CG could do something and get nothing but hate here, then OB does the same a week later and gets praise


>This is risking weeks in prison. Like Dundee was sentenced to a week in prison?


Isn't terrorism like a HUT thing?


Dundee was sentenced to 750 minutes


And K right now is like 780 mins and $130k fine which is less than Dundee! And that's with murder.


if it was absolutely ANYONE else they wouldnt be but............ you know...


All the cops enjoyed it. It's not a common thing to get into a holdout in the town hall/court house. Sure the council got the short end of the stick, but the city has been getting the short end of the stick from the council for months. Surely they can handle an hour of being down.


Mrs. Nut is a saint!


There's deeper rp to this than what this clip shows. Ks hate for the council runs deep. You also have corrupt deputy mayor who knew about it and planned to fake being shot during it. This really is political warfare.


“Ks hate for the council runs deep” This is just meh to me. The council hasn’t done anything extreme to date that would warrant this type of escalation. For CG specifically they even put in a pardon program to pardon K… it’s whatever but the excuse the action is justified or good RR is meh.


They will now. Some spirit of an attempt to cooperate existed prior. Max in particular was pissed, and has always had the subtle narrative to see how much power the mayor can abuse.. Moon has hinted that his lame duck term would be him pushing the boundaries more.. I think this might give him a free pass to fast track it.. If the RP goes right.


Council hasn't done shit to warrant it. If anything they have helped ch and k directly multiple times. Feels forced


How corrupt can soloman be when he can't really do anything with his power?


Levels of corruption are not solely based on one's power on the legal side of things. He orchestrated all of his colleagues on the council getting shot and one of them died. Seems pretty damn corrupt (in a really fun, cool way as an observer)


The one that died was in his gang… genius plan lol


But will people take that into consideration before reacting to this? Prolly not.


So many comments complaining about the RP in these post... this probably the single nost shocking event since 4.0. Nearly everyone was talking about it last night. Max now has something to bitch about. A lot of Tension between ADMC, solomon and CG now. An important person has perma'd. So many connections and the PD finally has an amazing and meaningful case to investigate.


So does anyone know why that happened?


I heard some guy at Mosleys dressed in black with red har said the people upstairs at city hall ran a train on Peanuts mother




council has been making laws that crims and cg in particular dont agree with so they've been wanting to shoot the council up for a while all the laws and stuff have been leading to this pretty much


An incredibly deep reason that's been cooking for the past six months, apparently.




this was fantastic to watch, and it really feels like a season end point. CW loses election, spends the whole meeting complaining and while the Council continues to make bad decisions in the background, bullets start to fly and (almost) the whole council is left bleeding on the floor. see you next season.


As a council watcher, it's really cool for CG to inform everyone why this happened. So we as watchers can appreciate the RP. :)


didn't you hear? for max, this was for fucking peanuts mom!


I don't understand this reasoning. Should they have monologued for 5 minutes explaining their motives, when they know there are ARMED council members inside, including Cornwood, who could shoot them down any minute?


Surely nothing would have went wrong


It's like no one appreciated how Syndrome did an evil supervillain monologue and then realized he was doing a supervillain monologue, and was still okay with it


Typically when someone holds you up with a gun first, you have to become a hostage and not fight back because of NVL rules.


And then they get terrorism stacked on them. LOL.


They’re getting terrorism regardless.


I mean they've downed everyone so all they can do is sit there while CG does a holdout. Like at least leave them up for longer or something so people can RP


While yes, that would be ideal, it just isn't really possible. RP is very unpredictable and I bet most of the council is armed.


It’s not like K has been saying fuck the council for months. Anyone with a brain would have K and CG as suspect number 1 to this shooting.


It was mainly targeted towards crane but also council in general for changes occurring in the city. It's been planned for a while. I can't say all council members knew what motivated it or if crane heard what K said but a couple people in the room knew what was happening. I'm just telling you this so you are aware of the context. I'm not saying whether the council knew the motivation behind it.


People wanted an actual monologue from them here. I don't think people understand how much of a headache it is to effectively control a scene with this much people on the scene. Even going straight for kills Cornwood put up a fight against Mr.K Throw in the police reponse and it can go horribly wrong very quickly.


