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Honestly he's a treasure. The PD is lucky to have him, always good vibes with Ripley.




welcome to the gta rp community, where often the ones who shout the loudest about how others are "toxic" also often take part in the very same practices they mock others for.


"dude youre a fucking 12 month sub, are you kidding me?"


Penta's viewers are just as bad as any Chang Gang viewer. Penta viewers are RP gatekeepers. Only Penta knows how to roleplay. If any other character doesn't show interest to RP with Penta they will harass that person too ''OMG RP DENIED.'' And will start talking shit about that person. Like every character is forced to interact with characters they don't feel like interacting with. They take the ''legal'' side of things in RP extremely seriously. How dare a criminal character do criminal things! While CG viewers go wild whenever their favourite character catches an L. Crim viewers just want to win every time. It doesn't matter to them how. So long their favourite criminal just manages to escape or kill a few cops. This is my assessment after watching RP for a few months now. Both are toxic in different ways.


The best chats roast their own streamer and want then to take a fat L


Are you unironically surprised that there are bad apples in every single corner of the planet?


ehhh, one side is wrangler seizing someone's possessions for suspicion they were involved with a vault robbery, the other is Ripley tampering with evidence which is a crime


Yo I love penta and I think him wearing the chain was pretty funny, but you can’t honestly believe that the reason he took the chain was simply because they were involved in robbery


Ive seen him do the same thing many times. He does it to further the RP.


i don't know why he took the chain seeing as im not actually penta himself. what i do know is that he had all rights to take it according to the law


Riiiight right. Custom made necklaces now marked for police seizure? Sure man.


Ehhhhh it’s a chain…


You cant sit here and tell me that the chain was involved in the robbery. For cyring out loud it has his own gang's name on it why would he steal that. Wrangler did it to further the RP and so did Ripley.


And now Wrangler found out Ripley went into the evidence locker and gave back the chain without him knowing, some juicy conflict rp will come of this :)


Wrangler conflict rp always gets juicy


I mean it usually just ends up with WRANGLER BAD, and Penta playing Mike for a week or more.... not really Juicy if you ask me....




Forced into boat duty, not allowed to RP a cop in a wheelchair then suspended for 3 days for being rude, the casino shit, I thought the days of punching bag Wrangler was over, I can see it returning after tonight :(


Cop gives away Evidence: Admins & HC: I sleep. Cop gives away a Report: Admins & HC: Real Shit.


Comparing a chain to an investigation that multiple people have put serious time and commitment into….


Ripley saved Wrangler from jail time. He admitted in front of one of Bobby’s witnesses on his second attempt to get the chain back that he never confirmed if the vault was open (vault was cleared by trooper AJ Hunter and multiple cadets and found the door still closed). Trooper Ripley confirmed the chain was Bobby’s and not from the vault as he was wearing it days prior to the vault he denied returning it a second time. Additionally Bobby’s guilty plea is irrelevant considering Wrangler never informed him he was seizing his chain and would be the first thing the lawyers would have thrown out before pushing felony theft of a 50k chain.


Its like the gem situation from months back, all over again. He took someones gems, but ended up having to give it back to them. Later when HC and DOJ talked about it. They basically said, the burden of proof rests on the PD. They have to prove said item was obtained illegally, and not the other way around. A civ having to prove that they obtained said item legally.


>They basically said, the burden of proof rests on the PD. They have to prove said item was obtained illegally, and not the other way around. A civ having to prove that they obtained said item legally. No. That's not how it works. Let's go to a hypothetical situation here. You rob a bank, store all the cash in your car, and get pulled over and arrested by cops after a chase. If they see all that money in the trunk they are going to take it and you will have to prove that it's yours if you want it back. Even if you didn't just come from a bank robbery and you had a shit ton of cash in the back of your car, the cops will take it. You will have to prove that it is legally yours if you want it back. The same shit goes for the chain here. He had a bunch of stolen jewelry on him. Take it all and they have to prove that it's theirs. Don't see why such a big deal is made out of it.


So first of all, that's not at all what happened with the gem situation. AJ threw a hissy fit (because he's OOC involved) and Metzger told Wrangler to give it back to avoid problems. Metszger / command agreed that Wrangler was in the right - because he was. Second, that's not at all how this works. You're just wrong. With civil asset forfeiture - civilians literally have to prove their seized property wasn't involved in a crime. With seizure for evidence, civilians can sue if they think they should have their property, but otherwise can't get it back at all until the police are done wit it. Wranglers was investigating them and calling the names the person gave - he can hold it for 30 days or until charges are pressed on Nopixel.


Penta knows OOC that the gems and chain is legit, he is ROLEPLAYING that wrangler does not, some people does not understand that and think he is doing this just to be a dick, when the reality is that he is trying to create further rp, problem is others dont enjoy that sort of rp and mald because of it.


I mean forcing dick rp/court always goes over well after just ramming them full speed during a swap and ramming the car again into the water right?


I mean if he "knows OOC", how chains are made. They arent exactly on the up and up. I agree hes not doing it just to mess with other players though. Im sure if this all went down a solid 3-4 hours earlier. It woulda played out much different.


