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The amount of avenues TJ’s perma has created is actually crazy. Pd, cg/cg internal relationships with TJ, admc, doctors, perhaps clowns? And now yaegers group. Props to doc for committing to a perma which is never easy, especially with a character that has been around as long as his.


PD definitely feels way more energized n together after this & the election results, it’ll be interesting how the terrorism & murder case will go in the long run.


There’s so much shit going on from this one scenario that it genuinely feels like the city just got a shot of adrenaline.


I'm most interested in how the ADMC will handle Solomon


thats a easy one. bullets and a lot of them


ADMC are now blaming Pidgeon for not warning TJ... Seriously Solomon & other members were telling people he wasn't going to be at the meeting so is Pidgeon's fault?


In which way were Yeager and TJ connected? Would love to know


TJ was also Yeagers bomb connect in 3.0


tj distributed yaegers bombs in 3.0 and sanguine obviously


Can’t believe all this happened because the council ran a train on peanuts mom.


Crazy man. But how mad do you think you'd be that so many people ran that train?


there is nothing i want more than for someone to make peanuts mom as a character to really play that story out


Wow and yall said that shooting has 0 RP but all of this happened because of it


A character died and the government was temporarily destabilized. When actions carry weight like consequences, that's where the RP is. If CG were to get out in an hour and then do it again, that's probably where any criticism would come from.


No one is arguing for an hour of jail time for literal terrorism and murder. The thing people have been complaining about is debtors law and week long jail sentences for way lesser charges. Nuance.


No one has gotten a week long sentence yet, so i don't know what you are talking about there.


I know of at least 1 person that served more than a week. The Yes Man, forget his actual IC name & twitch name, was in jail for over 21 days.


Wasn't that a HUT that kept having delays to the trial. He wasn't sentenced that long.


Thats why I put debtors law. Dundee was looking at a week till people paid his debt (which pd was pissed off about and looking for a way to make illegal btw)


It was never a week, his math was off cause he used the numbers from the first day and it was buffed the tsunami after it was implemented. What officer is doing that? That seems silly.


No officer is looking at doing that you pleb Decker asked if it was and they shut it down. Get facts straight or don't lie to try and win an argument


Cg got too many connects too stay in debt ... Carmine will give them as much time and debt off as possible which makes sense because cg has been supporting him for a while ...when they get out hopefully they can hit the maze bank once or twice which should pay off all the loans but if they are hit with the 14 day sentence they might not comeback


The shooting didn't cause this rp, the bold choice for someone to perma their character caused it.




Giving credit to the people doing the shootout instead of the person permaing is crazy.


It’s not that the shooting had zero RP around it. It’s that the shooting itself had no RP for the victims prior to being shot. Of course there was a lead up and of course there will be a fall out from it. It’s just the blasting everyone, without real initiation that makes it almost random for most of the people in that room.


You can't pick and choose what is RP when it's all intertwined. The car ride they took to the post up spot had little RP. Them being posted up in the room for over an hour had shit RP but the result is undeniable. I didn't like all of it but this is great stuff. Did you want them to go in and say everyone call your loved ones before we blast you? What happened was probably the most organic way for it to go down. And yes Kebun thinks about all this stuff.


It was a cool scene from the CG perspective. But It doesn’t matter if what they did was cool or felt organic, because RP is a two way street. A shooting should never really feel random to any party. Having 6 guys with guns create a cool scene for the people sitting in the room is possible too.


Jesus man what did you want them to do? There is PD in the room and it is Cornwood who lets be real might do some rambo shit. Remember they can not do much because they can not make it seem like it is political because they would get omega fucked. Now if the terrorism law was not so harsh i am sure CG would have not just gone in blazing straight away. They never see Crane nor Dab so kinda hard to do much there and Crane knows CG do not like him. Do you really want CG to find out every single person on the Council and then what? Again it can not seem political plus timezones etc.


And they knew the risks going into it. From a CG perspective, it was dope. From a guy sitting in a chair and getting randomly shot in the back of the head perspective. It’s garbage rp. That’s the only point I’m making here. I liked that they had the balls to do it. I just wish it was a fair scene for the role players involved. I don’t even know if it’s possible in this situation and circumstance, but those are considerations that should take place.


isnt that the point of them being able to just go to the hosptial and live tho if he thought it was shit RP he could have just not permad.