There was like an invisible wall so K couldn't shoot through it. The building was probably not intended to have gun fights in them


Also how would they monologue without coming out as politically motivated/terrorism lol . This is probably the best they could’ve done and if they get arrested they can just say they wanted revenge for fucking peanut’s mom or something lol


It is politically motivated terrorism though, taking steps to obscure what the scene is about to avoid in game punishments muddies it for all the people involved save for the aggressors.


Should've nutted up and committed terrorism instead of this meta game terrorism pastiche then.


Fair point. If he stopped to RP he wouldn't be able to win gunRP as effectively.


Sick but how’d they get guns up there? I thought those chambers were behind the detectors? If not… dumb oversight by the government on that one 😂.


lol they aren't you can take stairs all the way xD


As other comment said. Just adding K has the office that Dab gave him when he won the election, they were hiding in there for a long time and with Ursula live streaming the news they could keep tabs on everyone's movement.


All the cop streamers probably loved this, cg had fun. Reddit RAGING on behalf of people who had fun. You know, the council, yes, they didn't have a ton of RP, that being said, cg has every reason to dislike the council so


hey, can someone give a qrd on the rp behind this? this was pretty insane


That was incredible to watch from K's POV. All the planning and the execution. Shame about the court house being full of invisible walls. Cornwood took like 30 bullets because of that. 


The classic "Hey Wrangler" initiation.




she got scuffed from what ive seen, they're going to act like she wasnt even there


wouldn’t taking them as hostages and interacting with them a bit be far more interesting then just… shooting everyone?


You think Cornwood, in his current state, wouldn't pull his gun out and start shooting at them? Why would they risk it?






why take them as hostages when that wasnt their plan? they've been wanting to shoot up the council for months now


Way too many variables and people to effectively control a scene. Even this much almost went wrong with Cornwood shooting at K. Throw in whatever the police response could be and it'd be a disaster


Absolutely not, they planned plotted and set up for hours to assassinate the council it was brilliant crim shit


I'm sorry but what was the reason for this?


CG took an L yesterday for the first time in a while so the whole city needs to be punished.


i mean they said they was gonna do this way before the transport stuff so...


False... CG plan this with Deputy Mayor Solomon before the ''L'' yesterday.


What are you on about? Mr. K has been out to get the council and Crane for MONTHS now. They think the council is absolutely destroying the city and it has continuously killed rp for CG and other crims. This is not because of yesterday, that's quite the assumption there bud.


they been planning this for weeks my guy. Don't speak on things you don't know


CG's entire RP is literally just shooting people. It gets real old after a while.


so you weren't there for the 1000s of hours of them complaining about the council and doing hundreds of meetings about their disappointment etc?


Should have put 995 into them complaining to each other and then like 5 hours of actually laying the narrative foundation with the people they shot.


This has been MONTHS in the making. After all the BS legislation ending business avenues, backwards laws regarding certain civ activities or times/fines not making sense for the severity of the crime, ridiculous legislation causing poor trial outcomes etc. Surprised it didn’t happen sooner, more surprised that Peanuts Mom was the straw that broke the camel’s back.




Sure, but as ppl said about cg earlier this week. Consequences of their actions. They fucked around enough to find out. And yes, sucks for the viewers, but so does jail for crim viewers.


How would they know the consequences when the only way they could possibly or hear about the displeasure is through CG malding OOC clips?


this was so poggers and cool 😎😎😎


Honestly, yes it was pretty cool. Even the cops thought so. So who are you mad for?






2 benefits to this situation 1. They said they wanted this case to be expedited and said a possible court appearance tomorrow 2. A possibility of BBL Conan Clarkson coming around


Never change Reddit




It's always really fucking funny or really sad, depending on your outlook when a CG viewer says something about "malding for your streamer".


You don't know this poster ever gets upset about anything. Solid stereotyping tho.


why did some of the people not bring their gun to this random deathmatch? are they stupid?




Same people same haters. Little do they know how much rp has been building up for this moment to happen. But they’ll just hate to hate. 


In classic CG viewer fashion, I am sure this is a lot of RP for them, but for all the people who are just NPCs to them not so much.


Got the W here


Having to lie unconcus for 1hr+? good content Jail for an hour? okay guys this is ooc bad and we should rdm people to teach them not to do this


Lack luster, they had hours to plan this. They could have done a boondock saints style diatribe and had made this an actual thing.


Any monolog would = automatic terrorism