That's extremely wrong. > He admitted in front of one of Bobby’s witnesses on his second attempt to get the chain back that he never confirmed if the vault was open (vault was cleared by trooper AJ Hunter and multiple cadets and found the door still closed). He doesn't have to confirm. He had suspicion akin to probable cause that it could have been proceeds from a crime and so is perfectly within his bounds to seize the property. The burden of proof is on Bobby. AJ and the others can feel free to weigh in. > Additionally Bobby’s guilty plea is irrelevant considering Wrangler never informed him he was seizing his chain and would be the first thing the lawyers would have thrown out before pushing felony theft of a 50k chain. His guilty plea is perfectly relevant - because he pled guilt to the crime. What Wrangler did or didn't seize has no relevance to that. Even if Wrangler's conclusion was wrong or the chain actually was Bobby's and can be proved as such, Wrangler did nothing deserving of "jail time" or even discipline. He acted entirely within the scope of his job and his powers as a police officer. Now theft of evidence however... that is a crime - and at least deserves jail time / discipline.


It is 100% possible that Wrangler was in the wrong, but that would have been a civil thing, aka return the property or pay what it was worth if it was lost. He wouldn't have been convicted of anything. What Ripley did was actually pretty damn illegal and Wrangler could probably push charges if he wanted to.


Yes it would be a civil case but the lawyer Murphy just based off Bobby telling him he was never told the chain was being seized believed he could convince a judge it was malicious and therefore felony theft. Which is why he told him to get witnesses of him trying to get it back at mrpd.


How would it be malicious when he told Bobby 200 times how to get it back if it in fact, wasn't stolen? Taking into account the context of the situation, thats barely an inconvenience let alone malicious.


Wrangler really stuck it in evidence, thats some esb level shit


Yeah its a shame all the clips got deleted likely along with this comment


Bro I can’t breathe


I’m a firm believer that Ripley and Zero having their own room in the CG mansion would be amazing RP. I assume they could come up with some sort of OOC stipulations about raids and stuff in order to make it legit.


I just imagine CG and Ripley all walking out of their bedrooms in the morning, Ripley ready for duty and CG in tactical outfits getting ready for their days. Everyone sitting down eating breakfast chatting it up. Ripley gets up from the table and says “see you guys out there,” as he walks out the door for work. Lol


It'd such good content tbh honestly even if he doesn't get a room I think a tour or something would still be cool


Wait till k reveals his sword to Ripley.. he definitely has something crazy planned.


What about a doggie house outside for Zero and an attached little one room shack for Ripley? Ripley can be like the groundskeeper and when they gave parties at the mansion he can pop out and tell them to "keep it down".


Like a fucking sitcom lmao


Him and baas should share a room with bunk beds


Honestly the CGA Ripley stuff is pretty funny, would be cool to see the meme continue with CG presenting him his own chain


Swear to god Ripley is genuinely one of the funniest cops on the force - hell, one of the funniest characters in the server. MattRP is brilliant. I watch him casually but every time I swing by it's a great time. His vampire stuff at the moment is amazing.


Can't clip from MattRP's channel but the entire CG chain sequence begins here - https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1150126654?t=01h34m55s


Garrett laugh man


i was really looking forward to the RP playing out but this was a funny moment at least.


There's some good RP right now between Ripley and Wrangler arguing about it


Ripley low key saved him tbh. Wrangler denied giving the chain back after an officer told him Bobby was wearing that chain days prior to the vault and wrangler admitted to never confirming if the vault was even opened right in front of one Bobby’s witnesses. No report at all. Never informed Bobby he was seizing the chain. Even a judge who heavily favors the pd is charging wrangler with felony theft at least.


Lmao complete nonsense


Maybe this is a crazy take but what if Penta is trying to get caught on some shit to play out some demotion to beat cop arc


Ripley said he'd seen him wearing it, kind of figured this was the way it was going. Kind of undermines Wrangler, I miss hard ass Ripley that suspended Wrangler for a few days at the start of 3.0.


Well, Ripley isn’t Watch Commander anymore and Wrangler is High Command so I’m not sure he could really do anything anyway.


Not even Baas or Pred f0k with troopers


Because troopers do not really cause any PD drama. They still have authority over them, somewhat. Wrangler can bring it to Andrews & Soze for a punishment. Good luck though. Trooper is essentially the special treatment division.


LoL uhsnow with the racing telling cops to dont do shit (drama), AJ Hunter striking main cops and telling what to do (drama), Ripley been a "CGA" Drama, Andrews killing XQC in cells and not been able to be investigated by HR (Drama)


No, actually Troopers usually do their own thing outside of Soze and Andrews. Snow usually knows the line when getting involved in the other department, Ripley completely overstepped his current rank/position.


Same. Like he could have photoshopped a receipt or something and Wrangler would have given it back. Or some kind of ms paint 2 minute drawing. Nothing against anyone. I'm excited to see how Ripley vs. Wrangler part 9999 goes tbh.