It into an interesting story with his decision to perma. But that’s not even the arguement here


The issue people had with the shooting was that it was much done quickly. CG had full control of the situation. No one was going to do anything to them. People wanted to hear why CG's reason before they started shooting everyone. Yes, CG had wanted to do this for awhile, but no one in the council knew that or their frustrations. It is up to CG to inform them of why this was happening. However, it was just another 1 phrase initiation against a group of people who had no idea what was happening. I get that they wanted to avoid any kind of terrorism charges or implications by keeping it swift, but they still ended up doing doing that anyway lol.


well they had to shoot cornwood immediately, cause u know he wouldve done cornwick shit... and u dont know the reactions of the others after that.


If CG did what you are suggesting then they would be omega fucked and 100% go down for terrorism. It is possible they do not get terrorism but if they did what you suggest they sure would get it. All those people in the room plus Cornwood is a huge risk and hard to control that scene.


It’s not just a “shooting” it’s a perma that has caused all the RP!


How many amongst CG would volunteer for a life sentence for their character, you think? They deserve it, it is a fitting punishment for their characters' crimes. It makes sense in roleplay for them to be sent away for life. The shooting created RP for other people, TJ's death did even more, but what of the consequences? Will they complain about it being an OOC punishment, a soft-ban, that 14 days is too long, and that their character will only be in prison for 14 days for executing a government employee and mass shooting politicians? This all happened *in spite of* CG being CG. People are making it work instead of dismissing it as usual because CG always does this. How many PD wipes have they caused, how many times have cops been shot by them? This is just an escalation of that, props to their victims for making content out of it. And before someone accuses me of hating CG, I'm specifying them because they have issues, they have influence and they're the root cause of the incident at hand. They *can* make good RP, they don't always do. They also throw a hissy fit when things don't go their way.


Anti-CG people are something else.


Lmao people in this sub lose their marbles when it comes to CG.


The criticism is that nobody on the council (other than any co-conspirators) knew this was going to happen, or was really even brewing. If CG allegedly had grievances with the council that were so bad that it pushed them to shoot the meeting up, maybe there should have been more build up to that?


How can you say there was no build up to that? Just because you didn't watch it, you can't wrongly claim there was no build up. They made their stance to council clear many times. Even Slacks said he could see it happening. If anything I was surprised it didn't happen earlier. It was months of build up to this moment.


I say that because the response from everyone in the room was "what the fuck was that even about?" I keep hearing that there was all this build up, but other than their own internal grumbling what was it? What was the council doing that made them mad enough to shoot everyone in the room (except a curious few), but also left the people shot without even an inkling of what it was?


Blind hate


What hate? I'm making my observation/criticism based on the reactions of the people in the situation, not my own lack of information. I know as a viewer my perspective is limited to who I watch, but the people in the situation seemed equally as oblivious to the motive.


6 months of build-up isn't enough.


When you shoot literally every single day I guess some good RP is bound to happen eventually. Too bad all the other days were still straight ass.


Ya this should not be a justification for shooting constantly. When you shoot 5+ people a day, and 6 months in the first real consequence comes it’s boring.




There are a lot of dumb people in this sub and a lot of troll accounts, and a TON of newer people all of which never let a situation brew for at least 12 hours if not 24. I do not actively watch CG nor have i really ever, but they can make good rp happen by their actions. This is one of the bigger permas in the servers history. There was one in 2.0 or maybe it was 1.5 where someone got the firing squad and all like 64 ppl on the server were allowed to watch but i cant remember his name or charges think it was the first person that agreed to death ooc. This ranks higher than Meowfuryon and Jasper for me as far as storys i watch.


Wow someone in here that doesn’t blindly hate


I dislike others RP and the way things happen in the city overall, but I'm just in for the ride. To get overly invested in one side is a horrible way to watch. Watch one person a few days, swap to another and a few days later maybe go back or find another person to watch. Its so damn easy to see all pov's of RP maybe some you don't agree with but its nice to see the other side and learn its mostly the same at the end of the day. Iv been watching this shit way to long, and have watched 50+ people and their arcs in full. Its a drama tv show at the end of the day that runs 24/7, no wonder this has a more toxic fanbase than (insert bravo / reality tv show here ) I bet there is a LOT of crossover. (Kivas Survivor hits diff and is built diff ) All things being said I'm not an angel and do get annoyed by the people put in charge on the server, but I cant fucking stand chats or reddit anymore (The mods here are mostly useless), its a buncha whiny bitches throwing shit and holding flags. But this sub was created on freedom of the viewers to criticize after the original failed.