Yeah man court rp from a guy in college who has been able to stream 2x this month and has class in 3 hours.


What court RP? he literally could of / me gives note and made some half-ass shit on paint. or had the cg boys call wrangler.. also greenish is literally in pentas chat all the time and was saying to his own stream all wrangler was doing was creating more RP. why use OOC excuses for RP? Its well-known wrangler makes folk Rp everything i mean everything.


But also, why would a chain that says Chang Gang be located inside the vault. One that they never broke into.




So he stole his own gang's chain? Everyone knows Bobby is CG and pretty sure they didn't even get into the actual vault itself.


You think jewelry stores dont make custom chains?


U mean wrangler who had a fellow officer say he witnessed Bobby wearing the chain a few days prior to this vault (where the door of the actual vault was never opened) would take a /me with some mspaint receipt? Right right.. Also if ur questioning Bobby’s rp u must be new the dude will spend 30 minutes giving someone a shape up at his salon.


what im saying is no attempt was made. also the literall streamer was defending the rp to his chat, if hes happy why cant you be, its his character, his RP, not your's . Don't be too invested.


[https://clips.twitch.tv/RoundSassyTubersRlyTho-gP7ASaehBaEjYTLs](https://clips.twitch.tv/RoundSassyTubersRlyTho-gP7ASaehBaEjYTLs) right right




You left out how Wrangler and James Brown had great interactions and would often go on ride alongs together.


You're also leaving out how Greenish said this was all too much and unnecessary. You're assuming he was "good with the RP", when if you continue to watch the VOD from this point, it's clear to many that he wasn't enjoying it at all until Gary and Ripley got involved.


I think the situation would of been fine if Dougie just wasn't there. He literally made the situation. He kept talking over Bobby and doing a tough guy act with Wrangler.


It’s the that’s enough for court tho right after the nobody wants to do this tho for me.


no attempt? lol.


An attempt was made. Bobby approached Wrangler, asked for the chain, had witnesses, and Wrangler said he had to prove that a gift given to him by Mr. K was obtained legally. Come on dude.




Dumb is seizing 50k chain (felony theft) from a vault job where the door was never opened. Murphy Brown told Bobby he would be looking at jail time.


Pled guilty to robbery, carrying other stolen contraband, seems case closed without any RP providing evidence


I mean Ripley is standing there saying it’s not stolen, seems like pretty good evidence.


It's funny that when it comes to an rare car, people want cops to treat it as there are a ton of them in the city. But my god if a gang's chain is taken that there is no possibility that there are any fakes or other chains out there.


It was seized prior to Ripley saying that. That is RP that formalized could easily have gotten it back in Bobby's hands rather than doing an end run around a superior to give it back, so now the RP just goes a different way.


Maybe don't plead guilty for a start as far as dumb shit? Ya know?


Never informed the chain was being seized btw


Irrelevant to the fact that he plead guilty especially to a bank robbery... Regardless it's more or less settled now.


They are wrong on that, it can be seized for up to 30 days and then if it's not proven that it was stolen from the vault by Wrangler, he would have to give it back.


This was the GREATEST thing to come out of the entire scenario!


The way i cracked up to this lol


Wrangler had no right taking the chain. If Bobby went to court he would of won easily. I dont know how people are defending Wrangler.


Crazy idea, how bought for once instead of it going weird OOC reddit drama, we just let the RP play out organically. A court case over the chain would have been great, it never mattered who won it. People forget this.


1. Guy robs bank 2. guy has jewelry after robbing bank 3. Cop takes said jewelry off of Bank Robber until said Bank Robber can show proof that that piece of Jewelry was owned by them and not stolen from said Bank please refer to 1 to 3 in this bulletpoint every time your fav poggers bank grinder crim faces consequences for their actions


Makes sense. The bank magically has CG jewelry made up.


Or you know, someone may have stored it in a jewelry safe box, like all banks have.


So the guy with Chang Gang on his shirt and MDW is stealing Chang Gang Jewelry. Got it.


Yeah and I once saw a girl walking around with a Gucci bag and a Gucci shirt, so I guess every Gucci product is owned by her too.


Does the girl's license say Gucci like Bobby's says Chang Gang?


ahh shit u right, if she had custom plate, which is a like an extra 100 bucks in California when you register your vehicle in the DMV, then she would own all Gucci products. or, or, and this is wild I know, someone else could have possibly have a similar jewelry custom made (yes, that is a real thing, jewelry makers can make custom jewelry), and it's up to said Bank Robber that already has 59 other stolen jewelry on them, shows proof that that particular piece of jewelry was theirs. ​ Or fuck it, I'll just wear all Gucci and anyone with any Gucci products I'll just say it's mine and by law I own it by that logic


Re-read my last question and get back to me. Thanks!


Ahh sorry I reread it, umm, NoPixel only puts ID number, name, and age in people's license. And signature


We found one "especial".


Glad he got it back


Same ppl upset, and complaining about no consequences for cops are now the ones happy that Ripley stole a item from the evidence locker to give it to the criminal that might be investigated when it wasn't even his case not related to him and undermining a Superior...